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l Andrew D. Skale (SBN 211096) askaIe@mintz.


2 Matthew C. Bernstein (SaN, 199240)

3 Ben 1. Wagner (SBN 243594) .

4 MINTZ LEVIN COHN FERRIS GLOVSKY AND POPEO PC 3580 Carmel Mountain Rd., Suite 300

5 San Diego, CA 92130

Telephone: (858) 314-1500

6 Facsimile: (858) 314-1501

7 Attorneys for Plaintiff,


·8 9 10


. ., ~~a~ . / .~.

Case1'l~O CV 0410 WQH RB 3.

. .. -~

20lU FEB 22 . Pt1 3: 55



11 . SEQUAL TECHNOLOGlES, INC.; a Delaware corporation

12 13 14



INOGEN, INC., a Delaware corporation, 15

. Defendant. .

16 17 18 19 20


22 .23 24 25

. 26

27 28




..... - .. : - _._ ..




Plaintiff SEQUAL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. for its Complaint against Defendant INOGEN, 2 INC. alleges and states as follows:




Plaintiff SEQUAL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. ("SeQual") is a corporation organized


5 and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware with its principal place of business located at 6 11436 Sorrento Valley Road, San Diego, California.

7 2. Defendant INOGEN, INC. ("lnogen") is a corporation organized and existing under

. 8 the laws of the State of Delaware with its principal place of business located at 326 Bollay Drive,

9 Goleta, California.


11 3. This is a civil action for patent infringement arising under the Patent Laws of the

12 United States, 35 U.S.C. sections 1 et seq: Subject matter jurisdiction is therefore proper under 28 13 U.S.C. sections 1331 and 1338(a).

14 . 4. Venue is this judicial district under 28 U.S.C. sections 1391(b) and (c) and

15· 1400(b) because a substantial part of the events or omissions giving rise to the claims occurred in 16 the district and the defendant resides in this district by virtue of being subject to personal

17 jurisdiction in this judicialdistrict by, among others, its repeatedly availement and direction of its 18 activity toward this district, and engaging in acts of infringement in this judicial district.



21 22

5. 6.

SeQual reaUeges all allegations in this Complaint as if stated herein.

On January 14, 1997, United States Patent Number 5,593,478 ('478 Patent) entitled

23 "Fluid Fractionator," was duly and legally issued to SeQual, who has the right to enforce this patent. 24 A true and correct copy of this Patent is attached hereto as Exhibit 1 and incorporated herein by

·25 reference.



Inogen has infringed and continues to infringe (literally and under the doctrine of

27 equivalents) the '478 Patent by making, using, selling, offering for sale, importing, and/or actively 28 inducing others to use (for example, end users of their products by providing instructions and/or



1 manuals) ambulatory oxygen systems, such as the Inogen One, covered by one or more claims of 2 the '478 Patent, and is thus liable for patent infringement pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 271. .

3 8. Inogen has also announced a new product, the lnogen One 02 Portable Oxygen

4 Concentrator, for which Inogen has said that the changes from the lnogen One to this new product 5 are minor. SeQual is informed and believes that Inogen has not publicly released the Inogen One 6 02 as of yet, but on information and belief, lnogen has used this product and infringed the '478

7 Patent.

8 9. Inogen' s infringement of the '478 Patent has caused and continues to cause damage

. 9 to SeQual in an amount to be determined at trial.


Inogen's infringement of the '478 Patent has caused and will continue to cause

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

immediate and irreparable harm to SeQual for which there is no adequate remedy at law, unlessthis Court enjoins and restrains such activities.

11. SeQual is informed and believes and, on that bases alleges, that lnogen knew of the

'478 Patent and that Inogen's infringement of the '478 Patent is willful and deliberate, entitling SeQual to enhanced damages pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 284, and costs incurred prosecuting this action.

12. 13.

SECOND CLAIM FOR RELIEF INFRINGEMENT OF U.S. PATENT NO. 5,730,778 SeQual realleges all allegations in this Complaint as if stated herein.

On March 24, 1998, United States Patent Number 5,730,778 (,778 Patent) entitled

21 "Fluid Fractionator," was duly and legally issued to SeQual, who has the right to enforce this patent. 22 A true and correct copy of this Patent is attached hereto as Exhibit 2 and incorporated herein by

23 reference.

24 14. .Tnogen has infringed and continues to infringe (literally. and under thedoctrine of

25 equivalents) the '778 Patent by making, using, selling, offering for sale, importing, andlor actively 26 inducing others to use (for example, end users of their products by providing instructions andlor 27 manuals) ambulatory oxygen systems, such as the lnogen One, covered by one or more claims of 28 the '478 Patent, and is thus liable for patent infringement pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 271.



lnogen has also announced a new product, the Inogen One G2 Portable Oxygen


2 Concentrator, for which lnogen has said that the changes from the lnogen One to this new product 3. are minor. SeQual is informed and believes that lnogen has not publicly released the Inogen One 4 G2 as of yet, but on information and belief, lnogen has used this product and infringed the '778

5 Patent.

6 16. Inogen's infringement of the '778 Patent has caused and continues to cause damage

7 to SeQual in an amount to be determined at trial.

8 17. Inogen's infringement of the '778 Patent has caused and will continue to cause

9 immediate and irreparable harm to SeQual for which there is no adequate remedy at law, unless this 10 Court enjoins and restrains such activities .

. 11 18. SeQual is informed and believes and, on that bases alleges, that lnogen knew of the

12 '778 Patent and that its infringement of the '778 Patent is willful and deliberate, entitling SeQual to 13 enhanced darnagespursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 284! and costs incurred prosecuting this action.


15 INFRiNGEMENT OF u.s. PATENT NO. 6,691,702

16· 19.· SeQual realleges all allegations in this Complaint as if stated herein.

17 20. On February 17,2004, United States Patent Number 6,691,702 (,702 Patent) entitled

18 "Portable Oxygen Concentration System and Method of Using the Same," was duly and legally

19 issued to SeQual and Teijin Limited, with SeQual having the right to enforce this patent. A true and 20 correct copy of this Patent is attached hereto as Exhibit 3 and incorporated herein by reference.

21 21. Inogen has infringed and continues to infringe (literally and under the doctrine 01

22 equivalents) the '702 Patent by making, using, seIling, offering for sale, importing, and/or actively 23 inducing others to use (for example, end users of their products by providing instructions and/or 24 manuals) ambulatory oxygen systems, such as the lnogen One, covered by one or more claims of 25· the '702 Patent, and is thus liable for patent infringement pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 271.

26 22. Inogen has also announced a new product, the lnogen One G2 Portable Oxygen

27 Concentrator, for which lnogen has said that the changes from the Inogen One to this new product 28 are minor. SeQual is informed and believes that Inogen has not publicly released the lnogen One

1 G2 as of yet, but on information and belief, Inogen has used this product and infringed the '702 2 Patent.

3 23. lnogen's infringement of the '702 Patent has caused and continues to cause damage

4 to SeQual in an amount to be determined at trial.

5 24. Inogen's infringement of the '702 Patent has caused and will continue to cause

6 immediate and irreparable harm to SeQual for.which there is no adequate remedy at law, unless this 7 Court enjoins and restrains such activities.

8 25. SeQual is informed and believes and, on that bases alleges, that Inogen knew of the

9 '702 Patent and that its infringement of the '702 Patent is willful and deliberate, entitling SeQual to

10 enhanced damages pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 284, and costs incurred prosecuting this action.


12 WHEREFORE, SeQual prays for relief as follows:

13 1 . For judgment entered in favor of SeQual that one or more claims of the • 478 Patent,

14 the '778 Patent, andlor the '702 Patentare infringed by lnogen;



That. SeQual be granted an accounting of all damages incurred from Inogen' s

16 infringement;

17 3. That SeQualbe awarded its actual damages along with prejudgment interest

18 according to proof, and enhanced damages pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 284;

19 4. For a preliminary and permanent injunction enjoining Inogen's acts of infringement

20 and those of its parents, subsidiaries, officers, directors, agents, employees, licensees, and any

21 persons acting in concert with lnogen, along with related individuals and entities, representatives, 22 OEMs, dealers, distributors, and customers;

23 5. That SeQual be awarded its attorney's fees and costs pursuant to 35.U.S.C. § 285 or

24 as otherwise provided by law, whether by statute, common law or the Court's inherent power; and

25 6. F or all other and further relief deemed just and proper by the Court.




.... , .. ~,."---.--."" .. " •.... - -.-.--.--, - , ---_._._ ----_. __ ._ _--_.

.' .


2 SeQual demands trial by jury on all issues triable as a matter of right at law.

3 Dated: February 22, 2010 4






10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 . 28


Attorneys for Plaintiff


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v -


: ....



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. ..

United States Patent (19) HOI et al,


05J Inventors: C1mrJes C. mo, Del Mar; Theodore B.

Hm, San Diego. both of Calif.

[73J Assignee: SequaJ Technologies. Inc., silll Diego, Culif.

[21] Appl. No.: 314,213

[22] Filed: Sep. 28, 1994

[SI] Int, C1.6 ._ _ __ .. _ 80m S3IOS3

,[52] u.s. CJ. .. _ _._ ••• 961lU; 96/l15: 961124; 961130; 961133; 961144; 96/J49

[58] Field of Searcb ... __ ... ... 96/109-117, 124,

961126-130, 133, 144, 149


Ref~l1ces Cited


4.342,573 811982, MeCumbs et Bl. __ ... _ 96Il 09

4,378,982 4/1983 McCombs _ ...... _._ ••• _ 961117

4,491,459 1/l.98S ,Pinkctum _._ .. __ n .. _ _. 961113

4,576.616 311986 Mottram III at _ 961113 X

4.648,888 311987 RowlllDd _._ ". 96/110 X

4,802,899 211989 Vrana ct al. .. _.~ _.~.: .... 961109

4.8D6,m 211989 Campbdl _ _._ __ .. 55/16

4,813,979 3/l98!1 Miller eI al, __ ._ 961115 X

4,822.384 411989 Keto ct at .. _._ 961110

4,92'.464 Yl990 Rabenao at al ••• _ __ 961124

5.J12,367 SlIm am _. __ .. _ .• _ 961124 X

'5.268.021 1211993 Hill el aJ. ._._ .. __ .. _ _ .. JI6Il24 X

5,366,541 1111994 Rill et aI •• • • 961124

5.441,559 811995 Pellt et aI. • __ _ •• _._ 96n30 x

, 5,496,388 311996 TtIller .. _ _ H _ .. S5I210


0135921 411985 Europeall Pat. Off. H"."_." •• 961109

63-016027 111988 JapaD __ ........ _,,"._ ..... _. 961113

4..(l16212 111992 Japao __ ." H'_'_" 961109

S'()84418 411993 Japao "._ .. __ .. ;._._ .. 961109

WOSl4l1S698 7/1994 WIPO _"._._.M.M""._ ... 961130

III~ mimi m IU'.III .~llmIIU~ glllllll~ m II1II au


[11] Patent Number: [451 Date of Patent:

5,593,478 Jan. 14, 1997


A Design Engineer's Guide to Smart Air Technology, The, Mmiagc ofmBCtrollica to PneumatiCS; GIst Manufacturing,

Primory &rambler-Robert Spitzer .

Anome)\ Agent, or Firm-EIlsworth R Roston; Charlll8 H. Schwanz



A rotary valve at the iDlelS of a plurality of columns cycUcally (1) 5Clcc:tB first colUllUlS on a cyclic basis to receive co~ air, adsorb lIitrogen and other components in the compnssslld air and PaBS oxygen and mgDn In a USII!' (e.g. padent), second colwnns to desorb the adsorbed compOIlctJtl In such colUDll1S BUd (3) !bini cOlUlDIlS 10 equalize pressures where the fInIt columns cbange progre~, s!vcly to the second columns and, vice versa, A cempreasor having adjustable cbarectcrilitics and regulated in an open or closed loop InI1'oduces the compresScci air througb the val,!e to ,the first columns to provide an adjustable' air Bow for obtaining a prescrlbed oxygen flow to the user. An lIitlication may be provided wbCIII the compressor clwactmistica regu~ IBtcd for oblaining the prescribed oxygen tlow rate are ootalde particular llinits. The valve may have a variable speed related to the compressor Row variations to regulate the air pressure in the columna in accordance with the air Oow tate intc the columns. A variable orifice in B valve in each colnmn outlet becOlJles constricted with decreases in the oxygen flow tate in each column, thereby further regulating the oxygen preasure in such co1uIIUL A porous plug in a closed chamber receiving the dll80rbcd pressw:ized componenla releases. such componeots slowly. without pulsatile noise, to the lItIJIospbere. Tha equipment accordlngly produces the deslrcd oxygen flow mte with minimal power COllawnption. minlmal noise and opti.mal emc:iency. reliabilIty amI lite span. The equipment may be desigulld to pass other componentS than oxygen.

72 Claims. 9 DrawlDg Sheela .

Exhibit I, Page 007




FIG~ 2


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Exhibit 1, Page 008

2 J




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u.s. Patent

ian. 14, 1997

Sbeet 2 of 9


FIG. 3




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FIG. 13.


FIG. 17



Exhibit 1, Page 009

.~ ..... : .... ~. ..... ..... .

u.s. Patent

Jan. 14, H)97






Exhibit I, Page 010

U.s. Patent

Jan. 14, 1997

Sheet 4 of9

FIG. 5


Exhibit I, Page 011 .

u.s. Patent

Jan. 14, 1997

Sheet 5 of 9


7 ,..... 54

FIG. 7


FIG~· 6



9l_ FIG. 8




FIG. 9



Exhibit I, Page 012

-----------------------~--- ------- - -- ---- ---

u.s. Patent

.. Jan. 14, 1997

Sbeet 60f9




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Exhibit I, Page 013

U.S. Patent Jan. 14, 1997

Sheet 7 of9



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u.s. Patent

Jan. 14, 1997

Sheet 80f9

. Exhibit 1, Page 015


u.s. Patent Jan. 14,1997 Sheet 9 of9
FIG. 15
s 95.0
i 90.0
~ 85.0 •






80.0 ........ -t--t---t--_-+--_~ 600 700 800 900 1000 110(} 1200 lJOO









OPTIONAL "CROSS-Ovut.__.,_,_

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ORIRCf) ( j ( ORIFlCf

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Exhibit 1, Page 016

. 19

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80lllld pulse evmy time that lhe compteSSed fluid in one of ·the coluJtlllll is released to the BImOsphere.

This invention relates to apparatua for, and methods of, This inYeDtion provides a system which substantially

purlf:ying a fluid by pe.riodically/cycllcaDy passing a par.' overcomes the £mivanlBgB8 in the apparatus of the prior

ticular component in the fluid through a moleclJlar Sieve and 5 art. In the system of this invention, the compressor opcrau:s

adsorbing DIhIIr COmpDlleots in the fluid in tbe molecular ata speed, or with displacementchamctcrislics, adju&table in

sieve and subsequently periodically/cyclically desorblng . accorolillce with the desired rate of oxygen flow to the user

such other COmponenlll from the molecular sieve. The ioven- (e.g. the patieut). The app~tus of this invention is also

lion fmtherrelatcs to appa:nl1llB for, andmelbods of, passing advaDlageDUS in.that It releases the desorbed fluid to the

oxygen In compressed air (and mgon) for introdaclion to a 10 a1D1osphere 81 8 steady and controlled ralc,. thereby signili. .

cantly reducing the noise genarated from sueb release.

patient and for adsorbing nitrogen and the olber componcJltl In one embodiment of the invention, a rotary valve at lhe

in the compressed air and subseqDCDtly deaorbing the inl1its of a plumlity of colnmas selects fust columns on a

adsorbed components to . the atmosphere. The Invention cyclic basis to receive compressed air, adsorb nitrogen and

panlcularly relates to IIpparatuS for proViding lID)' prescribed olher compon~ in the compressed air and pass oxygen

rate of flow of oxygen with miDlmal power coasumption, IS and argon 10 a user (e.g. patient). The valve also cycliclllly

minimal noise and optimal dliciency. n:1iabillty and life selects second columns to deaorb the nitrogen and the other

span. .componClllB in such coll1lllIlS and cyclically equalizes lhe

. . Apparatus Is in exlstellcc; for receiving a lIuid such as . prc.5S1m1 iD thin! colUlllll8 whcire !be first colulllllB change

compressed air, for separating the oxygen from the air IUld progressively to the second colU1111l8 and vice versa.

for passing the oxygen for subsequent use as by a patient. 20 A compressor baying adjustable ~Iics and regu-

The appamlUB also Includes materJalln a molec~1ar sieve for lated In an open or closed loop iDIroduces the compnlssed air

adsorbing the nitrogen and the other compoDCllI8 in the through the vaI.VII to the first columns to provide an a4just-

compressed air. Whcn the oxygen separated from the com- able air flow for obtaining a prescribed oXygllll How to tho

pressed air bes been passed, the adscnbed components in the USCI". AD iIIdication may be provided when the compressor

compressed air are desorbBd by releaso 10 the atmosphere. as cbaraCUlIistics regulated for obtalnlng the prescrIbIld oxygen

The applllllllls can operate on a cyclic basis to colllinuously flow rate are outside particular 1imit1.

provide oxygen to a user such as a patiellt. The valve may ~ a variable sp~ related '? the

The oxygen can be used for many """'oses. ODe of the . . compressor flow varilll10na to regulatt: the IIIf preasure In the

.. --: col\llOJl9 in accordaDce with the Btr flow rate iota the

prlnuuy uses of the oxygen III for provIding oxygen to colUlllllS. A variable orifice in B valve in each column's

patients such as the elderly and lhose having ~ and 30 out1et becomes coustrlcted with decreases in lhe oxygen

emphysema. When the a~s Is used for such patients, flow rate in cadi column, thereby further regulating tho

the apparatUs should have =taln desirable c~. It oxygen pressure 111 auch column.

sho~d be ~Ic to provide ~ oxygen to ~ patient in a A porous plug in a closed chamber receiving the des-

variable dehVCl)' rnte ~ bigh concentration dcpcn~t orbed components n:lC!18Cs BUeb componcnta slowly, with-

upon the needs of the·patient. 11 should be able 10 plOVlde 35 out pulsatile noise,. to the atmosphere. The equipment

this oxygen in an eflicicnt and reliable mlUDlel" and with II. accordingly prodnceB the desired oxygCJI flow rate with

minimal power consumption, panlcuJarly s1nco many sick mlnimal power consumption, minimal noise and optill"18l

RI!d eldcr1:y patients have oo1y limited income and the efficiency, reHabllity and life BpIIlI. The equipment may be

· elecinc power COSI for operating the apparatus la substantial designed to paaa other components than oxygco.

and slgniflcant. The apparatus should also operate quielly so 40 In the drawings:

as not to be olfenaivo to the patient md to thosc around the FIG. 1 ia a schematic representation of a respiratory

patient. The appar.uus should also have a long opc;rative life support system, including a fluid fraclionator, of the prior

without any breakdown. These pmameters are particularly art;

. imponant because the apparatus operates continuously in the FIO. 2 is a .side elevation of a portion of the support

home cnvironmel1t without BltclIdance. 4S. 8}'11tem shown in FlO. 1 and particularly shows a fluid

· The apparatus now In usc fai1s to completely meet lhe fmctionator included in such support system;

criteria specified ill the previous paragraph. The Iipparal11S FIG. 3 is a sectional view of the fractionalOr as taken on .

includes a compressor for introducing compressed air to a line 3-3 of FIG. 2;

· columns which include B molccular sieve for paaalDg oxygen FIG. 4 is a edional view of the fluid fractionator as

and BIgon and for adsorbing lIitrogen and other components 50 taken on a line 4-4 of FIG. 3;

in the compressed air und for subsequemly desorbing the PIO. 5 is IlII enlmged licctional vicw of the fluid fmc..

adsorbed componeDl8. In the appanttus now in use, the tlonator as taken on II line S-S of FIG. 4;

compressors are operated to deliver a constant maximum FIG. 6 Is a top plan view, panially cut away, of a reter

flow and concentratibn of oxygen regardless of the flow of shoe Included in the fluid fiactlonator;

oxygen ~ for the usar. The desired flow of oxygen 55 FIG. 7 Is a sectional view of the rotor shoo as taIcen on

to tile patieot is then adjusted by a throttHng valve iIi the the Ilne 7-7 of FlO. 6;

product bleed Hne 10 the user. As will be appreciated, tblsls FlO. 8 Ia a tIIp plan view of a port plate included in lhll

iIIcfliaient if less than maximum flow capacity ~ needed. Huld fracticmator shown In FIGS. 1-7; .

particularly since the compressor BIld the II1Otor drlviog the FlO. , is a sectional view taken On the line 9-9 of PIG.

compressor require a Iarge amount of pl)WC1; 60 8:

Thll compressor generates a lmge amount of noise as it FIG. 10 Is a schematic diagram of a closed loop s}'IItem

operates. This resultll panly from the operation of the motor constituting one embodiment of an lnVClltion for use with

and the compressor, particularly since the motor and the the fluid fractionator shown in FIGS. 1-9 for regulatiDg the

compressor is driven III a fixed high speed. It also resulta variable characteristics of a compressor mel other compo-

partly from the desorption to the Btmosphere of the com- 6S nents to obtain a desired or prescnbed rate of flow and

pressed fiaid whIch is adsorbed in the columns. Thlarelease collConlIBtion of a particular fluid component S1leb as OlLy.

occurs almost instantaneously, thereby aeating a noiset gen;



~: ,"

. Exhibit 1. Page 017


Exhibit 1, Page 018



FIG. 11 ia a schematic: diagram of a closed loop system constituting IIIIQIher embodimllnt of lIIe Invention for UIiC

. with !he !lutd fnlctiouatnr shown in FIOS. 1-11 funBgulatfDg the variable cbaracteristics of B compn:ssur iIIId other componcnlB 10 ·oblllin a desired or pR:scribed rate of !low iIIId 5 conccntraIion of Il paxticDlar fluid component sueb u DX)"

gen; .

FlG. 12 Is B schematic dlagmui af BII open loop system constituling an additional emblldimeDt of the invention for WIll With the fluid fmcUonalOr shown in· FIGS. 1-' fDr 10 c:otlb'OIli!Ig the variable cbaractetistlca of a COI!IpJCI&Or and olhcr COmpDlIIllltB to obtain a desired or prescribed rate of flDw and concentration Df a panicular fluid CDmpO!lCllt &Deb

sa oxygen;

FlO. 1318 a schematic secdonal view of ao orl!l~ whIeb I' may be used in the respiratory support system of this ir!vcution IIlId which provides vadable c:banlcterIstIc in acoonIance with the rate of flow of the particular fluid component sucIi u oxygeni

FIG. 14 Is an elevational view, pardalIy in secdon, of 20 apparatus which IIIlI)' be included 1D ibc invention 10 reduce the noise geaerated in the: system when fluid I!dwrlJed in the fluid fractioDlltOr is dcsorbed;

FlO. 15 provides curves showing (a) the relationship between clifferent compressor speeds and the percanlllge of 2S concentration of Dxygen in the product tlow from the fluid fraclioDBIor and (b) the relationship between dilfcrcnt com~ar speeds and the flow rate of oxygen to the product holding IIIIIk l' in liten; per mluuts; 8IId

FlO. 16 is a schematic diagram showing a flPid fractioll- 30 ator which may be considered as a conventional fluid fractionalClr of the prior art BDd which IlIlI)' be IDDdlfied to incorporate the features of this iov=Iioa; and

FIG. 17 provides curves showiag the :elaIionship between compre8&Or flow rates and compteSSOr diac:haJie 3S pressurca for a nomml system of the pdor an and for tho system Df this invention.

FlGS. 1-' illustrate an oxygllll-CDDCeDtratiug system, gc:ncraDy Indicated at 10, which IIIlI)' be used in this invention and which Is disclosed in the prior art in U.S. Pat. No. 40 5,268,021 ismed to Charles C. Hill and Tbcodore B. Hill on Dec. II, 1993, for an "Improved Fluid FtlICtionatof' and assigned of IIlCOrd to the aaslgncc of record of this applicatlon, The embodlmentshown in JIlGS.l-t of this app1icalion corresponds to the embodiment shown in FIGS. 1-11 of 4$ U.S. Pat. No. 5,268,02]. In the prlor art system shown in FIGS. 1-', air is drawn from the atmospi!ere througb an air Inlet 6 into a duat filter 11 which removes dust from the air. The air Is then compressed in a COUIpIV66or 13 and the compressed air is inJroduced through a conduit 14lnto Il heat so exchanger 15 which removes some of the heat produced during the .compression. A fen 12 may be driven by the compres6Dr 13 to remove heat from the heat exchanger 15.

