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The Work of Art in the Age of Its Technological Reproducibility, and Other Writings on Media WALTER BENJAMIN, she Jeng, Brigit Dobry a Tomas Y Lin j tun dt ary Len Hwa En Ose “Tr Bete Prost oF “Haxvano Ustvansty Pass Cambridge, Massachusetts London, England 2008 ii ©2008 rt Flee aad age nena sinc sap pg 25-16 wh sonnei pe en, Wg, 190188, Rasen sin it ecient Ea) “he woistutn tr tga enn ‘olson ae Bean Seo by fangs ap Der Tom ei, ‘ed by dnl calle ‘-Accniscoey. 2.thanrepy oar maa Fb 4s iaune athe Alon 5. ng Wag U9 ‘owl trom 6 nin cy 88-1) pi ‘cg lad Wien IE Dey Rg ei Tas jbo ban le CONTENTS A Note on abe Teste tor! ncoducion |. The Production, Reproduction, and Reception ‘ofthe Werk of Ar 1 The Work of Arein the Age ois Technological Reprod: Second Version “Theory of Diswacton ‘othe Panes GarlandedEoteane ‘The Rigorous Sealy of At perl Pancrase ‘Tae Telephone “The Astor a Producer Paris che Capital ofthe Nneteath Certry ard Fach, Colctor and Historian 11, Review of traberzers Panorama 1. Serpt,image, Serint- Image 12 Amsated Auditor of Books 13 Thee Surtees for Rest 14. The Aninomis of Alege Exegesis 15. TaeRuin 16, Dismemberment of Language 17, Geaphology Old and New I Painting and Graphics 18, Ping nd the Graphic Arcs 19. OnPansng oi and Mack 20, AGlimpe nto she Wot of Cire’ Books 2 Dreum Kine » ss @ a ” » 36 6 138 m 18 aw 192 219 ma 26 236 28 Litt History of Photography “The fog that surounds the beatings of photography is noc quest thick a thar which sroade the early days of pings mote evo than ee cao ofthe pits pres, pehap the time was pe forthe invention, end was end by wore than obey nes who rove de dey for the same objective to eaprre te images i the eas ‘bse, whi ad bre own teas ses Leonard's ie, What ter aout fe years of fre, bath Nigpe aod Dagaersialtnes Soceeded in doing the mae, aided by he patening floc ‘countered by tbe inventors, assumed contl of ih enterprise and made t public wit compensiton to the pioneers! This paved the way for ‘api cngoing development which og pecladed any backwad sce ‘Ths it stat te hstooeal gf you ke, palsopbial queons sg ested by the ase ad fal of photgrephy have gone uneoded for de des, And ifthe ate bean to eter conssouaens oy, there it defi reason fei The atest wets 0 the subj pie pee fact tht the flowering of phenpraphy—the work of Hill and Cuneo Hugo and Nadar—cine ints Bit decade? Bo this was the decade Which peecled ts nduncinlinaon. North kets chan id not appropriate the ne ecbriques orga, eve in sha ati ne ‘ind indeed bey aid so ee masse. But that was closer to the aro the ‘aeproun, wher potogrphy rat home tes dy han to nds Indsty made it fst ral inzonds With the vistingard pct, whose fiat manufarre sgncany became a lina. I would not be surpising the powwerap method wicked, for she etie, ft harkng hack tthe pests heyday of photoprapiy bad 2 wade round concection with the cs of captains. Bt tat doesnot Tanke any eae owe the churn of od photographs arable ne cer pubbestins foe sighs int thir nate. Arenpts theo real mastery of the bj have ofr been enc rudimetary. And fo mater how extensively lay bave been debated inthe fas cena, basally the discsson never got away from the ndeous stereotype wich a chawvininic rth Leper Stadtancigr fc it had woofs [taney opposon to this Back art from France. "Toy to expe fectingmiror images sai, sno ant an pole undertaking, 2s ba ea esublshed after thorough German invesgaion; the very wish tedoruche thing sbsephemous Mans made in tbe image of God nd (God image cannce be capared by any machine of human Jvising The senastbe att may venue, bore onthe wings of dines, to egredace man's Gospiven tres without te hep ofan machin, inthe moment of highest aeation, at th highe: bidding of is eeni.” Here we have te pilitie notion of “ae in all ts overezning base feos a srangere all echoiea cousiderations, wich fel that end nigh with the lazing appearance ofthe aew ecology. Nevertheless, icwas this eshiso and fandamerally antiechnolgial concept of ae vr which the theoetians of