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Lesson 6

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Loops give computers their power. We will learn how to use the for-loop and the while-loop. We will learn
how the break-statement works, and we will use nested loops. We will learn how to make loops more
efficient. We will learn about logical indexing and see how to use it to produce implicit loops that are
efficient and easy to read.
Video Lectures

For-Loops (38:50)
While-Loops (20:16)
Break Statement (29:31)
Logical Indexing (37:29)
Preallocation (8:59)

Lesson 6 Programming Assignments (10 problems) Deadline: June 1, 2015 &nbsp(11:59 pm in Hawaii)
Additional Material
Lesson 6 Slides
Examples used in the lectures
Video Lectures in HD on YouTube
6.1 For-Loops (38:50)
6.2 While-Loops (20:16)
6.3 Break Statement (29:31)
6.4 Logical Indexing (37:29)
6.5 Preallocation (8:59)

Created Mon 16 Mar 2015 6:10 PM PET

Last Modified Tue 2 Jun 2015 12:52 PM PET

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