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Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Pre-Semester Examination (2014-15)

: Object Oriented Techniques
Subject Code : ECS-503


Max Marks/Duration: 100 /3 hrs

Year/Semester: 3rd/V

Attempt all questions.

Q1. Attempt ANY FOUR parts of the following.



Q2. Attempt ANY FOUR parts of the following.



Q3. Attempt ANY TWO parts of the following.

(A) How object modeling techniques differ from tradition software development technique?
(B) Discuss the terms Reusability, Extensibility and Robustness in terms JAVA programming
(C) Explain Structured Analysis and Structured Design (SA/SD) and Jackson Structured
Q4. Attempt ANY TWO parts of the following.


(A) Discuss abstract classes, Inner classes and Interface using Java programming.
(B) What are exceptions? When are they used? Explain with JAVA program.
(C) Write the procedure to create and import package in a Java program. Which event handling
model is used by Java and why?
Q5. Attempt ANY TWO parts of the following.


(A) What is swing? How it differs with AWT? Write a program in swing which shows two text
boxes names user id and password and two buttons for submit and cancel. If Submit button
is pressed then the content of text boxes should appear in a Text area.
(B) What is Java Bean? What are their advantages? What are various introspection
mechanisms to infer information about a Bean? Explain with example.
(C) Write short notes on any two:
Difference between Java and C++

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