potorapy sought to grapple for al- ‘moss handed yar, naturally widhout the smallest soc. oe they Underook thing les tan to legimin the photographer before the ‘ery tuna! he wa in the proces of veraing Far difret i the tone of the adds which the phyist Acago, speaking. behalf of Deguee’sivention, pave inthe Charsber of Depus 2 ul 3, 1838 “Thebes thing shout thi speach i the conzeston ie makes with allespecs of human sti. The panorama letch sboad og tot only to ake se dbious projec of auchetcatiag Photography in terms of pinaing—which it does anpvay—sen bese the point more impor offer a insight note real ope of he svertion. "When inventor ofa new mutrumens” says ago, appl) iio he obsertion faite hae ty expec of i always trae out 29 be = te com Dred with the aceon of rabreguet dacoreis of whi the ase Tren was the vgn" Ia reat are Argo’ speech pans the fel fnew ‘ecologies, ftom astrophysics opilology: longside the prospects or phovographing the ars ad planes we find the des of tabling & Phorogaaphic second ofthe Egypan ieopyps [Drpereesghotgraph were odie ve pats expose inthe ca ea ours, whch had to be toed this way and that unt nthe proper ight «pale ray image could be dicered. They were one of = ings in 1859 place cova average of 25 gold fans, They woe oe infequety hep in a ase, ike ewer. Inthe ids of ny «pe showy they became a chr aunt. Just as seventy foxes Unolo® psi is facinating views of Pati a fom fe bar cre pasar, othe ighly repured English pore pnt Deen (Octave Hl eased his testo of the Bt gente syrod of te Chaney Scotland in 1843 on long sre of porta phovoprphs. Bar det pictures be rook hime. And if they, unprettous makes eae foc neal ue, thar gave issue space in itor, while anes, hei forge. Admsimely a urbe fis ies end even deeper the new technology thn this erie of portate—anonymour apes not posed sbjec, Sch ges had lang ben the eee of pug ‘Where the plsting emaine inthe potesion of paras faa, sow and hen omeoue Won ade shou he person portayed. Ba af, ‘oor thre genertions hs ites fade he pen fhe ln de only testimony tothe arto he punter. With phovograpy, heres we encounter smhing new and range in His Newhaven Ais, Her ees cast down in such inlet, sedative modesty, te tain something hr goes beyond tei tthe otographers st, nme ing hat anne be silenced, da you wit anneal dese to kms ‘what her ame wa, she woman who was alive thee, whe eve how scl real sd il ever consnt tobe wholly aborted in "ar Ad Tak Howth uefa, crs pen ag ke wit ie™ (one suns up he pice of Dautendey the phtegraphes, the fer ef the oes, om the tine his engagenes—ro the wont he la overed, cm a day shor afer the ith of Se sth child, in the bedroom of thee Moscow hone wih he eine slashed Hee sb ‘be seen within. He ser ob linge ut bo are pane i bay sbsrbed in an ominous distance. morse lng enough in ach posture, one coals fo whit extatvpposies touchy here tor th sos preci tecinoloy en ives products» mapcal vale, such or 2 painted picture can neve gain pone for us. No ne bow aul he hecoeaphe, 90 mater how ceil posed hit subj the beholder fess aniesibe compulsion search ach pce forte iy spk of contingency, che here and now, wth which realty as 10 peak seared throug he image-dharacer ofthe ptogaph oh he no sscuous lace whe within the acne [Sof ha ng in Crete re pas dyad cacy tt woking ke tay redone Bo sates tate ta peak ote aera fee tan fo he ee str” sore ln theses tat 4 pce tad by hunan cones pes tone formed by oe a ri hen th of th ot ith ce, by Kat Das individual hax no knowledge a all of human posture dasing the fae indince of sow modo ial denne race apace ee be learay of he instinctual acon throagh eayhoanayss. De {his of secure, cellar to, with which ecology and meine Ste enelly sovcered—all hs in origin, more closety reat fo ike camets than the eotonally eoceelascape or the sol fal porsai. Yet at che same tine, photogsaphy reveals inthis mae fal ppsogaomis pec, image words whieh vel in the salle thinge meaning ox cover enoaph 9 Bnd abiding place in waking (dears but which barged and svat fo formulation, make se sit