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i FOREWORD Draft Surveys have for some time become something as a neglected science. This is unfortunate because if carried out properly it provides very useful and often essential information. In the molasses ‘trade the draft survey is a basic element of our gauging requirements and with the increasing value of the product and its associates it has become more important than ever that quantities are gauged as accurately as possible. It therefore follows that the time is right to look at the subject of draft surveys and draw up what we consider to be a ‘workable, worthwhile method and reporting system. fo this end we have called upon the experience of our cargo superintendents and friends in the trade and have - produced this manual-which we feel satisfies the above xequirements. Whereas: the manual has been compiled by Frans. Caus, ‘we are grateful to all those, too many to mention individually, who have contributed: Section 10 a 12 13 14 15 16 wy INDEX Page Procedure for draft surveys j 1 outline of method:used for calculating the sii 3 cargo on board : The Yellow Form 4 Reading the drafts 4 Correction to perpendiculars 5 Correction for hull deformation 8 Calculation of displacement and trim corrections 9 Heel corrections s . “13 Density corrections i ga other weights Se uy TT ‘Reading the draft injepecial situations — sabe The draft apparatus a 20 Draft Marks 22 Loadlines “23 Worked example 25 ‘Terms used in draft surveys Appendix B. After the cargo is discharged and some ballast loaded to give the ship a reasonable trim, the drafts are measured and the displacement calculated for the ship. From this displacement are subtracted all the known weights except the constant. This difference will be the ship's constant plus the remainder of cargo left on board in tanks, pipes, pumps, and it will be used to calculate the cargo discharged. Furthermore it will be a check on the constant used in the loading port. The cooperation of the Chief Officer is essential as he will have to provide the ship's plans and hydrostatic data ‘necessary for the calculations as well as helping establish ithe weights of bunkers, fresh water and other deductions in.order to arrive at the cargo tonnages. While the ship is in port the Chief Officer is usually very busy so try not. to impose upon him unnecessarily. s2. as ©1 The method used for calculating the weight of cargo is follows: (Numbers in brackets refer to the section where the procedure is explained) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 41) 12) Read the forward, after and amidships drafts on both sides of the ship and obtain the density of the water (4,00) Establish the weights of fuel, ballast,fresh water and stores etc. Sound any tanks as soon as possible after reading the drafts. (4.03) (10) Take the means of the port and starboard drafts, forward, aft and amidships. (4.02) Correct the forward and after drafts to the appropriate perpendiculars. (5.02) Correct the amidships draft to the amidships perpendicular.(5.04) Calculate the mean of mean drafts to correct for hull deformation. (6.00) Enter the ships*hydrostatic data and extract the displacement corresponding to the corrected mean draft. (7.00) Correct the displacement for trim using the trim coefficient or, if it is unavailable use the NEMOTO formula. (7.05)/(7.07) Correct the displacement for heel. (8.01) Correct the displacement for the density of the water.(9.05) From the ship's information find the lightweight of the ship, subtract it from the calculated displacement to give the ship's deadweight. (10.01) Light weight is the difference between the summerdisplacement and the summerdeadweight. Establish the weights of fuel, ballast, fresh water, stores and spares, subtract the weights of fuel, fresh water, stores and spares and the “constant” to find the weight of cargo on board. 4 S.301 he Yellow Form The yellow form is laid out in such a way as to help the surveyor calculate the cargo on board the ship. All the formulae and instructions necessary to complete the survey are printed on the form. There is space for two loadings and two discharges. This is used to facilitate the checking of the various figures. When conducting a survey it is advisable to complete all the calculations before entering them, in this way the form can provide a final check. $4.01 Reading the Draft Before starting, check with the Chief Officer that no operations are“in progress that could alter the drafts. All cargo or ballast operations must be stopped and ensure that the ship is not loading bunkers, fresh water or heavy stores. Try to ensure that the ship is upright for the