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Kevin Edminster

Chemistry 1010
Material Of The Future
For many years the main element used in small/ personal electronics has been Silicon which has acted
as a semiconductor. However recently at Utah State University chemist have developed a new
nanomaterial named triazine-based graphitic carbon nitride or TGCN. This new material is both cheaper to
produce and also more efficient as a semi conductor, unfortunately a problem has arisen with the new compound,
it refuses to stay still on a flat two dimensional surface, instead it buckles and forms bubbles which makes it
unusable for personal electronics. Researcher Alexander Inanov at Utah State University who has been working
with this element says that he has discovered the cause of the problem stems from a molecular energy
phenomenon, meaning that when the various elements are combined electrons and ions from the elements
produce elctro- vibrations from not bonding properly. This causes the electrons to become geometrically
distorted. Using computer modeling and electron microscopy the researchers have found that if they add
beryllium to the compound it cause it to become stable and forces it to remain two dimensional on a flat surface.
This break through could have major effects on the production of electronics if the researchers at Utah State
University are able to insure that the compound can remain stable.

This breakthrough is a big deal for me because if companies are able to manufacture electronics with cheaper
and more efficient components it means I will be able to buy more powerful and capable electrons such as
laptops, phones, and Tv's for less money. The part that is most important to me is the more powerful and efficient
components because this will allow me to do more advance things on electronics then the current generations of
electronics will allow. The breakthrough with this element also opens the doors to more advancements in other
areas of chemistry since the researchers were able to electronically map out the reactions between the different
elements and allows them to pinpoint where the problem is so that they can quickly adjust and fix the issue.

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