ference berween wchaolny and magi vise a «thoroughly hia ‘Sable Thu, lose th hi stlonishig plat photographs ees {hc forms of encinteskns ia ore wll = iso cose inthe os tech fr, totem poles in eafld enlargements of chesnut and maple ‘how, andgohie acer intel’ este Hl sje, wee probably not far rom the ath when they deseabed “the phenomenon Cf phorranby" a ill being “= great and ryseriows expeinse”— her for thet hs was na root than the consciousness of “standing Seto an appara whi inthe reo ene ould prodoce a picture o (he waibe enveonment whose elie were a veya ais asthove of astute ell Ie has bee sid of Hills camea thai hepa discreet Sisonce, Be hi aujecs, fo thei pat, ae no les eserves they ma tain + ceva syne belone he camera and the watchword of tex photographer fm the heyday of hea “Dont ook 2 the camer,” Fuld be derived ftom sei aad, Bat tha id aoe mean the “Theye looking ac you" of anizal, people and babies, which dare. ‘lates the buyer and to whic there io bece counter than the way 251s Daatendey tls abouedagueeotypes: “We din’ ras omnes ffs” he reported, to lok long the Sse pcores we developed ‘We were abused by the divincnes of those human nag, and be Ive thatthe lle ny faces inthe pce could lok hack tus 60 bang wre te eft on ereryne OF ee usual lary and the ol Ely ote ofthe Set daguereoype=. The is repodaced human eins ened the viewing space of pho graphy [Blicrow der Photograph with ieesey ae abe, ith ‘er inciptin, Newspapers wee sil xy em which people eldom out looking a then more offen the coffeehouse: the photographie proces a nt yet come te tol of the pewspaps ad vey fh ‘hon beings ad hitherto sen theizpames ix pt. The human coun franc: had» esc about ein whic he gaze ested In shor al ee po terete ofthis are of portale res onthe face ha contac betwee ‘Soli and photo had noc ot ee eva. Many of ils poral The Pip Sling. 180, rape (Gea kn ‘wee mae inthe Eainburgh Grepies cemetey—and oti Sec of al rl eee prs a hace weve athone cere And inde th cemetery inet none of Hl i ‘urs ok ke an inerce «mpi cowed ace whee the grave. ony prope pi ie wala pn he gon elloed like chitmeypiees, wih nscripion inside ised of fame, Buta ar ting could never have bens eect had ot ben chosen on tae al grounds. The lw ghey ofthe sty plates made Tonge expose ma dene pore outdoors acess. Thins rrn ad i deel taketh objec some outa sranaseet nent where Krasuer haat aoed the split second of he expose Socrmines “whether ax tte becomes £0 famous thar photographs Sr taking ks plu for the leat popes.” Everything about thee ‘Snip pictures was built to last Not oly the incomparable grou in hich people came togeter-ted whore duapperance wat surely one Pike os eee symptom of wht was happening ia society othe (Seon the onrcy—but te very reser in people clothes eld {her shape lone us coaierScellng’s conte wl surly ps no Srmorety sng wi hime the contours st bas borowed fom it ‘Teer are wot unworthy ofthe cease ns face. Tn hor, everything ‘girs tha Bernd von Brestano wa rigin hive that" poop ‘apher of 1830 wos on par with i inramen™—foe te fi fora long while the ase? To appre the powefl impact made by the daguerroape in the ang of lacey, sho alo bea aad that ple panting we then opens up enisly new perspectives forthe mest advanced Jer Covscion ha in tis recy ea potography had 0 ake the Broo fom painting eves Arag, in bis istoal ceview of the ely [horpe of Giovani Batis Dla Pot, exc commented "As ar heel prodacd bythe imperfee tanspareney of our atmo- [plete (ich has been inp termed “amospecc peepee oe Remexpeiened pints expect he camera obecara”— he copying tk aes appearing is =" lp there ede i aera A the ‘oment when Daguere suceeded i fxg the images ofthe camera ‘sca, pines parted company on thi pine wih eckricans. The awn of phoroprapiy, howeres, was aot lndacape parting but {he pri inate Things developed so rpily tha by 1840 mos of| ‘he muerate miniuste a aleady bosom profesional photogs hc at re only a sidlne, bu before Tong exelsie'y Herth ex arince of thei gina vetfaod vond them in good send, and I othe tic background 