survey. If the ship is in ballast this is easy to arrange but even with cargo on board it may still be possible to transfer bunkers or water. The xeason for this is that the ship's hydrostatic data is calculated for the upright condition. In the case of a ship discharging ballast try and arrahge with the Chief Officer to have a positive forward draft of (say about 2 metres for 20/30000 MI vessels) with as little ballast on board as possible (hydrostatic data becomes unreliable at very small drafts) $4.02 A ship's officer should be present when the draft is being read to witness that it is read correctly. Whenreading the drafts use a boat where possible. It is essential to read the drafts on both sides of the ship; even though the ship appears to be upright she may still have a slight list and an error of only 1 cm on the sze[NoTpuedzed pue syzew 3JeIP We SzZeIP useMzeq eoUeTEZzTAa syaeul 9geIp 3e peor azezq 7 getnotpuedied ae a3ez0 xeTNoTpusdzea 3833¥ zeTNOTpuedszeg xeTNoTpuedzeg paenaog ; sdtyspyuy TeTHoTpusdseg sys OF WOFa™ “zIOD drafts could result in a 30 tonnes difference in the final result. In the case of the amidships drafts, measure the distance from the water to the top of the ‘deck line' (section 15) using a tape or ~- the ‘draft apparatus’ (section 13), if available, and subtract the reading from the depth amidships to obtain the draft. Check the result by reading the drafts. It is particularly important that the amidships draft is measured as accurately as possible. All ships have their draft marks cut or welded in the side so even if the mark is difficult to see it can still be located although it may be necessary to scrape away some rust or paint. 84.03 While reading the draftmarks notice carefully the position of the draftmarks in relation to the vessels construction in order to determine their position relative to the perpendiculars when consulting the vessels plans. After reading the draft and before any loading or discharging operations are resumed sound all the ballast tanks, fresh water tanks, fuel tanks and bilges. $5.01 Correction to the Perpendiculars A ship's stability data is calculated for drafts measured at the ‘perpendiculars', and in most cases this is not where the draft marks are situated, The forward perpendicular is a line at right angles to the keel cutting the stem at the load waterline. This is the waterline at which the ship floats when loaded to her summer draft with no trim, The after perpendicular is a line at right angles to the keel passing through the after end of the rudder post, it is also the position of the first frame, usually marked '0' on the plans. The amidships perpendicular is the point midway between the forward and after perpendiculars. It is safe to assume that, for tankers and similar bodied vessels, the midships perpendicular pass midway through the loadline disc. . Defn. Length between perpendiculars. This is the length between the forward and after perpendiculars. (It is always provided in the ship's data). 5.02 The procedure for correcting drafts to the perpendiculars is as follow: 1) Ask the Chief Officer for the largest scale capacity plan available. Check the scale of this plan as it may be a copy and the scale could have altered during the copying process. 2) If they are not already on the plan mark the positions of the perpendiculars and the draft marks. (Mark lightly in pencil as they will have to be removed later). 3) If the draft marks are at right angles to the keel, which is usually the case with the amidships and after marks, measure the horizontal distance from the draft marks to the appropriate perpendicular. 4) cIf the draft marks are angled to the perpendicular which may be the case forward, draw a line parallel to the keel from the observed draft to the perpendicular. Measure the length of this line. For the drawing of parallel lines a set of parallel rulers from the ship's bridge will be useful. 5.03 The calculation of the corrections is as follow: Convert the distances measured on the plan to the actual distances by multiplying by the scale. The formula for correcting the forward and after drafts to the perpendiculars i: Correction = Distance of draft mark from perpendicular x Trim read from draft marks Length between draft marks The length between draft marks is found by obtaining the length between perpendiculars from the ship's particulars and applying the distances: from the forward and after perpendiculars to the respective draft marks. The correction is applied in the following way:- If trimmed by the stern and the draft marks are abaft the perpendicular, subtract the correction from the measured draft. If trimmed by the head and the