English 3-4 Syllabus 2015-2016

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Email: julie.cruz@salinasuhsd.org
(831) 796-7500

English 3-4: The Individual in Society

2015-2016 Class Syllabus
The Individual in Society relates to how a person functions in society and the struggle to achieve his
or her goals while trying to be a person of good moral character who does not harm others to get what
he or she wants. As we read, you will be expected to critically reflect on the heroic struggles, setbacks,
and achievements of the main characters and how their moral standards are challenged and to what
degree they may change.
Welcome to this course! This year, students will explore a variety of ways to learn, using the
traditional methods of some lectures and note taking, along with group collaborative learning, research
and inquiry, critical thinking, and exploring different forms of digital technology. There will be a rigorous
push toward, passing the CAHSEE (California High School Exit Exam) in March and overall working
toward all students achieving success in mastering the standards of this course.

All students will need the following each day or as noted on the class calendar:
A class binder with dividers (Agendas, Writing Portfolio, Assignments, Vocabulary, Class Notes
& binder paper)
An Accelerated Reader book(s) (Primarily for Tuesday and Thursday, but it should be kept with
you at ALL times.)
2 Different colored pens for correcting (one must be blue or black ink for the primary work only
no other colors will be accepted)
A set of 5 colored highlighters
Current novel text (when we are reading one)
Language of Literature text (when not reading a novel)
Language Network text (Wednesdays generally, unless told otherwise)
A box of tissue and/or or hand sanitizer for the classroom would be appreciated.
*Often, work may need to be completed at home using a computer with internet access. If one is not
available to you, I have student computers in the classroom that may used at lunch or after school. Not
typing or completing homework due to not having a computer at home is not an excuse. If papers
cannot be printed on time due to ink running out or another issue, please email the document to me
prior to the due date.

Major Readings:
Quarter 1: Selections of short stories and fictional articles
Quarter 2: Selections of short stories and fictional articles
Quarter 3: Antigone by Sophocles (from the anthology) in conjunction with a poetry unit and
Quarter 4: Research Strategies

Accelerated Reader: Each student will be responsible to read a minimum of twenty (20) minutes each
night. Research has proven that quantity and continuous reading within ones ability level raises
comprehension, critical thinking, reading ability, and even writing skills, all major components of the
English curriculum.
At the beginning of the school year, students will take the STAR test in order to determine their
individualized reading levels. Students are expected to read in their current level. A reading level and
book log will be kept in the front of their binder. Each Tuesday and Thursday, students will have an
opportunity to read in class and write an academic paragraph about their novel. Therefore, students
are expected to bring the same novel to class each week until completed.
After reading a level-appropriate book of their choice, students will take a short computerized quiz and
earn points toward their individual point goal. All tests must be taken in our classroom, with the teacher
this may mean coming in before or after school, so please plan accordingly and dont wait until the
last minute to try and earn all of your points; you will not meet your goal and your grade will suffer.
Further, a raffle ticket per quiz taken will be entered into a quarterly raffle. When questions arise,
please dont wait to ask.
Other Homework: As students are expected to read each night, there will not be a lot of other
homework on a nightly basis except for work not finished in class or to study for a quiz/test. Please
refer to the student calendar for specific due dates.
Projects: Projects are generally assigned with a week to complete. Please plan time
accordingly so you do not have to throw it together the night before it is due.
Essays: Take-home essays are expected to be typed, in MLA format, and turned in free of
grammatical and spelling errors. Please use the time provided for pre-writing, drafting,
revising, and editing. Student computers are available in my room or the library to use outside
of class time.
Vocabulary: Vocabulary lessons will be introduced every week, having about 15 words on a
tested list every other week. Studying one word each night, then reviewing the others is highly
recommended. These words will be expected to be used in student writing and conversations
as well as learned for a quiz every other Friday. To ensure learning of the words is taking place
and not a memorizing-andforgetting routine, quizzes will be cumulative and constantly be used
in class writing and other activities. *The push for vocabulary/specific word choice will help
writing immensely as it is one of the major standards assessed to pass the CAHSEE , SAT, and
other state tests.
Grammar: First semester, students will be asked to constantly look for grammar errors (see
handout given the first full week of school). Five per quarter will be collected.
Absences: If you are absent (and only if it is excused), it is your responsibility to make up all
classwork, and homework by the following day. (If you are absent 2 days, you will have 2 days to make
it upetc.) You are responsible for finding out what you missed while absent by checking
your classmates agenda during SSR/ Journal (the first fifteen minutes of class.) All SSR
work and Journals must be made up at home, including those missed when you are
copying your classmates agenda. Tests must be made up immediately when you return.
Again, it is your responsibility to ask for the missing test, quiz, or other work. I cannot always
remember all absent students each day. Work due the day you are absent is due upon your return.
Tardies: Students are expected to be on time every day. Tardiness to class is a show of disrespect to
the entire class who is disrupted in their learning, the teacher, as well as to yourself for missing
information and many times, classwork. It is your responsibility to get to class on time. If tardiness