0 mck ae he ning as eraltamen tha tne have to hak forthe big lee of thei Photographie achievement This wzesional overvon disapeared very gradual ines cere ecm to have been a Kind of bibeal essing those fs phorgr re the Nadas Selec, ions, Bayard all ved wel ico the pes and nin In th nd though, business invaded profes ‘Sat photography irom evry dy and when, ae ny the couched ep, which waste bad pane’ revenge on pbtopraphy, bese tgs a sharp delineate en. Ths waste me photograph “tums cee int Voges They were roe 8 Rome i the chiles P00, on occasional ables or ite stands inthe dang room—Katberbound tomes with epllent meal hsp ad those edged pages a hick our Enges where footy espe or cored Sure were dglaye ‘Ute Ales and Aun Rik, le Tea when ae wat sl 3 Say, Papa in his fest wem at uivesiy end Hall to make our shane compete, we ouncnee—as pros Toles, yodcling, waving ou at lowe «punted mowscpe, o a3 sealyrnedon adam manding ‘kil with our wep on one eg, ai proper Iaing pot «pl ‘the door jst, The accesories ted in these port the pedals and balisuades and ele oal tabs, ae sil emit ofthe pcid swben, bectse ofthe long cxporre ie subjerts had be ver up ors to chat they wood recsin ced i place. And at Se, "head lame” and lee brie” were fle to be scien, *frte ipe ‘mene were oon edd, sc scold be cen fos pst and ‘heefore had robe arts Fst irwas columns o cust” The rt capable eared resiing this aonene a eal athe TED, As se En tb de journal of the ne put is ping the column bas sone Plsustiy, but the way is sede photorapby is absurd, cet tly sands on 2 carpe. Bot anyone ea se that cokamns of tale or ‘one are soc ersed on afoundstin of carping” This was he pid of those sadior with the draped and pln ees, thel tapes and fsielewich scape 29 ambiguous 2 place benwean sxciion sad ‘preseason, beonee tcze chamber and tone oor ao wish seth poi of Kel bears patheic wines. There the Boys chaps years ld crewed pins humains cis i ove Toaded wih tnuning, ina sort of grethoase lgcape. The back ‘ound i thck wich pl frond And a fro mae thes ool Topics even ecfer and inne opeetv, the ube ols in his eft hand an incdiarly lege bese brimmed fat such a Spaniards wae “He would rly be lom inthis seting were ot for hn imme sa 7s which maser this landscape pedestined for them. “This pce in ini sacs, forme pendant 0 thee pho soezap in which people dd not yelook ot athe word inso eae? and godfosaken a manner as his boy. There vss a ars about he, ‘neon het endowed tel gaze ih lle aod security even tele (ae penetrated the medium nal Aad once apa the tecaleqit lene abvious it consissin the able consi fom bight Bike to darkest shadow. Here, too, we ea upeation the In hat pew a ances ae prcgured in oles techgues, forte cae st of porte Pointing, before is dappersnc, had prodaced the sange ower of ‘he meso, The mentor proceer wa of coz aehigue of ee [Bosion, which mas oly ae combi mith he new photographer. production The way lib toggles oo of denen i the work of il ‘Sreminsen of mezeine Ortk tals about he "camprebensillm- fason” Brought sbout bythe lng expres, wich ies dae ‘ay photograph hi gresmnest"® And among he invetio’ conten foratios, earache had sendy aot the “unprecedented and exe Sie” pete inprestion, “in which nothing dtrbs the wanquliy of the cmponison"» So mach for de echnical determines ofthe tutic appearance Many group photos parte sil preserve an le tfarrated conrvaliny fora bref ine o the plate, before being ruined bythe “ovigial pr” (Orialnfnobmel, wos thin brent halo that wa sonatiescaprared with Seleacy and depth by the now ch fauioned oval fame, Tha i why i would bea misreading of tse ‘Beunsbls fpotoapy to make on mich of ir “az ple tion or tic “ase” These pctars were made in rooas where every Cleo was confronted inte persia the phosmgraper wih tec ion of the latex schol whereas the photograper was cocoate, in ‘he perion of every cle, wth + eember uf sing las equipped with fn cs eat had seeped inc the very os ofthe man's rock oat or floppy cera. Foe thi ara was by no meane tbe mre pedo of pei fie canes, Rates inthis aely peo