draft marks are abaft the perpendicular, add the correction. If trimmed by the stern and the draft marks are forward of the perpendicular, add the correction. If trimmed by the head and the draft marks are forward of the perpendicular, subtract the correction. Examine the ship's plan after applying the correction as it can be seen whether the drafts at the perpendiculars are deeper or shallower than the draft at the draft marks. If the midships draft has been obtained by using the draft apparatus or a tape at the midships perpendicular no correction is necessary. If, however, the draft is obtained by way of the draft marks following correction must be applied. + Correction = Ax B Cc where A = Distance of draft marks from the amidships perpendicular. B = Trim at perpendiculars. © = Length between perpendiculars. - The correction is applied according to the same rules as the corrections for the forward and after drafts. Note that the trim used is the trim taken after the forward and after drafts have been corrected to the perpendiculars. The amidships draft is calculated in this way because it is more accurate than the methods used for the forward and after ~ drafts and, as will be shown in the next section, the amidships draft is very important and therefore must be obtained as accurately as possible. 86.01 Correction for Hull Deformation If mean draft is calculated directly from the fore. and aft. drafts the result will be correct only if the ship is neither hogged nor sagged which is unlikely. a : b © a é Fe a b c ¢ A. No deformation B. Sagging C. Hogging Draft b = Draft b is Draft b is less - 2 . greater than than ate atc ate 2 2 2 The following method is used to obtain the correct mean draft:- (1) Take the mean of the fore and aft drafts = atc 2 (2) Take the mean of (1) and the draft at the amidships perpendicular 3324 this simplifies to a +c + 2b z 4 (3) Take the mean of (2) and the draft at the amidships perpendicular again:- ate + 2b 4 which simplifies to a + ¢ + 6b 8 which is in words: Draft at the forward perpendicular plus draft at the after perpendicular plus six times the draft at the amidships perpendicular, divided by eight. This is called the mean of the means and will give a correction for hull deformation. It is important that the amidships draft is measured as accurately as possible as any error will be multiplied by six. $7.01 Calculation of Displacement The displacement of the ship at different drafts can be found from the ship's stability data but it may be presented in a number of different forms. On some ships it will be in the form of tables while in others it may be obtained from graphs. It may be presented in Metric or Imperial (feet and inches) units. The Chief Officer will havé all the stability data necessary for the following calculations. y Defn. Longitudinal Centre of Floatation. (L.C.F.) This is the point-on the ship's waterplane about which she 5 pivots, the position of this point varies according to trim 1 and draft but in most cases, it is not at the amidships perpendicular. The position of this point can be obtained from the ship's stability data, and it may be given in respect , of the forward, after or amidships perpendiculars. sometimes known as the tipping centre. The true mean draft is the draft at the L.c.F. Defn. Tonnes per'Centimetre Immersion (T.P.C.) This is the number of tonnes needed to sink the ship by 1 centimetre. This again varies with the draft and can be =. found from the ship's stability data. In the imperial system, > the units are tons per inch immersion (T.P.I.). 87.02 splacement Corrections Ss 3 The ‘ship's displacement as sit is presented is calculated. for 3. the ship floating on an even:keel (usually in saltwater with a.) : @ensity of 1.025) and having no list. In practice, when conducting .. draft’ surveys it is unlikely that all these conditions will be satisfied, so the following corrections must be applied to the displacement taken from the ship's data in order to obtain the correct value. s $7.03 Trim Corrections The following corrections must be applied in all cases to the displacement where the ship has a trim. There are two corrections to apply; the first is because the ship's true mean draft is not the same as the draft at the amidships perpendicular. $7.04 Correction for the True Mean Draft The correction to the’ tabulated displacement to allow for the difference between the drafts at the amidships perpendicular, and the L.C.F. is given by the formula:- (metres) > (metres) * T+P+C- Correction (Tonnes) = Trim (cms) x where L.C.F. in this formula means the distance of the L.C.F. from the amidships perpendicular and L.B.P. is the length between the