The compressed air then puses into the inlet port 16 of

a fluid fractlonator, genlmllly indicalX!d at 20, which fa $S inclnded in this invention. The fluid fraclionator 20 includes

a product lImk 1t. Jncluded In the tank 19 are a plurality of adserber coltU1U18 18 (FIO. 3) the conatroclion and operation

of which will be described in detail subsequently. Oxygen .

. (and IIJ'8OIV flow from the product tank 19. through an 60 oxygen' outlet 71n FIG. ~.

Bach colDmn 18 separates the oxygen and atgon in the compressed air from the other components In the com- . pms6ed air and passes some of the oxygen and argonlhrough

an outlet port 17 (FlO. 1) 10 Il dispensing conduit 2k 'Ib8 ~ oxygen and argon theu pass through a valve 23 (which may

be manually controllad) to a filmr 24. The filler 24 may be


a high IIfJicicllcy particle anestor (HBPA). The oxygen and lIIgon lhan pass to a COIIduil 25a for use for one of B number of puizi08CS. For example, the oxygen and atBon may be imroduc:ed 10 a patient to iIlcrease the love! of !he oxygen in

tIic blood or the patienL ,

AI shown in FlO. 3, the hoJding tank It contains a cluster or lImIy of the' Bdaorber columna 18 within its hoasing. The c:olmnn8 are prefmhly dIapo6ed In a closely packed configuration. Preferably a plutalil.y, more thaD two (2), ·of 6UCb colUDlllS are provided in a closely packed relalionship. 1\velve (l2) columns are shown in PIG. 3 bat it will be appreciated t1mt 8IIy other number DI!IY be pr0- vided. The lIDid ftac:lionalOr 20 also Includes a rotary valve disIrlbutor assembly generaDy indicated at 21 (FlG. 2), a gear motor 22 having a dOve &haft 23 and a two-piece

manifold ·24 (FlG. 2). .

Each of the co1nmna 18 may be in the fann of a cy1lJIdc; Each of tho columna 18 contains a bed packed with adsor, bent ~al 2S (FIG. 4) wblcb is seleclive for B particular molecular species of flaid or contaminant. For example, zeolite SA may conatitutc !he woment materlal 2S when axygan is to be separated from air. The packed bed is beld . in place by a plate 26 at the bottom of the bed. A pressuredropping means wch as B small orifice rl cxtl3lds through the plate 26. Pcd'oratI:d pJates 28 IIIC disposed at the top and bottom of thll bed of the atlllorbent materlal 25, the bottom plEde 28 baiug disposed between !he plate 26 and the ad60rbent mareriaJ 25. '

A spring Z9 is disposed in the column 18 above the upper pctforated plate 28 to maintain the plalea 28 and lhe warbent materia1 25 In a pacla:d relationship again6t the plate 26. When the worbenl material 2S i8 zeolite SA, the material adsorbs all of tho componcn18 (including nitrogen) in the compressed air and pBBllCS argon and oxygen. The oxygen and IIIgOII arc thus able to pass through the perforated plates 28, the adsorbent material 25 and the orifice 27 In ·the pla1c 26.

The rotary valve dIsItibutor asBClIlbly 21 ,. Bflixed 10 the. holding tank 19 by a clamp blind 30a (FIG. 4). The rotary distributor valve assembly 21 shown in FIG. 4 includes the two·piece DIIIIlifold 31 Wblch is pllI\ed and channeled, The UIlIIlIfold 31 has a lop aecdQII 32 whlch is ported and channeled to receive a BlII:IIm of lIuid through the inlet port 16 and to cha!mel the fluid through an air feed passage 33 into a c:entra1ly loc:8ted inlet port 34 in a ported rotor shoe 35. Subsequent1y the tlnid exiling the rotor 6hoe35 fa chlllllleled radlally from a circular aaay of inlet porta 38 in a port plate 39 toward each of the coltImns lB.

The ported rotor shoe 35 Is included In a rOtor 41. The lotor IUIna in a ~al ball bearing unit 42. The rolOr is driven by tho gDar motor 22 (FlG. 2) at a 8IIitable speed 6UCb aa appraxima1ely two (2) revolutions per minute.. A conical disc or Be1levDle spring 43 tugeS B cover plate 44 and the rotor.shoe 35 downwardly 10 secure the cover plate and the rotor shoe in position. The rotor 411111!i its as5llCiated components are enclO6lld within a cover 4S which is suitably

attached to the manifold 24. ~ .

The port plate 39 is made from a suitably hard material.

The part plate 39la recessed Into the top oftbe manifold 31 . aod is sealed and immobilized by a slot and a key. The port plate 39 Is coaxial with tho exit pen of ao air feed channel 47 in the manifold 31. The pori plate 39 has a number of holes equally spaced from one another in a circular pattern. This nnmber is equal to the .number of entty ports of channels to the indivfdnal columns 18. An air Inlet rotary seal 48 is provided In the manifold 31 at a position interior to the pon plate 3!J.



' ..


The rotor 8ho~ 3S is made from a mal1lrlal known in the driving the compressor CODSUlllC a Iargc auioUDt of power'

art to be suitable for use with the Iwdened material of the wbeu they opetIIte at a maximum speed. For example:, the

port plate: 39. The rotor shoe 35 slldes on the port platll 39. COJISUlllptlon of a home size oxygen concenbiltor is on the

'Ibe Belleville spring 43 presses the rotor shoe 3S agliinst the order of approximately four thoU8lUlll (4000) kilowatt-holll1l

port plate 39 during sucb slldlng movement. There IR three s per year. 'Ibis amounia to a cost in 8lcetrici1y of several

(3) cbaIme1s In the rotor shoe 35. One is a pressurizing hlmdred dollan per year. This Is a s!gnl6canl amount of

channel or air feed channel 50 (FIGS. 4 and 5) which lIlOlICy to m.ost families and particularly to families of

originates at the central fluid inlet port 34. The pan 50 elderly or retired paDeuts at to patiants who - UlIlIble to

.. ,._ I hi h 'd --"uU wotlc becmlsc of 80ch aDrneIIts as asthma at emphysema.

tBWIII<OS DID an arcuate slut 51 . w c proVl es a ...,..... The continuous operation of the compressor 13 at a maxi-

simultaneously Into several of ~ annularly positioned ports 10 mum power is also disadYIIIItBgcous becauae it limits tbD

52 (FIG. 5) In the port plate 39. As the rotor shoe 35 fO~ opanllive life of the colDpl'DsSor and the mClDr Orlving the

eachnewportS2comman!catiog·withlheforwerdendoftbe. compressor.

arctUIIB slot 51 is presllllrized by the compressed fInid. At the Home oxygen concentrators gcncrally have B capacity of

58IIlC time. the port 52 at the Tear end of the slot 51 18 providing oxygen III a range to approximately six liters per

dcpressurizecl IS lIIiIIute (6 LPM) of oxygen 1low to the patient. 'l'be flow rate

In a second channel ill the rotor shoe 35, an an:uatll slut . of oxygen required by an individual patient is prescribed by

54 (FIGS. 5 and 6) reco!ves the adsorbed f1uld .COIlIPoru:Dts the patllllll'S physic:Um. The mosl COlllll1on prcsctiption rate

in the columns 18 which communicute with the exhaust Is two liteIs per mmutc (2 LPM). The prescription Is

parts. As previously described, whCII compressed air is the ordinarily for continuous administta!ion twenty four boun

fluid and Is introduced to the colllIllIlll18. the desorbed lluid 20 (24 hr.) per day year-In and ycar-out. As the disease of some

components include all of the gases in air except oxygen and patients progresses to later stages, the oxygen flow rates

argon. The dcsorbed componeuts in the colUlDllS 18 are prescribed for SDIIIC palIents may be Increased. Whcn the

vented upwardly from the arcuate slot 54 through an exhaust How rate prescribed is less than the maxinmm rate, the

port 55 (FIGS. 4 and 6) In the rotor shoe cover plate 44 into reduced Rte ~ obtained In the prior art by tbrottIing the

B. rotor void space. The dcsorbed fJuid then passes into the 2S oxygcn flowing to the user (e.g. the patient).

atmosphere through an exhaust port 58. It will be IIPJlRCiated that nut all of the oxygen In the

The third channel in the rotor shoe 35 Is B cross-port product tank 19 floWs to the patient eVCII when the oxygen

channel 60 (PIG. 6). The cbannel 60 serves as a conduit flows to the patient at a iat8 of approidmatc1y six (6) liters

between twO (2) of the colu.mns 18, these two (2) colUl1lIls per minute. BvCD at thia flow rate, a substantial portion of the

heing in 1nmsitlon betweea the presS1llizing and desorbing 3D oxygen and the argon in the product tank. 19 flows to the

phases of a cycle. Its function Is to apply equalizing pres- columna 18 which arc tieing dcsorbed. 'Ibis flow of oxygen

sures in columm transitioning between the adBorbing.pres- ami argon facilitates the purgiDg of the desotbed gases in

sure in each cycle. The cqnaUzIllg JIIC8SW'C provides for a such colunms.Jn this way. the columns are ready to receive

. pressure drop fn ftuid in each collllllll before such column lIle compreased air in the next cycle of opeIation.

cnten the desorplion pbase in each cycle. Thia pn:ventll a 35 As will be appn:ciated, oxygen and argon flow through

very rapid dccoll!PICSsion in each column and thus prevcnll . the ColullUlS 18 to the product tank. Oxygen CODSti1lltCS

BII cXCC8sively bigh flow of the desorbed fluid inidally from approximately twenty Doe percent (21 %) of air and IIIgOI1

the column. 'Ibis eahances the concenlJ'luion of the parlicu- COll8titute8 approldmlltcly one pcI'CClIt (1%) of air. When

lar component such as oxygen 8Ild aJgOIl in each column. . oxygen and argon flow thro1J8h the columns 18, oxygen

The apparatuo described above is diaclosed aad claimed 40 comprises approximately ninety four pcrccol (94'1» of the .

in U.S. Pat.. No. 5,268,021 issued 00 Dec. 7. 1993. to Cbatles product In the oxygen tank. This increased COnceinmtlOD of

C. Hill and Theodore B. Hill for a ''FIuid Fmc:tlonator" and argon (lIppIOXimately six perceiu (6%» in.the product !BIlk

asaigned of record to the assisnce of record of this applice- 19 bas DO barmful effecc on the patient since mgon is a noble,

IioD. It has several important advantages over the prior art. inert gaa.

It provides a smoother opexation than the pdor art because 45 This Invention provides a system for adjusting the Bow

several of the columns 18 arc l'CCIIiviilg the flaid under charactBristics of the colDJll'CSSor 13 in accordance with the

pressure at any Instant and scveral of the other colnmns 18 product flow rate cleslred or prescribed. For example. wben

arccxhausting thedesorbed fluid to the atmosphere at that the compreslKlr 13 has a variablc speed, the speed of the

instant. Thus. any ttBnSition of a column 1iom an adsorbing compressor may be varied in accordance with the flow rate

operation to a desoIbing operation at IIDY illSl8llt will not SO desired or prescribed. A variable speed compn:isor drive

prcdace as great a tranailory pulse in opcrat:ion as in the prlor may take diffcrcnt fqrms including the following:

art since several other columna will he adsoIbIng and seveml 1. An. altemating cunenE CAC) induction motor with a

other columns will be desorblng at that Instant. Furthermore. variable ~Ivarlable voltage supply. ThIs may be the

the equalization of the pressure in the columns 18 In preferred embodimenL .

transition will also tend to redUCII transitory pulses. 'Ibese " 2. A direct cumnl motor (btushles.s prcfcm:d).

factors tend to enhance the t:Ilic.Iency lD the operation of the 3. A pole<hanging AC Induction motor for two (2) Dr

apparatus and to reduce the noise in tbc operation of the three (3) operaJing speeds.

apparatus. The reduction In the noise resullB from the 4. A fixed speed AC motor with a contilWously variable

equalization In pressure provided by the chllD!lel 60 and the mechanical transmission.

relatively large mimber of columns. 60 All oftbeabove IR considered to be within the scope of the

In spite of .the advantages discuased in the previous Invcnllon. A VIIIiablc speed motor 79 for the compressor 13

paragmph. there is room for improvement In the fluid Is shown in FJG. 10.

fractionator :zo and in the system 10 Includins soch fluid A variable diap1llccment compressor may also be coRBid-

fractionator. In that system, the positive dispJacement com- cred to be within the scope of the Invention. Such a

pressor 13 opmdes at a coustsnt maximum speed regardless M· comptcS8at may include the following:

of the 1I0w lUI and coilcclJttation of the oxygen that the 1. Arolm)' vano compressorwitb a variable displacement

patient desires at needs. The compressor 13 and the motor in an edjuslmcnt in the rotor eccentricity.


Exhibit 1, Page 019

Exhibit I, Page 020


7 8

2. A variable BDglc awash plate drlve for IlIl axial piston The system sbowu in FIG. 10 and described above bas

compressor. , certain impcmmt advantagC8 Including the foDowing:

3. A plstoD compressor baving a ctank sb,aft drive with a 1. 1'htns is a BigDifIcant n:ductiOD in power COIIIIl.llDptiou

variable throw. because of the miuced speed for the compresaor 13 al

FIG. 10 Bcbematlcally illlJSlIIIies a syBlllm gcmr:raIly indi- 5 mdua:d flow mte& of the jlarticular fluid compcment SIleb as

cated at 781U1d COIlSIilUliog IIIl cmbodimcat aftheinvcDtJon OlQ'gcu.1bcn:ductlonin thepowerCODSllIllpliOll alsoresullB

far regDlBtilig the desired flow rate of the oxiseu to.the from the reducccl speed of !he motor 79 driving the com-

patient. The system &bOWD In FIG. 10 lDcludes tIw beat pressor 13.

I:ltcbaugcr 1S, the compressor 13, the c:olulDDB 18, dill 2. The amount of llOise produced by tbe lluld fmcIionator

orifices 'Z1 in the co1umus and the product lank 1', all shown 10 ZO (or oxygen concentrator) is sigaifiClllltly reduced. 1bis

in FIG. I, IIJld the ttJtm:y valve distrlbular assc:mbly 21 results lD part from the reduced speed of the c:ompressor 13

shown 10 FlG. 2. The system sbown in FIG. 10 ablo iDcludes IIJld the motnr 79. It also IeSIIIIll ill part Cram the fiwt tbat the

a coDtrol 80 whtch fa pre-sel to lillY desired valuc in desmpuon of the IId&orbe4 lIu1d compoueo11l to the atmo-

8CCOIdaDce with tbe flow rate des4'ed or presc:rlbed for the spll= is initiated from a reduced pressure of tbe dcalmd

particular companenl sucb as oxygell. This se~ may be 15" Oold complNleiJlll in eadl column 18. '

provided in IICCOrdaru:e with the values ~cated in B 3. BSlIlUlIIl of the reduced compressimJ of !he fluid in the

look-up table. The colllml 80 may pICfetably be II micro- columns 18, the temperataru rise 10' the CUIOpJeSsed fluid is

processor CDnlJ'Ol.' reduced. 11ds provides for aICdw:tion in the opcratkm ofthll

TIle mic:roproceBSor control 80 may be fofIDeDCed by IIIl . cooling system 89 and II resulUmt reduction lD the power for

indication from a temperatw'II sensor 81 the 0DIpUt of wbfch 20 operating the cooling sys1em. ,

is introduced to the control. The microprocessor coatrol 80 4. A power supply can be included which opemtea at all

may be t\JrIher influenced by an indication frOm a p!'CIISIIre ftcque.ncJes and vollllges 10 all IIIIUIa:U with subslml1ially

&CDSor 82 the output of whicb Is Iotroduced to the COI1Ir01. equBI c1l'ectiveacss ID. the dlli'erent markets.

The particular CQmplH1Dlll such as oxygen (lind iBgol!) S. Thlllifc of tile compressor 13 is signHicantly increased

fiowafro1l1 the product tank 19 through a !iDe 84. An:gulator 2$ because the COmpn:8aor is operated at II reduced speed.

.ss may be provided in the tine 84 to redual the pressure of 6. 'lbere is reduced vibration in the system. This also

the partic:uJar COmpDllCllt (e.g. DlX)'gen). Oowing from die IXIlllrlbnes to a 1000g UfII In !he system.

prodUCI tank 111 bCC81J88 there may be II significant change 7. The size IIJld weight of the compressor 13 and tbe mDlOr

10 !he pressure of tbe particular component in tile product 79 can be reduced, particularly when the compressor is to be

IIIIlk over the flow nmge wbIch may be provided from me 30 operated at re1atively low speeds. Purtbcrmore, if and when

compressor 13. the comp1'essor is to be opemlld at JIIlIlcimum speeds, it

The paniculBl' compDlleDt (e.g. oxygen) then, flows would probably be for ooIy relatively short periods of time.

through a Dow cootrol device 86 to the patient. The flow ThIs would aDow the compressor 13 IIJld the motor'" to be

control device 86 may provide an additional regulatlOJl, IIIWb operated above their mII:d speed without damaging the

as a fine OO1ltrol, over, the rate lit which the pmticuIar 3S compressor 13 or the motnr 79. ThIs i& mother reason why

component such as oxygen OOWS to the user such as the the size md weight of the CODljIres8or 13 and the motor 79

patient. The rate of Bow of the pa!tlc:alaf compooent thrnIigh can he considerably reduced In most mstaJlccS.

the Bow coDtrol device 86 is introduced to the micropIo. 8. The liming of tbe rotary valve distributor aasembly 21

cesser control 80. A concentmlion monitor 88 may deter- and tile opeuing of the orlficc 1:1 can be laBored for all flow

mine tbe purity of the particular compDllCIIl such as oxygen, 40 rates to provide an oplimill operatiOll of the system. . '

tbrough the tine 84 at eacb InsUmt 8JXI may Indii:atc tbls 51. There is a pOlCmla1 to compensate for a reduced,

dctenninatloo to the microprocesSOt compressor lDIel deaslJ.y as a result of a high ambient

As will be seea, the microprocessor cootrol 80 fa rep- temperature or a hlgh altitude. ThIs will be discu_d In

lated on a cloaad loop basis by the ~ of the detail BIlbsequently. ' '

concentrated lIuid passing to the columns 18, thB prlIS&11I8 of 45 The timing of thll rotary diSlIibutor val ve assembly can be

such concentrated IIuld, tbe speed of the compressor 13, the provided in various ways. Onll a1temative is tb~ B synchro-

outpUt of the conc:c:utratioa monitor 88 lind the rate of flow nOllS motw can be provided with a variable frequency dtive

of the part1cu1ar component,through the lIDW control device as the motor 22 (not shown 10 FIO.I0 but shown In FIG. U).

86. All of these IDputa to the microprocessor colllIol 80 Other a1tenndives involve the USII of a stepper motor as the

cause the c:ontrol to alijust the speed of the compressor 13 to 50 motor 22 or a DC gear motor to ~ the rotary 'I'lIlve produce a flow of the particular fluid component to the user dhllibutor assembly 21. AnOIber a1rmnative is to provide 8

at the dcslxed or prescribed mte. The valve 21 is also . pnl:llIllBtic acluatinn with speed sensldvelo comp~r

adjusted to control the rate at which air is iDlroduced into the speed. The valve timing can be controlled by a mIcropro·

columns 18. c:essor for motors responsive to a microprocessor c:ootro1 or

The regulated OUlput from the coollol 80 may ablo be 53 by digI1aII3DBIog circui1s in the COa1rollC5l;

iDlIoduced to a cooUng 8)'Stem 89 which regulates the RcgulBIiDs 'the speed of tho rotary diSlrlbutor valve

temperature of thll compressor 13 and tho beat exchanger IS. assembly 2110 accordance with the varlatious lD the speed .

The output from the microprocessor conIrol80 may also be of the compressor 13 may be dcsirablll under certain c1r-

introduced to the Oow coutrol device 86 to regulate the CumstaDCeS. As the speed of the compressor ISis decreased

opemtion of the Oow control device iii produclug the f1DW of 60 while malntahling the speed of the d1stributnr valve assem-

the particular fluid CompODent to the user lit the dc8Ited or bl)' 21 constant, the pn:mm: of tbe lluid in the colUDlllS 18

prescribed value. The output of the control 80 may be i8 decreased. TWa C8U&ea the pressure of the ilitrogeo JlIld the

additionally introduced to the orifices 1:7 to regulate the size othor COIIIpClJICIll8 adsorbed in me molecular sieVlis in the

of me orifices. Thla is dcalrablc since the rate of How of the columns 18 to decrease..

particular fluid component can be regDlatcd by regulating 6S In FIG. 1S, progressive speeds of the compressor Bre

the size of the orlfIces. ,This will be described in dcta11 shown on the hODzontalllXis and progressive colICCntralions '

subSll'Jllcutly. of oxygen in the fluid in the product holding tank 19 arc

~" ..'



, I


shOWD on the vertical axis. Ai wUl be seen at 130 in FIG, 15, JDicroprocessor control 101. The microprocessor colllrollOl

the concenlnltion of the oxygen in the mixture in the product then varies tIie operation of the comptessor 13, the motor 22

holding tauk 1!1 TCIII1Iins sub&tlUltially Cllnstant at a value of and the flow control 90 to regula!c the rate of flow of !be

appronmately- ninety four percent (94%) for c:omp1CBBOr oxygen to the patient at the'deaircd or prescribed rate. The

speeds between approximately nine hundred revolutions per 5 system shown In FIO. 11 opcrII1z:S on a closed loop basis to

llIiDutc (900 rpm) and IhirteeD hundred revolutions per provide the desired regulation of the oxygen flow. As wUl be

minute (1300 rpm). At compressor speed8 progressively seen, the syst&mI shown in PIG. U does not inclnde such

below approximately niDc hundred l'eVDiutions per minulC controls as the tempemture 8CII8Dr 81, the pn:ssurc sensor lIZ

• • Ih' In and the cooling system 89.

