Esl GR 3 1-9

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Grade 3_ Unit: ___1_ Lesson: __1__


How does being able to locate and cite key details help me recount the text and gain
understanding from what I read?
How do actions of people help me understand their character?

Text 1
We Love You, Ms. Pinkerville!
Naomi Carlson/Journeys ELL Reader
1.1 Task 1 L.4; L.5
Vocabulary Development

1.2 Task 2 RL.3.2; RL 3.3

Story Structure
[add more tasks as needed]

Text 2

Additional Resources/ Links

Pakistani teacher gets prize for giving

poor kids lessons under the skies

AP Story/NewsELA
2.1 Task 1 RI 3.2
Main Idea
Supporting details

2.2 Task 2 Title

National Geographic Ladders Grade

Three Make A Difference
Story One: Jane Addams: Champion
of the Poor
CCSS: RI 3.2; 3.6; 3.7; 3.8
Good FREE sites for reading and
work on different levels.
You need to sign up for accounts;
but they are FREE.

Culminating Assessment (Writing)

Compare text 1 with text 2:

Compare the schools in the two stories: Where are the schools? (country) Who is the teacher? How do the
students learn? (books, computers, etc)

Grade 3 Unit: 1 Lesson: 2


What steps must be taken to base a conclusion on evidence from the text?
Why is it important to protect coral reefs? Who benefits from this protection?

Text 1

Text 2

Lauren Helps Sammy

Coral Reefs

David Martz/Journeys ELL Reader

1.3 Task 1 RL 3.1

Author/Reading A-Z
4.1 Task 1 L.4; L.5

Drawing Conclusions

Vocabulary Development

1.4 Task 2 L.4; L.5

4.2 Task 2 RI3.1

Vocabulary Development

Asking and answering questions to understand text

Identify main idea and supporting details
Understand and use prepositions

[add more tasks as needed]

Additional Resources/ Links

Good FREE sites for reading and

work on different levels.
You need to sign up for accounts;
but they are FREE.

Science SPI: 0307.3.1; 3.2

[add more tasks as needed]

Culminating Assessment (Writing)

Research one type of coral reef; cite information
Animal life
Plant life
Add illustrations and photographs

Grade 3 Unit: 1 Lesson: 3


How do authors reveal characters through their words and actions?

Text 1

Text 2

A Surprise for the Bears

Learning on the Soccer Field

Jane Bingley/Journeys ELL Reader

1.5 Task 1 L 4; L 5

6.1 Task 1 RI 3.3

Vocabulary development

Cause and Effect

1.6 Task 2 RL 3.3

6.2 Task 2 RI 3.1


Drawing conclusions

[add more tasks as needed]

Social Studies SPI: 3.1; 3.2

[add more tasks as needed]

Additional Resources/ Links

National Geographic Ladders

Grade 3
All Together Now
Story 3 Helping Hands
CCSS RI 3.2; 3.6; 3.8
Good FREE sites for reading and
work on different levels.
You need to sign up for accounts;
but they are FREE.

Culminating Assessment (Writing) Is it important to practice to get better at something? Why or why not? Support your answer with evidence from
the text

Grade 3 Unit: 1 Lesson: 4


How do good readers use signal words to compare and contrast?

How are dams and water conservation related?

Text 1

Text 2


Water Worries

Alexandria Blair/Journeys ELL Reader

1.7 Task 1 L 4; L 5
Vocabulary Development

1.8 Task 2 RL 3.9

Author/Read Works
8.1 Task 1 RI 3.1

8.2 Task 2 SPI 0307.3.2 (science)

Water Conservation

Compare and Contrast

[add more tasks as needed]

Additional Resources/ Links

Social Studies SPI: 3.22; 3.23; 3.4

National Geographic Ladders

Grade 3
Forces of Nature
Story 2 Waters Might
CCSS RI 3.1; 3.2; 3.3; 3.7
Good FREE sites for reading and
work on different levels.
You need to sign up for accounts;
but they are FREE.

Culminating Assessment (Writing)

Choose a country or region with water worries: not enough water or unclean water
What is being done to take care of the problem?
Cite evidence from your resources.

Grade 3 Unit: 1 Lesson: 5


How do good readers identify and use cause and effect relationships to understand what
the read?
How are attitudes towards different groups of people changing?

Text 1

Text 2

Additional Resources/ Links

Girls are making Little League history

Hank Aaron
Joanna Korba/Journeys ELL Reader
1.9 Task 1 L 4; L 5
Vocabulary Development

Associated Press/NewsELA
10.1Task 1 RI 3.2
Main idea Details

1.10Task 2 I 3.8

10.2Task 2 RI 3.3

Cause and Effect Relationships

Cause and Effect

[add more tasks as needed]

[add more tasks as needed]

Good FREE sites for reading and

work on different levels.
You need to sign up for accounts;
but they are FREE.