subject and techn were ae Cciy congrats they become isoogriet i the pexoa of decae that immedi fllomed, For soa advances in opts made ins fora avilable shar wholly ovreame darkness a0 recorded appear fiom at fly a8 aay mitror After 1880, though, photogeapess ‘nade ithe baie to malate ara which had been banished ro the picture withthe sapeeson of dace though aster Imes ily ait ws ing banish ro ely by she deepening egret ‘ofthe imperiineDourgese. They ss i 8 thee a to silat this fra wing all hearts of setushing, and apes he socalled gum pit. Ths especialy in Jopendel [Are Nouveau a penurbral tone teruped by areal highlights cate ato vogue. Novag hs faoionabiecight, omerer, «pose wat mace and moe czy i ev dine, whoe ipaty betrayed she impotence of tht generation in the face of ect pogrens. “Aud ye, wh apn ond agin decisive fee photography isthe ph soprapher este to hs techigues. Camille Recht hat found a8 pt tmeaphor “The win he ene, “mast Set produce the noe, st ‘ese on, din an nan the pianist eke the key athe note ngs Th ie th hogs a havea intranet ‘Se dap: ringed etn rhe te pone ‘the violinist is under ao such re a ait. No ade wll pte fame eve cst he mot Boe pel tt apn de" The Sve, comin Run ogy na cortistion of experi sbirson nth mek ete pa sions common to both. There was even fvialrsemblane, Atge was Aco% who disgsed with he pofeasion, wiped of th maa es ‘etabou emorng the makeup fom aly oT ed in Fass pst sd weknow, sling hie puso or wile to photographic enti ‘Racy le cnc than hie be died ese caring Bbid an eae of more than 4000 pits Bernie Abbe irom New York as (utero thes tgs, ada aletion bas se appeated in an excep Zonal beau vohume poled by Camille Resk © The consempo- ‘acy journals new tng of the map, who oe the most pa haw Kr phorgzapheaeuad te sadn aod wl them for ext oothng ten forte pre of eof hase prize porsarde which around 190, showed och prety town vw, the in niight ble compete with fovckal-up moon, He reached the Pee of wns rasa ut with the ter todesy ofa great cenftaoan who always ves in the hadowr, he nels to lat ha ag thse. Therefore many ae able wo ates the Sehr tha cy have discovered he Pol, even hough Arex was there Telor them Indesd, gees Pats photos ze he oeroness of Sure isepbotography aa advance party of the orl ely broad coma Ser reals nag ca motion He wa he to dst he eifing ‘osphere geese by sonvenional posit photogranty inthe ag of ele. He eases ths atmosphere indeed be deli aogetber be ‘ines the emancipation of bio from au, whic is he set signal ‘Schiovement fhe ates school of photography. When avant-pare pe ‘Sel ike Bar oe Varctépublh pices that ate captined “Wes Shinty" Lill” Aatwerp” or "Bralau” but that show only deals ere piece of alate, tee eeop hove bare beancbesciseost tow lamp, oa eable wala lamppont wih fe Booy beating the tae ofthe wari noehing bur» ray refinement of moi tat fig lscovered He look for what was ncemacke, forgone, cst Uni. And ths sc plates, 00, wore agaist te xa romantically Sonoros mars of te ci they suck the era out of tay Uke water from aking ship-What mar, atu? A soange web of ace and tine the unigoeapgearane of dance, no mate how eos itmay be ‘Wheat ex ona um aoon once aap of wouatans on the oron, ora branch shat tow shadow onthe ober, tl the moment othe hou Boomer part of tei appearanie—ths is what i Incanto breathe che aura of thove routs, tat branch. Now, “to ing hings lowe” omc ater othe se, jast as pssonae 30 timation nour day abe onesoning Of whsteve uni in every istion by means of is ceprodhcio, very day te need 0 poses the ‘Sbjct, from the lee primi, in lcture—or ates a copy—be ‘Some moe impecative: And the dferenceberwean the cop, which Tarra pope nd newacesKep in eadnes, and the origina pietre ‘ vamiakable, Usiguenes and drtion as nimatly neve ine er at re ttsene and reproduc ine fone The ings ofthe objets hl he desman ofthe ura epee, fs pecepion woe see for all dia the swe in he werk Ba, ‘zone tothe pol where even he single onto, ic diva “iquentsi--by meas of repro, Att aes always pase by "ei a le Inara” Wa a to ‘ras