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5 Physical Properties
Syllabus Statements:
4.5.1 Compare and explain the properties of substances resulting from different
types of bonding
Ionic Compounds:
High melting points: There are many strong forces to overcome before the
ions can be freed from their positions in the lattice
Volatility (passing off in form of vapour evaporating quickly): Very low for the
reasons outlined above
Electrical conductivity: In the solid state they are insulators as they have no
charged particles which are free to move, they are all locked into position in the
lattice. However, when molten the charged ions can carry an electric current as
they become free to move. Similarly, in aqueous solution the ions are free to
move and the solution conducts
Solubility: Charged particles such as ions can easily form bonds to polar solvent
molecules, such as water. This means that they tend to dissolve in polar solvents,
but are insoluble in non-polar solvents
Covalent Compounds:
Low melting points: The bonds between molecules are very weak, especially
when the molecules are small. It only requires a small quantity of heat energy to
create enough molecular vibration to break the molecules attraction for one
another and the solid melts. In fact, many small molecular compounds are gases
or liquids at room temperature
Volatility: The compounds tend to be volatile for the reasons outlined above.
This means that they form vapours easily
Electrical conductivity: In the solid, liquid and gas states they are insulators as
they have no charged particles. Similarly in solution they so not conduct
Solubility: Covalent compounds which are non-polar do not dissolve in polar
solvents to any great extent, unless they are able to form hydrogen bonds with
water. This is the case for the sugars which have many -OH groups, all of which
can bond to the water molecules. In general we can say that non-polar covalent
compounds will dissolve only in non-polar solvents
Giant Covalent Structures:
Such as silicon dioxide, have extremely high melting points and low solubility in
all solvents. They are non-volatile and conductivity depends on the availability of
electrons in the valence shell (eg graphite). If all electrons are used in bonding
they are insulators.

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