forward and after perpendiculars, both these distances are found in’ the ship's data. With Imperial data the correction is given by the formul. L.C.F. (Feet) L.B.P. (Peet) Correction (Tons) = Trim (Inches) x x T.P.T. 87.04.01 The rule for applying this correction is that when the L.C.F. is in the same direction from the amidships perpendicular as the deepes draft, the correction is added to the displacement (or deadweight) . If it is in the.epposite direction it is subtracted from the displacement. $7.05 Trim Coefficient The position of the L.C.F. moves when a ship trims and so the L.C.F. taken from the ship's data is not correct under these circumstances. To adjust the displacement for this movement trim coefficient tables may be provided. In order to use these tables, take the trim coefficient _ corresponding to the ship's draft and then multiply it by the correction for the true mean draft previously calculated (87.04). Apply the amended weight to the ship's displacement according to the rule in section (S7.04.01). $7.06 Trim Correction by the Nemoto Formula If the trim coefficient tables are based on Bonjean curves of the ship's body plan they should be used in preference to the Nemoto formula, if they are not available or there is any doubt about their accuracy, then the Nemoto formula should be used. Din, Moment to Change Trim 1 centimetre (inch) This is the moment expressed in tonnes x metres (tons x feet) required to change a ship's trim by 1 centimetre (inch). This can be found for the required draft from the ship's stability data. $7.07 The Nemoto Formula This formula provides an additional correction to be added to the ship's displacement in addition to the correction for true mean draft described in Section $7.04. The correction i: 2 (rim in metres) by] tg {em in metres)” x 50 x PY = Correction (tonnes) a (trim in feet)? 6 x PY = correction (tons) in feet * Dz where L.B.P. is the length between perpendiculars and DM/DZ is the difference between the M.C.T. for a draft of 50 cms (6 ins) greater than the corrected mean draft and 50 cms (6 ins) less than the corrected mean draft. In the unlikely case where the M.C.T. is not available, DM/DZ can be calculated from the T.P.C./T.P.1. as follows: 2 _ 2 7.2 x (TY - T) eer Oe eas Beam in metres 2 2 30 x (T] - 72) Imperial pM/pz = * Beam in feet Where T, is the T.P.C. (T.P.I.) for a draft 50 cms (6 ins) areater than the corrected mean draft and T. is the T.P.C. (T.P.1.) Thus the total correction for a ship displacement to allow for trim is:- a) Using the trim coefficient: L. C.F. in metres L.B. ; in metres Trim (cm) x x T.P.C, x Trim Coefficient E P Correction in tonnes. oR: Trim (ins) x E-€-F-in feet x 9.p.r, x Trim Coefficient L.B.P. in feet Correction in tons. The correction calculated by the above formula is applied according to the rule in Section 7.04.01 b) Using the Nemoto formula: 2 (Trim_in metres) metres L.C.F. in metres L.B.P. in metres { crim (om) x xtp.c. | +f x 50 x DM/bz } = Correction in tonnes { eim (ins)x f-G-E- im feet x p.p.z, } + | (Zein in tect)” x 6 x Dv/pz } = Correction in tons. The first part of this correction is applied according to the rule in Section S7.04.01 the second part is always added to the displacement. $8.01 1 Correction When heeled a ship increases the waterplane area and so lifts slightly out of the water. ‘The correction is therefore always added to the displacement. The formula is correction in tonnes = 6 x (Tl - 12) x (D1 - D2) Where Tl is the TPC at the deepest draft D1 amidships measured in metres. 12 is the TPC at the draft D2 amidships measured in metres. Note, all the ship's stability data is calculated for an upright condition and if the ship has more than a slight heel it will be invalid so any list should be removed wherever possible before reading the drafts. If the draft is measured in Inperial units then the correction is:- Correction in tons = 0.72 x (Tl - 72) x (Dl ~ D2). D is measured in feet. Tl and T2 are the T.P.I.'s for the Drafts Dl and D2. $9.01 Density Correction The ship's displacement or deadweight scales are usually calibrated for salt water having a relative density of 1.025. However, it is possible that some other datum may be used so always consult the ship's stability information when correcting for density. In practice the-ship will be in dock water having a relative density somewhere between that of fresh water and salt water Always establish the density of the dock water when reading the drafts as it will vary from time to time according to the state of the tide. $.9.01 (cont.) In order to be representative, a sample of dock water must contain water drawn from different depths down to the deepest ar therefore a bucket is not suitable for obtaining this sample. Instead, a clean sample container with the lid pierced with a nusver of holes is used. This container is lowered to the decpest draft and then drawn up again at the same speed so that it is not full when it reaches the surface. In this way, a-representative sumple of the dock water is obtained. The samples should be taken from amidships and halfway between amidships and the bow and amidships and the stern clear of any overboard discharges. They should be taken on the offshore side of the ship as there could be stagnant water trapped between the ship and the jetty. 