Culminating Assessment (Writing)

Compare and contrast the two texts.
Discuss the difficulties faced by Hank Aaron in his baseball career. Discuss his firsts
Discuss the difficulties faced by girls in little league baseball. Discuss their firsts.

Grade 3 Unit: 2 Lesson: 6


Why is sequencing important?

How do the unique features of elephants help them to survive?

Text 1

Text 2

The Elephants

Elephants, Giant Mammals

Nettie Mullins/Journeys ELL Reader

1.11Task 1 L 4; L 5
Vocabulary Development

1.12Task 2 RI 3.3
Sequencing Events (ESL BLM page 4)

Additional Resources/ Links

Pete Ramirez/Reading A-Z

12.1Task 1 RI 3.2
Main Ideas/Details

12.2Task 2 RI 3.1

National Geographic Ladders

Forces of Nature; Story 1
Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox

[add more tasks as needed]

Science SPI 0307.7.4; 5.1; 3.1

RL 3.2; 3.4;3.7

Good FREE sites for reading and

work on different levels.
You need to sign up for accounts;
but they are FREE.

Culminating Assessment (Writing)

Compare and contrast African Elephants and Asian Elephants
Similarities? Differences?
Cite evidence

Grade 3 Unit: 2 Lesson: 7


How do pictures assist us in understanding text?

What is considered art? Are there different types of art?

Text 1

Text 2

Artists are Everywhere

Art Around Us

Stanford Makishi/Journeys ELL Reader

1.13Task 1 L 4; L 5

Cheryl Ryan/Reading A-Z

14.1Task 1 RI 3.6

Vocabulary Development


1.14Task 2 RI 3.7
Using text and Graphic Features to aid
comprehension (ESL BLM page 4)

14.2Task 2 L 5.b

[add more tasks as needed]

Social Studies SPI: 3.31

Additional Resources/ Links

National Geographic Ladders

Grade 3
Onward Story 3 Andrews Antarctic
RI 3.4; 3.7
Good FREE sites for reading and
work on different levels.
You need to sign up for accounts;
but they are FREE.

Culminating Assessment (Writing)

Provide a list of artists ( examples of their work) for students
Students choose an artist to research; answer the following questions: Why did that person become an artist? Who influenced that artist? Briefly describe
their style.

Grade 3 Unit: 2 Lesson: 8


What do traditional tales tell people about life?

Why do different creatures migrate?

Text 1

Text 2

The Storyteller

The Magic of Migration

Rubi Borgia/Journeys ELL Reader

1.15Task 1 L 4; L 5
Vocabulary Development

1.16Task 2 RL 3.1
Drawing conclusions (ESL BLM
page 4)
[add more tasks as needed]

Additional Resources/ Links

Judy Braus/Reading A-Z

16.1Task 1 RI 3.1
Asking and answering questions to gain

16.2Task 2 RI 3.3
Cause and Effect
16.3 Task 3 L 4; L5

Good FREE sites for reading and

work on different levels.
You need to sign up for accounts;
but they are FREE.

Science SPI 0307.5.3


Culminating Assessment (Writing)

Science Connection: Each student will choose a migrating fish, animal, or fowl to research; record information on a poster with pictures or illustrations
Name of the animal, fish, or fowl
Migration pattern (from where to where)

Grade 3 Unit: 2 Lesson: 9


How can identifying a cause and effect relationship help you better understand a story?
What causes climate and weather to differ around the world? How do these things effect
people, animals, and plants?

Text 1

Text 2

Mannys Story

Expedition Zero

Jane Bingley/Journeys ELL Reader

1.17Task 1 L 4; L 5

/Reading A-Z
18.1Task 1 RI 3.1

Vocabulary Development

Asking and answering questions to gain


1.18Task 2 RL 3.3
Cause and Effect ESL BLM page 4)

18.2Task 2 RI 3.9
Identify details to compare and contrast

[add more tasks as needed]

Social Studies SPI: 3.33; 3.34

Additional Resources/ Links

National Geographic Ladders

Grade 3
Amazing Plants Story 2 Extreme
RI 3.2; 3.2; 3.7
Good FREE sites for reading and
work on different levels.
You need to sign up for accounts;
but they are FREE.

Culminating Assessment (Writing)

Choose two of the countries discussed in the book; compare and contrast the two countries; use details from the text to describe how the countries are
similar and how they are different.

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