Reading List For Year 2 Students-UPDATED

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Reading List for Year 2 Students

Renaissance and Restoration

Hebron, Malcolm Key Concepts in Renaissance Literature.

Plato The Republic
More, Thomas Utopia
Machiavelli. The Prince.
Hobbes, Hobbes. Leviathan.
Locke, John. Political Essays.
Locke, John. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
Locke, John. Two Treatises of Government.
Castiglione, Baldassare. The Book of the Courtier
Milton: Paradise Lost (Read closely Books 1, 2, 4, 9, 11 , & 12)
Christopher Marlowe: Edward II and Doctor Faustus
William Wycherley The Country Wife
William Congreve The Way of the World
Aphra Behn, The Rover

Augustans and Romantics

William Wordsworth: The Prelude, Books 1 and 2

John Keats: Ode to a Nightingale, Ode on a Grecian Urn, To Autumn, La
Belle Dame Sans Merci, Lamia, The Fall of Hyperion
Aers, D., J. Cook and D. Punter Romanticism and Ideology.
Richard Brinsley Sheridan: The Rivals and The School for Scandal
Daniel Defoe, Robinson Crusoe


Gilmour, Robin The Victorian Period: The Intellectual and Cultural Context of
English Literature, 18301890. (London: Longman, 1994)
Thomas Hardy:
The Return of the Native,
The Mayor of Casterbridge, and
Tess of the dUrbervilles
Oscar Wilde:
The Importance of Being Earnest,
An Ideal Husband,
Lady Windermeres Fan, and
The Picture of Dorian Gray
Christina Rossetti
From the Antique
A Triad
Maude Clare
Marsh, Jan, Christina Rossetti: A Literary Biography
Charlotte Bront. Jane Eyre
Charles Dickens Hard Times
Henry James The Turn of the Screw
Henry James What Maisie Knew

Varieties of English

Janet Holmes, An Introduction to Sociolinguistics

Barbara Fennell, A History of English: A Sociolinguistic Approach

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