89.02 The Instruments The best instrument is the glass densitymeter 15°C/4°c but a brass hydrometer should be carried in case of breakages. The Zercol 60°F/60°F is suitable for this purpose. The instruments must be kept clean and free from grease or oil, and if necessary, they can be cleaned in alcohol. The brass hydrometer is easily damaged so keep it in its box when not in use as any dents will render it useless. - $9.03 Reading the Density As soon as the sample is on board take the temperature, shielding’ the thermometer from any wind. The Hydrometer or densitymeter should float with at least 2 cms clear of the sides - 14 9.03 (cont. ) and bottom, if this is not possible, transfer the sample to a larger clean container. Place the instrument in the container, depress it to wet the stem above the point where the ro gis to be taken, spin the instrument to remove any air bubbles and after it settles, the density can be read, keeping the line of sight horizontal and reading from the bottom of the ineni us. Take the temperature after the reading to ensure that it has not changed during this period. Do not adjust the density of water to any other temperature as this is the temperature of the water in which the ship is floating. 59.04 Correcting the Reading The instruments are calibrated to read in a vacuui therefore 0.0011 and 0.002 must be subtracted from the readings of the glass and brass instruments respectively to obtain the readings in air, Temperature corrections are usually supplied and they must be used when the temperature of the sample is far out of the temperature at which the instrument was calibrated, Note Zeal London are manufacturing, a Draft Survey liydrometer with a scale graduated in density (kg/litre) in air from 6.990 to 1.040 for the use of seawater, a liquid of medium surface tension. nt is The above correction is not required if such an instrur employed. 89.05 Correction of Displacement for Density A ship will displace a smaller volume of salt w ter than fresh water for the same deadweight. If the ship displacement scale is calculated for salt water with a density of 1.025 then for any density less than this the true displacement will be less than that read from the ship's displacement scale. If the scale is calculated for fresh water with a density of 1.000 then the reverse applies. Density correction should only be applied to the scaledisplacement of the ship. If the ship's scale read only deadweight, then the light weight of the ship should be added in order to obtain the corresponding displacement. = SCale displacement _x measured density True Pisplacement = Gensity used for the displacement scale True Load Displacement = True Deadweight + Light weight ship. Remind: Light weight of the ship is the difference between. the eS summerdisplacement and’ the summerdéadweight mentioned in the ship's papers te $10.01 Other weil Having obtained the deadweight it is necessary to obtain the weights of the bunkers, stores, fresh water and water ballast, etc., on board in order that they may be deducted from the dead- weight in order to obtain the weight of the cargo. $10.02 Water Ballast in Cargo Tanks From experience it has been found that the volumes of cargo and ballast tanks tend to/be overcalibrated so-it :is’ advisable fo have as little ballast on board as possible during:the draft " survey. However, sufficient ballast’ should be retained to ensuré that there is a reasonable positive forward draft (see $4.01). . Some ships are fitted with automatic gauges for measuring the ullage in cargo or ballast tanks but as these may not be reliable they should-not be used. j Correct the ullages of the ballast tanks for’ trim. If no - trimming tables are available and the ullage opening is not at- the centre of the-tank,’ find: the position of the ullage opening from the ship's plans. and. sthen use the following formula: SEER «distance Exc Mm ‘openings’ to the end. of the tank: = The correction is applied according to the following rules:- 7 Trim aft. and opening aft of centre, add