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Hector Arellano

EDU 225
Professor Clark

Part 1: Assessment Technology . Access the link and proceed to the student log in. The
teachers room code is QKSNH9BT. Join room then enter Last Name, First. For the multiple
choice questions, read the question, click on your answer and summit answer. After each
response your will be prompted a window that will tell you if your answer is correct and an
explanation. At the end of the quiz you will get a window that says Waiting for your teacher to
start an activity. Your teacher will then make available a quick survey that will require student
feedback on concept learned. This tool will be used as a formative assessment that will allow me
to go back and reteach if needed.
Answer Key


Part 2: Blog Post

There are numerous Assessment Technology tools available to teachers. Several of the
theses tools are teacher/student friendly, and free of charge. Assessment technology tools are
often used to enhance learning and used as formative or summative assessments. The three
assessment technology tools discussed in this paper are Socrative, Edmodo, and Poll everywhere.
One of the great advantages of using assessment technology tools is that teachers are able to
incorporate the use of smartphones and tablets to increase student engagement. After an

assessment is complete, the teachers have access to charted data reports. Teachers are able to
compare data to core standards or modify instruction and provide needed interventions.
Technology to Facilitate Ongoing Efforts to Assess Student Learning
Technology softwares facilitate the engaged classroom. Students are exposed to the use of
softwares to measure they comprehension and identify interventions. When addressing special
population of students, Speech pathologists are also incorporating technology assessment tools to
better identify the needs of speech impaired students. LENA technology is an integrated
processing and display software package that allows clinicians to collect, manage, and analyze
multiple recordings of child communication (Kashinath, 2015). LENA is a good example of
how software expedites the collection, management and analysis of student performance.
Educators today understand the importance of early interventions.
Socrative Is an online assessment tools that allows students to respond to teacher created
quizzes anywhere where there is an internet connection. The system can be used as a student
engagement tool and as either a formative or summative assessment mechanism (Deichman,
2014). The newest version of Socrative includes access to a Student App and Teacher App that
allows the student to respond from their smartphone or a tablet. Teachers have the option of
using this software as a student engagement tool, formative or summative assessment. The
reports generated from the data collected allows teacher to provide individualized interventions.
The app version of this software is a great way to incorporate the use of smartphones and tablets
and prevent distractions with the misuse of these tools.
Edmodo is Considered by many users to be the Facebook of education, Edmodo
allows educators to create learning environments to extend their teaching beyond the classroom
(Holzweiss, 2013). In our world today, students are involved with social media the majority of
their day. The way they communicate, collaborate and interact is through social media. Edmodo
allows teachers to create groups where they can share resources and ideas for their lessons. Posts

are also available for teachers and students to post comments, links resources, images, etc.
Another special feature is the use of the calendar. Teachers can assist students in better managing
their time. A neat tool that can be used as a positive reinforcer, is the use of the badges. Badges
are given by teachers to recognize student achievement. Edmodo is a free web-based tool that
can be accessed by desktops, laptops, smartphones, and tablets. Teachers area able to obtain
formative assessment data as they see how their students collaborate and interact with their
classmates and those in their social network.
Poll Everywhere is a tool often used to engage teachers in Professional Development.
Poll Everywhere allows the presenter to engage the audience and assess their retention by using
text messaging to collect responses. The responses can be done by smartphone and online. This
web based tool is another way to incorporate smartphones in to the lesson. Instead of battling
with student to put their phones away, teachers can send them a text message and project the
responses as they go through the lesson. This tool is often used at the secondary level since this is
the age group of students that normally own a smartphone. The free version allows up to 30
responses per poll (Roa, 2013). Poll Everywhere is a fun and exciting way to interact and
engage students and even professionals during instruction.
Formative assessment demonstrates students strengths and weakness which enable
teachers to improve their teaching skills and the ability of learning for the students. It is an
ongoing way of monitoring student learning. Teacher adjusts interventions based on students
strengths and weaknesses. Summative Assessments are done at the end of a unit and compared to
benchmarks and standards. High point values are attributed to summative assessments and they
are used to evaluate student performance. For formative assessments many districts use
Response to Intervention Programs like, I-Station and Stride Academy. These web based
programs allow the students to go through different levels of rigor on the content. It gives

teachers ongoing reports that monitor student progress, and adjusts interventions based on
student need. For formative assessments many schools use technology tools like, power point,
Prezi, and comic creator to encourage students to express themselves and the content they are
As discussed earlier there are several advantages in using technology during assessment.
Technology software tools allow the teacher to perform formative and summative assessments.
There is a selection of free web based tools available for teachers to use as assessment tools or to
enhance student engagement. When these tools are used to assess learning, the teacher is able to
collect accurate data and expedite the collection of reports. Teachers use these reports to adjust
instruction, provide interventions or increase the rigor. Thought the resources used in this paper
the common assessment tool at teacher disposal are the ability to pin point specific areas that
need improvement. Socrative allows teachers to tag the questions to the common core standards
allowing them to use the data as summative assessment. Some of the cons teachers will
encounter is the lack of training and support on using web based tools. Many teachers feel
intimidated about learning a new way of assessing student learning. For the majority of teachers
it is less likely for students to cheat in a paper pencil test. As always the change of traditional to
new innovative technology could be a step back for teachers. Another concern from the teacher
and parent perspective is the misuse of internet based tools.
Teachers should use technology to assess students because it makes the collections of data easier
and the students are maintained engaged.
The use of technology as an assessment tool and to maintain student engagement is
necessary to address the ISTE standards for both teachers and students. Teachers are encouraged
to collaborate with other teachers in an educational social network. Students are exposed to
different virtual environments. At the same time they collaborate and interact with students
across the United States. Both teachers and students benefit from the use of technology in the

classroom tremendously. They collaborate, explore various resources and interact with a social
In todays society both teachers and students are urged to incorporate technology in their
learning. As an educator, teachers need to make sure that the use of technology tools are
incorporated in their instruction and their assessments. As presented in this paper, great web
based tools like Socrative, Edmodo and Poll everywhere, will increase student engagement and
allow teachers to identify areas of weakness to provide early interventions.

Assessment of Bilingual Preschool Children. Perspectives On Communication Disorders &
Sciences In Culturally & Linguistically Diverse (CLD) Populations, 22(1), 15-24.
Deichman, J. (2014). Socrative 2.0. Knowledge Quest, 43(2), 72-73.
Holzweiss, K. (2013). Edmodo: A Great Tool for School Librarians. School Library
Monthly, 29(5), 14-16.
Kashinath, S., Pearman, A., & Canales, A. (2015). Using Technology to Facilitate Authentic
Roa, A. (2013). Use PollEverywhere to Ignite Your PD Sessions. Learning & Leading With
Technology, 40(8), 31.

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