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Lesson 4

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Programmer's Toolbox
MATLAB has useful built-in functions, and we will explore many of them in this section. We will learn
about polymorphism and how MATLAB exploits it to change a function's behavior on the basis of the
number and type of its inputs. Because random numbers play an important role in computer
programming, we will learn how to use the MATLAB random number generator. We will learn how to
get input from the keyboard, how to print to the Command Window, and how to plot graphs in a Figure
window. Finally, we will learn how to find programming errors with the help of the debugger.
Video Lectures

Introduction to programmer's Toolbox (7:06)

Matrix Building (15:11)
Input / Output (20:47)
Plotting (17:47)
Debugging (22:17)

Lesson 4 Programming Assignments (5 problems) Deadline: May 18, 2015 (11:59 pm in Hawaii)
Additional Material
Useful MATLAB built-in functions
Lesson 4 Slides
Video Lectures in HD on YouTube
4.1 Introduction to programmer's Toolbox (7:06)
4.2 Matrix Building (15:11)
4.3 Input / Output (20:47)
4.4 Plotting (17:47)
4.5 Debugging (22:17)

Created Mon 16 Mar 2015 6:08 PM PET

Last Modified Sat 25 Apr 2015 10:41 AM PET

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