Case - Recruitment BHC and Co

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Rahul Mishra

Alankrit Pareek
Sovan Satyaprakash
Shweta Singh

Strategic Staffing
1. Evaluate the recruitment strategy and process at BHC.
Job Title- Associate
Recruitment period- October-March (6 months)
Types of recruitment- On campus & correspondence
Recruitment on campus- Campus at Harvard, Wharton, Darton
Recruitment by correspondence- Kellogg, Tuck, Duke, Chapel Hill, Stanford
Recruiter strength- 4 Teams (3 for each on campus institute and 1 for correspondence)
Team structure- One Vice President & minimum one associate
Recruitment Committee Manager- Managing Director
Recruitment on campus process

Candidate shortlisting for interviews from resume

The interviews were conducted on campus by VP, Director/MD or an associate
After interview, the interviewers conducted independent evaluations of the candidate
before they shared their impressions.
Top 2 candidates were invited for a second round interviews to charlotte
2nd round is evaluative round with interviews with as many officers and associates of
the firm as possible
The questions for evaluation were
o How well the candidate articulate his or her ideas
o How has he or she demonstrated leadership
o How focussed is the candidate on his career
o How well does the candidate demonstrate understanding of the firm and
associate position at BHC
o How effectively the candidate work under pressure
o How well the candidate interact with other members of firm and clients
After personal evaluation, recruiting committee discussed job offers
The final step is the sell day- after the job offers have been made, BHC flew
prospective associates to Charlotte to tour the city, become better acquainted with
firm and its people and provide them opportunity to ask more in depth questions about
career at BHC

2. Make a list of attitudes & competencies for the position of an Associate at BHC Inc.
To excel as an associate one needed to take initiative, have strong analytical &
conceptual skills, be a good writer, have excellent interpersonal skills with fellow
employees and with clients
To excel as MD, the ability to manage and motivate BHC members, develop client
relationships, generate new business were imperative

Rahul Mishra
Alankrit Pareek
Sovan Satyaprakash
Shweta Singh

Associate must help the deal team engage a prospective client by creating a marketing
pitch (BHC capabilities+ explaining process at BHC+ providing preliminary analysis
and valuation of the prospective company)
He/ she must know interpretation of financial statements

3. Create an evaluation sheet for 20 resumes given with red flags and pros.
Must have qualifications
1. Investment banking experience/banking experience(min 2 years)
2. Leadership display (associate or higher post held)
3. Work exp in USA
4. Special business achievements (initiatives or targets)
Recruiter 1- Kelly L
Recruiter 2- Robert G
Recruiter 3- John W
1. Glenn T Mitchell
2. Claudius D
3. Rose Von Mehren
4. Mark Philips
5. Pieter Van Der
6. Jamie M Palmer
7. Christopher R
8. Sean Flynn
9. John J Marquez
10. Patrick D OBrien
11. Jeffrey P Nystrom
12. Christiana T
13. Winston S
14. Pierre Lacroix
15. Edward Bristol
16. John R lucas
17. James D Hennesey





Rahul Mishra
Alankrit Pareek
Sovan Satyaprakash
Shweta Singh

4. Select top five candidates for the interviews. Evaluate them based on their pros and
cons- for those five.
The 5 candidates selected for interview are
1. Glenn T Mitchell
2. Claudius D
3. Jamie M Palmer
4. Christopher R
5. Sean Flynn
Glenn T Mitchell

Claudius D Thomas

Jamie M Palmer

Christopher R ONiel

Sean Flynn





Has investment banking
experience, has worked in
USA, has performed many
financial tasks in
Served in Air Force, hence
will have high team
building and leadership
quality & time
Has served as VP and has
many achievements
Associate in corporate
banking, has performed
tasks related to investment
Has analyst experience
and prior experience in
client meetings and
drafting, transactions

Has not worked as
associate or above so may
not be a good team leader
Has only summer intern
experience in the finance
field as associate

Already served as VP,

hence may not take up
associate post
No first hand experience
in investment banking firm

Only limited investment

banking experience as
associate (summer)

Rahul Mishra
Alankrit Pareek
Sovan Satyaprakash
Shweta Singh

5. Which two will be given offer if you are the panel? Why?
The 2 candidates who will be given offer would be
Claudius D Thomas

Served in Air Force,
hence will have high
team building and
leadership quality &
time management

Has only summer
intern experience in
the finance field as

Sean Flynn

Has analyst
experience and prior
experience in client
meetings and drafting,

Only limited
investment banking
experience as
associate (summer)

Driving Factor
Already knows
about how to run
projects, build
team and have the
best ability to
learn fast
Has just worked
as an associate in
summer and has
good experience
and skills with
analytics and
others talents are
also in sync with
the requirements.

6. What kind of screenings might be used, give some illustrations?

The objective of screening resumes is to eliminate candidates which do not meet the job
requirements. Act of screening a resume may generally be divided into three steps, the first
pass or scanning for keywords, the second pass which includes reading the resume to
evaluate the candidate against the job requirements and the final pass, a full review of the
resume including a subjective qualitative review of the candidates job history.

The resume screening process presumes a well written job description. From this job
description, 3 to 5 carefully chosen keywords are selected. These keywords are used to
narrow down a large pool of candidates to a more manageable set of resumes that will be read
in more detail.
The keywords selected are derived from required skills or activities in the job description. To
minimize the number of desirable candidates dropped in this first step, consider using
synonyms and closely related terms in addition to the keywords selected.
This step of the process can often be aided by computers. For example, if one has a resume
database, these keywords are the search queries used to find potential candidates in the
Further, this step is sometimes delegated to a junior person who can be trained to look for
keywords and perform the initial sort.

Rahul Mishra
Alankrit Pareek
Sovan Satyaprakash
Shweta Singh

Once a resume has been initially screened for keywords, it needs a more careful review. This
second pass is designed to verify some of the second order criteria of the job description are
met. For instance, level of education, years of experience required by the position, salary
range and current location. Other functions of this evaluation include a closer look at job
functions performed by the candidate and comparing them to the job description.
This phase often requires a more in depth understanding of the job description and
requirements. For instance to determine relevant years of experience, the reviewer must add
the number of years at the relevant jobs to come up the years' experience. It can often be a
judgment call on which parts of a job history are relevant to a job search. This means the
person performing this step must have a suitable depth of understanding about the job
description and requirements for the position.

Qualitative review
Resumes that reach this step of the process are from candidates that meet many of the
requirements of the job description. This final pass is to examine the more subtle subjective
qualities of the candidate. The objective is remove candidates with red flags that could mean
potential job fraud and to separate the top candidates from the remaining resumes.
Resume red flags
There are a number of red flags when looking at resumes that should, at the very least, be
noted and questioned as part of any phone screen with the candidate. Gaps in employment
and job hopping are often considered to be red flags. Other possible red flags include multiple
moves to different states, using years instead of months/years for employment history and
noting a college and degree program without indicating graduation.
Other factors
Other factors is a broad term that is somewhat subjective when it comes to reviewing

Does the candidate have a history of advancement including more responsibility and
challenge in each subsequent position?

Does the candidate have experience working at a company of similar size and

Does the candidate have the correct industry experience?

If this person applied directly for the position, would it be a significant drop in
responsibility or challenge?

Is the person over qualified? Are they willing to accept a much lower salary?

Rahul Mishra
Alankrit Pareek
Sovan Satyaprakash
Shweta Singh

These other factors are best used to further evaluate candidates already deemed to meet the
basic qualification. They serve to initially prioritize the next phase of the recruitment process,
which is to make initial contact with the candidates.

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