long cow of bot lass othe Pris courtyards where fem ge Sing he andar inl ano table ste hae ished eating and lef theses ot yer cred anny varie ‘st bythe hanes of hoon abe sane boar rhe bel 5, Roe —, hove suet sumber appa, gat, a fou dfn lacs onthe bling ade. Renae, howeres amo alo fee ew em Ea he oe Ply then, gt ae the witaphl ups, epee the eouyar cpen oe shoal be the Place da Teri. They reno leely, mel abe ‘Bou hy in those eked oy es ing ato, 20 found 4 new tena iin hese Ahrens ht Sang photpaphy sts the scene fora salutary estrangement between asad his uroenings gives ee play to the politely educated ee, oar ‘tli etd non ea brio tha this mew way fein and gu eat oa en whe thee has ben the genes sl nln: camel one sina pct photography. On the other and, to do mshont sels 5s oe photography the mor imponie of entncasons Aad eee sin il ot ow wt ght the be Haan tha ng sad lndxp, ro, reve! tenes mon realy howe pha Pies who suced in capuing the snonymous pysagsony, ‘es preeting them a ie vale, Whether tsi pois ones pent very euch onthe mbes. Th earaon that we tt se wich pong downto poser photography ether Spi draw inghack into she pense pcs in the fe ofc pocedngr-the way Schorestver wit inn the ep of ica in the Seat ps tur, taken about 1850—for ths very reson alowed thn me the Spacin which thy red ji hemo he te. Thac gnc did poston is vies. So the Renn ear fn wars Be appa yin decades put before he camers people who bad sa or hele Photograph. And immediatly the human fae pened fn wh ew sd immensrabesigncrns Be i was tongs prea, "What wat it eis th utuning sri ofa German phere o have answered this queton, Augot Sander har compl seis of faces thas in a way infer to the uemendous pysognomi alley _Poutted by an Eisnatein or a Padovki, a he as done ros sce ‘Si viewpoint "Hi complee wock capi seven gfoups whch cot {spond the exiting soil ode, andisto be pablie in some forty fie folio conuning weve photograph each,” So far we ave a sape felame conning sy reproductions which ofr ineximatbie mate aloe say, Sander sas of with the postan, de caitbound mae, fake th bere hrvgh vey social stestum and every wal of if tothe bigherrpresncavs of uation and thes go Bak down all ‘he wa othe io." The photographer dd nor ppc ths enormous Uunderaking ar acholar or wth the adie of ehnographes and occ st, bat, asthepubsber says, "om dec obervatin" Iwas a= va very impart, deed hal sor of observation, bu ice 0, ‘cr ach inte pt of Gothe'scomark “There i cate emi. ‘ats which so iiately involve el wih he object that Becomes {eo hear” So was gute inorder oan beer ee Dabs bare hit oa pace the sete aspects of this work, emamenting: Jus as shores compacatie anatomy, wis hl uo understand theatre fd story af organs otha photogape i doing comparative photog ‘rok, adopting sere tandpoine rape co that of the ptog fer of dei. Te wood be a pity if ecnomle conection shold prevent the contaning publication ofthis extraordinary body of wor, “Aout fom ths bi enenarapemen, hee ore specie incetie ‘oe might oer he pblsber Work like Sande could oremigh sme “rlooed for tpi, Suen sis of power chat ace now overdue 4 cu sce can make the aii read fsa pps a mater of vital imporance. Whe ne ofthe Leo the Right, one wl have to gt ‘to being looked tin tems of one's provenance. And one wll ave to ook a oes the srs way, Sander work ie mote than = pierre ook ee «raining mana i our age tee is oo work of at dha ook a so lly a5 2 phorngraph of ene one clsest elves and frends, one's swe Feary” wrote Lichtwask bck in 1907, thereby moving be ingly out of the calm of ashes dictions into that of social fenoen® Oaly {Eom shir vantage pe can it be atin farther I indeed icant thatthe dace as raged mot ercel around dhe asteis of photog pliy-arar, wera the rls qutstonable socal fac of start fay wan given suey glance, And ye the space ofthe photo tape eproeron of artwork of ery much gree inportaes for vss to anyone us he merchant And the day does inde se srhand wien there willbe more itated magic then pons hans So mc ode snaps: Rabe pas change copa we tur fom photogeapbyarart 