(900 1]l1Il), the conccntratiOD of the oxygen m e mIXture ,FlG. 12 Illustrates an open loop sy&ll:m for regnlaling Ibe

the product holding IlIDk 19 becomes progressively reduced. ID ratc of oxygen flow to the patient. As wiD be 8CCII, the system

At compressor speeds of approximately six Imndred nmr shown In FIG. 12 Is similar 10 the system Bhownm FIG. 11

100008 Pili' mimnB (600 rpm), the co1lCClltratUm of the except 'that it climlnauls the lillCS from thc' microprocessor

oxygen In thc mIxtmc lit the holding IlIDk }g is approxi- control 101 10 the oxygen monitor 88, the compressor 13 and

matdy eighty eight percent (889&). the lJIOlOt 7!1. In this system, the microprocessor control 101

It is dCsinlbic 10 maintain tim concentration of the oxygen 15 indicate8 a desired flow of oxygen II) the patient. The

in the mixlure in the product holding tank 1!) at B WIlue of CDmptCSsor 13, the motor 79 IIJld the flow caotrol90 are then

at least ninety pen:ent (90%) regardless of the speed of the set to desired valnes far obtaining this ~d oxygen flow.

compn:ssor 13. 'Ibis can be accompliahcd by'dCCl'CllSiDg the The oxygen moDltor 88 is then read during the operatiOll of

rotmy speed of the disttibutor VI)lve assembly 21 as the the system. On Ihe basis of this n:ading, adjuslmepts' are

speed of the compressor 13 is decreased, By decreasing Ihe 20 made manually in the compressor 13, the motor 79 and the

rotary speed of the distributor valve assembly 21, each, ,Bow conll'DI 90 tb obtain the'desired or prescribed rate of

column 18 is provided with an fncressed lime 10 receive air 'oxygen flaw 10 the palieDt These adjustments may be made

under pressUre from the compressor 13. As a result, the on the basis ofa loolt-up table establishing individual wlues

pressure of the air in each column 18 incJ'eases and the for these pammeten undcr difli:rent sets of conditions.

pressure of the oxygen and 1IIB0lI in the product holding IlIIIk 2.! The systems shown in PIGS. 10, 11 and 12 may include

19 correspondingly increases. 'Ibis inhibits DltrDgen in the an indicator 100 fo: indicating when certain CIllIIpOllCllts

columns 18 from passing into the product holding' tauk D. such as thc compressor 13 have 10 be replaced. As will be

IIi this, way. the concentration of the oxygen In the product appreciated, the operadon of the rysteDlS ahownin FlGS. 10,

holding tank 19 can be maintained at a WIlue of at least 11 and 12 may become degmled with lime as a result of a

ninety percent (90%) even as thc flow JlItlI of the oxygen and 30 lIlUIIber of factors. These include dirty fiItcra, compressor

nitrogen into the product holding tank decreases. PIG. 15 wear, motor wear and poCllIllBlic leaks. The systeIIIS shown

also shows at 132 the How rate of the oxygen at dllfcrent in FIGS. 10, 11 and 12 compensate far tbcse system deg-

comp:cssOT speeds. As will be seen, the flow fate of the radatiollS by iIIcI1:aslIIg the compressor flow to maiutain tha

oxygen to the patient in liters per minute lncreaaes subatan· purity/concentration of the par1icular fluid compoaeut such

tially linearly with increased COmp%llSllOT speeds, 3S' as oxygen at the desired or prescribed flow 'rate, The

FIG. 17 illuslIatcs at 134 the relationship between flow indicator 100 indicates when the' speed or olber variable

rates of the fluid from the compressor 13 and Ihe compressor characteristics of the compressor 13 as sensed by the indl-

discharge pressure In pslg for a nDlllllll system of the prior cator 100 exceed panlcnlar limIlli far the rate of fluid Bow

. art. FlO. 17 also illustrates at 136 tbemaliouship between desired 0: ~

flow rates of Ihe fluid from the compressor 13 and the 40, At; shown in FIG. 13, the otifice 7:1 In each column 18

compressor disclmrgc prelI8ure for B system wblch includes may be fonned from a molded clastamedc material no such

certIIiD features of applicants' system. Thesll Include the as rubber. As the pressure of the particnlar fl~d l:OOIpODent

rotary valve distributor assembly 21 opemring at varlable such as ~gcn flowing throngh thl: orifice 27 dccn=ascs, the

speedi and the valve providing a variable orlfIee as shown clastomcric material no defining the orifice 1:1 haa a

in FIG. 13. As shown In FIG, 17, opctadon of the system of 4S decreased fIelture. This decreases the size of the OIifice 1:1 in

this invention is advantageous over the systems of the prior each column 18. In this way, the orifice 'Zl in each column

IIIl because it provides sigDlficantly bighill' c:ompn:ssor dis- 18 bceomes closed with decreases in the ptC9Sute of the fluid

charge TBlC8 throughout most of the IlIDgC of tha compressor such as oxygen. This pro\lides an increase lit the pressure of

How rates. the fluid in the column 18. This ia dcslIable at low rateS of

PIG. 11 illustrates a simplified system for colllrolling the so OxygCD flow 10 !be'patlent to maintain the' OXygCD coru:ezt..

rate of 1Iow of a fluid such as oxygen to a user such 'as a 1nItion in the oxygen holding IlIIIk at a value of at least ninety

patient The systcrJJ Includes the compressor 13, the columns pem:nt (!Ill'lL). By decreaslng Ihe sire of the orifice 'Zlat

18, the product tank 19, a microprocessor contml 101 these low flow rates, the pressure of the fluid In the columns

COIIeSponding to the control 80 in FIG. 10. the oxygen 18 is !ncreased. The concentration of the oxygen holding

concentration moDltor BB,the rotaJy valve distributor assem- SS lank 19 is accordingly maintained at a value of at least ninety

bly 21 and the motor 22 (not shown) fer driving the valve pen:ent (909f,).

dlstn'butor assembly 21. The compressor 13 may be 11 In the embodiment shown in FIGS. 1-9, the desorbed,

wobble piston compressor and the motor 22 may be II' 'fluid componculllarepasscdthrollgb IheCbamberS7 and the

synchronous gear motor. Allow coDlrol 90 coDC8pond!ng to cxbanst poll 58 to the atmosphere. !his CBDSCB B relatively,

the flaw control 85 may be included for controlling the rate 6D loud noise 10 be produced CVC!)' tiDulthat the desmbed fluid

of flow of the particular 1Inid coiuponent such CB OltYgeD to in one of the columns 18 is n::Jeased to thG chamber 57 and

B user such as a patient The Bow control 90 may' be a from the cbambcr to tha exhllU5t port 58, FlG. 14 shows an

stancllud ftow control or it may be electronic. A regulator 8Il1UIgenlcnt for significantly reducing the noise produced

such as the regulator as tnay be included lit the llne between every time tltat the adsorbed tlnld in oill: of the colllIllD8 18

the prodUct tank D and the fiow COlIJroI device 90. 6S is dcsorbcd.

The 8)'lltem Bhown in FIO. 11 senses the rate of oxygen The embodiment Bhown in FIG. 14 Includes the pDrt plate

flow in the monilOr 88 andinll:oduces this senstdratc to Ihe 39, the rotor shoe 35, and the manifold 31. The manifold 31


Exhibit I, Page 021




has a cover m. A bearing CIIIrler U2 is suitably lI,!tIlChed to incn:asIug the size of !he chamber 118. 10 this way, tho

tho manifold cover m !Ill by sc:mws U4. A rolor sbaft Uti descnbBd compolUllltB In tho chamber US provide a mIDimaI

is disposed within BD opening JD the bearing CIIIrler UZ and noise wb8Il they enter the chamblll' BDd when they leak

8 bearlng U1 is disposed between the bearing camlll' III . . slowly Into Ibe atmospbcrc from llIo chamber.

BDd the bearing abaft Uti. s AlJhough this iDmJlion bas been disclosed and filustnlt.ed

. The bearing canior 112 aod !he manifold CIIVIIr m define with mfercDco to particular embodlments, the prlnciples

.1l chamber U8 which is eDiarged lCIBlive to the embodiment involved am 8USC8ptlhlo for use in DUmemus otIier embodi-

shown in FIGS. 1-7. The desorbed fluid from each column IDCIIIS .which will be apparent to persons sIdIled in the art.

18 passes into the chamber US and is retained In the The inveDlIODis, thcrd'orc, to be liml.ted onJy asiDdicuted by

enclosare since an oMaust polt corresponding to Ibe exbsu81 10 the 8COJID of the appended cIaima.

port 58 il not provided in the cmbocllmcn1 shown in FlO. 14. We claim:

Porous plugs 110 are disposed in 8pC3'IIIR8 122 in the . 1. In COIIIbiDation for removing a fiIBt com)lOllCllt from a

bearing carrier Ill. 8lncu the desmbad fluid in the chamblll' ~ fluid also having a second compoucmt and for

US is UIlder·some·pressure. it Is slowly mlea8ed to the provIdiDgfortheflowofsuchfillltcomp0lll:llltoauserata

atmoBpbere through the porous plugs 120. IS pte&Crlbed taU:,

The in noise In the opemtinn of. the system a plum1ity of columns coDStnlCted to provide inilially for

shown In FIG. 14 n:sults nom BCVeI1Il factOIJ. One factor is the introduction of the campIessed fluid into such

the lnc:rcaIed volume of 1ho cbamber 118 relative to the columns and to adsOIb the seccmd compolll:11t of the

co=ponding clmmbcr 57 shown in FIG. 4. A slICOIId factor compressed ftuld in such columns and to paSs llIe first

i8 that tho dcsorbed fluid in the chamber 118 is retmned 20 coJDpODeDt in 8lICb crilllllUls and coostnu:ted to desoIb

Within the chamber and is rell;8llCd slowly to the atmosphere the &eIXJJId componCnt in BUch colUlDllS, .

thmugh the plugs 120. This fa fIlciHuIted by tho fili:t that the fillIt IDCIIIIII for compressing tbll fluid bcfom the Jntroduc-

. desoIbed flDid ill the chamber 118 is not released to the don or the c:ompressed fluid into the colllmlll 1n the

aunOsphcTc througb a pan BUell as the port 58 in FIG. 4. pluiBHty,

It will be appreciated that·all of the fcunue8 of ibis 2S .

invontiDII C8II be provided in a colIV8DdonaJ two (2) column second IIICIUIII for providing for the introduction of the

colIJlRSSed fluid iDto at least a fillIt ODe of the collUllllS

systll1!l of the prier art. Sach a convaJlinnaJ two (2) column In the plllilllity 011 a cyclic baala to obtain the aclsoIPtlOII

system is shown in FIG. 16. It IncJlldes thll compressor 13, of tho

a dlstributor valve 14S, a pair of !he colul1lll& 18, the orifices second compoaern In such at least first one of the

colUDIDS and the passage of the first component from

27, the product holding IBDk 19 and a conttoI valvlI 150 for 30 such at lcsst fiIBt one of the collUDllll III1d for providing .

controWng the tate at which the oxygen or argon flow to the for the passage of the compn:sscd ftDid from at least a

user (e.g. the pa!ient).

It will also be BJlpreaialed that the systems consdtating second oncof!he columns in the plurality on Ifle cyclic

this inventiOll C8II be used to provido other fluids than basis to obtain the dl:SOlpllOll of !he second component

oxygen and to provide BUob fluids to UBCI'S other than a 3S from &DCh at least second DDC of the collDllllS,

pEttieDt without dc:pardug from tbe scope of the illveudoll. thiId JDe8IIII far collecting the first component passing

For example, the system of Ibis invention can be Used to tJu'ough the at least fiIBt one of the c:01mnna in the

provide floids for indnstrfal puxposea. ODe use illustratively plumliIy oil the cycllc basis, and .

fa to provid~ nilrogen to indusuiaJ orgauizadons which f'oIIrtbmeanahavingvariablu cbaractt:rislics forprc;vid1ng

provide an ioen atmospbere. Anoth=r illustrative use is ·40 for the compression or the fluid by the finn IDCIIJIS at a

oxygen for welding. variable rate offlow depomienl upon the pt'Il8Cdbed ratB

The apparallls constilllting thIa invention bas severai of the first compollC1it through the at least first one of

important advantages. It provides for a controlled and the columna in the plumlity.

adjustable speed of the compressor 13 to adjost the rate of 2, In a combination as set forth in claim 1, .

flow of a fluid such as oxygen to a user (e.g. a patient). The 45 the variable characteristics.of tbe fourth means constil1l1.

adjustable control of the compressor speed can be eithCr all .. ing variatiOlJa in speed,

a closed loop basls or an Dpen loop basis. PutthetlJlO1'a, an the fourth means being operatively coupled to the fint

indJcatiOll CIIII be provided as to wbim the compressor &peed lIlOans for varying the compression provided on the

has been adjusted out of a normal range of values to obtain - f1md by !he 1Itst means fI1 accordance with the varia-

a prescnbed fiow of the fluid, such as oxygen to the user (e.g. SD lions fI1 the speed of the firanb ineana,

patillDt), at Ii requiICd purlty. . the fourth IIICIIll8 being opemblu at the variable &peed to

The appamluB of this invendon also bas other advan!Bgcs. obtain the prescrlbed ratoofftow oftbc firstcomnnn...,t

As the speed of the compressor becomes reduced bclow Ii ,.-

particular value, the concentration of the oxygOll lends 10 through tba at least first one of i:be colullUlS,

become reduced below a desiIable value. The 8ppamblS of ss the fourth means bclng operative to obtain the opcnUion

thia invention )lIO\'ides for an adjUSlmc:nt in tho rotaIy speed of the fim means at the varlable speed dependent upon

of tho d1alrlblltDr valve assembly Zl 111 tho fluid fractionator the pn:scn'bed rate of ftow of the tiiat compommt

20 to Increase the presSure of thelluid in the colllllUl818 in through the at least first one of the columns in thD

the fluid ftaClfouator 20. The adjustable orificCs 'Z1 at the plDrality. . .

ontlet of the fluid fmctionalor 20 also tend to close with 60 3. In a combination as set forth in claim 1, .

decreases in the pressure of the fluid in the fluid fractiouator tho 1!rst mcaus ini:luclill8 a rotatable membor with cbar- .

20, thereby maintaining thCl pressure of the fluid in tbCl acteristlca variablo to vary the rate of flow of the first

columna 18 in the fluid fmctiouator. compo~t through the at least fi11it aDO of the colUDlllS

AI the speed of tho compressor 13 is decreased, the noise 111 the plurality. and

generated by !he compressor decn:ases. The nolso in the 6S tho fourth meansbelug operatively coupled to !he fi11it

. IJuid fi1Icdonator 20 is also signifll:IIDI:ly decreased by pro- mCIUIII for obtaining B varladon in the COl:IIJl1eSsion of

viding the porous pIngs 120 in the bearlng 112 and by the fluid by the first means to obtain tbe prescn'bod rate


Exhibit 1, Page 022

Exhibit 1, Page 023



of flow of the ilIst componmt tbrough the at least filst one of the columns.

4. In a combination as 8el fonh In claim 1,

means for conuoUlng the desorption of the second component componeu1S in the at least second one of the s columns In the plurality.

5. In B combination as sCl forth in claim 1,

means for decreasing the compression of the fluid in the

at least fim one of tba columns In the plunillty in accordancc with decreases In the rate of flow of the lIrsl 10 component Ihrongh such at least linn one Qf tbl! col· WDIlS.

6. In combinalion for removing a lIrst component from a comprcascd fluid also 1IlIving a second componeDt and for providing for the flow of such first component to a nBer at a IS prescribed tatc,

a plUl'lllity of cDlumns wherein at least a first one of such columns adsotbs thesc:cond compommt In the com· pressed lluid and passes the fin! compaitent in the compressed fluid IIIIIi at least a second one of which 20 .dll8cnbs the second component previously adso!bcd in such i:olulDD,

valve means for providing for the sclccIion of the at least

. first one of the .columns in the plurality and the at least second DOC Df the columns in the ploraIlty on B cyclic 2S . basiS,

COmpreBSor means for recelvillg and compressing the fiuid ' and for introducing the compressed fluid to the at least firSt one of the colUDIIIS in the phuaJity In accordance :10 with the opemtion of the valve means,

firat means for lIlijusting the operation of the compressor means to the prcscrlbecl magrtitllde of lIow rate for the passage of the tint compDDCnt through the at 1!:ast first

one of the columns in the p1orality, IIIIIi 3S

second means for collectin8 the first component passIng through the at least first Dne of the columns in the plurality.

7. In a combination as Bel forth in claim 6,

third means for providing a controlled adjustment by the 40 fir&! means in the compression provid~ by the COlDpreasor means in the fluid to adjllSt the IlIIe of flow of the fir&t component through the at least first ODO of the columns in the plurality.

8. In a combjllation as set forth in claim 6, 43

the compressor lJlIlans having varlable cIiatact~ to adjust the compreasinn provided, by the COlII])reSSDr means, and the ijrst mcBIIS including Udrd means for adjusting the variable ch8lllCterlstics of the compressor means in accordance rnth the prescribed tate ofllDw of SO the first compoDtDt through atlcaS! the lIrst one of the columns in theplura1ity.

9. In a combinBlion as sot forth in claim 8,

a product tank fur holding the llrat component after the 55 , passage of the. firat COlJlponem through the at least first

, one of the columns in the plurallty, and

means respollaive to clmnges in the concentration of the firat component fn the at leut first one of the colulDJlS

in the plurality for adjustiog the chamcterislics of the 60 valve means to maintain the collCClllIBlion of the first component in the product rank at a patticul8r value.

10. 10 a combination as 681 forth in claim 6,

at least a third one of the coIwnns in the plurality providing for an equalization of the pressure in the at 6S least first one of the columns and the at least second of the cOlUmns when such columns are being tnmsitioncd


on th~ cyclic basia beiweeo Ibe at least fint one of the columns in the p1uIality and the at least second one of the columns in the plurality.

n. In a combination as set forth in claim 6, the valve mllllDS being rotary.

12. In a combination as set forth in claim 6,

the valve means.collllllDDlcatiog on the cyCuc: basts with the at least first one of the columns in the plurality IIIIIi the at least second one of the columns in the plurality at a rate dependent upon the J1ItC of fiow of the first COmpoDCDt through the at least first DIlC of the columns In the plurality to a4just tbe-comprcasion of the fluid in the atlcast lIrst one of the co1llmDB in the plurality.

13. In a combination as set forth in claim 6, .

means fot minimizing any noise in the in least second one Df the coluinns in the pbmllity during the desorption of the second compDDCIIt in the at least second one of the columoa In the pluta1ity.

14. In combination for removing a first CODlp01ICIIt from a compressed fluid also having a second component and for providing for the flow of suCb first component 10. a user at a prescribed tale,

II plurality Df columns consttuc:led to provide initially for . the iotrodUC1ion of compresaed fluid into such columns and to adsorb the second component in the compressed fluid and to pass the first componelll in the compressed Illlid through such columns and constructed tD desorb the second cDmpDnent in 'such columns after the pas. sage of the first component thtuugh suCh columns.

compressor means having variable chamc:teristics for compressing the fluid for introduction to the columns in . the plurality, .

CDIltrollllCBDS for varying the c:hmacteriBtics of the compressor means in accmdaoce with the pn:z;cribcd rate of Ilow Df the first component througb the. columns in the plurality, and

rol'ary valve means for selecting at least II first one Df the coloDU18 in the p1ura1ity on a cyclic basis to provide for the introduction of the compressed fluid into such at least IIrst one of the columns and for selecting at least a second Dne of 1he columns in the plurality on the cyclic basis to provide for the dcsDtptioU of the SecOnd component in such at least secDnd one of the colulJlll8.

15. In a combination as set daim 14. .

IIlCIIDS for varying the rotary speed of the rotary valve means in accordance with the prescribed tale of flow of !be first component tlirougb the at least first one of the colUIDJUI in the plurality.

16. In II combioalion as let foxth in claiin 15,

each individual one of the colulJllls in the Jlluntlity baving an orlfic:e for passing the first oomPooent from such individual one of the columns, the orifice in each individual one of the colulllJll being adjustable in accordance with the rate of flow of the 11m component through such indlvi!lual one of the columns.

17. In II combination as set forth in claim 14,

each individual one orthe columns in the plurality baving . an orifice for passing the first component from such individual one of the coIumDS, the otI1Ice in eacb individual Dne of the coillTDDs being adjostublc In acconimtce with the rate of fl~w of the first component through sncb individual onc of the columns.

18. In a combination as set fortb in claim 14,

the second component In each individual Ollll of the OOllllDDB being dCSOIbed to the atmOsphere at II variable tate, and





means fOr varyJng the rete at whicIJ the second component tho thkd meaas iru:ludJDg 8 cover,

in each l.iutivldual ODe of the columns fa de&orbed to tho the fourth means Including a porous plug disposed In the

BImOsphere. cover for providing for a coll1rolled !low to the IIbnI>-

19. In a combiuatfon as set forth in c:1aim 14, IIJIhete of the aeccmd corilJlOllent in at least the second

nu:aus for boosting tho P.J'II8IIIll'e of thc fluid in the at least s one of the cobmma in the plurality m the chumber.

first QUe of the columJIJ In· the pllll'llllty lIpOn an 25. In a combination l1li set forth in claim 23,

occuaence of decreases io the rate of flow from tile m6B118 for vmylDg the rate on the cyclic: basis, indepen-

pn:scrlbed rate of the fiIBt compOJlellt through tho at dcnOy of the oplmlllon of the ~ meaus, at which the

ICB8t first ODe of tho colllJIlll8 In the plurality. at least first one of the columas in the plurality and the

20. In combination for removing a first compDDCDl from 10 at least 8eCODCI ODe of the columns in the plurality are

a compresaed tlDid also having a second COmponODl and for salccted by the valve means,

provldlll8 for the flow of such first cODlpODcnt to a user at a U. In a comblnaticm lIB set forth iD claim 25.

prellCribl:d rate, the valve mCB118 IXlIIlItltuling first valve mCBDS,

a plorallty of columns ccmstruc:ted to receive tho com· a plurality Df second valve means each Individual one of

preSsed fluid and to adsmb the SlIcolid component In the 15 which is disposed iD 8lI1nd1viclual one of the columns

COIIIJInl8SCd fluid in such cO}UIJIIIli and to pass the fImt iD !he plurality and each individual ODe of wbich is

component.1n the compressed fluid in 5Uch columna operaIiw 111 response to the var:la1ions from the pre-

. and i:onsIructed to desorb the second component In scribed rate of flow of the tim component through the

5U1!h columm after tile passage of the firBt component at least first one of the colmmq in thc plurality to vary

through such columns. • . 211 the pre8lIIJI1! of the 1luid Ju the at least first one of the

valve means for selectiDg at least a flrat one of the colUllD18 in the p1unillty.

columns in the plDmllty on a cyc1Jcbasis to provide for 21. In com~n for xe;novlng a fiI&t component from

the introduction of the eompresacd fluid into such at . a compressed Buill also having a second compon!lll1 and for

least fimt one oithe columns on the cyclic ba&fs and the 2S providlng for the flow of such fiIBt component to a user at a

i!dsorplion of the second component Ju the compressed prescribed rate,

fluid iri the at least first one of the components and the II plum]jty of collDDDS constructed to receive the com.

passage of the first colUpODCII1 through SIlch at 1east pressed fluid and to adsorb the second COmpOllCllt In the

firBt one of the columns and for seleCliDg at least a compressed flDid In SUch. columns an!! tQ p8B8 the mt

second one of the columns In the plurality on the cyclic 30 compollCllllu the compressed tluid through such col·

basis to provide for the cksotption of the SlICond unms and constructed to desorb the secOnd compooent

component from such at least second -one of the eel- In sucb columna after the PIIB&age of the first compo-

umns, DCOt throagh such columns,

firBt means for providIlI8 a compressian of the fluid valve lDCIIZIlI for salccting at least II first one of tbe

passl1lg to the u1 least first one of the columns iD the 3~' columns In the pJurillity on a cyclic basfa to provide for

plumHty in accordance with the operation of the valve the introductiDD of the compressed fluid Into such at

means, and . least first om: oftbe cohunns on the cyclic basfa and for

second means for vaiyiDg the rate of flow Qf the first selecting at least a second one of the columns Ju the .

component through the at least first one of llie coJumoa plIlIaHty on the cyclic basis to provide for the dcsorp-

independently of the operation of the vaJve means and 40 tion of the SCC!Ind COmpoll~ in such =condone of the

in accordllDCCl with wrlations in the prescribed rate of colunms,

flow of the first .component through the at least first one first means for inlmduclng the compressed fluid Into the

of the columna In the plurality. at least first one of the columns Ju the plumlity,

2L In a combinatiDn lIB set forth in claim 20, aecond means definIDg a chamber for receiVing· the des-'

means for varying the ralls on the cyclic basis, indepcn- 4~ orbed second component iD the at least second one of

dently of the ope:rationoftbe first means, at wbich the the columns in the plamlity, and .

at least first one of the columns In !be plumllty and the third DlCaIIS for providJDg a controlled I8lease to the

at least second one of tlJ.e colllIlUlS in the plurality are atmosplu:re of the second component in the chamber.

salectcd by the valve means. 28. In a combiualion as sat forlb in cliilm '13.

2.2'. In a combination as set forth In claim· 20, so the sa:ond means inclucllng a cover enclosing the valve

the valve means constilUtiog fu:st valve means, means and th~ eolOlOJl8 in thcpluralil1, and

a plurality of second valve means each disposed in an the third means incIudJDg a potOlI8 plug communicat:lng at

individual ODe of the columns In the plorallty and each . one end with the chamber. and at an oppDSire end with

operative in response to vaIiatiOIl8 from the prescribed ~s th.e atmosphere to pass the secODd component in tbC

J'IIlU of flow of the first COIDpOllCllt through the at least c:hamber to the atmospberc.

IiIBt one of the columna in the p1Um1Jty to vary the 29. In a .combiuation as set fDrlb in claim 28,

pressure of the fluid In the at least mt one of the fourth mCBDS operative independenUy of the iutmductiOD

columns in the pluralIty. of the c:ompressed fluid by the first means into the at

23. In a combination as set forth in claim 20, 60 lcast1lllltoneorthecolUlllllS 111 the pluraHtyfor vl!lylng

thiId means defining a chamber for receiving the second the raIO at which the valve IDIlBDS seleeta thll at least

compoDent In the at IeIIIIt second one of the columna in first om: of the .coIumns in the plDrality and the at least

the p1ura1ity. and aecond one oftbe columns in the plurality ~ the cyclic

fourth means Inclnded iD the third means for providing a basis. .

controlled pll9sage of the scco!!d component· from the ISS 30. In" a combination as set forlb in claim '1.7,

chamber.· fourth means for varying the opemtJon of the first ineazIs

24. III a combJllation as set forth in cIahn 23, . in introducing the compressed lIuld Into the at least lint

Exhibit I, Page 024

a' .