the correction. Trim forward and opening aft of centre, subtract the correction. Trim aft. and opening forward of centre, subtract the correction. x Trim forward and opening forward of centre, add the correction. Note that if soundings and not ullages are to be corrected the. corrections aré applied in the opposite direction. $10.02 (cont This formula can also be applied to correct the ullages if the ship has a list. Find the density of the water in the ballast tanks and multiply it by the volume to obtain the weight of ballast. $10.03 Fresh water, Bunkers and other Ballast Tank: If no bunkering is taking place, check the bunker figures with the Chief officer. If the ship will bunker, sound all the bunker tanks at the initial and final draft survey. Apply heel and trim correction and then use these soundings to calculate the weight of bunkers on board. Check all other tanks, bilges and cofferdams and apply heel and trim corrections to all readings. $10.04 Daily Consumption The Chief Officer will provide the daily consumption of fuel oi1, diesel oil, fresh and boiler water. $10.05 Stores and Spares If any heavy weights are loaded or discharged they must be taken into account, $11.00 Reading the Draft in Special Situations $11,01 The forward draft is negative. This will occur if the bow is out of the water and should be avoided where possible because the ship's stability data is not accurate under these conditions. when reading the draft. measure the distance from the nearest draft mark to the water. The forward draft is now negative and the trim is the sum of the drafts. Example: forward draft - 30 cms, After draft 630 cms. Trim 660 cms. Mean draft eee 300 cms. $11.02 The ship arrives loaded and listing so that the draft marks are not visible on one side or if the draft marks are submerged. Measure the distance from the point on deck to the water using the draft apparatus or a tape. Discharge enough cargo to bring the ship upright and read . the drafts. Measure the distance from the same points on the deck to the water again. C! = © =. Painted draft marks = draft when ship upright. The average draft on arrival is (BD'+ B'D' +04 Note: .the amidships draft can be found by subtracting the freeboard (distance from the water to statutory deck line) -. from the depth’ of the’ ship vamidships given/in‘the ship's data. ea a ae Tf thelamidships draft marks are against the quay and are not accessible. : : Take the draft at the opposite ‘side. Find the angle of heel from thé instrument on the bridge. Find the beam from the ship's information. The correction (which when applied gives the draft on the opposite side) is given by Beam x tangent of the angle of-heel. Th correction is added to the draft on the offside if the ship is heeled to the quay. The correction is subtracted from the draft on the offside 4f the ship is heeled away from the quay. . 12.01 The Draft Apparat! A draft survey can only be as accurate as the surveyor's ability to read the drafts and when there is a sea running this can present considerable problems. The amidships draft 1s the most important and it is not necessary to read the actual draft but rather the freeboard: The following apparatus has been devised to make the reading more accurate. The apparatus consists of a transparent tube marked with a scale. A long narrow bore rubber: pipe is led from the bottom of the tube to a depth of water where the waves no longer have any effect. The tube is suspended against the ship's side below the deck line with the top clear of the water. A plastic line marked in centimetres or inches is attached to the tube and used to measure the distance from the top of the ‘deck line’ to the zero on the scale in the tube. The depth of water in the tube is read off the scale and the two readings are added - together to obtain the freeboard. This apparatus can also be used to read the draft when the ship's bow is out of the water. $12.02 Draft Apparatus ‘Suaner Freeboaré Measured Draft ‘a+ rope measure An centineters or inches b © reading on scale in centimeters or inches Supporting rope marked in inches or centimeters Screwcap to remove scale for chalking “shock absorber scale in inches or centimeters glass tube shock absorber -1______ rubber pipe ' ' water inlet sinker If the draft marks are in feet, then the numbers are 6 inches high. ‘The distance between the top of a number and the base of next higher figure is also 6 inches. Draft 29* 06" Draft 29* co" Draft 28* 06" Draft 28" 00" If the draft is in decimeters then only the even numbers are given 10-12-14-16 etc. The numbers are 10 cm high and the distance between the top of a number and the base of the next higher number