Stormy Weather

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Stormy Weather

School had just ended. The rain had been pouring for hours.
There was not much to so except wait until the rain stop so that I
could take the bus home from the nearest bus stop. Seng Kit too
was waiting beside me. Both of us took the same bus home
because we stay in the same neighborhood,
However, the traffic seemed to be getting worse by the minute.
Cars were crawling bumper to bumper and the yellowish brown
flood waters were spilling over the drains. Suddenly, the sound of
car horns begin to fill the streets. Cars are unable to cross as flood
water fill the streets. Poor driver, he must be very upset!, I said
to Seng Kit.
Without wasting any time, we quickly ran to the car. We tapped
loudly on the car windows to let the driver know that we were
going to help him. He was surprised but got the message
immediately. With all our might, we lifted the car. Luckily it was a
small car. Vroomm... the car at last came to life.
The driver signaled to us to get into the car. We quickly grabbed
our bags and jumped in. As soon as I got him, I changed my wet
uniform. What a relief!

1. Why were Seng Kit and the persona at the bus stop?
2. What did they do when they saw a driver in need?
3. How did they went home?

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