remains to be a problem, further disciplinary action will be taken in accordance with the Student
Handbook and possible detentions issued per tardy. Remember, walking in late not only affects you,
but the entire class who is disrupted. Your respectfulness will be appreciated.

*ALL rules in the NSHS handbook must be followed at all times.
An Outstanding (O) citizenship grade can be earned if all of the following criteria are met:
1. All assignments turned in, on time
2. No unexcused absences or tardies
3. Evidence of preparation during class activities
4. Evidence of active participation and on-task behavior
5. Excellent textbook care
6. Materials are always brought to class
7. All classroom expectations are met
A Satisfactory (S) grade can be be earned if any of the criteria for Outstanding citizenship are not
met and if none of the violations listed under Unsatisfactory citizenship occur.
An Unsatisfactory (U) citizenship grade can be earned if any one of the following occurs:
1. Academic dishonesty (cheating or plagiarizing) will result in a zero and an unsatisfactory
citizenship grade.
2. Tardiness-- after five tardies (or unexcused absences in conjunction with tardies), an
unsatisfactory citizenship grade is automatic.
3. Destruction/abuse of property
4. Excessive neglect of responsibilities
5. Excessive missing or late work
6. Inappropriate use of electronics in the classroom
7. Not adhering to the classroom expectations on a regular basissee next page
*It is expected that all students will be on their best behavior when there is a substitute, or it will result in
a U in citizenship.
*Remember, two or more Us in any quarter will keep you ineligible for sports, clubs, and other
opportunities on campus.
Grading Policy: All assignments will be given points relative to the value of the particular assignment
and graded on the following percentage:
100% -- 90% = A
89% -- 80% = B
79% -- 70% = C
69% -- 60% = D
59% -- 0% = F
*Each day at the beginning of class, there will be a task to complete within the first few minutes (as
indicated on your class calendar). If tardy, no materials, or not working silently, the citizenship grade
will be affected.
*Generally, rubrics are given with each project or essay. Not following the specific directions or
completing what was outlined will affect your grade. If something is unclear, please ask immediately so
there are no surprises in the grade earned.

*Any major writing assignment may be revised and resubmitted within one week to raise your grade.
(This only applies to those who put forth an honest effort the first time, not to those who may slap
something together knowing it can be revised later.)
*Copied work will receive no creditto either party!! And yes, I read everything. So please, dont try it.
*Late work: To better support students, and continue to prepare them for college and/or develop
important career skills, all work must be submitted by the due date and time. Late work will only be
accepted for one week past the due date and MUST be accompanied by a class coupon/pass, and
drop immediately (after the assigned collection time) to a maximum of 50% of the points earned without
an excused absence. This includes tests; all tests will be marked down if not taken when you return
from an excused absence. And again, it is your responsibility to ask for missing work and tests.
Tests and quizzes missed for an absence likewise must be made up immediately upon return or
arrangements made with the teacher. Again, taking a quiz on a concept that was learned and reviewed
two months prior does not help the student, the continued learning, nor the teacher in assessing if the
class is ready to move on or needs more time on a given concept.
Please remember: even though late work will receive a lower grade, the tendency to make up most of
the missing work in the last few weeks of the quarter inhibits the learning process as we continuously
build on concepts and use them in practice as we write. Submitting late work too long after it was
assigned not only breaks the continuum of the learning, but is often disjointed and not as meaningful.
Further, as this is a college prep class, allowing late work to be submitted is not teaching students
necessary time management and academic priority skills much needed to be successful in college or in
a career.
*Grades may be reviewed at any time through the Home Access Center. If you do not have an access
code, please contact the school immediately. I cannot talk to each student in the few minutes between
classes about what is missing or other grade issue. If there is a concern, please come discuss the
issue at lunch or after school and I would be happy to give you the time you need. *Please note: it has
occasionally happened that a student or parent was checking grades at the same time as I was
inputting them. If a grade appears to be missing, please wait a few minutes and recheck to see if this
was the issue. If a concern remains, please contact me immediately; do not wait until the end of the
Remind 101:
*This year, an additional tool for class reminders will be available through email or mobile device. I
encourage BOTH the student and parents to sign up with this system to keep everyone informed.
To enroll for texting, send a text to (917) 746-3288. In this subject line, please type: @3109
To enroll by email, send a message to 3109@mail.remind101.com
(You can leave the subject link blank)
*Health Academy Studentsalso enroll in a reminder site to get updates on socials, fieldtrips, and
Enroll by sending a text to (971) 746-3288. In the message, please type: @healthac
Enroll through email by sending a message to: healthac@mail.remind101.com
(Subject line can be left blank)