Exhibit I, Page 025



one Df the CDlumna in the pll1I1llity indepcndcot1y of the operation of the valve lJICIIIlS.

31. In a combination as set forth ill claim 27,

fourth meana opcra1ive Indepeadeutly of the Introduction

of the compressed fluid by the first mew into me at 5 least first one of the collll1UlS ill the plurality for varying the rate at wbich the valve mean8 selects the at least first one Of the columns in the plurality on the cyclic basia and the at least second one of !he columns In the

piuIality on the Cyclic basis. . 10

32 .. In B rom~on as set forth In claim 27,

a plurality of valves, each individoal one of tlJe valves bc:UIg disposed in an Individual DntI of the c:ohmma in tile plurality Dd cad! individual ODC of the valvc& having a, variable orifice to pllllS the fiI&t compOJlCllt in 15 the at least 1Irst ODC of the columns tbrough such individual ODC of the valves and each !ndfvldual ODC of the valves helDg con&ttw:ted to vary·the or!1icc in such Indlvidllal one of the valves; in accordance with cbauges In the rate of fiow of the 1h'sl component through tha orifice in such iIIdividual one of the vlilues, 20 ill II. direCliou to increase me pressure of the fluid in the individual one of the columns in the .pluraIity,

the valves in the plurality being dlJfemnt from th~ valve

means. 25

33. In combination for IlllJIovlng a first romponent from a compl'Cssed fluid also having a second component and for providlxig for the flow of such first component 10 B user at a prescn'bed rate,

a pl\U3lity of columns CDDBlIUcted to provide initially for 30 the uitroduction of the compressed fluid into such columns and to adsorlJ the sec:and llODIJlODent in the

. compressed fluid In such columns !lDd to pass the first component through Such columns and constrUCted to desore the secood component in such colUlllDs after the 55 jl8SSIIge of tlie IinIl component through such columns,

firBt means for compressing the fitst and second compo· nc'nts of the Ouid before the inuolJnction of such compressed COmpDD~ of the Il~ into the columns In

the plurality, 40

second means for introducing the compressed 1luld into at least a first one of the columna· In the plunllity on B cyclic basis to obtain the adsorption of the sccond component in the at least first one of the colw:nns III1d the passage of the firSt component through such at least 45 first one of the colunms and for providing fcr the desorption of the second component from lIIl at lcast 5CCOJId one of the colWDDS in the plurality on the cyclic basis, third means for collecting the Drst component passing through thIi at least first one of tile columns iii SO the plU11llity on the cyclic basis.

fourtb means including a cover dellnlng a closlld chamber for recei Ying the second component In the at least

second one of tho columns in the pllll1lllty, and ss

fifth meana disposed In the: cover for controllably releasing to the atmospbcni the seCOlld component in the closed cbambel:

. 34. In a combination as set forth in claim 33, the fifth means ll1c1uding at ~cast a first porous ping (or releasing 10 60 ~e atmosphClll the IICCODd compoacnt in the chamber.

35. In a' combinatiDn as set forth in claim 33,

the 1irat compOnent being inuoduced into the at least first one of the columns In the plurality at a wrlab1e rate, siltIh meana for atljustlng to a prescribed ~ the varillble 6S rate at wbidl the fiI&t compOIteIlt is introduced into the

at least first one of the columns by the second DIIIIIDS.


36. In a combination as set forth in claim 33,

B plurality of orificca. each inclivldllal one of the orifict:s being disposed in an individual one of the colulDDs in the pll1I1llity and each individual one of the orifices having a var.iab!e constrlctiou and each individual one of the orifices being operative to provide an increasing consuiction with decreases in the rate of flow of the first compcoent through the at .least tint one of the

colulllllS in the plurality. .

YT. In a combination as set forth in claim 33,

means for Vatylng the rate of flow of the !lrst component through the at least first ooe of the columns in the plum1ity. and

means for vlU)'ing the luid COIlIp1'esSicm provided by the first means in acoordance with the variations in the rate of flow of the first component tbrough the at least first one of the columns in the plnraHty.

38. In combination for removing a first componllll1 from a compressed f1nid also having a second component and for providing for the flow of such first componcat to a user at a prescn'bed rate,

a plurality of columna constructed to provide initially for tIxs introduction of the compressed Buid into sucb columna and to adaoro tile second component in such columns and to pass the first component and con· stroeted to desorb the seeend components in such Columns after the passage of the first compDDent through Buch columns,

first means for compressing the first and second compo. nents of the lluid before the introduction of 9Uch compressed compcmenlB of tile fluid into the colUlllDs in the pluraHty,

second mesns"forfntroduclng the compressed fluid least It first one of the cohnnns in the plurality on a cyclic basis to obtain the adsOlptiOIl of the second component in the at ieast first one of the colwruis and the passage lif the first compOIU!llt tbrough such at least fust one of the columns and for providing for the passage to the atmosphere of !be· second component from at least a second one of the collll1UlS In the pluraHty on the cyclic basis ID obtain the desorption of such sccood component from the at least second one of the columns,

thIrd means for collecting the· first component passing through the at least first one of the columns in the phmUity on the cyclic basla,

fourth means for adJuSling the concenuatlon Df the first ~t in tile at least firat one of the columns in the

plurality, and .

a plumllty of valves, each individual one of the valves being disposed in an incIIvidual one of the columns in the plurality and each individual one of the valves having an orifice variable in accordance with changes In the rate of Bow of the Drst componellt through the at least first ene of the columns in the pluralit'y.

39. In a combination 88 set forth ill claim 38,

the odlIce In the individual one of the valves in the at least first one of the columns being consUuC!ed to beCome constIicted with decreases in the rate: of Bow of the first component through the at least first onc of the columns In the plurality from thc pteseribed ~ and with decreases In the compression of the IIrst component in the at least first one of the columns in the phmdity to adjuat the concentration of the first co!llp01lCllt in the at least first one of the colnmns.



' ..

v .

S,593~478 .


40. III B combinalion lIS set forth In claim 39,

the fourth means being Oplll'lltive to IKljDSl the mte of flow of ilia COIIlprIl8sed fluid iDID Ihe at least Jirst one of the colunms in Ihe plWlllll.y on the cyclic basis to 1Klj1lllt the concenlrDllon of the fIIlII: component In the at least IlrBt 5

one of !he collllDllS. .

41. In a comblnatIon as set forth In claim 39,

the second IIIC8DS being opmllive to adjust the tate of flow

of the first component 1hrIJush the at least fit&t one af the coll11DllS In the plurality on the cyclic basis and the 10 IlIte of the passage to !be IIImosphcrc of Ihe second component from the at lc8st second ODe of!hc columna

in the plurality on the cyclic basis.

42. In a combination all S8t forth In c:Ialm 41,

. IS

valve meaus operable on the cyclic I!asia at a varlablc rate:

10 ·mcrease the compression of the first colllpOllCnt in

. thl! at lCIIBt first ODe of the colu1mIa In Ihe plurality In accordance with deere_In the IlIte of flow of the tint compODCDt through the individual one of the orifices in 20 such at1east firut ODe of the columns.

43. III combiDetion for removing a first component from . a compn:ssed tluld also having a secolld component and for providing for the flow of such first componCDt to a lJIIeI' at a

prescribed rate. . 25

a plurality of collJlllIll) CQIlStructed 10 provide initially for the IntrodDC1fon of Ihe comp!CSSCd fluid Into such columns and to adsorb the second componCDt in thIS f1u14 In soch colwIms and to pass tIIIIllrBt component through such columns and constructed to desorb the 3D second component In such COlulllDS afI:et !he passage of the first eomponent through sucb co101DD8.

£irat means for providing a varlable compresaioD of the tluld befon: thIS Introduction of the compressed fluid to the columns In the plurality, the first· means hlMng 35 varlable characlcristica of provldlng such compression,

second JDCII1lS for Introducing the comprcssecl1luid into at ·Ieas~ a first ODIS of the columns In the plurality on a c:ycJic basis to obtain the uilsorplion of the second component hi such· at least first one Ofthc ~umna and 40 to obtain the passage of the first COIDpOIIeIIt through sw:b atlcast mt cine of the columns arid for providing for the passage of the second component 1it!m at least . B second one of the· colUDIDB In the plurality on the cyclic basis to obtaln the deso!ption or the second 45 COIIJponent from the at least second aDO of the columns,

tIIird DlCBIIB fur adjusting the cbaraClcri&tica of the first . mlSBDS to obtain a part1cDlar concen1mtion of the Iirs& componcot in the at liSast Brat ODe of the co1umua hi the

plurality. and· so

fourth means for indIc:atlqg .when the clmracterislica of the first IIlCBDS IIl1j outside of particular limits.

44. In a combination as set forth hi claim 43, fifth mcatls defining a closed loop with tIic first mcansand the third 55 meana for mailllaiaing thIS P.IfIicular C01ic1mIm1!on of the . first component hi the at 1cast first one of thc columns hi the plurality.

45. In a combination lIS set forth In claim 44,

a valve associated with the coluDUls in the plurality for 60 colIUlUJlllcating with such columns in the plurality on the cyclic basis to select thIS at least first one of the columns in the Plurality on the cyclic basis and the at least second one of Ibe columns In the plurality on the

cyclic basis, and u

JDeIlllS for VliryiDg the opet8liOll of the valve to adjust the time, in accordllllCe with the adjuSlmen18 In the par-


tlcular concentration of the fiJlIl component in the at least fimt one of the colUlIlll8 in thl! plurality, In which each individual ODD of the columns In thIS plumllty OplStlltc8 as the at least first cae of the colWllll8 i!1the plurality on the cyclic basis and lIS the at least &ecoIld one of the cobmma In the plumliJ;y on the cyclic basis.

. 46. In a combination as set forth in claim 45,

B plurality of val ve mCllDB,. each lmllvidnal one of the valve IIlC8llS being associated with an individual one of the columna in the pl1ll1llity far increasiIIg .the com· pression of Ibe lluid In suell iudividual one of the colOlDD8In the plurality In response to a decrease In the rate of flow of !be first componeot throu,gb the at least IlrBt one of thc columas ID lhe plurality,

thc valve beh!g difflll'Bllt· from tile plurality of valve means.

47. In =nbimltion for removing a first component from a c:ompressed 1IuId also having a second component and for providing for the flow of such first COtDpOIICIIlto a lJIIeI' at B

prescribed rate, .

a plunility of columns wben:fn at least a first ani: of such columua adsoms the sc:cand c:ompom:nt iii the comprcsaed lluid and passes tile lim compoaeDt in the compressed Bold and at least B 8econd one of such columns desorbs the second compDllCDt previously adsorbed in &UCh at Ieust second ODe of Ihe columns,

valve means for selecting lhe at least first OIlC of the columns on a cyclic basis and the at lCIIBt second ODe of the colllDlllll on a cycHc basis,

compIl:8sor IIICSDS· havlng variable cbaractedslica for receiving and compreaaing the fluid in accordance with the variations in such charactcrla1ics una for iDIrodncmil the comptCllSCd fluid to lIIe at least IlrBt ODe of the columns In the plumlity in accordance with the seleelloil of the first one af the columns by the valve means on the cyollc basts,

first IDeIlIII for indicating variations in the tcmpetature of the fluid in the at least first ODe of the columns, and

. seco8d IIICIIIIS for YBlYing the ~harac:tcdstica of the com· pmssor mCIIIJS In accordance with tile varialions in the tmnperatI1ta indicated by the fi11t means to II1BinnIin the ' 1I1lw of the lim compooeut ill tho colIl)lnlSBed !laid to the user at the plll8cribed rate.

48. In a combination as set forth in claim 47,

thfrd means for adjusting the times for the selection of the at least fiat ODe of tho colUlllDS on the cyclic basis and the at least second OIlC of the columns on the cyclic basis in accordance wilh the variable cbanu:tclistics of the compressor means by the second DICIIIJS.

49. III a combination as set forth hi claim 47,

a plurality of· orifices, eacll individual onB of the orificea being dIspo.wI in an individual one of the columns In the plurality and beIas \'Briable in size, and

third meallS for varying the size of the orlficea in the plurality in accOIdance wi!h variations in the c:ompte&. Blan of the fluid in the cOlDDUJs ~ Ibe pimality.

50. In a combination as set forth In claim 47,

tbIrd means for indicatIIJg the variations in the pressun: of the fluid in the cohmms Inthll plurality,

the BCCODd mCBDS being responsive to the iDc1ica.tians by . the tbIrd means of the vllrlatiODS in the pressure of the tluid hi the coluinos In the plurality for varying the cbaracterlatica of thIS comptC&IIOl' mcatls.

51 •. III a combination as set forth In claim 47, .

third means Ii580clated with the columns In the plurality for de1inIng a chamber for tcceiviDg !he second com· . pDnent dcsoIbed ft'om lhe columns in thIS phmllity, and

Exhibit 1, Page 026

Exhibit 1, Page 027



fourth means included in the third means for providiJlg a controlled release of the second compbnent In the chamber 10 an aunospheric prcasure.

52. In a combination as set forth. ill claim 47, .

a plU%lllity of orl1ices, each lndlviduBl one of the orifices 5 .being disposed in BD individual one of the collllllllS in the plurality and being variable In size,

third means for varying the &ize of the 0ri1icea in the plurality in accordance with va%1alions In the opll!lltion oflbe compressor means In compressing the IIuid in the 10 columns in the 'plurallty,

fourth means for inilicatiDg varialions In the pressure of' the fluid In the columns in the p111ll1lity, .

the second means being responsive 10 the indIcatlans by the fDDrtb lJlC8lIB of'the variations In the pressure of the 15 fluid in the colllIDll8. in the p1umIity for varying the

. charactetis1ics of the Compre88Ol' means,

fifth means 8Ssocill1ed wiIb the cOIUlIlD8In the plurality for deflnlng a chamber for recei vine the secoDd component desorbed 1'rom the columns In the plurality. and 20 sixth means included in the fifth mCBD8 for providing a

COlltrolled release of Ibc second component In the

cbamber 10 atmospheric pressure. .

53. In combination for removing a ftr&t component from

a compressed ftuld also having a second component and for 2$ providing for thc·flow of such first component to B user at 8 prescribed tate,

8 plurality of columns wherein at least a first one of sucb columns adsorbs the second component of the com- ~D pressed lluid and passed the first COmponCllt of the compressed fluid through tbe at least first one of the colnlDl18 •..

valve means for seIectiDg the at least first one of the columns on a cycHc basis and the at least second one of as the columns on the cyclic basis.

compressor meBDB baVtllg· variablD cbamclBristlca for receiving and compressmg the fluid In 8I:COrdancc with the variations in snch characteristics and for .bJtrodncing the compressed llufd to t1io at least first one of the '10 columns in tile plurality in accordaoce with the seleclion of the at least first ODD of the columns by the vBlvc means OD !be cyclic basis,

flow· control i:neBDB for receiving the first componcot passing through at least the first one of the columna and 4S for passing the fi:st component to the user at a particu.

lar rate dependent upon the ope:ation of the Dow

. control means, and

fimmeans responsive to vmlalionsin theJlUDat which the flow control mClitls passes the fust component. to thc so user fOf. varying the ch8I1!Clerlstics of the compressor means to mainlain at the pllIticolar rate the passage of the lint compOUDDt from the flow COJItroI means to the user.

. 54, In a comblnalion as set forth in claim 53, seccnd mr:ans for indicating variations In the temperature

of the lluid in the at least first one of the colulDJll,

the IirIIt means being responsive 10 thll variations in the tempetlllme lUI indicated by the secoDd mellDS for 60 adjusting the cbaractCrlstics of the first means to milialain at tbc particular rate the passage of the 1lrst component from the 1I0w control means to the user.

55. In a combJnatlon as set forth in claim 53,

second means for adjuatblg the timIla for the selection of 65 the at least first one of the collIllUlS on the cyclic basis BDd the at least second one of the colulDJII Oil the cyclic



basis In accmdance with the variations in the charaelcI:istics of the compressor mellDS by the first means, 56. In a combination as set forth in claim 55,

the compressor means having a variable speed,

means for lncrcasiJJg the prcssum of the first component passing from the least first one of the columns in BCCOJdance with decreases in the speed of the compressor JIIlI3IlII.

51. In a combination lUI set forth io claim 56,

third means for indicating varlalionsln the temperature of the fluid in the at least first one of the colulDllB,

the first means being responsive to the indicatio!lll by !be thlId nu:ana of the variations in the lemperaturD for IllijDStfng the Chanu:terlstiC8 of the first mellllS to malntain at the particular mte the passage of the first compDllOII1 frQm the ftow colllrol meBDB to the user,

fourlli Ji1eanB for lIIljustiDg the limes for the selection of the at least first onD of the columns on the cyclic basis and the at least second onc of the columns on the cycHc basis In aqcordance with the variations In the cbaraclerlsIics of the compressor means by·thc first means.

sa. In a combination as set forth in claim 53. .

a pluraJily of orifices, each IndlvlduBl one of tbc orifices beiug disposed in an individual one of the columns in the plurality and being variable in size. and

second DICIDIS for varying the siu: of tbc orifices in the plurality in occcmIance with variations in the compression of the fhiid in tIie columns in the pluraIJty.

S!I.In a combination as set forth in claim 53, the campressor mellllS having II variable spcccI,

. IIICBD!J for inc:n:a8ing the preSIUfC of lbs first component passing from the least first one of the colllUlll8 In . accordam:e with dcca:ases in !hD speed of the compressor means.

60. In a comblnation as set forth in claim 53,

scoond means associated with the columns In the plurality for deflniDg a chambel for receiving the second compOll6n1 desorbed from the columns in the plurality, and third maans included In the second means for providiDg a

conttolled release of the SCCOlld component in the chamber to atmosphllrfc pressure,

6L In combination for removing 8 first comP01l6llt from a compressed tJuid also baYing II second c6mpouen1 and for providing for the fiow of such first component to a user at a prescn"bed rate,

a plurality of collllIlDS wherein at least II first one of such colWlll1S adsorbs' the second component of the com· pressed llufd and passes the first CDmpDnlllll of the compressed lluill through the 111 least first one of the columns and at least a second one of such colunms dcaorbs the second component pn:viously adaOIbed in the at least first one of the columns.

valve ml:8JlS for seleclinB the. at least first one, of the col1lDlXl8 on a cyclic basis and the at least secoild one of the columns on the cyclic basis,

compressor means baving variable chamcteristics for receiving and·compn:a&ing thc fluid in IIcCOIdance with the variatIOns in such charactaristics and for Introducins the compressed fluid to the II1lcast ftnIt OIIe of the columns in the plurality ill accordBDcc with the selection of the at least first one of the colDl1UlS by the valve mBBDS on the cyclic basis,

flow collltol means for receiving the first component passing through the at least first one of the columns and

.* ,



Exhibit 1, Page 028



for pauiug the first component to the user, the flow control JDeIIIIS baviDg variable cbaracterlsdca, and

first means n:sponsive to tIJc variatiODB in the cbamctcr· islics of the compressor means for varying the characterlsIlcs of the flow comrol meaua to malutaIn tbs 5 passage of thl: first component from .the lIow control meaus to the uaer lit a particular nne.

62. In a cnmbjuatjnn 811 set tbnh in claim 61,

sl:COIld me&lI8 for indicating varla!ion, in the tcmpc:rlll1W

of the fluid In the at least fitut one of the IXllDI!lIlS, and 10

third IJIl!8JI8 reapDDllivc to the Indications ofth= varia1Irms in the tcmptaltUra by the second mCIIDs for VIII)'ing the cbamcIerlsIIcs of the compressor means to maintain the passage of the first compDllllllt to th= UIIIII' lit Ihe

particular J'IIIIl. IS

63. III a combiiwtion as set forth ID claim 62,

fllllIlh meaus fur indicating variaIious in the pmi3UJlI oC the fluid in !be first compoucn1 in tile at least fiIBt nne of the cohmms,

flfth means reapcmsive to the indications of the varIa1ions 20 in the pressure by the secood mmms for 'VIII}'iDg the characreristlca of the Compressor means UI maintain the passage of the first COIIlpODmt to the user lit the partiwlar rate,

sixth JIICIIJlB for indicatiDg the variatloos in the character. 25 tsiica of the flow control means, and

the fifth 11IeIIIl8 being resPonsive to the iDdlcmion by tbe sixth IIIClIIlS of the variations in the c:harattcristIca of the flow eoutrol me8DB for vazying tblJ.cblll'lllllcristU:a of 30 the compressor IUCBDS to mainlllin the passage of the fhst component from the flow control IUCBDS to the user

at the partic:ular rate.

64. In a combiDalion as set t'ortb in claim 61,

, sa:oud IUCIIII8 for indicating variations In the pressum of 3S the tluid in the at'least first one of tho components,

third meana responsive to the ipdlcatiollS of the variations

in the JIlCSS1IlIl by the 8CCODd DlClIDS for varying the cbamcteristiC!l of thc c:ompressor means to maintain the 'passage of, the tirBt compoueal to the UBIlI' at the 40

partfcullU' rate, '

65. In a combiostiou as set forth in claim 61,

second meanS for indicating the variadOD8 In the cIum!c,teristics of the flow COJItroI meBDs. and

third meana responsive to the indications by the second 4j means of the varlations ill tbe cbanIctcdsIics of the Bow control means for varying the cbaIuctmistica of the compressor meana to maInIsIn the passage of the &it compouent from' thl! flow coutroI means to the user lit

tho particulBl' rate. ' so

66. In comblnatinn for removing a lirat CDmpOllQlt from

II. compressed flaid also having a second component aod for providing for the flow of such first component to a USIlI' at a prescn'bcd rate,

a plurality of columns wherein at least a 6rst ono of the SS colmiuUl adsOlbs the secood COIllpODCDt of tile eempressed lluld end passea the first COIllpIlDl:D\ or tho compressed fluid through thl! at IIIIISt fint one of the colamns BIld at least a sccoud aDO of the c:ollllDll8 60 desorbs the second compoDeDl p1'lIviolJllly adsmbed iII tho at least finit one of the columns,

valve mcansfur 5Clcctlug the at least first nne or tbo columns on a cyclic basia and the at least sccoud ODe of ,

the columns nn the cycllc basis,' 6S

compressor aJCa118 having veriablc charactmistica for

, receiving and compressing the fluid in accordance witb

, ..



the varlaIfDI18 in suob clmracb:dsIica and for fntroduo.. iug the compxcssed iluid to the at IllBSt 1int nne of ml! colllJUOS in the plDrality in accordance with the sclec· linn of the lit least firBt one of the columns by the valve meaus On the cyclic basis,

first ml:llllS having variable cbaracterlstlcs for cooling the compressor 1IIC8!II in acccmIancc with auch variable ,c:hlInIcr.edB11cs.1tIld

second means respoDSive to variatiom iu tbe cbaractcris· tics of the compn:ssar meaus fur Varym8 tho cbamcted&lica of tbII first means in coating the CllIIlpICSSor IJlIIIID8.

67. In a combJuallon BII set fiu1b in claim ",

flow control mew for n:ccIviDg the first component after tbe passagl! of me 1iIBt component through the at least first rme of tho columns aDd for passing tho first colD]lOlltlll1 to thB user, the Bow c:antrDl means having vmmhle~,aud

third means teSpobSive to the varlaliODS In the chllIlldcr· islica of the comprcasor meaDS far varying the cbamcteristica of thl! flow control mLlBDll to maintain the passago of tile fimt component tJom the flow control means to the IISIlI' at a particular rate..

68. In a combfDation as set fmth ill claim ", the second means iucludlng a mlcroproceasor,

the variable chmacterisdcs of the CODIJII'I:ssor means constituting changes in speed. ,

tbe varlab1e chamClDrlsdca of the cooling means consti· tutIng chaugea io the rate at whlcb the CODHng means coolli tho COlDp1CSSOI' meaus,

the second meana iDcludiug the microprocessor beiog responsive to the cbmges iII Jhe speed or the compressor JDCIID8 for varyiDg the rato at whicb the cooling means cools the compressor means.

69_ In a combiualion as set forth in claim 611,

the valve means having verlablc cbanu:terl&tica for varying the rato at whicb the valve meBDS salecla tbo at least tirBl ono or the colU1DD8 en tho c:ycIic basia and the at least second IIIIlI or the CoIUI11D8 on the cyclic basis, BDd

third means including die microproa::saor for varying the characteristics of the valvo meaDS in accordance with the wrllllioos in me speed of the comp!e8SOJ' IDIl3D8.