is 10 cm. 10 cm Draft 1.6 m 10 cm ‘ 7 Al, a cm Depending on the ship the draft will be expressed in feet and Draft 1.5 m Draft 1.4 m inches or in decimeters, Some ships will have a draft on one side in feet and inches and on the other in decimeter, In the latter case the surveyor must decide in which unite he intends to work and convert to them, 28 All draft and load line marks are 1 inch (25 mm) thick. In the Imperial system the marks are 6 inches apart, and the draft is read from the bottom of the mark. Thus 29 feet would be when the waterline is at the bottom of the 29 and when the water is at the top of the 29 it will be 29' 6". Any value between has to be interpolated. If the draft is in decimeters then only the even numbers are marked and they are 10 cm high and 10 cm apart. © Thus. 2.8 metres would be where the water is at the bottom of 28 andi2-9 metres would be where the water is at the top of 28. It may be necessary’ for the surveyor to carry a small ruler to Place against the. draft marks in order to get an accurate reading. i | $14.01 Loadlines All ships. must be marked with a loadline before they are allowed to proceed to sea. A ship 1s allocated a loadline by one of the classification societies after’a survey to show that’ shecomplic= |: with their requirements as regards strength and seaworthiness. “Th represents the summer draft."\\Forward of the aise: arejother sine e to Ag aitforene inom ence ieee “allowed 01 toad to in(fresh water’ 6.9! the’extra “buoyancy z SSS Bae oe ‘the water to her z sumer or rropical mark sas the summer, tropical’ and winter for the’ different times is an offence for any ‘ship to enter a loadline zone with the’ appropriate line submerged, or put to sea in an overloaded condition. . $14.01 (Cont..) “TY Deck Line Forward = -__» Assigned Freeboard icular TC alas, “CY Load Line ely << Load Line ay Disc — yO WNA A Above the loadline mark is a statutory deck line, and the \ distance from the summer mark to the deck line represents the ship's . summer freeboard. When measuring the draft amidships it may be more accurate to measure the distance from the waterline to the top of the deck line rather than read the draft marks. -24- Worked Example This is an example of a draft survey using the method outlined in the previous pages. ‘he calculation is set out using the yellow form and anyone following this method for the first time is advised to follow it.using this form. First Step Read the drafts and take the density Example . Forward draft Port 2.48 m. i Stbd. 2.52 m. x e i Mean 2.50 me hte! q After draft Port 5.20 m. : Stbd. 5.80 m. 7 Mean 5.50 m. i Amidships draft Port 4.02 m. Stbd 4.14 m. c Mean 4.08 m. Secs ce Enter drafts as read on the yellow. form. perpendicular.» ze Distance “of the after:draft mark from the perpendicular’ is: draft mark forward of the perpendicular. 0) 9) ty Length between-perpendiculars is 170.0 m. gat Hence length between draft marks. is 170.0 --(12.20.+ 4-60) = 153.20m. Correction to'the forward perpendicul: 2.50 = 12:2 x 3.0 The formula i: Correction = Trim in cm x L.C.F. x T.P.C. x Trim coefficient L.B.P. 333 x 2.24 x 31.41 x 62.328 = -86 tonnes 170 From the ships data the L.C.F. is forward and the trim aft so the correction is subtracted from the displacement. If the trim coefficient was not available, then the Nemoto formula is used. From the ship's hydrostatic data:~ M.C.T. at 4.519 307.07 tonnes/metre M.C.T. at 3.519 = 291.10 tonnes/metre DM/DZ = 15.97 The trim correction is given b: x T.P.C. + (Trim in m)? x SO x DM/DZ L.B.P. Trim in cm x = 333 x 2.24 x 31.41 + (3.33)? x 50 x 15.97 170 170 - 138 + 52 Correction = - 86 tonnes Displacement corrected for trim = 11.524tonnes es Step 9 Correction for heel. From the ship's data: T.P.c. 1 = 31.44 tonnes at 4.14 m. T.P.C. 2 = 31.41 tonnes at 4.02 m. Heel correction = 6 x (T.P.1 - T.P.C.2) x (D1 - D2) 6 x (31.49 - 31.41) x (4.14 - 4.02) 6 x 008 x 12 0.06 tonnes. In this case the heel correction can be ignored. -27- Step 10 Correction of the displacement for the water density. Assume the glass densimeter reads 1.0211 Correction for density in air = 0.0011 Corrected density 1.0200 The correction to the displacement is:- 11,524 x 1.020 = 11,468 tonnes 1.025 Step 11 Light Ship (from ship's data) = 7,559 tonnes Deadweight 3,909 tonnes Step 12 For this example assume that the other weights are:- Fuel oir 1,000 tonnes Diesel 011 100 tonnes Lubricating Oil : 10 tonnes | Fresh Water joiler Water “90 tonnes *50 tonnes 2,290 tonnes 3,540 tonne: “3,909 tonnes 369 tonnes © “Total (Deadweight Constant ‘his constant may. be used when calculating the cargo after a draft survey on the loaded ship. The constant is added to the