Classroom Expectations:
1. Adherence to school policyalso including the following.
a. Leave all food, drink, and gum outside of the classroom.
b. Desks are to be kept cleared of all personal items unrelated to the coursework.
2. Respect the opinions of others.
3. Respect the classroom and school property.
4. Talk only at appropriate times.
5. Be prepared for class:
a. On time--in your seat and quiet when the bell rings.
b. Bring all necessary materials.
c. Use the restroom prior to class.
6. Be a TRRFCC student: based on the Six Pillars of Character described below
Trustworthiness: Be honest Dont deceive, cheat or steal Be reliable do what you
say youll do Have the courage to do the right thing Build a good reputation Be loyal
Respect: Treat others with respect; follow the Golden Rule Be tolerant of differences
Use good manners, not bad language Be considerate of the feelings of others Dont
threaten, hit or hurt anyone Deal peacefully with anger, insults and disagreements
Responsibility: Do what you are supposed to do Persevere: keep on trying! Always
do your best Use self-control Be self-disciplined Think before you act consider
the consequences Be accountable for your choices
Fairness: Play by the rules Take turns and share Be open-minded; listen to others
Dont take advantage of others Dont blame others carelessly
Caring: Be kind Be compassionate Express gratitude Forgive others Help people
Citizenship: Do your share to make your school and community better Cooperate
Get involved in community affairs Stay informed; vote Be a good neighbor Obey
laws and rules Respect authority Protect the environment Throw trash in trash cans
*Fieldtrip forms will only be signed for those who maintain their school work and have good attendance.
Please be responsible and treat your education as your job--no time off if you dont perform.
*Hall passes will be issued only when necessary. Each student will receive 2 coupons/class passes per
quarter which can be used for the restroom, late work, or even extra credit. For school safety, students
must have this pass with them, signed by me; please do not lose them. Excessive use/asking
will either result in staying in at break or after school, followed by the discipline procedures outlined in
the next section. Although emergent times may arise (this is why you have the 2 passes), it is your
responsibility to use the restrooms at break and bring all necessary materials with you, as I do.
*All discipline procedures will follow those outlined in the student handbook and listed below. Please
also note, the severity of a behavior may warrant additional action.
1. Warning/verbal reminder and annotation in discipline file
2. Lower citizenship grade for quarter
3. Student fills out a behavior improvement contract to be signed by a parent: parent/teacher
conference when needed
4. Detention with teacher/afterschool detention
5. Office referral/suspend student from class (for up to two days).
Additional School Policies:
Electronic devices: Although stated in the handbook, I would like to remind you that electronic
devices are not allowed in the classroom. Using any electronic device without prior teacher consent will
result in immediate action (please refer back to the handbook or procedures listed above).


Are there any questions you have regarding the above information?
Please share with me and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

I/We have read and discussed this English 3-4 course syllabus and have a complete 5 page
packet to refer as needed.
Student Name (please print):


Student Signature:
Parent Signature:
Contact information: email:
Home phone:
Work phone:
*Please remember: If a question or issue arises at a later time about the course, homework, grades, or
something else, please dont wait to ask. Early interventions often have the best results.
Thank you in advanced for your continued support at home with your childs education.

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