, '70. III a combInatiOn as Slit forth iu claim 68,

third mCaos forindiCllliDg ¥8riations iu the teDJperatun: of the compressor meana, and

fDUrtb means including the microproceasorfor vaiymg tho speed of the compte8BOl' mcana in accordaDco with the , indication by the thhd means of the varlatiDI18 In the tcmpCllltllns of the compn:ssor mC8D1I.

71. In a combbiation as set forth In claim 68,

tbinI rneana for indicating variadoos in the concentration of the IirBt compollllllt in !hI! at ll1BSt first one of the ' COlDIDIIII, and

fourth meana including the microprotlCS8Dr for VlI1}'iDg the speed of the COIDp:ressor DIIIlIIIS in 8CCDI1Iance with the indIcatlODS by tho third meana of the variations in the , concentmdon of the fl1Sl compouem in the at least Iirst 0111: of the colllJDll8_

72. In a combinBlioD as set forth iu claim 68,

1I0w contml meaJUl for n:a:iving the fiIBt component after the Passage of the tirBt component tbrouSh the at least ftr&t OlIO of the cohmms aod for passing the first component to the user, thll flow COIlIrOl means having variable characteristics,




... ~"
.: ..
\. Exhibit 1, Page 029



third means reapoJlBive to the variatioD8 in the c:lJaructer. istlcs of the compressor JIU::1lIIlI for varying the characterisliCli of the How control DIIIBl18 to maintain the passage of the tlxatcomponent from the flow control JneIlIlll to the user at a particular rate,

the valve mCllIJll haYing variable chanu::lCIislica for varying the nue at which the valve melllls SclCClli the at least lim one of the columns 011 the cyclic basis and the at least second ono of the columna on the cyc:11c basis,

fo1l11h means iac;ladlng the microprocessor forvmying die 10 chamclerlstics of the valve IDCIlIIS io accordance with

. the variations fII!he speed of the CDIllJl%C88or means,

fiftb means for Indicating varlBtions in the tempemtme of the compressor means, and


sixth IIICIIIlS inc:luding the microprocessor for v8I)'ing the speed of the compzessor II1CIIII8 in accordaDce with thl! . iDdl.catIon of vllliatioos In thll temperature of the complC8SOI' JIlC8IlS,

seventh meana for IndlcBling variations in the concentration of the firat component in the at least first ODe of the

columns, and ,

eighth means including !he microprocessor for VlII)'ing !he speed of tbc compreasor DICIIIIS in accordance with t;he indications repreaendng the variations in tbc conCCIIttation of the fim componoot in the at least tim ODD of the columns.

. '" .. .. '"

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.- . - . -




United States Patent [19J mn etaL





. USQOS130n8A

[11) Patent Number: [45) Date of Patent:

5,730,778 Mar. 24, 1998


(75) IDvcntors: 'CImrleiC. BDl. Del Mar; Theodore B.

BID. ~ DIego, bodJ of Ca1If.

(73) Au!gncc; SeQual TIldmologles, Inc.. SaD Diego.


(21) AppJ. No.: 134,lO3

. . (22) PlIecl: Oct. %1, 19P6

Related U.s. AppDc:atiOll Data

DivisiDII of Ser. NO. 3i4.213, Scp. 28, 1994, PaL No,

5,593.478. .

Int. CL 6 ~ __ • •• ~_._._ BOlD S3IOS3

U.S. CL ._ •• _._ !I5IU; 95115; 9S122; 9S123;

95/41; 95196; 951130 P1eld oI'Search •••• __ ...... _ •• __ ·9518. 12. 14. 15.

95/19. 22. 23. 39.96. 130.'138

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PrfnItIry &amIne~ Spftza'

AltDme,)I Asmt. tIT Ftim--BIIiWOI1b R. Roston; Fulw!da PBUOD Lee &. Utecht. u.P



A JOCIIr)' valve III lbe inlets of B plurality of collUlllls ~cally (1) selects first collllDJlS OD a cycBc basis to receive CVUljlI cssed Bir. adsorb Ditrogea 8Jld odu;r compoIII'IIIti ID the c:omp~ air WId pass oxygeD WId 1If80n to a user (e.g. patient). sccoDd c:oJumus to desorb the ai1solbcd c:ompODClItII 10 61Id1 columai WId (3) third 'collIDUIS to ccpiallm pressures wbm'C the fInt coIWIIUS cbaDgc pr0gressively to the SCQOud colamDs 8IId vh:e versa. A COIIIJnssor having a4Justable cbaract8risth:s aDd regulamd in au open OJ closc4l00p fJIIroclw:es the COJIIpI'Cssed IIir duough che valve to the 11m c~ to p-ovide aD adjustable air IIow (OJ obtafnlDs a pmscribed oxygea flow to !be user. All IndlcatiOD IIlII)' be providccl when lbe c:ompn:sscr charactGtbtlca reguluted for obtaiDlDg the prescribed oxygen flow rate are outride paI1ic:alar llmlts. The va1~ may ha~ a variable speed related to 1hc compressor Cow varialiOIlS to regulate !be air prcSlIR 10 the coIlUDII8 ill accordance with the air

. Bow ram 1IIto the colUIDIIS. A variable orifice ID a valve ID eac:b columD OU11et bcoomes t:ODStricted wIrh dccICascs 111 the oxygeo Bow rate In each eo1uinn. !hereby f\artha' rcgulatlDg the OX}'Beu ~ iD 61Ic:b column. A porous plus iD a doscCl chlllllber recclviug the: dcrorbcd. JZ"CS&Udzc:d compoDCDIS relea5CS such tlOmpcmeDts slowly. without puJsatIJc Dolrc. to 11111 abDOsplu:I"e. The equipment accardlugly pI;O- . duces tbc deBhW oxygen flow rate with miDfmaI power tlODSumpliOl1. miB1mal DoIse.aad optimal eflicieocy. reliability aud Ufc.1p8ll. The t:quipmcnt may be dcslgl1cd to pass 01bcJ c:ompOI1CDlB 1Ium oxygen.


Exhibit 2, Page 030

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u.s. Patent Mar. 24, 1998 Sheet 1 of 10 5,730,778
FIG. 1

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FIG. 13

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u.s. Patent

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FIG. 3





FIG. 17
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U.S. Patent '

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FIG. 5


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FIG. 7


FIG. 6

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FIG.· 9



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u.s. Patent

Mar. 24, 1998


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u.s. Patent

Mar. 24, 1998

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FLOW HATE 1100 .

Exhibit 2, Page 040





FLtlID FRACTIONATOR pJcsscd lIai4 whi£h Js IIIIsodd la the co1lJlD1lS. 'l'Iiis release oams almost iDstantaDCOIIdy. ~ creating a nolsd

This Is a division of applic:adon SCI'. No. 081314.213 sound pulse r:vt:ry time that the compre&sc4 lluid in one of

IIled. now U.s. PaL No. 5.593.478 Sq>. 28. 1994. the IlDlumns ill released to the a1mospbcre.

This lnvClllion.re1ates 10 apparatus for. IIJId lDf:Ibods of. 5 TbIs fDVCD1Ion provides a system whldl substantially

pwifylag II 1hdd by periodlcally/eyc:1b1ly paaslng a par- 0\'Cr'C0JDC5 Ibe disadvantages la·the apparatus of the prior

dcular amIpODc:nt la the fluid tbroUgh a molec:uJar sieve IIIId 'an. In the system orlbb lnveatioll, the ~ssor 0pcni1U

adsorbJpg GIber COmpoDCllts III !he 1I111d In the mQ1eaIlar at II speed. or with displacement cbarac:teristb. adjusrablc In

sieve and subsequently pcriDdically/eyclieaUy desalblng accanIaDcc wftb the demd rate of oxygen lIow 10 the user

&UCb otbc:r components from 1be molecular sieve. The iDvcJa. 10 (e.g. Ihc palient). 'J'bC appar1l1U5 oIlbi& iDvCllliOll is also

don further rclIItcs to ilpp!UlIIUS for. and metbodI of. passlag advutageous in !bill it rclealiCli the d~ fI uld 10 Ibc:

oxygen In compressed air (1IIId argon) fer lattoducdon to a a~ at a steady and c:oatrlllled riIte. thereby &igulJi-

patient aad for adsolblni nitrogen aad the oIher CXIIIIpOIicAtI eantly rcdudng the DOle genera1ed from sueb release.

in !he comprcs&Cd air and subsequeutly dcsorbiog the III one cmbodlmeol 01 the lavCllliOll. a rotaJy vidve auhe

acbotbcd compollCDt8 10 the atmosphere. The iDventicm J5 IJJIcts of a p1JJralIty of co1llIDDS &elcd8 colWDIIS on a

JIII11icu1arly relales to apparatus for providIDg any prcacdbed eycUc basis to receive compn:ssed air. adaoJb ahrogen IUd

rate of Bow of oxygen with mioJma1 poWer CODSWnption. otbcr components In the compressed air IUId pass oxygen

!Dinlmal Dolse aud opWnal cllicleney. Jdlabilhy' and life IUld IIJ80n to a user (e.g. padeDl). The vaIvc also eycHcally

span. 6IIlcC:tB second co1umDs to desorb the mttogeD and the otbtt

ApparaIIIs is in eJ.lstence far rcceiviPs II auld Such. III 2D compcmllJlls ID snch columns and c:ydlcaUy equalizes !he

comprcssed air. for separa1iDg the oxygen from the air and pre3~ In third c:ohuDna whcire the first collUlllls change

for pasiJng the oxygen far subsequent use as by a padenl progrcs8lvetY 10 ~ sccood coIumDl BDd vice versa.

'lbo apParalD& also Incl"des raatcdal ill a lIWl.ccular 8~ for A compressor haVing adjustable chlll'llClerisdcs and n:gIl-

adsorblag the DilrOgeD and the other COIDpOIIents In lIIe laIcd in an open or closed Ioq> IIItroduoes the coIDpIt8&~d air

compressed air. When lIIe oxygen separated from tbll com- 2! tIItougb thcvalve 10 IIu: fiIlIt columns to prvvldc an adjust-·

pressed air has been passed. tile adsodlcd componeats ill Ihc able air Bow for obtaining a pteSCtlbcd ox.ygcn Dow 10 !he

compressed air arc dcsorbcd by release 10 the atmosphere. aGar. An IJIdlc:adon may be povidcd .whoa the compressor

The apparatus C:IIII operate on a cyc:Hc basis 10 colltioUOOsly charac&c:risdcs regulated for oblaioiDg the prescribed oxygen

provide 0J.ygCII1O D user suda as a paIfeJIt. flow rale ~ outddc particular Umits.

The OJ.)'geD can be used for many purposes. One af the !!II The valve may have a variable speed related to !he

primary uses of the OJ.)'gcD is for p1'!7VldiDg cxygcn 10 comprt:llSor Bow varlatiollS toregulate the air prcsaurc In the

patieDU IUch as the deledy and !hose bavlng asthma and co1l1J1111S in accardaoce with the air flow nrc into !he

emphysema. When 1IIe apparatus is usccl for such paIfents. c:01l1lD11S. A VBriabic orifice In a valve ID each column's

Ihc apparatus 5houl4 have cenaln desirable tbaracteriatic: n outlet bcccmI:6' colli!lrictcd with dca;a$CI In the oxygeD

should be able to provide the oxygen to each patient 10 a ss Jlow rate In each collllllll. thereby fm1h!l' rqculaClng the

variable ddlvery me and high contaltratiOD dtIpoadeDt . oxygen prcrmn 1a sueb column. .

upOn the needs of the patient. n should be able to ptOYide A porous plug in a closed c:hambcr rec:clving the des-

this oxygen In an cfliciCJJt and reliable IDIIIIIIel and with a orl:x:d colJlllOll=!a releases such compoDeDts slowly. wi1h·

minimal power COIISIIDIptioa. panfc:ulady aIDco many sk:k out pulsatile noise. to the atmosphere. Tbc equipmenl

and eldarly patieuta have ulily Umited Incomtl and ChI! 40 aCClllRlbrgly procSuccs the dcsfred oxygen Dow (lite wilh

e1ec:1ric powar cost for opmdDg the app8I'8IU& is substandal JPIDimal power consumptfod. mlahDal noise and optimal

and siglliftCBDL 'I1III Bppar8lU8 should abo opc:ratc quietly so efticIcqcy. rdIabiIhy ud lIfI: span. TIle equipment may be

lIB Dot to be offensive: to !ho patient ud 10 those around Che designed to plIII otIu:r c:ompollCllts Iban oxygen.

patient The apparatus should also have a lDng opc:nt1ve ~ ID the cIrawIDgs:

wi1hOUl II;DY breakdown. 1bese paramet:n are padlcu1arly 45 FlO. 1" la a schCllllltic: ~n of a ~lraIory

impcmaat because the apparatus qJCOtcs CODtinOOusly In the . 8uwurt system. iIIcludlDg a ibid li:acdooator. of the prior

home eDvUomnent without atIImdallCC. an;

The apparaIU8 DOW In usc fails to completely meet the FIG. 2 is a side e1c:vaI!OlI ct a portion of !he silAKJI'

a:ilcria specified ID 1he ~ paragraph. The apparatus system sbOWll in FlO. 1 and particularly showa a lIuid

Includes a comprr:ssar far laIroduciag CIIJIIIn&scd. air 10 50 fmc:tloDator iDdDdccl In sud! support system;

c:01umDBwhlchJoc:ludcamolccuJarsJevcfarpusfng oxygeD FlG. lis a sccdODal view of !be fradiaDatDr as taken OD

and argon and for ads<Irblng nitrogen ud other components a Ilno s-3 of FIG. 2; .

In the compressed air and for subsequently dr:smblng the FlO. 4 is a sectional view of the lIoid frac:doaalOl as

adsorbed compoDCOtli. In !he apparatus now In use, Ibr: taken on a Unc 4-4 af PIQ. 3;

couiprcssors IW opr:ratU CD deUvcr a constant JIllIXlmllm . 55 FlO. S Is an enlarged sectional view of the fluJd frac-

.!low and concentratioD of OxygeD rcgarcUcss of the lIow af donator as lIIkcn oil a lhie S-S of FIG. 4:

oxygen p:esc:dbr:d for the UiCf. The desired lIow of oxygco FIG. 6 Is a top plan view. partially c:ul away. of a rotor

10 !he patient is then adjusted by a Ihrotdioa valve in the shoe Included in the fluid fracttoDator;

product bleed liDo 10 the user. AI will be appocIated. IbiIIs . FlO. 7 Is a 6CCdoaa1 view of the rOIlll: shoe as tak= aD

iDcllidelit If less thao maxIJIII1m flow Capacity is needed. 6) the.lIne 7-7 af PIG. 6:

partk:ularly &in~ the compmiSar and the motor dDviDg the PIO.8 fa a top pian view ct a pan pia included ID the

IXlmprcssor n:quIrc a large lIIDOunt of poWer. Jluld m.Clioalltot showll1o PIOS. 1-7;

The ccmprcsaar generates a luge amount 01 nDUc III It FIG. 51 Is a sec:tlonal view taJa:n on 1110 line 9-9 of FlO.

operates. 'Ibis remUs panly from the operadon of tho motIlr 8:

aud tile compmssar. part1eularI.y slallll !he motor and the 6S FIG. 1. Ie a schemldlc cUasram of a dosed loop system

colllJD'Cssor is driven at a fixed hfgb speed. rt also n:sulta constituting ODe ClDbodimeDt of an Invention for use with

partly from the delaptiDD CD the atmo&pbe:n: of the com- tbc ftuld fradionator showu iii PIGS. 1-51 for regulating 1he

Exhibit 2, Page 041




VlIrlablo c:harac!erIsUcs of a compressor and other coDlpO- pressed air and passes some of1llG oxygen and IUgOD Ibroagh

lleats to obtain a desln:d or pICSaibc:d me of flow and aD ou1Jet pert 1'1 (PIG. I) to a dIspcD&iDg conduit Z24. 'lbe

COIlCiCllIradOIi of II partieullir f111id componllllt such as oxy- oxygeo and l1li011 Ihcn pass Ihrougb a YBlvc 23 (wb1d1 may

gell; be IIIIIIlUII!q to a Jiltcr 24. 'lbe &ltcr 24 may be

PIO. U Is a sdaematfc diagram c4 a closed loop 8)'SCcm 5 a blgb etIic:IeIIcy paIticIe arrestor (HBPA). 'Ibe oxygen aDd

constilutiJlg auothci' c:mbodImcut of 1ho invention tor U50 BJBOD 1hcn pass to a conduit 25tI few use for eee of a numbtlr

with tbc fluid fracticlJllltor sbOWD in PIGS. 1-9 few reguJatiog of purposcs. For example. the axyuco and BrgOll may be

the variable cbaractetistics of a compn:saor and other com- illlrOduc:ed to a padcbt to iIIcrease the level of the oxygen in

poncals to obtaIn a desired or prescribed nne of flow 8IId thc blood of the pPIfCDt.

COPCel1tratiou of a paJtlcular fluid oompom:m sucb as oxy- 10 As &boWD ill FIG. ~ 1IIe bohUDg lIIak P c:outmDS a

gel1; cluster or may of !he adsDlber coluDuIa 18 wlIhiD l~

FIO. 12 is a sdaellUltic diagram of 1111 OJICD loop system houaIDg. 'lbe collllllll5 an: prd'erabIy disposed In a closely

c:oasdtut1llg !Ill lIIkIJrjonal """""'bneDt of the iDveut10n for pacbd c:oa1igum1oa. Prcfczably a pJlI1'Bllty. mare ihan two

usc with ~ fluid fractIoaator &bown ill PIGS. 1-9 for (2), of iuch c:dimms are provided ill a closely packed .

coDlrollinl1he vllliabie c:hamc:taistlcs of a comprcssar and 15 rcladoqsbfp. Twelve (12) c:olunma aro showa in PIG. 3 bIIt

other component!! to obtain II dcsild or JlICIIaibed rale or it will be apprec:Iatc:d that .l1li1 ocher DlUDbcr may be pro-

flow and concenlrBl1ou of a particular fluid camponODt such . vided. The lIuid ftactionator zo also indudu 8 roI8ry vlllvc

as oxygco; dlBllibuIar az;s=bIy geaezalJy fDdicaIed at U (FIll. :I). a

FlO. 13 Ii a schemalic sectlOIIlII view of an orifice whlch gear motor l2 haYiDg a drive shaft 23 aDd • two-piece

may be uscd In 1IIG rcspiJ'atoty suppod sy&llIm of IhIs 20 mllllifold 24 (PIG. 2).

iIlvenliou and wbidl provides vatlable dlarac:tcrislica In BadI of-die colwnnJ 18 may be ill the f«1l1 of a cylinder.

acx:ordanc:a wid! die rate of flow of the partU:uIar !luid Bacb of the cohmma 18 COIItaiDI a bccl packccI wilh adsw-

componllllt such as Olt)'gen; bent matedal15 (PIG. 4) whIcb Is sdecdvc for • partlcuJlIr

FIO. 14 Is aa cllMltioual view. parIIaD)' in SecdOD. of malec:uJai spcc:leJ of 1Iuid or coublmiDant. For cxample:,

apparatus which may be iDcludeclln !he iDvcDtiOD to reduce 25 r.ealite: SA IDAy coDSlitute the: adsabcnt matczW 25 wllca

the: noise gellC'ZBled La !be I)'&tem wbCJI tllIid adsorbed ill the oxygea is to be ICpBI'III:8d from air. The packed bed is held

fluid fradiooator is dc:soIbed: ill piaal by a plate 26 at the: bottom of 1IIe bed. A pressW'C'

FIG. 15 provides curvcs &bowfng (a) the relationship dropping IDC8lI8 such as a &Ill8Il orlfi= '1:1 extcndJ tIIrougb

between diffC':tCllt ~or speeds &Dd the: pm:eatagc of Ibc: plate 26. Pt:d'cntcd plates 28 are disposed at !he top and

coacenlradoD of Olt)'BCD ill !be ..-oduct !low from the Jluid SO bottom of !be bed of the absarlx:ut material %S. the bottom

fractiooator and (b) 1he rcIaIfousblp between diffCl'CDt COllI- plate 28 bclDg disposed between the plate Z6 and the

pressor speeds and the !low ralc of ox>,&" to !he product adsorbent matcdal 25. .

holding tank lit 'In liters per mlJute; and A spr:lna 2t is disposed In abc colunui 18 above the upper

FIG. 16 Is a schematfcdlagram showiIIgafluldfnlctlOJl' pcdcntcd plalll Z8 to maJI1taIn the plIIte& 28 and the WQl'-

atew which may be coDSidacd 115 a collVClllional fiuld u beDt matc:rlal 25 ill • pacJa:d rcJation&bip against the plate

fractiouator of the pdor lilt IIIId whlcb may be modified to 26 .. When !he adsaItlent matcrlaI 15 is :r.eolfle SA;· die

lIlcorpoJate the features of tbls iIIvcatiou; 8IId IDIItcrlal adans all of the components (Including nitrogeD)

PIO. 17 provides CllrVca sbowiJIlI rbc JdatiOD$bip in the c:o:mpIascd air and peSSCl argOD l1li4 oxygea. The.

·bctwccn colIIjmmJI' low rates and mmpressor disclwge oxygeo aDd lIlion an: dun able to pass through the pcdo-

pressures for a nomlAl system or the prior an 8iId few !he 40 raIed plates 28. the adsoIbeDt matcrial25 aod !he orfficc rr

system (If Ibis fDvenlioD. . in 1110 plate 26.

FIOS. I-II mustrate au oxygelloCloOllClllmring systCIII. 'lbe rotary valve distdbutor assembly 2l1.a af6xcd to die

gouerally indicated at 10. which may be used ID this invllil- holding tank l' by a damp band 3Ia (FIG. 4). 'lbe rotary

don and whlcb Is disclosed ill the prior art in U.S. Pat No. 4is1n'butor valVe IIsscmbIy 31 sbown ill FlO. 4 iDcludes the

5.268.021 issued to OuuIes C. Hill an4 Tbc:odom B. Hlll on 45 two-pfecc manifold 31 wblc:b Is ported and c:lumueled. The

Dec. 9. 1993. for au ''Improved Fluid Fractionallll'" and lIWIifol4 31 bas a Ulp scctioa :u which is ported IIIId

as&igQed of rBConi to the ilssigoee of _d of this applkla- cluulllt!led to m:eIvc II stream of tlaid through the iDlet port

liOD. The cmbodlmeDt sbawa ill PIGS. I", of tb!s applica· 16 IIDd to c:banncI the fluid Ihrougb an air teed passages 33

lion carcspoods to the embodimclll sIJown l.D FIOS. 1-' of l.Dto a cCDtrally loC:aIcd IaIct port 34 ill a ported rotor shoe 38 .

. U.s. Pat. No. 5.268.021. In dIe .... or IIrt system &bown iD :so Subscquen1ly1hofillidr::xltlDglherotarshoe35Jscll8nueled

FIGS. 1-9. air is drawn from the .tm~ through l1li air radUllJ,y fJom a cIn:ular array of inlet ports 38 ill a port pJale

iDiet 6 We a dost filtc:r 11 wbIcb removes dust from 1IIe air. 39 toward cadi of the c:ohmms 18. '

Tho air is !hcn compressed In a COJIIJlte88ew 13 and the The porIed rotor .&hoe 3S Is i#cluded in a rotor 41. 'lbe

compressed air ia inlrOduc:c:d through a conduit 14 into a beat rotor tunis ill a drcumfc:rcotlal bIIlJ bcatiDg .uDit 42. Tbc

~gcr 15 wb1c:b removes some of the heat produced 55 rotor Is clriVI:II by the gear mDCaI Z2 (PIG. 2) at a 6Wlab1c

dIldDg the compression. A faD 12 JDII,)' be driven by the speed such l!S IIppRIlthoaIdy two (2) revOIutlOll& per miDUIe.

compn:ssor 13 to remove beat fum! the heat cxcbBDgc:r 15. A coaiclll elise or BcIICYiDe 8J1rin1l 43 urses a cover plate 44

'lbe compressed air then·passcs into the iDlet port 16 of IIIId 1IIG rotor shoe 35 downwanlly to sccore the COYer plale

II fluid 1iacdonator. ~ Indlca1c4 III 20, which is aadtheroto.rsboeillposldolL 1bc rotor 41 and its associated ..

