Pollution of Estero Salado

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Name: Kevin Gonzalo Mero Constantine

Classroom: 602

Date: 02/06/2015

Teacher: Yolanda Molineros C.

Essay N.-1
Environmental Issues

Pollution of Estero Salado

The estuary is located in the city of Guayaquil, is an area protected, but still
it contaminated because people launch waste, the wastewater discharges,
the industrial companies launch waste industrial, and fillings placed by the
There are people that living around of the estuary illegally in form of
invasions, and launch waste to the estuary. The estuary emit bad smells in
the surroundings product of the pollution. The persons around of the estuary
have health problems. Before estuary was clean, without waste, without bad
There are mangroves around the shore of the estuary and a variety of fauna
as birds, crabs and sea species. There is a great lack of aquatic life by the
destruction of zooplankton by the lack the oxygen.
The cleaning and recovery of the estuary is everyones responsibility, this
requires implementing cleaning plans.

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