9 arearthotgepiy: Ernone have nosed how math more ea apenas pea ane ‘sulptr and indeed also archer ate ina pote tea ne allo reaping o ble this squarely on the decline of arte antes tion ofall of omtempoary sei, Bat one brag ens by the way he undestaing of rest Works wa teased sho the same tine the recigus of reprodaction were bela deroyed ot rks can no Ings be eared the procs of addy hk bave become a collcve crain, a cous 30 vem irate be sae laed only tho mistroation, fa the al soli aren ‘ania eprodocson are echnigue of ination bt hel peony Achieve a degre of mastery ovr warks of art~masery wihows See *he works could no longer be put se. I one hing ype preset day resins between at ad photog hy, tithe untesoved tension bern the we nec te ‘egrapy of works of at Many of tho who, a phooprapbere en mine the caret face of this technology Hared Out a pce. Teg farmed he back om psintng afer sing ates to bring mean gf xpress into living abd anequivocalconnecon wa odes La ‘The ener hic fel forthe emper af the times the me pechcme tho starting oi eae for he. For one psn as igey yeas fore, phowogzapy ka kes the itn om paling. As Mobo Nagy The crv peril of ene forte ut pt my ree ough ol fos ol iseanens nd aa of cen whch Sc oe seserhae aay Era sapere by iene bur whe aie pps fromthe acwarittakeshapeaze deren coup flere They for cxamal, ai (at) ping no fot the cay defied ‘oben of the anlacy af rion, te specs oe ‘wh was as to danny a hs tie nn was anit and yer tay any pretreat opt fra wick wl oan Be king ony of cn ‘And Tristan Trae 192: “When everyting that called il set wat co with plby, the phorgrapier switched on ha thousand fone by a pure and seve flash ofight—a Ube that was moze ior ctogaphers who went ove fam gurtive at to photography Bot on Eppornniic grounds at by chan, aoe on of sheer lies eoday sss the anh pude among thes coleages, because hey a (0 Some exent pretered by shir background agate greatest danger ing photography today the acho he comme art. “Pao. faphy.avary rae Sucka Song“ very dangerous el." "When photography tke re out of conto, serving the conn sins stated by San, Blow, ce Germaine Kel, when i ees incl from physiognomie polital, ad scewafe leet, ic becomes "The lens now looks for “ntreting joapontons bo into a sort of ety journal, °The spit, vanqusting chants, rsa is exat ear parables fife" There fa eaching the ti ofthe presen social od ab the more igi in ‘Gidual conponens arelocked ogee inthe desta saga, the more therentie an deepest eece sven ontaition tate {aon its mover) —besomes af whote ineamenc ive ony in the Fal haninaon of changing fashion, The restive photography iis Capitation to fasion, "The word Beata”, preity si fmoco* Init is amatied the posure of photography tha can cadow tay soup can with sowie signfence bur canoe grasp a sgl one of ‘he ma comuestion in which t exit, evn wha i photoerapiy’s ‘post deuce subject ar «forerunner more of Ks slab than Gf any knowledge i might produce. Ba because the ere face of his Kid of photogphic seating ithe adveinemeat or sisociation, making oe sonstrostion. Ae Beh Ty the ac thle hanes does the mete production of aly sty anything about rely, A photo fpaph ofthe Krupp works oe the AEG zevede nex co noting about these innitvons Acral reality hat tipper ito the faatoal. The ven tha they 2620 human elton-the tory Tenge expt, So i face meting mest be ul something ‘a fa pod We mae cee the Saree wih having ine he Spovess of ck photographic conmtieon. After sage in this com Tenrbetner ret andconsracsveabotogapby isp by Rossa Ein isnot to mach fo aay tat the pest ahivemeass of Rossian ‘Serre ware poe only im a ener where phonograph st ot Sot sp clara or pecsude, bu so expecinen and tac ns Sene, nu inthis aly, there iv all some meaning ia the graelogues lite offered t shotogsepy in T85S by tat uopiny paste of ideas For sae yeas now hla fcr ages maki i ly smu th min and trie eye coe categ cea ‘che wit te ba epson ene Semen the pens he dey, he ie af oa he amp ae Ise pricon, vey ene ong Ea she spyn hat gure petra led oa ‘Wet dara hiner poy bs wnt