other weights before they are subtracted from the deadweight. S 5 Le poll bom 18 Uys Bak ga CP 2 6 LIE CO LV. Bo5e0 Zectnuage Rue agate 24 Braue Tel, (0:0) 44318 Bank van Brussel 280.0125609 6: wisven) Fectuage iankinstallation de FF) Teer e2 tence rostesenng moomerts a ; 1 a legraasres? cz mélasse continentale Gendale fecbugge HA oweage son APPENDIX 2. CONVERSION FACTORS. -~LENGTH to convert ¢ Multiply by ¢ Meters to yards 1,0936 to Feet 3,2808 to Inches 39,370 ( Yards . to Meters 0,91440 Feet to Meters 0,30460 Inches to Centimeters 2,5400 Long tons to Pounds (Avoir Dupois) 2240 to Short tons 1,12 to Metric tons (tonnes) —1,01605 Short tons v to Pounds (Avoir Dupois) 2000 = ( to Long tons 0,892857 ° 2 to Metric tns (tonries) 0,907185 Metric tons (tonnes) to Long tons 0,98421 . to short tons 1,10231 Pounds (Avoir Dupois) to Kilograms 0,453592 Kilograms to Pounds (Avoir Dupois) 2,20462 Ye Wm 19 Leyes Bak £m nD Zecbrugge _—- Rue Royale 2-4 Br “* dameco Nv. s. Tot, (050) $443.18 Bank van Brussel 380-017¢80: @ tijnen) Zecbrogge tankinstallation de Telex 81346 tamco b Postrekening 000-0030115.91 mélasse continentale Telegramadied BTW, 202.691.496 Canemola Zeebrugge H.R. Brugge 46.791 AND CAPACITY. to convert + Hultiply by ¢ U.S. GALLONS to Cubic Inches 234 to Cubic Feet 0,133661 to Imperial Gallons 0,63268 to US. Barrels 0,0238095 to Litres 3, 78533 U.S. BARRELS to U.S. Gallons 42 to Cubic Inches 9702 to Cubic Feet 56146 to Imperial Gallons 34,9726 to Litres 158,984 IMPERIAL GALLONS to Cubic Inches 277,42 to Cubic Feet 0,160544 to U.S. Gallons 1,20094 to U.S. Barrels 0,026594 to Litres 4,545 96 CUBIC FEET to Imperial Gallons 6,2268 to U.S. Gallons 17,4805 to U.S. Barrels 0,17611 to Litres 28,316 to Cubic Meters 0,028317 _ CUBIC INCHES to Imperiel Gallons 0,00360463 to U.S. Gallons 9,0043290 to Litres 0,016387 LITRES to Cubic Inches 61,026 to Cubic Feet 0,035316 to Imperial Gallons 0,219975 toU.S. Gallons 0,264178 | toU'.S. Barrels 0, 0062900 CUBIC METERS to Imperiel Gallons toU.S. Gallons toU.S. Barrels to Cubic Feet Stvehiccd rv. fankinstallation de mélasse continentale TEMPERATURE CONVERSIONS, W) we Tet 0) $14318 2 bynen) Telex 81 566 tainco b Yetegrimadies # Gancmols Zeebragge Postteiening 690-0038115-81 BTW. 407631.496 HOR Brugge <6.791 -34.4 -33.9 ~32.8 32.2 31.7 W311 -30.6 -30.0 -29.4 128.9 -28.3 27.8] -27.2| -26.7 -26.1 -25.6 -25.0 24.4 -23.9 23.3 22.8 22.2 21.7 =2144 -20.6 -20.0 71924 -18.9 -18.3 -17.8 -17.2 -16.7 -16.1 15.6 -30 -29 -28 -27 ~26 ~25 ~24 ~23 ~22 ~21 -20 19 ~18 -17 -16 an@ tried anuan BRUNO 39.2 ' tamece rey, tankinstallation de mélasse continentale Leopold Ht Dam 19 5-630 Zecbrugge Tot. (050) 54.43.16 @ Fineny Telex 81345 tameo b Telegramadret Canemola Zeebrugge Moyts Bank sa. a2: Rue Royale 2-4 Brusse Bank van Brussel 380-0 Zecbrugge Postrekening 000-003614 BTW. 402.691.496, H.R. Brugge 46.791 «) $1.01 PROCEDURE FOR DRA The Primary Purposes of a draft survey is to calculate the amount of cargo loaded or discharged froma ship. This is achieved by establishing the weight of water displaced by the ship and its contents then deducting the weight of the light ship, stores, spares, fuel, constant etc. loaded leaving the weight of cargo on board. $1.02 The procedure when loading is A. To measure the draft of the ship with no cargo and a minimum of ballast ‘on board and then.calculate the corresponding displacement. From this are deducted all the known weights i.e. the light ship, fuel ofl, diesel oil, lubricating oil, fresh water, water in swimming pool, slops, ballast, coal, spare machinery etc. The corresponding displacement minus the known weights should give a zero (tonne) deadweight. In practice, however, it will give a positive deadweight in the majority of cases. This difference is known as “the constant" and can amount to several hundred tonnes. The constant represents all the extra weights that have been added to the ship during it's life. The purpose of measuring the drafts of a ship with no cargo and a minimum of ballast on board if to ascertain this “constant” as the figure that the Chief Officer uses may not be reliable. B. After the cargo has been loaded the drafts are measured and the ship's displacément is then calculated. From the displacement are subtracted all the known weights, including the constant. This will provide the weight of cargo loaded. $1.03 The procedure when discharging 4: A. On arrival at the discharge port the drafts are measured and the Sisplacement calculated for the ship. From this displacement are subtracted all the known weights including the constant. This will give a provisional weight of the cargo on board.

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