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Index Calculation
Consumer Confidence Index (CCI)
CCI is sum of the differences between the shares of positive and negative responses for index questions. As
all the survey questions follow likert scale of 5 plus dont know, starting from Very Positive to Very
Negative, the extreme and moderate responses are weighted 1 and 0.5 respectively, while calculating
share of positive and negative responses in total.
In symbolic form the difference is calculated as:
= + 1 2 + 1 2
is the share of Very Positive, is the share of positive
is the share of Very Negative, is the share of negative
i is question number
The neutral and dont know responses are not considered in the difference calculation, but they are
included while calculating the share of each category in total responses.
The addition of 1 to the difference provides index for individual question;
= 1 +
CCI is total of indices, from six questions, in comparison to the base value (Jan 2012).

1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 14 + 19

Current Economic Conditions Index (CEC):

CEC is calculated in the same way as the CCI, but the questions are a subset of CCI questions.

1 + 3 + 14

Expected Economic Conditions Index (EEC):

Similarly, calculation for EEC is same as of other indices and consists of the other subset of CCI questions.

2 + 4 + 19

Note: The corresponding question statements can be consulted from the Survey Questionnaire.


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