fl mo, vial ra an ent ee se il Ge by esr th sk nd show, “Cae wih jos met Mesh wk gee = ow soker—indoe, pesimitie—by contrast ace the word a which Baudelite announced the new technology his reader two yet lee, in is Salon of 1859, Like the peeceding quotation, they can be read to. say oaly with subi shiftof emphasis. But us» counterpart the bore, they still make see a «wok ection to the encrochnee faite photography. "a these sry yes ew indy se tac has done not liter engthen esitoe belief tht at fd an be nothing oer ham the accurte reflection of be ‘weagfal god has hearkened to the vie ofthis malhde Dag» fs messiah” And: “IF photography i permined #0 suppiener som of ars funny, they will tbh be warped and coruped y ‘hanks to photogeapir'naarl lace with he mob nat heel reve it proper dt, which 0 seve athe handmaiden of sence nd the ar.” (One thing, howere, oth Wiest and Baud failed to gap he lesions inheres in the suthenicity ofthe phorgsan "These connor be forever crcamventd bya commentry mee ccs merely ab lish verbal associations in he viewer The camera geting sale ad small, ever tater to capture deeting ad sce ages hone sack fic paralyes the nace mechani in the hol Tt whee inscription mu come ito play by meas of which phoengapty in ‘Yea the ieraization fal ee contin of ie and with weich sll photographic constmeton mus remain sete nthe approximate leis acidene that Aga’ phtopaphs have ben likened the of vie ane, Busi every square acho on cass ce eae? Ey paserby 2 cult lst the tao he potogeapbet~dcendat of the augue and haresicer— Teepe werked ws profes potgapee Bei pesmi fer ‘Be ted magi bed by Ulla eg, Stone wan aie a 2h br afte sop cunt oral 6, WAH nde May "Nagy Ma van de Ro, Hans Riches E Lay and War Boa He cede phtomomag for he book he of Bene Edabmonate (Oe Way Sco 192, 2. Germaine Kel (897-185), Geom phoortghts exits! oP ig 1924 whether koa her Work psy awa ge hese sta ad tin sep. 26 Die Welch Wl eet tee of pow lane ph "Mb in 1928 by the Geta pongrapber Abe Reger Ps 1966 cane he mor nr fale pase paed ae ‘Rene Repbic his book eng act anna pbs leita, bing, mutacared goody and eal undo, len inte of led sealsocd fra res Bette ‘eived in ng and poten agin bw Se pec “he ‘bac as Pode (1934), eens 27. Te rapport at Een vas th ong plat abe Kee e om. ‘et an pbliig emp, funded 8% byFeleck ecg hs ‘AEG ithe Alpenie Elke Glin, or Gente Coe oy, feed in Ben 1883 by he naa Sl Rates ee Hep ssposl tor being te cal near of des 28 Aes ouph Wir (1906-1865) war ale sine of celal hi sal ser, lapoone by Bada. Sr Benin "Anowe Worse [1929 a Leer os Ps" (1959) nt eae, 29. Rami esigrsing Moy Nagy hey me Bean "Nowe Ato ‘ower the one 29 Letter from Paris (2) “aking 4 stl in the Paton sighborhoods of Moniprname oe [Nonemaae on Sundays or public bday when the went is bea sie you come srs a vsous points whe the vets Wier cea covered sally itis in ows or forming = ie min, Thece you wil Sad teopl eling paintings of» cesin kin, innded foe the “ber roo" sles and seasspes, oes, gee pining, end ions. The pater st infrequently poring slouh hat ad ye jacket the Roa, sel sins himself next o his paitags on a ile flding so His artis adessed to misled fame out fora walk They gic wel be ruck mere by his pretense and iposing ate than by the ‘aotings on dsay. But one would probly be ovstimaing the Ds ‘sn acunes ofthe paises if one supped that tee penal apps anceis designed artac cotomets, Sock pines were erty a rom the mide of the portpaes the major debates which hare been waged rece concring te saa ‘io of painng The only connecson between thi work an peting 1 act is hath peodues of both are intended ote and tne forthe ‘ake inthe most general sense, Bus the more distinguished pants do otared o marker themseitesin peron, Tey can wea dealers ad lon, Al the same, what thee tera colleagues pat on show some. (hing more than punting ini mee dbase state: Thee printer den. onatcat hat the ality en wild ples and brah with moves si idepead, And ip thi exee they have a plas inthe debe juste.

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