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Artifact 3 Prisms and Pyramids PowerPoint

Artifact 3 Rationale
I chose to include this PowerPoint because it is another strong example that clearly
showcases my strength with technology and visuals. I created this PowerPoint to teach a third
grade math lesson during my first teaching placement. I was in a class that had 18 out of 20
students who were categorized at various stages of ELL. I am a big believer in the use of
technology and how helpful it can be when integrated into lesson. I also understand that not all
students have access to it, or the schools cannot budget for it. I created a presentation that had all
the important information required for the students to learn about prisms and pyramids.

I used visuals like the pyramid from Egypt and a video game console to grab the
students attention, since these are objects that are familiar to most students. My goal was to
reinforce the fact the prisms and pyramids are all around us in our daily lives. Incorporating the
Pyramid was also intentionally done as a cross curricular check for understanding, since the class
was learning about structures in science. The presentation is colourful, clear and informative. I
match diagrams with key vocabulary and repeat information for comprehension. I believe that
this presentation could be given to any teacher and just based on this they could teach a prism
and pyramid lesson slide by slide. I take a long time to put this carefully together and believe it
deserves to be a part of my portfolio.

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