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August 1, 2015


Government in the Czech Republic

The Prime Minister

The Prime Minister organizes
activities of the government,
runs its meetings, appears in
its name and carries out other
activities that are entrusted to
him by the constitution or
other laws.

The President is elected to a 5
year tern and may serve up to
2 terms total. They are the
Supreme Commander of the
Armed Forces and have
limited power. Their most
important power is the right to
veto any bill that has been
passed by parliament.

Parliament has two chambersThe Chamber of Deputies and
The Senate. Parliament passes
all bills valid in the Czech
Republic and expresses
approval of important
international treaties. They
decide the most important acts
of state like declaring war or
approving deployment of
foreign armies on Czech soil.

BackgroundThe revolutionary events of November 1989 brought an end to

the communist rule. The country faced the dicult task of
returning to pre-communist traditions and building a new
political system. The constitution of the Czech Republic defines
civil rights, the relationship between executive and legislative
branches of power, and the independence of the judiciary. #

The GovernmentThe government consists of the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime

Minister and Ministers. It manages stat administration
throughout the territory and coordinates activities of the
ministries and central bodies of the state administration. They
have exclusive legislative initiative in terms of state budget.

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August 1, 2015

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