. l.Dcluded In th1s iIlveulion. The fI~d iiactioJIator 20 l.Dcludes 60 colllpODOllts are CIIlCloseci within a coVer 4S which is suitably

a product tank 19. IocJude41n the tank 19 are a piw1lUty of auac:hcd to !he nwdfol4 24. '.

adsorber columns 18 (FIO. 3) the COllStluctfon aadoperatWl1 The pOrt plate 3t Is made from a suitably I1I1rd material.

of which wi1I be dcsaibcd ill delail subscqueatly. Oxyge.n The port plate 39 is recessed Jato the top of 1be l1IIIIIifold 31

(aud argon) flow from the prodUct tank 19 IhroIJgb &D aDd 18 scaled and lDunobiUzI:d by 8 slot and a key. 'Ibc port

OX)'gI;D out!ct '1l.D FIG. 3. ' 65 plate 39 fa eoaxiaI with the c:xit port of BII air feed channa

Bach coJumn 18 separates 1he OX)'ICD and argoD In die 47 ill the maoJto14 31. The port plate 311 has II DWIIbcr of

compressed air from Ihe o1ller c:omponcnts ill the com- hak:a equally spaa:d from ODe: IIDOIhc:r ill a dtallar ~

Exhibit 2. Page 042

' .. " ...





'IbiJ IIIlJIlber II equal to the Il1IJIIber of CIIIUy pen of IilIcdoDatar. III Ibat syslcm, the positive dlsplacemeat com-

cbanDel5 to the iDdlYiclual columDs 18. AD air iaIet rotary praaliOr 13 operates at a coutant maxinlllm spcc:cl regardless

seal 48 Is provilbl fD the lJIIIIIifold 31 at a position inraiD!' of die Bow r$ aDd. eonceAlmlioD at rhc oxygen that the

10 the port plate 39. patieDt desires cr uceds. 'lbc compressor 13 8Ild tbc motor

The rotor shoe 35 Is made from a matcriallaJowD 111 tile 5 driviJlg the c:omprcssor COIISlIDIC a large 8DlOllDt of power

art 10 be suitable for use with rhc bardcaed mataia1 of the wheD they operate at a maximum speed. For example:. the

part plata 3P. The rotor shoe i!5 sUdca on the port plate 39. consumption of a home sizi: oX)'geJ1 cooa:nlIatOr is on the

The Bc:IIIwi11e SJldnB 43 pn:8JC81be rotor shoe 35 agalnsr the order of BpJrOXimatdy four Ibouaand (4000) kilowatt-bOllI'S

port plaIC 39 dwiDB lOeb 5IJdIng IDD'VClIIC!I1. 1bcrc arc tbrIlc per yr:ar. Th1a IIIIIOIIIII& to a COlt in $caic:lly of several

(3) cbaDnels In the rotor shoe 35. 0Iic is a plCIIIIllrizing 10 hWldred dollars per year. Thfs II a sIgDlficant IIIDOIlnt of

chlUlDlIl or air feed cbaIlDcl 58 (FIGS. 4 and 5) which mcmey to most famWes and partiaIJarIy to families of

cdgInates at die 0CDtral ftuJd Inlet part 34. The part 50 eldcdy Cl[ retlnld palicuts or to paticob wbo arc unable to

radlatCIII Into an arcuaIII slot SI which provides a coDcluit work because of sueb aiImeatJ lUI·asttuua or emphysema.

sbmdlancously Into scm:ml of die lUII1ulady posbIoucd pmu The conliauDUS opi:nIlfon of the compresliOr 13 at a maxi-

52 (FIG. S) In 1be pan plate 311. Ar.1be roIQr &boa 35 totatcs. IS nmm power Is also disadvantageous because It limlts the

each DeW port 52 comm,mlcalill8 with the fatWanl eocI of the opc:rat!ve lif'e of 1hc comprcssll' aDd die motor driving the

arcuate slot SIIs pn:ssurizecl by the compressed fuld. At the comprcsacr.

IiIII!IC lime. the port 52 at the rear end of the &lot SI Is HOIDI:I oxyg= conc:cn1rBlcn gencra1Jy have a capacity of

depresrurlzcd. . .'. provIdlDg OX)'gelIln a RIIge to appraximatc:I)' six Uters per

III a 6ClOOad dJancclill !be rotor &hoe 35.. an 8fQUIte slot 20 minute (6 LPM) of OX)'geJ111ow 10 the palie:Dl. The 80w tate

54 (PIGS. S and 6) rccelves IIu: adsoIbed 8a1d mmpollClltS of ~ygen rtquin:c1 by an lIIdivldual paticlIt Is prescribed by

In the columas 18 which cDmmunlcate with the cUaulit the patient's ph)'llicUul. The most COlDI'IIOn ~ rate

porta. Ar. peviDUsly clescn"bed. whan compresaecl air is .the is two Utcn per ~utc (2 LPM). The prcsalptfon is

lluid aod is iDIroducccl to lIle ClOlmm1S 18. the desabcrl Oald ordlDarlly fll' oootiDuous BclmlnistmtloD twenty folD' bOllI'S

componcDtBiaclude alloflbe gasesu. air~oxygen andzs (24 hr.) per dayycar-iD andyear-OULAr.1be dlsCBSeof some

argon. The"desorlled ~uts fD the columna 18 are patIeDl& Jl(OgI'CS&e& ~o later lilagcs. the CIl)'SeD flow rates

vented upwardly from die arcuate slot 54 through aD 1IXhau&t . presaibcd fll' some pstieDlS may be lIIaeased. Wheolbc

port 55 (FlOS. 4 and 6) ill the rotor shoe cover plate 44 into Bow rate ~ .18 less than the maximum rate, the

B rotor voleS space. The dcaorbed fluid thea passes IDto the rcdIIa:d talC is obtained in Ihc prlor art by· throttling !hc

atmosphere through an exhaust part 58. . 30 oxygcu IowiDg to the: lISer (e.g. Ihe patient).

'Ibc Ihinl channel in the rotor &hoc 35 Is a eross-port It wiJ] be appreciated that not aD of the ~ygeo In the:

dlannci 60 (FIG. 6). The ebaDDel 60 sarvcs as a amcIu1t product lank U flows to the paIicDt even wbea the oxygcn

betwccn twQ (2) of the collllDJls 18. theac two (2) co11D11DS BoWl to die patient at a rate of approzfJnatcly six (6) liters

being In tIlIDs!1foa between the prcaSlllizlng and dcsoIb!Dg permiDuta. Bvea at Ibis Bow rate:. asubstalllialpartioa of the

pba&e& of B cydc. Ita fuDction is to apply equaliziDg pes- lIS OX)'ilea and the argoD fD the product tank 19 1I0ws to the

. . 6UfCI In columns tnuisltJoafDg between the adsarbIDg pres. colmnna 18 which IIR: befDg dcsOIbc:d. This Bow of oxygen

sure In eacb cycle. The cqua1b;lng pressure provides for a aDd IIliOD facilitates the pwgiDg of the dcsOIbed gases in

pressure drop In 8uId lD caeb collDDD bcrore sud! column such eolllDlllS. 111 tIIia way. the oollllllDS are read)' to n:cdve

enters the desoJptiDD pb.asC fD each cycle. 'Ibis JRVeDtB a the c:amptmed air In the next c:Yde of cpcrution.

Yay mpId decompression ill each co1lU1111 and lhus pn:vellts 40 As wiJ] be 1IJIlIlCciated. oxygen and arp flow through

ao ~y high fow of !be clesorbed Ould JnilfaD.y fi"om the IlOIumIu 18 to the pRJCIucl IIIDk. Oxygea coDSliblle&

the coIlUDII. 'Ibis eahances the ClOaccntralion of the piU1IcD- approlimalcly twmty .00e pcrcCDt (21",) of air and argon

hit componeat BUchu oxygen and argon In cadi coInmn. ooDStitntcs appraxImately one pcn:eIIt (1") .of air. WhCII

Tho oppandIIs de6cribecl above is cltsc1osec1 anll ~4 oxygen and argon ftow through the oolumas 18. OX)'gCD

in U.8. PaL No. S.268.OZ1 imledoo Dcc. 7. 1993. to 0IarJea 4S comprises IIpJIrOlIiIDDtely lliDet)'fOW'pc:n:c1ll (94'11) ofllle

C. HDl and Theodore B. RiB for II "Fluid FradiolllltOt' aDd product ill the oxncu tank. 'IblJ lnacasC!1 couc:eatra1foD of

assigned of record to the 8JsigDce ofrcc:ard ofthls ajIplIca. arg08 (approxImaIely six pc::rocnl (6'1>)) in the pnxIuct taDk

tIon. n has sevemllmpadaDt advan1agcs over the pdor arL ~, bas no harmfIll cffcet on thc patlCDt since argon is a noblc:.

n provJdes a smoothl:r opctaIIon 1han the pill' art because jIIQt gas.

lICVeraI of the coImaDs 18 aro t=:ivlng the. 8uic1 UDder SO 'IbJs iIIventloa provides a Sfstenl ror adjusliDg the 80w

pl'C$SlIl'C at BD)' illlUIIIt and several of tha atba" CIIlWDlli 18 c1Iaracterist!c of !he COlIIf"SIClI" 13 in acc:ordaDCe with the

arc cmllll~ the dcs0.rbc4 8uld to die atmosphere at that prodIIct fiow rate desired or prcsaibcd. Par example. wbcu

InstanL Thus. aay II'8DS1dou of a column from an adsmbIng the CO~&&ol 13 baa a VIII'fablc speed.. tha speed of the

operaIioa to a dcscrblng apcratIon at any ilistaat will not compmsor may be varied fD accordance wi&h the 80w rate

produa:asgrcataIraDSitalyplll.seiDoperatfoaaliD'lbepdll' SS dcsin:d or prescribed. A variable speed L'OIIlpRIS6Ol <!rive

art slDa: several other coluJaus wID be IU1smbIng ami reveral JIllI)' ~ cWrcrcnt forms IDclL111iD8 the foBowiug:

othercolWDD8.wiDbcclcsolblngattbatlmtaDl.Faitbcmiarc. 1. All altcrnadag cum:D1 (AC) induction motor with a

the cquaI.IzatIoD of the pm;suro iii the oollllDllS IIi In variable frcquencytvarfablo voltage suppl)' •.

trmI&ltlon wiD also lead to reduce transitory pulses. 1bese This may be the prefciled CIilbodimc:nl

radon tend to ellhance the cflidcucy in the. opc:ntJon of the 60 2. A cIiJect ClllRDt motor (bnublcss preferred).

apparatus and to redw:c the BOIse in die operation of the 3. A polo.ehaagtag AC JadllCdoD motor for two (2) or

1iJ'PBrDtus. 'lbc reduction in tho DOIse reatltl from·1be three (3) opcniCiDg speeds.

eqllalization in ~ proVIded by !he dJaonal60 and 1be 4. A tixcd speed AC IIIOb with a continuously variable

relaIfvely large DlUUDCl" of collllDJls. mccbaDlcal tmDsmlssion. .

111 spite of the adVantages dlslXlSSCd in die prcvl0Q8 6S AI.IofthoaboveareconsidcrlxltobewilbiDdlc soopeofthc

paragraph. Ibm'e is room ror fmprovc:uumt In the lluJd Invention. A vadable speed molar 79 for the compressor 13

fracticmator 2t and ill the system 10 including such ftuld Is mowll In FIG. 10. .

Exhibit 2, Page 043





A variable displaccmeat compressor may also !;Ie c:onsJd.. addilioaally iD1roduced to the orificc& 7:T to regulatc tile sJze

em! to be wiIhiII the IICCpC of the iDvendOll. Such a ot Ibc «Ificcs. Tbis is desirable aiaa: the rate of lIow of the

eompressar may 1aclQde die followlDg: pwticular 1luld c:ompoaeZlt CiUl be regula1l:4 by regulatiDg

1. A IU1my vlllle ClOIIlJRSSOI' with a variable dJspIaa:mcDl the 8lze of the 1'Ids will 'be descr1be4 ID dctafI

ill an adjllllmcJJt ill the rotor cc:ceaJric:lty. 5 subJequeDdy. ,

2. A Vllliable aagIc swash plate drive for ab uIal plalOD 'Ibc B)'&Icm showD in PIG. 10 8IId dCKdbcd above: hal ,

c:ompR:SSOl'. c:enaiD impodam advantages lDcludiDg the foUowiDg:

3. A pUma compressor hav.IIIg 8 c:rant ibaft drive with a 1. Tbcrc 1a a sigaifiCaDt rcducdoa fa power consumptioD

vulable throw. because of tho RCluc:cd spcecl for the co~sor 13 III

FlO. 1. &dJcmadcally illus!ratCs a i)'stcm geDf:lllllyllldl- 10 recIuCcd flow ratca of the partiallar ftuicl compon~

c:atcd at 78 aad c:oastituliDg l1li crnbodimcDl of the iDVcntion &UdI as CIlt)'gCD. The rcdDcdoa. ill !he power COIISIUIIp-

far regulatiDg the desired flow rate of !he oxygeu to the tioua1soresullaframlheredllc~hpeedofthemotor'1!1

patJeDl. The syitcm 8bow1i In PIG. 19 lDcludcs the heat ddvlDg die compressor 13.

cxcluulgcr IS. the oomprwor 13. the c:olwIms 18. the 2. The lIIIIOIIut of. noise produczd by the Ollid frliclionator

orIficea rt In the coJumm and the product tank D, aU shown u 20 (or oxygen CODCCDtrator) 1a slgnlfiQlutly reduced.

III FIG. 1. IIIId the I'OtIuy valve dlsIlibutar assmubly ZI TIds msullB in part fiom Ibc reduced apccd of the

shown In PIo.1 The system shown PI PIG. 10 also facludcs , eompn:ssar 13 BDd the JDDIor 'I!I. n also reBUlta ill part

a CODtrol 80 which II pn:..aet to any desJnxl value III 1iom the fad that the: d.esorpdon of the adsorbed Ouic1

IICCOJ'dance with the lIow rate dcsIrc4 or pn:scdbcd fer !be oompODeats to the atmospht:rc is iD1tiated from II.

particlIIar component such as ~gen. 1bla &eltiDg may be 21 rcduc:cd pressure of the dcsarbcd fluid c:ompooebl8 lD

provided ill accordaIlcc witb tile values ilullc:ated ill a cadi c:oIumD 18.

look-up table. The !X)ntrol 80 may prdrrably be a lI1Iao. 3. Bccawe of tbc reduced compression of dle liulc1 in the

processor contro1. , tolumDs 18, !be lempctlltlUe rise ill die COSIIpJ'CSscd

Tbe JDicnlproa:ssor coDlrol ,0 may be iIIOueaccd by an liuld Is redua:d. 'J1d1 provides far a reduction III the

Indicutioo from a toDJperature &eliSor BIllie bUlpUt of whiclt 2S operation' of tbe c:ooIiIiB systcDl 89 8IIc1 8 resultant

is introduced to the contro1. The IIIlcroproc:e$s ~ 80 reduction in 1IIe powr:r fer operaliDg the cooliDlI sy&-

may be fuJthcr hUJulDCCd by 8Q IDdicadoo from a pn:a1lDJ'C (em.

SaDsor lIZ the OUIput of wIW:h is iIIlrodua:cl to 1I1e control. 4. A power sDpply can be included wbicb operates lit an

The particular c:ompollClll audl 88 oxygen (8IIc1 argon) cIea ol

Oows fiom the product taak 1lJ 1hrough a IilIO 84. Arcgulator JO frequeu and V !agC8 hi all markets witlllUbstan-

as may be provided ID the lfDe 84 to n:duce !be pICSSW'C of ' dally lIIJDal effectfveuess in the different marJu;ts,

!he particular c:omponCDt (e.g. oxygen) lIowiIIg from the 5. The life ofthc COJDptC8S01' 13 is sl.gnffu:aatly increased

procIuct tank 1lJ because there may be a dgolfic:aut change bcamse thc 00JIIlDl!SSClI' Is operated at a reduced speed.

lD the pressure of the partic:ular CompoDeDI in the product 6. TIltze is mdlJced vibration 111 !be sysrem.

tau over die flow raage wbkh may be proYidI:d from die S5 ThIs also conldbutei to a 10118 life ill !be system.

coJDpl'CSoSCII' 13. 7. Themcaad wclgb(oflbc compressor 13 8IId the motor

The particular component (e.g. oxygen) theD Oows '" caD be reduced. par1icuIady when the compressor is

through a flow CODIrOI device 86 to the pat.ic:Dl. The: flow to be operated III rclaIfvc1y low speeds. Pllrtbcrmon:.lf

COlltrol device 86 may provic1e au additlooaJ rcgalatioil. sueb and whcu the COlIIJIl'CS8OI' is to be operated at maximum '

as a fiDe CODIrOI. over !be mte at wbl.eb die particular 40 spc:eda. It woulc1 probably be for 0DIy relatively shan

OolDpODelit BUch a8 oxygen flows to the Iller mdl as Ibc periods of time. This would allow !he compressor 13

padCUL Themta ofilow of !be particular COlDpOncatthrougb an4lhe motor 79 to be opc:ratcd above!bcit rated apccd

the Oow c:oalrOl device 86 Is iatrocluced to !be mfaqn'O- without damagiIIg the compn!Ssor 13 ar the mofOr 79.

a:&sor colllrOl lit. A coac:eu1radoD moaftor 88 DIllY cIetar- This is auothc:r RlaSOD why the 5Jze IIIId welghl of !be

mille the purity of the particular COIPpOllCllt Iudl 88 oxygen 45 COmpn:a5Ol' 13 8IId Ibc morar 79 can be colISidcmbly

through the Une 84 III cacb illstaat allll 1118)' indicate Ibis reduced 111 most 1D6tBDc:es. '

detc:tmiuatlon to the miaopaooa:ssor. 8. Tbc timing of tho rotary valve ctistrlbutor usCmhly 21

As will be Sf:CD, tho mleroprocessor colllrul 80, Js :ego- aDd the opeaiDg of tho oriIlcc 'Z1 can be: tailored for all

Jared on a closed loop bub by the tempc:ta1UJ'C of the' flow rates to provide an opdmal ~0Il of the

, CObcentrated i1uld pauing to the collllXlllS 18, the: prc:ssurc of 50 sy&tI:m.

web CODtICIItrated fluid. the &peed of the CODIp'Clllar 13. !be 9. Thac is B potautial to colllpClI8BIa fur B reduced

output of the conCCZltratlon monftor,88 and the IDfC of tow c:aJDERS8Ol' inlet deIlsily as II resuU of a hJgb ambIcut

of !be panimIar c:omponellt dIroDgb the Oaw coDll'OI device tempelldme or B bJgh allitude. Tbls will bec&scussed ill

86. All of these IDpuIB to !ho mk:ropnx:e&sor control 80 cIelaIl subscqucutly.

causc !he CODlrOI to adjust the &peed of the compressor 13 to" The timing of the Jlltary dislributor valve asscmbJy 21 caD

p-oducc: a Bow of dle partiaIllII' ftutc1 c:ompouCat to the IISQ' be provided In various WIlY" One allmlatlve Js !hat a

at the desired or prcscdbcd rate. The vaIvc: 21 1& also B)'lIChrODOU& motor C8II be prvvidcd with a vadable fro. ,

adjuatcc1 to contrOl the rate at w1dch air is IlItrodaced.lnto the qucDC)' ddvc as the motor 2Z (nct shown in PIG. 10 but

colamas 18. shown lD FlO. U). 0Ihct altc:maliVC8 involve the use of II

'Ibe regulated outpUt frCJlJl !be CODtrol 80 may also be 60 slqlpclr DIOtor as 1110 IIIOCor 2i or a DC gelI1' motor to drive

iIItrodua:d 10 B cooling system 89 wblch regulates diD the rotary valve cUatributar assembly ZI. Auolher altcmative

tampcratarc 'of Ibc compn:ssor 13 au4 the heat Cltdulngu IS. is to p-ovide a pneumatic aClUatJO!l wfIh speed sellSltJve to

The oUlpUI from the microprocessor coDlrol 80 IIlIiy alI;o be co~ speed. Tho valve timing can be colllrDned by a

lDUCdua:cl to ,the flow coalrOl device U to regulate !be ,miaopnx:cs5ar for motors respondve to a m1a'0JlI'0CCS$0l' opc:ra1ioa of the flow control device iIIpn,!Cluciag the flow of 6S colltJol or by dlgItaJ/analog cm:uib in the CODIrODe&

the p8IIk:uIar J1u1d COJDpCmeDl to tho IISCI' at Ibc clcslrcd or ReguJadng the speed of the rotary distributor valve

prescribed value. The QUlpUI ,of the coatrol 80 may be IWSOmbIy 21 illlUXlOl'CIIIIIcc with !be varia1ioD8 in .the speed

Exhibit 2, Page 044

" '


j ,

of tha COmprca8C1' 13 J!IlIY be deslmble UlIIIcr c:crtafn dr- wobble piston c:ompn:ssar 8IId !be motor 12 may be a

CIIlIIIWU:cs. As the ~ of the ClOIDpICSsot 13 is c1cal:llSCd B)'JIdumIous gear motor. Aflow canll'ol5lO eouespoadJDg ro

while maiatalnlng the spcccI of tho dlstrlbutor valve 88SCIJto 1hc flow collll'OlBS may bc,iDC1udcc1 for OOIItrolIlug the nile

bly n c:ollStBnt.. Ibe pessure of the fluid ill !be calumDs 18 of flow of the particular fluid amJPODCDt web II oxygeo co

fa decrcaaed. This calJ8CI the JUCSsurt of !be oIIropn BIld the S a user such III I paticut. The: flow cootroJ !J9 may be a

other compoDCIIIs adsoJ1)ed ill the molaadar &leves !,II the II1aDdmd low CODttol or It may be e1ecCroDic. A regulator

c:cIunms 18 to dccrc:asc.' sa as tbe reguJator IS may be iDcludcclln Ihc J1nc bctwc:cn

10 PIG. 15. progressive spcccIa of the comprcssCl' arc the prodllcUaak 19 BDd the; flow COII1r01 dcvlc::e !II.

showII 011 the horizontal axis BIld ~dve COJlccotratiOD8 The &yStcm shOWD in PID. U senses the rate of oxygeD

of oxygen llllhe lIuld 111 the product boldiDg tank U arc 10 Bow in the monIlOl' B8 aDd Intnxlucca thia 8eDSe4 fide to the

'shOWD on !he vcrth:al axis.AIl will be iCC118t 130 ill FlG. 15. JDlaup:oc:eUOl goottol18L The IIIh:ropIOI::cs CODIrOlltl

the cooccntration of !he oxygen ill the mixCUfc io the product . then varles tbc operatiOD of 1hc COIIIJItCS&Ol' 13. thc motor 22

hClldJDg tank U l'CII1IIiDs substantially coostaut at a value of, and the now coottol !Ie to regulate: the rate of flow of the

appromnately nlm:1)' four pe:rCCIII (94'1&) for COlIlp'CISor ~ygco to the plllieat at the dcsIIed 0: pR8Cribccl rare. The

speeds between approximatdyalDe bDJIclrcd moJutiou F 15 system &boWIlIII FIG. n opera1D5 00 a c:Io5ecIloop buls 10

miDutc (900 .rpm) IU1d tblrteca bundred revolulioD8 F provide tbe desired regulBlloo of Ihe oxygen How. /U will be

minute (1300 1pID). II! c:ompresSCI" speeds progresdvllly _ Ibt: system shOWD ill PIG. 11 docs Dot IacIucft; meb

below approxhDatdy DlDe hundred revoludolll per minute coutroIIu1hc tempcnlturC &casar 81. tile ptC&lIURl8CDSor 83

(900 IplD), the c:ooeenuatioo of !be oxygcu in 1hc mIxIurc In and tile coollug system 851.

