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Title of Research Inventory Management Issues of Bamboo Business in

Iloilo City No. ______
Significance of theory (Theory generated
should address a phenomenon of interest to a
discipline. It should also address gaps in
knowledge about that phenomenon)
Internal consistency of theory (concepts
should be clearly defined; use of same term
and same definition for a concept throughout
the narrative presentation of theory)
Parsimony of a theory (Theory should be
stated clearly and simply)
Testability of a theory (empirically
observable, propositions can be measured, and
derived hypothesis can be falsified)

Operational adequacy ( sample representative

of the population of interest; the research
procedure appropriate; procedures for data
analysis appropriate)
Empirical adequacy (theoretical claims
congruent with empirical evidence)
Pragmatic adequacy ( findings related to
problem of interest, feasible to implement,
innovative actions lead to favorable outcomes)
Other Comments:

The theory/research is helpful to those
bamboo owners especially in
budget/inventory planning.
The research is consistent and terms are
understandable especially to those with
background in accountancy or any
business courses.
The theory is clear and simple.
The research is based only in interviews.
Although some results are not expected ,
this is maybe because these are internal
issues. Some results reflect some
observable problems/issues in the
bamboo industry today.
They should consider larger sample size
and also include those in some other
areas (not only limited in the city proper)
The theoretical claims congruent with
empirical evidence
It is feasible to implement and also this
research if implemented will result to a
favorable outcome such as less loss and
proper inventory planning.

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