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Executive Producers
Jennifer Chesney
Jonathan Schaeffer
Lesley Cormack
Kevin Barrett
Glen Loppnow
Stuart Landon
Wesley Penner
Professor of Record
Sean Gouglas
Course Instructional Design
Sandra Sawchuck
Leanna Buzak
Renate Taylor-Majeau
Leah Hackman
Sean Gouglas
Sean Gouglas
Chris Lepine
Sarah Beck
Andrea Budac
Robert Budac
David Holmes
Atefeh Mohseni
Sandra Schwab
Sonja Sapach
Maren Wilson
Erik DeJong
Sandra Sawchuk
Brett Nisbet
Production Designers
Veronica Krawcewicz
Laila Steen
Rachelle Bugeaud
Max Amerongen

Help Center

Joy Ang
Laila Steen
Rachelle Bugeaud
Max Amerongen
Videography & Editing
Grant Wang
Laila Steen
Rachelle Bugeaud
Max Amerongen
Software Development
Lane Olson
Dean Vigoren
Product Design
Karen Chow
Rachelle Bugeaud
Financial Administration
Kaleigh Clarke
Maria Skulmoski
Digital Analytics
Jason Buzzell
Kyle Kramer
Tim Schneider
Media Relations
Andrea Graham
Kyle Ireland
Terah Jans
Wanda Vivequin
Legal and Privacy
Brian Grindey
Brad Hamdon
Tom OReilly
Special thanks to
Dr. Indira Samarasekera - 12th President of the University of Alberta
Aaryn Flynn
Conal Pierse
Elliot Christian
Karin Weekes
Matt Rhodes
Patrick Weekes
Preston Watamaniuk
Fernando Melo
and the entire BioWare team
Daphne Koller
Steven Syverud
Jia Liu

and the entire Coursera team

Graphics, Animation and New Media (GRAND) NCE

Digital Learning Pilots R&D Committee

Arts Resource Centre
Elissa Weinzimmer

All music by Dan O'Connor (
The Decision
Dublin Forever (Instrumental)
Gem Droids
Heart Quake
Joy in Land Formation
Junk Ship Gold
Sky Seeds (Chillout Mix)
Sky Seeds (Trance Mix)
The Streatham Hill Gods

Avatar Dolls - Joy Ang
Video background art - BioWare Corp.
UVG Character Set - Rachelle Bugeaud
UVG Course Logo - Max Amerongen
Gustave Dor: Inferno, Canto 24 verses 89-92,_Saturno_devorando_a_su_hijo_(1819-1823).jpg
Francisco Goya, Untitled, known as Saturn Devouring His Son
Journey Under the Sea Dialogue flow - Michael Niggel

Created Mon 25 Aug 2014 11:36 AM PET

Last Modified Wed 25 Feb 2015 5:15 PM PET

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