Ibe prodUct bolding tank U becomes progressively reduced. 20 PlD. 12 illustrates an open loop system for rcguladng tile

AllXIIDptCSsor'spceds of approximately six hDJIdred rcvo- mcofaxygenflowlolhcpatleDt.Aswi1lbcsccD.lhcsy&tc:m

lulions per minllte ((iOO !pm). tile concenllllliOD of the ahowo In PJO. 1218 sImi1ar to the sy&tcm shown In FIG. U

oxygen iD Ihc _wre in the bolcliog tank 19 fa approxi- ClUlCPl tbDt it ellmlnatcs the lilies from the rulc:roproccssor

lDIIIC1y eighty eight pcrccot (88'1>). . CoIIIIOl lei 10 the GXygeu monitor B8.1hc compressor 13 and

n is desirable co maiataln the QODCCDlI'IItfon of tho oxygen 2.5 tho moror 79. In this system. the mlaopi 0CC8S« cootro110 1

in the mJxtun: in the product ! tank 19 at a value of iDdiadcs 8 desired Bow or Ollygeo to the paticllL The

at least IIiIIcty perCCDt (~) :egardlcsa of the ~ of !he CODIpI1lISOr 13. the motor 79 BIld the flow 00II1I'D19O arc !hep

COIIIpJ'CSSOI13. 'Ibis c:aa be accomplished by dcaca.slng the set to desiRd valucs for obtaiDing this desired oxygco flow.

JOIaJy speed of Ihc dbtJibulor valve asscmbly Z1 88 the The ax:ygco moDitor B8 b IhcD read durlDg !be opcralioo of '

speed of' the CODIpI'CISor 13 is dec:msscd. By clccreaslDg tile 30 the system. On Ihc basis of this mutiD& adjustments arc

rotary speed of the disIn"butot valve assembly 21. each DIlIIfc JII8III1a1l:y in the comprcsaor 13. !he motor 79 aod the

gobmm 18 is provided with aD lna'C8lled tImo to receive air flow CODIrOl !Ie to obtnIn the destmI or prcscdbed me of

under prc8Sure from Ihc COIIpCSBor J3. As a n:sult.. the 01)'BCII flow to the pal1cut. These IdjUSllDelllS may be made

pcesllU1'e of the altlll each collIlDD 18 iDcrca&c. aDd !he OD !he balls of a look-up table cstabll$blue iDdividual values

pmsIItc of the oxygen BI1d argon fIIlhc ~ct ho1dhJg bUlk " far tbc= parllJllCter8 UDeIer clJifcrcDt sets of condltiollS.

19 cam:spoodlngly iDcn:ases. This iDhibita niIxogc:D in the 1be sysmms shown iD FIOS. 10. U BDd 12 may IDclude

oolumDl 18 from passing Jato the product !IaldIDg laok U. . an 1aclIcatar 100 for iDdicallD8 wbcD cc:I'IIIlII tmDpODCDts

Iu Ibis way, !be conCCDlratlon of the oxygen iD the JIIOduct' soda l1li !he oamprcssar 13 have to be rcplace4. As will be holdlng tiUIk U CBI1 be maIDtalac4 at a value of at least apprc:dated.thc operatIoo at the sySIicJIIS shown in FIGS. 18. niJlctypc:rc:cot (90'1» CM:ll as the flow ntc oftheoxygcD aDd 40 n aod 12 may bccom.c clegradecl with time as 8 result of a

nitrogen iDto the pnMIuct holdlJlg bIIIk cl(creascs. FlO. 15 IIIDIIbcr of faclon;. 'Ibe~ iDc:Iudc dirty, filters. CDIIIpI'CSSor

abo show, al 132 tlUI flow %lite of Ole oxygen at cIf1fereDl wear. motor wear aDd pDCllmatlc leala. The &y5tClUJ shown

complCssor spccd.s. /U will be ,ceo. the IIow me of the . iD PIGS. Ie. 11 8IId 12 campcDSBlc far tIIcsc 8ystcm deg-

OlIOygen to !he patlcot iD liters per minute iDaeases BIIbslali- radatioos by IDcreaaIng inc compressor Bow to malnlaln tile

liaDy heady with inc:rcasecl compressor speeds. . 45 pwity/coDCeDlratioD of the pmtlc:ul1lJ' fluid compoocDtmch

PIG. 17 muSlratcll at 134 the relatlOllSbip between How BI oxygen at the cIcsfrcd or prcscdbcd flow rate. The

rates of tbdlufdlium tha COlIlpJ'CS&Ol13 and the compressor lndlr:atlJr 108 iDdll:atcs whca the .peed or oIh~ variable

disc:hargc pressme iD pAs for 8 DQI1IIal system of' the prior cbaracfa'iBdc1 of Ihc compressor 13 as sensed by the bllll-

m FIG. 17 also illuslnltc8 at IS6Ihe rclatiollSbip bclwcca . calm 100 ID.cced particular limitJ far the rate of Hwd flow

low rates of Ibc IuId froni Ihe COJII]ItCUOt 13 and Ibc 50 derdrecl ar prescribed.

CO!DpICSsor dIscbargc pICS8IIl'C far a 6)'litcin wbl~ iDeluclc:s M shown 111 FlO. 13. tho mificc 1/1 iD cacb columD IS

a:rtailI fcatmcl of applicanta' system. These ilK:ludc tbe may be fOirlDM from a molck4 c1astome:ric IIUIltIiaIllO such

rotary valve dIstribIltor assembly 11 operatfDg at vaDable as rubba. As Cbc pressure of the particular fluid compooent

speeds BIld the valve providiDg a variable cri1ioe as shown sudllll oxygen lIowing throuP lbeorifice rt dcacascs.1be

InFIO.13.MslJowplnFlG.17.operadonofthesystemof 55 elastomcdc material III defiDiDg the oriftco 'D has a

Ibls iDveDllon is IIdvantageous OVCl' !he systems of the prior clecre&sed flexure. 1bIs ck:c:n:ascs tile sfzc of the orffu:c 'DID

art because it providCB sIgoi1ic:antly bJsbcr comprcISOil' ell&- ead:I coImDn 18. In Ibis way. tile orlJIa: rt ill each columD

charge rates 1hroupout most of tile rege ofthc compressor 18 bocomcs closcdwidl dccreascs in tbc pressure of the fluici

tlow %lites. mdlBS ~II. Tbls provides 1UIlna'casc iD the pressure of

FlO. 11 IDuSIrBICs a simpWlcd system for conIJOlIiDg the 60 the ftuid in tho co1IImD 18. 1bIs b clesirable at low rates of

laIC of Bow of 8 lluld sud! as oxygen CO a U5~ such as a oxyge1l Bow to the pmIeat to maInIaiD the DlYP CODCCII-

patiCllt. The systc:ll1 includes the c:ompesaor 13. the co1WDDs ttadilu IIIlbe OX)'RCD boldlDg tank 818 vaJDc: of at Jeast ninety

18. !be produd tank Ill. a Jidcroproccsscr c:alllrol 101 . pen:cnt (90'1>). By dcaeasiDg thc size of the odfIc:c rt at

CXlI1'CSpondiDg to the coDllOl 80 111 FlO. 10, the ~gca . these low lIow %llUIS, !he JRSSUR: of!be nuid ia the co1WDDS I:OncclllJalloamoaltorss.thelOtuyvalvedlslributDrassClll- 6lI 1811 bureased. The cDlICCDtJalioo of Ibc WLygCD boldiDg·

bly 21 and the mot« 22 (not shown) for ddvfng the valve blllkDJa accordlDgIy maiDtalJtcdat 8 valuc ofatlcastDiDcly

distributor 88scmbly 21. The C:DlIIflI'CSSCI' 13 may be 8 perccot (90'1».






10 ,



Exhibit 2, Page 045





In !he embodiment moWD 111 PIGS. 1-', die desorbed of die dIsIrIbutar valve assembly 21 ill the IIaId frlIctIonamr

lIa1d compxIeats 8re passed tbrOugb the dIambcr 57 aud !he 20 to iIIcrcase the pressure of the lIu1d JD the c:oIl1m11S 18 JD

Clduwst port 58 to theatmOlpbcro. ThIs causes a 1daIIv~ the fluid flac:tionatar 21. The adjustable orifices 'J3 at the

loud DOiac to be produced r:vary limo that the deaorbcd 1Iuid OU1lct of Ihe flaid flactioDatar 20 also tCDd to cIos'e with

JD one of the co!umDs 18 Is rde:ucd to lIIe dJlUIIber 57 and , dcaeascsiD tbcJ:.ssureoftbc1luidill IIIc1luidfrac:tlOJlatDT

from the dJambcr to Che e:xbaust part S8. FlO. 14 sbows an 20. thereby ma In!ng !he pmasim: of Ihe 1IaId· ill the

arrangcm.cDt tar significandy redacJng the Dolse produced columns 18 ill the lJuid fracdoDator. .

cvCl)' time that !he adscnbcd 1luId JD one of &be colIuzuJa 18 As the speed of the COlIIpreS8Of 13 is clcacascd, the me

Is dcsotbed. gCllClBled by Ihc ~ clccrcues. The bOIse In the

. The embodiment shoWDin FJG.14 includes die portplate 10 Bald fradiOlialot 20 1& also .bgDiic:aally deaeascd by pro-

vidIDg the parous plugs 120 m abo beadDg carrier W and by

311. the rotor moe 35. and Ihe ~ol~ ~1 '. The lDIIIIffold 31 faacaslAg the me of 1bc duImbc:r U8. In tbi& way. the

bas a jlOver lll. A bcariDc c:amcr WII swtably a!Iacbcd to dCSOlbcd compollCllfs ill Ihc dJamber U8 provide a miDlmal .

the manifold cover IU as by screws U4. A rotor shaft U6 noise whCII dtey CAter the dIambcr and whca they leak·

Is disposed withla an opeDhlg ill Ibc beariog cauicr IU and slowly ia1D abe IIbDospherIIfnJm !he dIambcr.

a beadng 117 Is disposed between the bearing canicr UZ 15 AIIhough tbfs InvmdiOD has been cllsc10sccI and Blu&lratcd

. and the bc:ariog &baft 116. . wIth mertlllllll to partfaaIar cmlvvffmenl$" 1110 pliau:iplc$

The bcarlng curicr 1U and the ID8IIifo1d cover Ul ddbae JDvolvcd arc susceptible for use m II~I 0Cbcr cmbo4J..

a chamber US whlch u CI1iargDd zela!ive to Ibo CmbodimCDI JDe11IB. which will beappalent to pc:r&ous 5k:f1led ill the art.

shOWD In FIGS. 1-7. The dcsorbed lIu1d from each column The iDvClltfon is. thCRfarc. to be JJmited only as indica1C4 by

18 passes into the ctuunbc:r U8 and Js n:taIncd ill the 20 the SCXlpC of the appCDde4 da1ms.

enclosure alnce aD exhaust port CCHTeSpOndillg to lIIe c::xhau&t . We c:IaIm:

port 58 ~ DOt provided in 1110 embodiment showniD FlO. U. I. III a method of receiving a fir&t component from a

Porous plugs 12. arc: disposed in apc:nurcs 122 in the eOlllpl'l:8SCd fIuld also haviDg a BCCXInd c:ompoIICDt and of

bcering eaaicr IU. SInce the dcsoJbcd lIu1d 10 the c:bamba ptOriding for Cbc low of such first CCDIIpOIICDt to a IISl'I' at a

118 is unclar some pressure. it Is slowly adcascd to 1IIe 2:1 prescribed rato. tm &reps of:

atmosphere through the pCIlOus plugs UO. providillg a pllII1IIity of eolumns. more than two (2).

The decrease In noise ill die opcratlon of the system col1S1l1lded 10 pass the ftnt COIIIpODCDt through the

mown in PlO. 14 results from sevc:ml facIOrs. One factor II caIuma& and to adsodl the locood IlOmponem ill the

the iDaeased volume of the c:bambc:t 118 rclalive to the eolumns IUId to desorb abc second compoueat in the

comspondiDg c:bambcr 57 showD ill FIG. 4.ASCOOAd fal:tor 30 coJu:ama after the pwage of the first CODlpODCDt

is that the dcSOfbcd fluid ID the chamber U8 is retained !hrough the cohmms.

wfthIl1lhe chamber aDd is ~d ~ to the BlmDspbcre ~1ItIII1ialJ¥ selec:tlng at least first OJICI of the coJ1IJJIIIS on

through the plugs 120. This 15 1iu:ilitatcd by 1hc fact that fba a eydie basis to JNU& the ftIIIt COIDJIODCDt iIIluc:b at lcast

desorbed lIuid ill the chamber US fa DOt ~sc4 to die !!rat ones of socii colUmns IIIJd adsOJb the second

atmos~ through a pM such as the part 58 lD PIG. 4..~ c:ompoDeDt in the at least first ones of the coJWIlD5 on

. It ~ be: appxeclatod that aD of the fea1llfea of Ibis a eydie basIJ aDd sImullaDl:ously sclcctlag at least

lDvcntion can be provided in a eoavcotioolll two (l) column sccoad ones of 1IIe columns on the cydic basis to

systera of the priar IIrt. Suc:b a coavenlionallWo (2) colllmD cIcsmb the &CCOIIIl COJiIponeat hi the at least second

system is mOWD lQ FlO. 16. ftillcllldcs the compressor 13. ones of Ibe coJunw on the eydic basis

B distributorvlllvc a8SCD1bJy 21. the pairofthc columni 18..a ~ __ d_ the fluid bef th Iatrocltldi' . of1be BullS

the orifIc:cs 27. the product hoidI.Dg taDk 19 aDd a control __ ore e on

valve 150 far CODlrOlJing the rate at which the oxygen or to the at least first ones of tile columDs on lIIe cycUc

argoa flow to 1IIe user (e.g. 1be p8t1CDt). bula. and

It will also be apprcdated that the s~ c:aastltutiDg varyiDs the COlDp1'CSSIoD of the fluid before Ihc iDtaoduo-

!his IDvelllioD can be q8Cd to provide other fluJds than 4S doll of1be COIIIpRISslId ftuicl to Ibc at least JIm oGeII of

oxys= and 10 ptOvfdc such fluids 10. U5ers OIhCll" thIUI II !be columns to IDIiintaiD tbe Bow of such first compo-

patiCDt without departing from the scope of lIIe illvClltioa. oent to the user at the pn:satbcd late.

POt" example. the system of this ~veatiOIl am be used to 2. III a mctbod as set fOl1h In cIafm 1. the steps of:

provide plaralluids for iDdustdal JXllPOSC'. One use iI1us- ptOYIdiDs a flow CODIrOI of the flnt colllp01lCllt after die

tralivcly iI to provide IlilrOgeD to illduSllial organizatI.ODS SO passage of the first colllpOllent ~~ the at least first

whim provide al1iDe1t atmosphere. AllOIber flluill'allVe use onca of the colunua on:the cyclic basu aad before the

is OxygCD tot welding. passage of the first Olmponent to the USCI',

The apparabJ.& coDStituling thll iIIVCDlfOll hal &eva-a1 iDdIcaIiIIg varfatIoDs ill the mtc of Bow of. the ftrst

imponant advantages. ft provides for a coDtl'ODcd IUId COmpDDCIIt throop the 110\\1 c:ontrol,.

adjustable speed of the comprcssar 13 to adjust the rate: of 5$ varyiug the CODIJmIsafoa of the Bvid ill acoonlancc with

flow cd a fluid such as oxygen to a user (e.g. a patient). Tho Ihe IndicatioasaflhcvariatioDsilllhcrateofllow of the

adjustable control of the compressor speed can be e.ilher 011 tlrst t:lOD!pODeIII dIrcI1gb the flow CODtroJ. before 1IIe

a closed loop basis or an open loq» basis. Pm1ht'imare. an IoJroduc:don of the comprcssc4f1u1d to the at least flnt

illdlcatloa can be ptOv1tSc4 as ro when !he compre&SOr speed onca of tho columDS OD the qc:lic bull. to maintain the

bas been adjqltCd out of II nonilall8lllC of values to obtain 60 Bow of 11Ie first component to the user at the prcsc:lbcd

a p-csaibecUlow of the ftufcl, such 88 oxygen rolhe _(e.g. rail:.

padent). at II n:quircd purity. 3. III & method of I1:cclving 8 first component from B

The apparatus of this Invention also has other 8dvlllltllges. IlOlIIpI1:Iscd ftuid also bavillS a _4 CompoDCat and of

IU the speed of the coqm:aBOr bccaIncs redw:od below II ptovidiDg for the Bow of sudi1lrst cOIIlpooeat to a user at a

particular value. die coaccnlratlon of 1IIe oxygen tends to 65 pzcscDbcd late. the steps of: .

become redoced below II deslmb18 value. The apparatus of providing a pl1IrII1lty of collllDllS COIIStnIdcd to pass the

dIU iIIVCDlion provides for an adjustment iIIlbc rotary speed . first component through the columns and to adsadllhe

Exhibit 2, Page 046

13 ~.'



SCCODd compoucat in !he col1DDlla IlIIIl to desorb the sccoDd COJIIPOIICII1 in Ihc coJlIIIIDS lifter the passage of

SllCIDlId componCDl iD tho colulllllS after tile passage of the Jir&t c:ompaueut ~gb the collmUII.

the first componeot through the CQ)IImDS, se1ecIiDg at kast a fiIst one of tile columns to pass the tint

sclCClfag at least aflrst OlIO ofthc colJuDDs ro pa&Btbc tint compollCllt In sud!. at least hone of the co1Ul1111s and

compoUODt fa suc:h at Ioast fint one of the c:oIlImDs and' adsotb the sc:cond componCDl in tile at least first one of

adsolb die $CCOot.1 CQIIlJlOllCllt la the at least Jim one of the co1wDns on a cycllc basis IIDIl sclccting at ICUI a

the col~ on a cyclic ba&is and ac1ccting ulc:ast a secoDd ODC of tile coIIlmDs ID cIes«b the tICCOIId com-

second oae of tile columns 10 dcsodJ !he second com- ,oncnt in the at least second ODO of !ho coIutuas on !he

pODCIlt iD the at least second one of the ooJulllllS on Ibc cycIJc basis. .

cyclic baris, . 10 compressing the fluid before tile lJItmduc!iOll of the Buill

COIDpmI8lng the fluid bc1Urc lIle iJ1troductioD of abe ftuid 10 the at Icast first one of tho c:olumua on tho cycUc

to the 81 least first oue of the columns on the c;ydic basis. and .

basis. varylDg ~ ~OD of die fluid before the iBlroduc-

varying the comprCSsloD of the Bukl before Ibe ~ 15 doo of ,1hc t:OJDpItSSCCl fluid to the as least finst ODe of

tioD of the compn:ssecl1l.uId 10 1hc at least fImt OlIO of the colllDlllll to JIIIIiDtaiQ the flow of sud!. first compo-

!be COlllDllll to maintalo the tow of such first compo- DeM to 1he user at Ihc pn:saibccl rare.

DCDt to the usez at !he prcacribcd raz. iDdk:atiPg variatioDs in the CODCClllrid10D of !be first

incUcatiDg VlIltatiODS in the tcmpc:raturc of !he 8uid in lIIe COIIIpOlICIIlln the as least ftrst ODC ofllle columns. and

at least first one of tile COlUDlJl8. ad 20 varyfDg !he com,prcsdon of !he ftuldln acemdaac:e with

vl\fYlng Ihc compressioD of lilt IIuld in accardance willl thc v~s la tho CODCeutratioo of !be first compo-

the indIcatiOIlS of the variatIoD8 in the tcmpc:nturc of DODt in tbc at ltast first ODe of tbc co1l11DDS. before die

the JJuid in IIic at lcasa fir" one of the columns. befol'e iatroduclioo of !he compressed 1I.ukli0 the at least first

the inlJ'odudloll of the colIijnSScd f1llid to tho at least eee of the coIumIIs on the cyclic buis. to maintain die

tIM oae of the co1l1JJ1DS 011 !be cyclic basi&. to maiI1taiD 25 !low of !be fIrsI COmpoDllllt to the user at 1110 p:esc:dbcd

Ihc 'flaw of such first omuponcat to the user at tbe rate.

prcsaibed rate. (j. 1a a method of recdviD8 a lim compoDCDt Ii'oro a

4. In a melhod of receivlllg I fInt componOilt from I compn:Bllcd fluid also, havillg D &CCOIId compoAc:nt anel of

compmncd fluid also having a _d component ODd of providing for Ihc Bow of IIIlch first COJDpOIIeut to a ustr at a

providing for !he llow of sueb first CODIp9J1cllt to a US~ at a 30 prcsaibcd rate, 1bc Illcp& of:

prescribed rate. die steps of: prvvlt.1log a plurality of colurDIIS conSllUc:tcd to pass the:

poviding a pllD'ality of c:olDams COlI&InJcte4 to pJlS& thc 1int COIl1p01IIIUl through lIle collDllllJ and to adsOIb tbe

lim compoDCDt tlIrough the colDmDs mad to BdsOIb the aecood OOIDpOIICIlt iD the columns and 10 cIcs«b thc

seClOlld compoDeut ID tho columns aJJd to ~ the a_lid component Ja the colllmns afta-Ihc passage of

second compoDcot la tile columIIs afteor die p8$S8p of 3$ the fim COIiIponeut through dlo collllDlll.

the lim CODlpOllClll Ihroagb the coIlIIIUIS, sclecllDg at l~ a first 0= of the cohmms to pass !be fin;C

selcclilJg at least II first Olle of the columns to JIIIS$ Ibo first compoueat ill auch at least first 0IlC of tile colwaas anel

, cOIUpODellt ill &IIeb IIIIe'aat flnt ODe of the colDmIls aad adsorb the SCCODd COIDpODCllt ia the at lcsst first one of

adsotb tho sccolld compciaOllt Ja the at least first OIIC of the ,colwims OD a cyc:llc basis and seleding at fOBst II

the. columns OD a cyclic basis and selodJng at least 8 40 aecolld one of the coIll111111 IlJ desorb Ihe secood com-

second eae of lIle column. 10 desOlb tho aeecDd com. ,ollClll lJI the at least recond 0110 of the columns 011 1110

,olleat in !he at least secolld OIIC of the colunlDs OD the cyclic basls.

cyclfc basis. ~ !he IluJd befon: the Introduction of the fluid

comprcsalug tho Jluid before the JalJoduction of the fluid to the at least first ODC of the colwDos aD the cyclk

to the at lca.sI finI ODe of the co1l1D11111 all the cycUc 4S basis. aod

basls, varying the ~ of die 1Iuid before the Introduc-

varying the compression of the fluid before the iDtroduc- HOD of the compressed iluld 10 the at least fir5t one of

tioo of the compressed flaJd to the at least fInI ODe of the collDDDB to maintain 1IIe flow of IUch fIrSl compo-

IIIe coIlIIDQs to maiDlaln the flow of such first compo- neul to the user at the presc:ribcd 1'Idc.

, neM to tho user as the presa(bcd rate, , 50 !be comprcslioll of the ihdd beiog provided by a

illdicatillg variatiODs in tho p:cssuro of the ftuid la the at comprc$lCI'. '

least first olle of the c:olumIIs mil cooliDs the compressor. and

varyiD& die co~ioo of the lIuid in accordaace wltb varying !be coolJIIg of 1I!e CIJIIIllIl'SSOT ill accanlaacc with

tho ·fndkationa of the Variali0D8 In 1hc pressure of die ss Ibe Vufalfon8 111 the compressiDII provided 011 the fuid

fluid In tho atlc:ast the first one of the cohmms, before by die compre8&Cl'.

dJc iDtroductiOIl of the colIIJRSScd flllid to !be at least 7. ID a mc1hod of rcc:ehfug a flnst cmnpoDoat from a

tint OIlC of !he collDDDB on the c:ycIic basi., to malarain compreB&Cd fluid also having a secolld oompoaeat and of

the flow of such flnst campcmcal to the user at !be providins for the Bow of Iueb fiIliI cmoponeDt to a user as a

prcsl%ibed 1'Idc. 60 prescrlbed rate.. tho steps of:

S. In Ii mctbod of roCelvillg a first COmpoDCllt from a providing B plDtBlity of colllDUlS collSlnlc:tcd 10 pass lIle

compreIIscd 1I.uid also bavlllg a &eCODd component BIIel of first compoaCDt dlrODgb the coIumIIaalld to adsadl !he

providillg for,the flow of such first compoIleDt to a 1IStr at II secolld COJIllIOIleDt ill the cohum1I &lid to cIcIClCb the

presalbCd J8te. die steps of: sCc:ond c:ompoDoat ill thc coIWDIIS IIftct 1he passage of

provIding a pluralJty of collllllDS coDsIn1cte4 to pass lIIe 6$ the Iin1 compoIIent tbrougb the co111J1111B.

. first CODlpODCat through tho coJumDs and 10 adsorb tho seledfugatleaatafirst one oflhe columD8 10 pasS dleBtst

second COlIIpOlieat ia thD columns aDd to desorb IbI; component fa sud! 81111851 ilnt one of the colWIID8 1IIIt.1 .

