Toward A Policy On Drugs: (Elliot Currie)

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SED 409
JUNE 2015
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Drug addiction or drug dependence is an increasing epidemic worldwide. Drug

legalization or at least decriminalization has been debated for decades as a solution to the drug
problem. In deed, in some cases legalization seems logical but in some circumstances it is not.
The relationship between drugs and crime, the differences and similarities between alcohol
and drugs and the benefits of a free trade approach in drug legalization.
One of the most controversial topics about drug legalization is relationship between
drugs and crime. A common argument about either decriminalization or legalization is that if
drugs are legalized, crime will be influenced substantially. In his essay, Toward a Policy on
Drugs, Elliot Currie shows that there are strong links between crime and drug addiction. As
Currie points out, crime rate is affected significantly by using drugs. Both drug dealers and
especially drug users are involved in serious crimes, like robbery, burglary, assault, because of
just trying to obtain drugs. He says that, One explanation and perhaps the most common one,
is that the increased need for money to buy drugs drives addicts into more crime. (92) Currie
exclusively indicates that the violence of addicted people cannot be ignored but it must be
known that, the real violence which is committed by these people occur in the period of
looking for drugs. If addicts can not find the drug then crave, many will commit crimes. In her
article, Legalize Drugs now! , Meaghan Cussen maintains that legalizing addictive drugs

provides a decrease in crimes. She says that, the lowered price of drugs will reduce murder
and the theft caused by high price of narcotics. When addicted people couldnt find narcotics
just because of their price, they can easily commit crimes what they want. Also if addictive
drugs are made legal, gangs and mafias battles and street violence about drugs will be

reduced. Unfortunately because of gangs wars and battles, a lot of innocent people will come
to harm. In addition Cussen indicates that cartels become very crucial in drugs businesses that
create great profit by using collaboration. In consideration of equal distribution of drug
revenue, terrorist activity can not be supported very much. Regrettably drug related crimes
increase in real terms obviously that people have to prevent this augmentation. As Cussen
explains, the only way to decrease and eliminate the drug related crimes is legalization. The
vast majority of burglaries, muggings, and car thefts are committed by people who are trying
to support an illegal drug habit. If all drugs were legalized, then there would be huge drops in
these crimes.
Many people draw parallels between the prohibition of alcohol and drug use but they
cant agree on the consequences. Increase in crime before and after prohibition of alcohol. In
the 1920s, USA government thought that alcohol was caused crimes so the dignity of the
country prohibited the alcohol everywhere in country. But even during Prohibition, alcohol
related crime rate grow considerably. A lot of underground markets of alcohol grew and very
hazardous lifestyles appeared in this time period. When prohibition ended, the alcohol related
crimes decreased and people understand that legalization is the best solution that ceased

Alcohol and drugs can cause devastating effects on society but experts disagree on the
seriousness of the effects. There is no doubt that alcohol and kind of drugs like heroin,
marijuana and cocaine are very different. But regrettably people have to know whether
alcohol or drugs make people addicted and they are very hazardous for people in very
different ways. In his essay, Against the Legalization of Drugs, James Q. Wilson points out
that alcohol is a drug like heroin, marijuana or cocaine. Wilson admit that Alcohols, like

heroin, cocaine, PCP, and marijuana, is a drug that is, a mood altering substance and
consumed to excess it certainly has harmful consequences auto accident, barroom fights,
bedroom shootings. ( 85)According to Wilson, even thought alcohol abuse is much higher
than drug abuse like heroin or cocaine, addictive drugs are much higher than alcohol. In his
Drug Policy and the Intellectuals essay, William J. Bennett maintains rather legalizing
alcohol or not and what circumstances will be occured when people legalize it. Bennet claims
that But at least we should admit that legalized alcohol, which is responsible for some
100,000 deaths a year, is hardly a model for drug policy. ( 78 ) As Bennet suggest that
alcohol is a very dangerous substance and people should understand that both narcotics -like
marijuana, heroin, cocaine- and alcohol should not be legalized because of just their damages
on peoples health. Briefly, one of the biggest problems people cope with today is the
addiction of drugs and alcohol. The effects of taking these drugs are dangerous: domestic
violence, crimes, accidents, sexual assault or becoming infected with HIV/AIDS.
According to some experts the free market approach can be financially beneficial if
drugs are legalized. People have debated this issue very seriously since very long time. In his
essay, Legalize Drugs now! , Meaghan Cussen promotes free trade as a benefit of drug
legalization. She claims that, free trade can be very beneficial for both the drug dealer and the

drug user. For instance, assume that one wants to sell his t-shirt because he needs money.
Then he meets another person who wants to buy a t-shirt and they come to an agreement
about money. Sides, buyer and seller, gain something because for buyer, t-shirt is more
valuable, while for seller money is more valuable. This issue is the same in drug dealings.
Even though seller wants to get buyer desires drugs with all ones heart. On ethical or moral
grounds people dont want to accept this transaction. However there is no transaction that all

people will approve or agree with completely. Currie argues that, free market approach has
serious consequences. He says The most important for a free market approach has
traditionally been that it would reduce or eliminate the crime and violence now inextricably
entwined with addiction to drugs and with the drug trade. (91) Also Currie states, free market
approach circumvent, culture of both antigovernment and individualistic. Antigovernment
activity will realize and appreciate this issue incorrectly. Against of government people
consider free trade like a chance that they can improve themselves easily and strongly. Both
Currie and Cussen try to indicate the importance of free trade in drug dealings in different

In conclusion, legalization of drugs will definitely stop an enormous number of deaths;
will eliminate the sorts of crimes, harmony and peace to societies. Drug legalization is
debated nearly all over the world. The debate over drug legalization, while rooted in realworld concerns over crime, violence, free trade approach and relation ship between alcohol
and drugs, is also about values. When addictive drugs are made legal, crime will decrease
substantially. Most murders are associated with the selling of illegal drugs. If drugs were
legalized, then murder rates would drop a lot. Also free trade approach has very crucial

consequences. In fact there is no exact solution but if we consider about either relationship
between drugs and crime or free trade approach people can think legalization logical.
However when people contemplate alcohol and drug, ones decision will change.

Fu JJ, Bazazi AR, Altice FL, et al.(2012)Absence of antiretroviral therapy and other risk
factors for morbidity and mortality in Malaysian compulsory drug detention and rehabilitation
centers. PLoS One

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