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Agile WOW

Kartheek Telikepalli


Where does it start from??

Lets take an example of Boogle
developing its mail application.
The Boogle team gets a requirement
from their management saying that they
need to develop Mail application and
release it in the market.
The person, that takes the requirement
from the field/customer/sales team is
whom we call the PRODUCT OWNER

Product Owner
Product Owner is responsible to stuff the
teams with the requirements
Decide the priority of the items in the
Product Backlog
Fix the timelines of the items in the
Product Backlog
Be a SPOC from the customer side in
case of any change in requirements or
delay in timelines

Market Requirement Document

The product owner writes the need of a mail
application in a document called MRD- Market
Requirement Document.
In that, he mentions the story in simple lines
like The market requires a mail application that
caters to the communication needs of the
individuals, groups and companies.
Now, the product owner meets his techie guys
and discusses the MRD.
Now, it is these people that discuss on how this
story can be realized.

The team of the product owner will
normally consist of Business Analysts,
Subject Matter Experts and some people
in other technical roles.
They read the simple story in the MRD
and break it down into further possible
stories called Epics.
Further understanding of Epics is made
and discussed in this team.

Example of how it goes till now

For the MRD story of Boogle, the Epics can be
derived as follows:

Work on Sending a mail

Work on Receiving a mail
Work on Searching a mail in the inbox
Work on managing the mailbox size and archiving
Work on deciding which mail should go into Spam
and so on

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