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Abdominal pain .. ..

""Abdominal pain
.. "

1- Abdominal pain > central >> Heart burn >>> Gastritis
" Tt by Antacids Ex, Malox tab \ syr .. Asicone syr .. mucogel syr .. Gaviskon syr ..
peptifix tabs
.. H2 blockers Ranitidine tabs .. Zantac tabs .. famotin tabs
.. PPI " omepak caps .. omepral caps .. antopral caps .. Bepra tabs

" 2-Abdominal pain > upper right side >> Liver problem " gall stone .. or liver injury
Refer >>> Doctor >>>> abdominal ultrasound
fatty ..
" " liver
" 3-Abdominal pain >> lower right side " + vomiting + tenderness + fever + chills .. ..
>> Appendicitis >>> Refer

.. .. .. ..
masking of symptoms

4- Abdominal pain >> back pain " no fever + urine problems [ partial or complete
" urine obstruction " >> Stone " urate or oxalate
dripping .. < ..
Refer " .. .
Antibacterial "
" ARF " Acute renal failure uti
>> " 5- Abdominal pain >> back pain " fever + urine problems .. pain on urination
Renal infection Uti
AB + Analgesic
6- Abdominal pain >>> with no symptoms previously regarded

Visceralgine amp \ tabs \ syr

Spasmofen amp
Spasmofree amp
Do spa amp
Buscopan amp

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