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Once upon a time there lived a dragon.

Even though
this dragon looked like the scariest dragon in the land
he was the most sweetest dragon you would ever meet.

The dragons name was Spike and he lived with the

most beautiful princess in all the land. Her name was
Layla. And this is the castle that they live in.

Layla and Spike were the best of friends. They enjoyed

playing in the forest.

Spike thought that him and Layla were having the

most beautiful and fun life together than one day......

Layla was walking through the forest.....

And came across a big scary cave!

Layla stopped to have a look inside and she saw a

scared little squirrel.

Layla took the squirrel home as she thought it was

really sad. She arrived home and showed Spike and he
ran away.

Layla ran after Spike and asked 'Why are you so

scared?'. Spike said, 'That he didn't like squirrels as
they scare him.'

Layla didn't know what to do as she really liked the

squirrel and wanted to keep it.

She begged Spike to make friends with the squirrel

but he said 'NO!'. Every time the squirrel came Spike
would just run away.

Spike tried to speak to the squirrel but he just

couldn't do it.

One day he found the courage to speak to the squirrel.

Even though he was terrified he wanted to make Layla
happy so he did it for her.

After he spoke to the squirrel he couldn't work out

why it was such a problem in the first place. Squirrel
and Spike ended up becoming good friends.

Layla was so happy when she found out that Spike was
no longer scared of the squirrel.

And they all lived happily ever after.


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