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Currenc-I Pre-process Task - 1

1. A write up on any one of these topics: (please use Calibri, size: 11, Word limit- 500 words)
GST and its impact on corporate India
How impactful has Make in India campaign been so far? How can it be made more effective?
Effect of world economies on the Indian economy (with reference to stock markets, trade-balance
India overtaking Chinas growth in near future: Reality or Statistical fudge?
What we are looking for Opinion based article that should be original and please note that facts
should only be quoted to back your opinions and plagiarism will be dealt with strictly.

2. Suggest your ideas for a monthly magazine for Currenc-I. Focus on the content and the structure of
the magazine. (Word limit- 250 words)
What we are looking for: Innovativeness

3. Frame 2 non-googlable questions for the online round of a quiz event conducted by Currenc-I.
What we are looking for: Creativity

It is compulsory to complete all three tasks
Please save your submission (pdf format) and latest resume (1-page pdf format) as a .zip/.rar
file, named as <name_currenci>.
Deadline is August 3, 7 PM

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