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oe Lenzgesang (a. Piper) A Song of Spring Varsang Kevatlaulu (Rose Newmarch) Jean Sibelius, Op.50 NO 1 ‘Tempo glusto = — $e js + eee == —= ar = ings-het - ler Wal -des wo das dump fe Herz aus al len «dient portals of th Whore all hearts cast down Beir in tar 7 iis merit Ba is, mi TE ae Ste a. oa, agenda dd dept dd dg dd 2, ae = =| = == ¢ € St er-wacht. Seid ge-griisst;—— ihr Felsen - za-cken, die thr + ter. ing. Hail, 0 hail, $0 fcky lesdes, Reach - tne Gch aval. Ut fe - sto den var tale bats an. Bir jo = nen list 2 ho na” “Maj. ut - veck-lar hopp- fullt starkt, Ho vit nuorna ‘ai. na sit. ff "vot. - maan ver Herb-stes - lif - te hin-gewettert in den Staub Wie etn winds of autumn Ger-nertin. to rust~ ling sheaves; ‘Like a stor- mar ra sa, port de so-pas i ett ‘a Bru- na Syn. kit tau lel | sin-ne o- vat syy- ta meet. Mein kuin es —— Ia- gern Schich -ten Schicht, die mit Blont_ ‘with “red and Sheen,’ AU the. hal - lens moss - be - ground, dar sig— Bit > ty “Ber. ros fern, fos i Biii-ten-dol den kaum ein Griines tn.ter -bricht. ‘Was sich paths they co. ver, Show tng scarcea pathof green. AU that Thoff-cungsvoll ent -fal-tet einst fm Mai in Moy res vaale ik bens-fy, Bo. ory youth. «ul Tope” nd “Au tun Wit. vor 48 lum = ra teyggt! morgon-stund. Ant had jaa plan-sd puhto! - sen. Manta jun - ger wird im sat. tie Kom- mer Loo sykssy Herbste schnell ver-al -tet zu den - «ten hin - days will bring to ruin, Andthe winds of death ten seh och Nicklaa,f@r tll © dd_—nad Lit td Hoh. ta lai-nan,kuole mal te Kor Sehipflich dringen Trieb/um Trie - yeork of Nature go ery year ae - fer iofsva £ Stet “op tan wa puemad-te [uo mis iyo - tddinuh © Kaw star-Nen Aste schlin.gen sichzum hoch. - ge-wolb - ten sere and Inot-ty branches Form a por. - fal, ¢- mar-ald stare gre-nar vif’ va anart ph yt ett te rit var. ret met-sin kat toa tu. mi hol. = it ok - ai St dolee Menschenkind, und = gen,wenn im Wir - bel-slurm der Child of man, J mur) TP tha whirl-winds of this Mineko-barn, och dig det ftye- - kes thrdtynir du! varl - don Vaiaker.rat, sa th-mis- lap. - 31, ef a @ - lon myrs- ty - ‘Welt We ser Doar ditt fol ve ~ Hoff-nung hin. ge-schla.gen gleich dem aU thine ox peci-a - tions, Like the opp af stor mar ryc- kes bort, likt fe- st kack- Ht Kea ei, aa’ kuin 7 & ?—v g he ‘Aut! io- geschwichtem Marke gohef-fe feu -@ tau-send - fat, Wake7——~ ‘and from lifes ond lass chances, Shapenew hopes “that shall bide, Upp! Lit “mo-dot blot ej. falciay oka pa, nytt. for hvad som dog Nou. te puo-rin vot- min taasen, #1 joan Wu - det Wore eect taal wa.che, 50 er-star-ke wie der sturm-er - prob - ‘nob-ler, more on dur. mg, Like the for - est, tem- raft,du. bar, upp-kal -lay BIC Uk. tom” den star ‘a. man hen.gen sea-den,ku- ni vank. ka met | ihr gri' nen oer On dant ero) na. “evan rat len friih - =i el-ler val des yracht ! yas) o Wip - fel hor’ ichis wal-ien ae eee i oll a es See Esha dies Sem ce Tmun-dert-stim.tig laut —________ und steht, {rol . bend, of cole-os whisp - at athe er, ole on kummat' 06 - 5 t, auschts da Tike — the. ny fd hos har - aa. pf,’ sof kuie sa. dun oth. hin wie Gel . ster - flug. Lent, ich spii-re sound wings! Zo,’ oncemore fae Vir, jag {o-sad -ys! 0, sa kecvat, dei -nen new . ae ix by. gone aprings. kraf-tigt ay, din an- de> drat wiewtuw-af sum hen He ys, Original Panart 9 a Sehnsucht (Ent Radolt Weiss ) Longing Langtan Kaipaus (Rosa Newmarch) Jean Sibelius, Op. 50 No 2 Commodo ‘poco passionato Off em tan - gen : Oft—throughdays of long - ing Da. gen ling jag ling tar, ae. Ste pink : pesante_ma dole una corda —=== mach dir, fuk? ich dich mir na - he, or thee Dreams re-call thy pres = oned, - ter dig, ser dig of - ta. ‘nal kas, i ful. jel vie ~ rela > at spree ich so mit Inder kin len Fel he Ry dow ere meets hub! “pmo. alae ia. tar ak Mids gas CR fish 2 ‘ar ina tal kas aa. om auf - gewacht Wakes” the grier vi = aka ‘ord aa; fok-siin ~ Ret, seu’ 1s, "Through ose kil — = jer, sue oct pots - for > dir. 2 aig. Poco stretto. Sek dein Au - ge sthau - en Oft thine eyes "Hike load ~ stars Gen “jag ser ditt 8) ga Si. tin st. ad dat. Sor a tempo pesante ma_doloe schaut mich an und wel - let Win “a light Mat “ale - wa wet Sip PY the ieee lem > pe Totes taa dotee”_* Yon mir is pels ta ey be-voll i shine 4a te hee einen Blick — bei Ling.ers tend or te ae queriick — 20 fo ea Tite corde. Poco stretto ‘Schmerz und Trost der Schmerzen bist In ei. ‘Pain and con- s0- la tion, Thow art botk Kal Sch trout 1 kva’- ea? det ar da Tus - a, fus-kan ton > ta o det ai a tempo ‘soute? ich, ach! nach dir—— my heart ‘for’ thee: suc kar ef - ter dig. tof > ton wok - se Sun. 15 Aus banger Brust Origina!-Tonart ooh (Richard Dehmel O,wert thou here — Bafvande hjarta — Raskas huokaus (tons Newimared) Jean Sibelius, Op. 50 Nos spianato Ro- - sen. leuch- ten im - o> 1 ses Mos — som as tast year, fo: sor yak - ne sti an - na, toir= = tea ote - «Wop - aus ta, # dunk-len, Blatter Drees~es throughibe fol Bia den ska va ar jyy ar ot 16 ist 0 tie - mid - nights of gt des - kis = 98 mp dolce Den ‘Mond ver - nigh. The set ting a Bak trad gorda nen iRivwnee eat toe fliesst ii-ber in den "See, And floods the wavesuith silvery sheen; Sig au gm. ~ mer, ailf-ver strér talons om, Sem em = mel ubllan jir-von coon, 7 Na- + cken —withit im. ‘nein ‘My head = rests, on__ the Om ring = mig dor tar Man pei tad hw > at 18 Ich es noch nie to think Tne - ter re ‘a1 rig kan-nat itt fr wo oft ich dei-nen Hals um - 1 heldthee on my heart, slot Och blindt itt med min armjag dig om <= moilla-st ‘ri puin sun da lus vir= tas Sie-luun mun, dat, YO tai caan ver ho - Ja aoa puo-rie- tol - te auf die Stadt; es dringt kein Dach,nicht Hof noch Heus,keinLaut aus ih - rem mista de - scend No roof, no houss,no loft - y spire, No light or sound can sta - den in; Alt ir’ dir dédt,'6j hore dar Yjud, does api - ror, torn ur kaw - pun - Kin; Bi kaye, har-yat kat to- jen, Voi paés- ti al - ta heraus, kaum Tir- me Brii - cken. Pierce thegloom,From tover or foun - tain: netsskrudBlott skym - ta ‘trim - mor + dwn sen, Bi tor i, 7 al. ta poco a poco rallentando a meno piano Doch als den Wandrer grau - te, da ging ein Lichtlein auf im Grund; und But while the wand'rer shud - dereWheredlack as nigh his pathwoy dips, He Ph bir~ get vandrarn stréf- . var,Han stir - rar ned i Cock-nets grond. Ett Kun vie-roan eal. tas kau - - Au,Nin pilk- i 00. lo pie noi - nen, Ja tempo poco diminuendo durchden Rauchund Ne - bel begannein lei-ser Lob - gesang aus Kin - der- mund seta a light ap - pear . ing, Andhears a whispered song of praise,Fromchild-rene lips, Yjus si matt dir kim - rar, Ochevagthan hor en sf - tonsing Ur bar - na - mun. alfa we. can, sax - Aun, Soi hil-jaa, lav-loi ii - toe-ta, Suu lap . 40 - em. re Petre ee Rosenlied (Anne Ritter) The Song of the Roses — Rosornas sang — Ruusunlaulu (Rose Nemmarch) Allegretto Jean Sibelius, Op. 50 N°6 pep ts Ge Wir Senk-ten die War-zeln in— Our roots were sunk deep in earths i Ginketows vir rots nes fom Gon ee wes matty sins a tee Dee ee eam eee Son- ne, un = ohine, ol - tken dul = tai - Tau light ‘mia das = te —_! = — fee prang- ten in reigned ina oes got ei ee rere Sy ae Se wuss-ten_ es selves scarcely gol. de— hvar duo = let. ta Lenz strich doy brought euch calm and the warm a - gen, pat apring-tide— ix pas - sing would bi oss vA! ten vat Meo pt Wind sprach von, wind spoke mek teh fli. stern-des Wort, ein Ltals were stirred. But den, helt kor si duis Ht. nect 082, Voan =F eagee nigh daw maa gan- gen, ein Arm trug uns fort. rar. den’ a foot- step, ie heard! Steg, och en hand bar oss Bort ke ci oman tem pa at pots. malt un. ser [e- ben_ in— zit - tern- der Hand? duf - tet und Mot, tremb-ling hand hold our— frail lives 20 fast? shin ing white phi’ lor virt if isin “dar - ran de hand? tin na en fen ke mi— kis ders st Raw fa oh Ken? tuok- eu vo rie - selt wei-sses Ge - wand. frag rance floats past? tra sa— 1 - bland, vaip - pa— on waste ne Brust, die die Sehn- sucht er. regt, nO - ren— ein— a Breast that by pas - sion is tossed. hear the swift es— —byem, som i va gor ae = Bai ho ten rin tan. satin. tu. ta aan, ta 26 = = =e Lei - nae schaft —schliigt. Von Lie - be__ ge zee? eee —t gru-ssen dich, Schwester, in greet thee, our sis = ter. te hil—- dig, ter veh - din Lie - be—_ ge - bracht, Loves own de - light, vie - lek till skatt teh. ty— on— yd, ae ye =———— + Se - Schwel-gen - der Nacht. Der Tag, der_ zu hol - de-rem Bli-hen dich still, “Saim - y_night;" Though down that shall crown thee with Wife's fair tot som - mar - tyst_ natty Nar da_- gen till uf. vaste blomsiring ig y= Me. ei pie; Rum ptt een Bat sce ec ne bate p= SS SSS SS SS . ruft, er senkt uns - re Schin-heit ver-welkt in die Gruft. oom, Shall see all our beaut. -y Iaid low inthe. tomb, ter, Di jun - ker vir skin het, for - vise ad, och or seen, Mam uth Sou. nat kau. meus vie “am fot = tak - coe 355 7% Se

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