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Ritwik of St.

Joseph School Shaktinagar brings another laurel

" Know that I am God " is a work of fiction by P Ritwik, Alma matter St
Joseph School Shaktinagar, and DPS Vindhyanagar, has hit the stands in
march 2015. The book is a thriller with gripping story that keeps you
glued to the book till the very end: Awaiting one turn after the other,
expecting and anticipating twists through the entire read. The philosophy
of life is encrusted right into the story. It is such a mind boggling read and
would leave you astounded at the simplicity of life, yet make you question
the simplicities that have been taken for granted. The book not only tells a
good story, but leaves you with much more than the thrill of reading. It
leaves you with a better philosophy of life and how this temporary time
that one has in this world should be put to the best of use. It is a book
about hope and despair, about life and love, about love and hatred it is
about revenge and forgiveness It is about something and everything It
reminds you of what you knew and have forgotten and makes you
question what you think you know. It sheds a different light on God and
the Devil truly Man created God to be Absolved and the Devil to be
KNOW THAT I AM GOD, the first work of Fiction, by P.Ritwik, a civil servant,
an engineer, a musician and sho-den in Karate (yes that is correct), is a
work or art! Truly a breath of fresh air for an industry shackled to the
established formula. A must read for all seeking to take something away
from the book A great story and something more!

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