Exhibit 2, Page 047

........ ~ :

Exhibit 2, Page 048



adsorb 1hc 5CCXJlld compollCDt !lithe at Jcast first ODC. of the colamus on a c:ycUc basis and &elec:tlog at least a sCCOlId one of the c:oIUIDDS to desorb die· 8CCOIId compollent ill the atlC8Jt 5CCOJId one of 1bc cohmllls 011 Ibe cyc1lc basis.

compressing the Buid before Ibe !IIlroclucliOD of !he lIufd to !he at least first ODC of fbe colUlDP& all the cyc:Uc basil,

varying tbc campressioo of the fluid bGfoR: Ibe inIrocIucdoll 0I1bc IXIIDpl1ISSCd flufd to lbe allcut first Olle of 10 the colWDDI 10 maiotaIII thO llow 0I1lICb first compoDeDt to the user at tho prcsaibcd raID, .

!lldicat1og varlations fllthe tc:aIpcratIW of tho fluid iii the at least first ODe of the colUIDDB.

VarytDS Ibe compn:ssioa of the fluid ill acconlaocc with 15 . tho lndlcatlons of die vadatlous 10 Ibc ~ of

tho fluid ill 1hc at least 11rst one of the cohlmns. before

the IlIlroduclioll of the compressed fluid to the 81 least

first OIXI of Ihc co1wni1s 011 the cycIlc basfs. to maintain 20 the flow of web ftr&t componCIII to the user at the prcscdbcd tate.

iodicatioS vaziatiollS in the p-cssDre of lIle lIufd in the 81

least 1im 0110 of the coIumDs. .

va:yiDg Ibe compression of the fluid ill accordance with 25 . the Jndlc:atlollJ of the variations iD !he pnlSsure of !he fluid In !he at lcaBt Ibc first ODe of the columI1I. before . the iIIb:odudion of the cOlllJRSscd fluid to Ibc atlcast

first ODC of Ihc coIum1I5 011 the cyclkbasis, to mallltaID

the Bow of RIel! 1im COJDpOnCllt to Ihc user at !he 30 presaibed ralc.

. providing a Bow CODIroI of thc first COJII1IOMD1 after the panage of Ibe first compon=t tbroogb thc atlclIsUirst ODC of the col1Dlllll 00 Iho cyclfc bods aod before !he

palsage at the 1iJsl CIOIDpOlICDt to die usa. 35

varyiDg Ibe compression of the lluid ill 8IlCm1taucc wilb the indicatIoas .of tile vadatiODa ia thetIIIC of flow of the ftrst componcllt tbroagh !he Bow oon1rol. before the introduction of the CIlIIIp'essed 1IufcI to the atlcast first ODe of the colUIDDs OD the cycUc balds. to malotaID the 40 ftow of the 11m component to the user at the prescribed rate.

IndicaliDg varialioas In the rato of lIow of tho first colDpOlleat Ibroush tho flow IlOIItrol.

vlll)'iPs the: compnISslOD of the lIuld in aCCOldaDco wiIb 4!1 tbelndicatiollS ofthevariat.!onsm thcuofllowoftlle lint COl1IpODe1It tbrougb the flow CXJDtroI. before the introdul:CfoD of the cOJllP'C5Ii1Cd IIuld to the atlcast first one of the colwnns 011 the cycUo bub. to malD1aIn Ibe flow oCtile first component to the use: at !he presc:dbc4 SO rate.

iodicatlDg vurialioos in !be mncoolnllion of the fIntt COlIIpOIIcut in the &lleut first ODe of the columns. a04

varying tile compressIon of the Buld 10 aa:orclaacc with 55 the variations in the mnccutralion of the first compo. . Dent In the at lea" firs! ODe at tbo coIWDD1, before the inbOcJnctioD of the c:onqnsscd ftuid to Ibc at least fim eee of the coJUIDDS OD tbe c:yc:ilc bam. to maintain abe . flow of !he first compoDCllt to the user atlbe prescribed liD

rate; ..

8. In a mclhod of rcccIvins a first compo~t from a compressed fluJd $0. havlllg a IICCOnd COIDpODCDl and of provld!JIg far the flow of sucb lint compoDcat to a user at a

prci5aibcd rate, the steps of: "

providing a pluraUty of columns CODstrueted 10 pall the first c:ompoocOl1hrough the colWDIIS md 10 adaOJb !he


SCICOIId component m the co1l1D111S and to dcaarb the aocood compoocat from dlc colUllUlS after the JlIISS88e of Ibe first c:ompoDeJlt tbmugh the oolUJDDs.

sclectlos at least a first ODC of the coIW111lS 011 a cyclic ~5 to pasa !be first componcat in such at least first one of Ibe colDl1UI8 and to adJmb the sccollll compo. Ilt:IIl ia such It Icast first ODe of !he BOd sdecdDg at least a sccoad ODe of 1bc colUIDDS on the cyclic basis to dcsmb the second campoDCDt 10 the at least ~d OIIe of the' calwans..

the selecdon at tbeleast fb:st ODe of the cOllDDDS aod lIle at least second ODe of !he coIumos includiog a valve operadve 011 the cyclk basis In a variable IimC.. c:ompl"eSsing the IIuld before tho iDIrodllCtion of the iluid· 10 the III least first ODe at tho co1U11l11S 011 die cyclic basis.

varyiDg the comp-ess!oo of tile flllid before the introduction of tbc comptessod fluid to the atlcast first OIIC of the columos to mabItaID the flow of the first componcot to the user at a prcsaibcd rate, and

. varYing the time for'1hc OJICl'BtiOD of the vaJvc.oo the cyclic basis In aceonfaoce with Ibe vaxial:ioas in tho compression 01 the lIuld.

P. 10 a mctbod as set forth ill cIalm 8. tbe.8tcpa of: dcsarbiDg the adsarbcd SCCODd COIIIpOlltllt In the at least first OIIe of the columJis ilIro a chamber ~ the passage of tho 1im compoocnt through the atlcasl tim ono of the columDs. and

providlDg for a coa1rolb!d release of die desoIbcd IiDCODd

compoacot from the el!ambc:r int~ tbe atmo&pbcm.

·1 •• In a mdhod as set rartb ia claim 8. the steps of: prov.Idlng ~e COlIIJIfcssiOD of die iluJd In a c:omprCssor. JXl!Yidlq a variable cooIi1Ig of thc compressor. aDd VIIJ"yiJIg the cooJiag of die ~sor in accordaocc with

the varialiODl III tile COIIIpR:SSion of the fIuI.d in the comprcsscx.

1L In·1 method as set fanh ia claim 8. Ibe steps of: providIDg a 1IO'iv coDtrOl with VBIiablc chanu:taristics far the lDIrOducdoD of the first Componcut 10 tbe user after !hCl pas&age of the finIt mmpooent Ibrough die a11east first oae of the c:olumoI. and

varyill8 Ibe chamctc:ristla of tbc BoW COllIrol In acccJI'. dance with the vuda1lollB fa the ClO11IpmSs1on of the fluid to maintain 1hc flow Of the first component to 1hc user at the pacribed rate.

11. Ia a mdbod as set fodI11a claiJD 8. die steps of:

Indicalins variadoul in tbe coacentrll1ioll of the first . 00DIp0I1CIII ill the a1lead first ODe of the columDJ. aad

varylog !he COIIIpIession ofthc fluid, before the lD1roduotioll of tho compreSsed fluid to the at least first ooc of tho colUIDDs 011 the cyclic basis. in accordance with the il!dica!fool 01 the vadaUDDS ia the collCCUItB!lOll of the fInt compoDCIlt ill cbe at least first ODe of the columns.

13. In a mdhocl as set f<lrth In claim !I, the steps of: dosarb:IDg Ibc lIds~ SCCODd CIIlIIpOllcut In the at least first OIIe of !he colwnos Into a chamber,

providlog fot a CODtIOned release of tbc deaOl"bcd sCcoDd

c:omponcot from dlo cbambe:r Iota the ~. provIdlDS the cotnprCSslon of the 1luId ill a compressor. providing B variable cooIiDg of the COlJIIRSSOJ, and vlU)'ing 1I1c cooling of the COIDpI"CSIot ill ac:c:orclaoco with

the variatiOllS ill the COIDp"CS&Ion of the lJuid III tbo compres'llI".

~dlog II flow coatrol with vllliable charadl:ristics for die fDlrOducdon of Ihe OrA: CODlpODCDI 10 the usa Bfta"

~.,.' .r



the paBlaJC of Ibe fitst compoDelll1brwgh Ihc: atlcast , first ODe of the columna. and

varying du: diaraClcriBlics of the Bow COIItrolLD 8CCOI'daDcc wiIh dac variatIon8 LD the COlIIpMSSion of the ftulll to .IDIlinbIiJI1IIe flow of tbe first compoIICIlt to 1IIe s usrr at the presaibcd rate.

14. In B mctbocl of rccefving a first C<IiDpcwmt from a CQJDprCaSCd flufd also bavlog 8 second CIDlIIJIOlIOIII au4 of providlllg fa the 1Iaw of sud! fiISl COmpoDcm to a lI5CI' at 8

trc:scribed rate. diu &tep6 of: 10

pro~diDg a plU1'Blity of columns COiIstrUctcd to pus lite first component through 1IIc cohmms aDd to adsOlb die SCI.'Ond c:ompouent ill the cobilllll5 and to cIcsarb dae scc:ollll component froIJlthe eolumDs after !be passage

of 1IIc Jinlt"Componeot through Ihc: columDs. IS

sel.cdIag at least 8 first one of the collllDDl on • cydlc basis 10 pass !be first component in sudlat least ftnt eee of til" eolumns 8IId to adsolb !he acoolld compoDent in sacb ot least first one of die columns uIIll

, seicc:tiDg at least 8 secoDd ODe of 1IIe columns on the c:ydic bam to desorb the second compoaeot ill the at zo least second 00ll Q1' !he columns. '

the selcc:lion of die least first one of Ihc: coIumDs and the

at lean sccoDd OIlC of the columDs lDchicIiDg 8 valve opc:raIive OD du: cfcllc basis fn 8 variable lime. comprc:s&lng !he luill bc:fgn: the lnlmductioD of &he fluill 2S to the at least first OIIC of 1110 columns OD the cyc1ie basis.

varyUlg the compression of the fluid before the 1Dtrod~ tiOD of tbe OOJIlpMssed lufd to the at least Ant one of !he col1lIDDll to maIl1IaiII tbt flow of the first compoaenr 30 10 the user at a pn:scdbcd 1'IIte,

varying !be time fer !be openiIion of the valve on Ihc: cydlc basis in accoalancc wi!b the variations ID !be

compmssloD of the fluid. .

proViding 8 plurality of orf1lccs. each iDdMdual OIIe of1hc ,., , oriJiccs bc:iDg disposed LD ,ID Indivfdual one of the columns and c:ach individual one of the oriftcc:s bavina variable dulracfA::ristic:s to pass tho fitst CODIpOIICDt abrough the blclivkllml one of the columns to the user In aaxsdance with the vurialions 111 the chBrlJClerisllcs of 40 suet! indMdllal one of Ibe OItflccs. aDd

varyiDg !be cbaracterlsdcs 'of the orifice ill the at lcaIil1lr&t one of tile colIImns In 8t'CX1fdancc with the varJatlons in the CO~D of Ihc: luld lDtrodoced to !be BI least

first one of Ihc: columns on the cyclic basis. 4S

15. In a method or rccc1vinS a tint c:ompolIcat from. a comprcs8ed 1Iu1d also havlog B secood oomponeDt and of providiDg for the flow of sum first CODIpOIICDt to 8 usa at a prcscdbed rate, Ibe steps of:

providing 8 plUJalfty of c:olunw CODSlrUCIIId to pass abc so first oomponeDt tbrougb the columnalDcI to adsOlb the seaH1d componeDt in !be coIUmDs and to dcsub !be second c:omponenr from the colwims after the passaac

of tbo first componeDt through the colDmDs.

selcctlDg it least B first ODe of the coI\IIIlII~ OD a cyc:lic basis to pllnthe.lirsl COmpoDCDt ill !he least first one of 5:1 the columns and adsoIb Ibc Bccolld coinponCDt in Ihc at leas! lint ODe of the columns on tbc c:yc:Ifc basis IDd selectlng at least a ICOODd ODe of the collllDDS on !be cyclic basis to desarb tho HCOnd componcot in tho at leut SCOODdoae of the colWlll1S after Ihc passage of !be 60 first componeat tIvoush tile at 1cart MIt ODD oftbo columns,

comptc:ssfi,g the Buid before the iDtrodUclion of die COIIIJII'CIlSCI Sluid to II1II at least fimt one of the columna

OD the cycUc basis. . 65

vBr)'iDg the COlIIpfCIIidon of the Bufd. before Ibc .iDtroduodon of the compressed fluid to Ibc least 11m 0IlC of !be

Exhibit 2, Page 049


c:olumns to mafD1aln the flow of IUCh 11rst companeDl to thc IJICI' BIb ~ rme.

coDlr'Cllllug the flow of the first compoDCot to the user efta the pasaagc of the 11m COJDpODCI1t through the at least first one of tile coIIIrDD&. ad

varylJls tbe COIdrol of Ihc Bow of the tint compoDeat to Ihe USCJ in aa:an2ance with the vllriatloas iD the comprcaslon of Ihc: fluid. after the passage of the lint component throUgh 1!lc at least first one of tile collUllllS. to .maiatalu the lIow of !be finl COSDpOIIent to the UICf at tbc prcscdbcd rata.

16. In a mdbod as set fath ill daim.lS. Ihc: &teps of: providing an indication of varfalloos In the t.c:IDpI:tlIIIlc of the IWd ill the at least fint ODO of the columos. and

varyfug the ~ of tho fluid II ~e with tbC IDd1catioJts or tho varlarIons In !be taDpa'alUre of tbe luid in !be at least Jint ODO of Ibc columns. before the iDtroclDdiOD of the fluid to !be at least 11m: ODe of the columIIS on the cyclic basis. to JDBfntaln Ihc low of the first component to the user at 1hc prescrfbcd rate.

17. In a medtod as sat fortb ill dIilm 16.1hc steps of: iAd!callDg vadaliODs in Ihe ~ of the ftuld In the at

least ftrsl ODe of the coIumDa. .

vlll)'fn8 lIle CODIpI'CII&lOD of Ihc: lIufd in ~ with the IndicatioDa of Ihc: VariatiOllS la the p1'O$Sure of the fluid ill tile at ~ fu:st ODe of Ihc: columDs on the cyclic basis. bafoJa Ihc iotrodudioD of the compressed Buid to Ihc: at least first one of the coluIDDs OD the c:yc:Ifc basis. to JDalDIalD the Jlow of the lint colllpOllCllt to tho user at !be pn:sa:Ibcd mtc.

indlcaliDg vadatIoDS in Ihc: COII«DIr8IioD 01 the auld in the at Icast fint OlIO of the columns. aDd

varying 1IIe compressioD of the fluid LD nccorcIaDce with the lDdSrarioIIII or the varlatlODS In the coDCCIIlralion of the Jluid ill the at)ca5t Jint one of the coIwDns. bc:fore tile iatroduc:IioD of !he C01IIpiesscd JIuJ6 to the atlcast first ODO of tile c:olumDs OD !be cydic basis. to maiDtaln the floW of the tint CXDDpODCIIU to the user at the pmczibed ntc.

iDdicatfng variations in tile I1IlC or 80w of tho first compooent to tile wa aft=t tbe flow of the first comJIOIICD1 ftom the at least first ODe of Ibc coIl1IlIIIS on the cyclic basis. and

varyiDg Ibc c:otnpreBSloD of the ftuld lD acccm1ancc: with the: lDdIc:atfons of the variations ill the litIS of the Bow of Ihc: Iuid to the aser, before Ihc: introdDdion of 1IIc: comprcsscd fluid to 1hc at least first one of the columns on Ibc ciycJ.ic basis. to lDBiDtain Ibc rate of Bow of the Jluld to the U&eI' at the presa1bed me.

18. In a method as set fQdb in claim IS. die stqIs of: indJc:adng variatiODS in the pn:ssurc of the lluid LD tile at least fIJSt ODD of the colwmIs. 8114

. vuylDg !be c:ompiaston of the lIuld in aaxudaucc with the IIIlllcadons of the VlIriations in Ihc: pressure of !be lluid In the at least rust OlIO of the coIumDs. before tile fnIrodocIiOll of the compressed Bukl to the at least 1lr1l ODe of the columns OD the C)'dfc basis. to JiIaIDtaiD the flow of the: first OODIpDDent to Iho user at the presaibcd rate.

D. ID a mdbod. 88 set fcr1h In claim 15. the steps of: laaicntlng Vllriations 111 Ibc COIICCIIIIratiOD of the flald in the at least first one of the ooluums. aDeI

varying 1hc COIDpI'CIIIion of the flllId ill acc:Onsancc with the iDdkaIWD& or Ihc: variIUioas in 1bc collCCD1ratioa of the Jluld in the at tcast fiJ;&l ODe of tile c:ollllllllS. bcflm 1hc iDIIoductiOll of thc COIIIpI'CSSDd ftufd to the at lcast first CIIIC of tho cohumI8 OD die c:ycJic buls. to maintaiD the low. of the first oomponDDt to tho user at the prescribed llIEC..



28. III a mcdlDcl as set tanh in claim IS. tho steps of: iDdlcatiDg vadaliollJ iI1 the rate ·of low of the fh&t c:ompoocllt to tile user after the Bow of tile first ciompoDCDt from tho at least first ODe of tile co)lIDlIII. IUId

',varying lIIe oompresROD of the !luiIl iI1 aa:cmIuuc:c willi $ the VarJatfollS In the rate of Ibc Bow of the &lid to the usa. befon: 1he Inttoclaction of die comprcs5Cd loid to !he at Icast first ODe or the columna on !he cydlc: ba&Is,

to malntaio lhc rare of flow of 1ho IuId to the user 41 the

prescribed rate. 10

ZL III a metbcicl of n:1:eMag a flrst colDpOllcllt from a aIIIlpl'CSSCd Bold 8150 haviDg a sccoad IlOIIIpIIIICDt aDli of j¥'OVidtDg fot the Bow of sa lint c:mupODelJt to a WiQ' at a prescribed rate. lhc steps of:

providing a plurality of calamDs colWrUcted to pass 1IIe 13 first ~t Ibrougb !he columaa IIIJd 10 adsmb !he

, second componellt ill the co1WD11& and to des«b ·tIIe setODt! eompoIIent from the columDs after the passage

of the first compolICDt throagb Ihe oo)DmaS,

selectiag at lcast a first one of tho columna to pass the 1Irst ~ compoaeDt m the at Icast first one of me columns aDd adsoz1I the secoDd camponcat'1a at IcaBt the first one of IIu: collllDDs 011 a cyclic basi. and :dcdiDg lit least a secoJlll oue of the columDl to clcsosb the sec:oadcompoDCIIt iD 1ho at least second ODe oftbc c:01umos OD the cyclic basis after the passage of the tiM OOmpollent 2S through the columns.

ccmpteashJg the Buid hi a COJUpn:ssar before the iDlre). cluc:Uou of tbc Buld to the at Icast fint ODe of die coJOlDJII 011 the cyclic basis.

varying die compression of !be auld before Ibc iDtrocfnc- lID tiOll of the CODIpl1:Sscd !laid to Ihe lit least fir8t ODe at

, Ihe co1l11IU18 0111he cyclic bu1s to maiDtala tile flow of such lim CODIJIOlICDlIO the aacr at tbc presaibed rate.

cooling !he DOJIJ)ln:S8Or. and '

vat)'iag the cooling of the compn:ssor In acc:ordaagc ,with' 35 the variations of the compress.lOD of tbe lIuid in the

compressor. '

n In a lIM!lhod as set fCK1h 111 c1aIm 21.

Jncl.lcat1ag vadatlODS In the tempenIure of the lluld iD die

least lint ODe of the colllIDllS, sod 40

varyfDg the cOmpression of the fluid ill die atJcast irst one

of the co1lUD11S 1a 8CC«claaccwith tbcimticatiODs of the variations iD the tcmpcIrIIlm'D of the fluid ill the at least first OIIe of Ihe columns. before the Introduction of the comptcascd flWd luto die at least fim ODD of the 4' 'columna on the cyclic bub, to JDDJutaia the ftow of such ftm component to the at least first ODe of the columns at tile prescribed rate.

23. In a mcdIod as set fCX1b lD cJa1m 21. the steps of: .l!idicatlDll vadatlo~ ill die P'I'l'fIUI'C of the fluid In Ibc at » least fUst DOC of the colllJllllS, aDd

varying 1hc DOlIlJllCBSlon of lbe ftuid Ja aCCO%daDce wiIb the iIIdications of !he vada1loas 10 the pressure oIlbe ' fluid 10 the at least first one of the co1lUD11S. befare 1110 il11roduct1oa of !he COlDpl'CS5Cd lluid 1010 the at least 1int ODe of the I.1OllllDlls 011 the cyclic buI., to JDBiDtabi $' the flow of the first COlIIpOIICIlt to the: IIBCI' at !he pm;aibcd mtl:.

24. III a mothod as set fOl1h in claim :n. !he 5tcps of: ,

lndJcatlDg VllriatJOIIJ 10 !he COIICCIIIratlon of the lluld 10 '

lile at least flnt one of the columns. sad 60

'vlll)'lng the c:omprcssIoD ofthc lluld'lII aa:ordaDce wl1h the iIIdicalionl of the VllriatiOD5 ill die conccDlratiOD of the fluid in the ai least first ODe of 1IIc c:oluJnDB. ~ the hUl'oductlon of the comprcasecllluld lDto the at least first one of 1hc I.1Oblll1DB 00 the c:ydic: ba&Is. 10 maintain 6S the Oow of the first component to die user at !he prc.aibc:d rue.

25. III a JDCIbo4 of rccdving a 11m ccmiponent from a COlIIpJ'II5SCIl fIDId also havJag a SCQOIId I.1OmpoDcat and of providfll8 fOl' the Bow of lIOeI! first compoDcot to 8 user. BI prcsaibccIadII. the IIIcpS of:

JIIO"fdloa a pura!jI.y of coIumIIS oonsttuc:tecl to pas. the first compcmeDt IhJOugh the c:01umIIa and to adsom the SCCODd c:omponCDI ill the columns BDd to dcscR !he sCCODd compoac:ut Imnl die co1mans after the passage of tho ftIJIl ~ through the colDmIia.

sclcctiDa at least a Jim 0110 of the c:oJumas 10 pass the first CODIpOIlCIIt III the at lead first one Of the collllDD8 IIDd adroJb lie scconclCOlllpOJlCDt iD tho at Ieast!ho ftr&t one of the colurJms on a cyclJc basis and selccIiDg at least a second one of the cohuJw to dCSOIb the second I.1Ompoacut ill the at I_I BCCou4 ODe of the Q)1WD118 011 tile cydIc buill after the passage of the first compoocot

througb the c:oIoDuJs. ,

, compn:ssfag Ibe fIukl ill' 8 c:omprcasor befote the Jatro.. dodlJ1a of tbc fluid to the at least fir8t ODe of die columna OD Ihe cyclic basis.

'Varying tbc ~ssIoD of tile fluid bcfIJ!'C the lntrocluc.

IiOD or Ihe COIIIJBC8IC<llluill to the at least firBt ODe Dr !be coIlIII1III OD thc cydic balls to maintain the 1low of such tint ~t to diD user at the prcsa.Ibed rate.

cooUag lie colllpn •• sor.

vary:IDg the oooIiDg of 1he COIDpI'C65Ot 1a accordauce with the VBdaJIoos of the I:IOlIlJRSdOD of the lJuid in 1IIe COIZIpR$lIOI'.

palling !he first COIIIpOIICIIt through a flow CXlDtrol bavillg a wdabIc apcrtuIe. after the passage of die first compoocat' hill the at least first ODe of tho co1l1JDDS on the cycUc basis. fur colllnllling Ihe rare of p8BS8gI: of the ftnl COIDJIODCIIl to the user. aDd

adJustiDg 1hc apedIIRIla tbc lIow 00lii10i iD accordaDee

, wIth tbe :vadatlans .lD the compression of ~ Butd to maintain the flow of the 1Ir1ll c:ompollClll to the uset' at ' the pn:saibcd Ale. ,

26. In a mcOIod as set forth Ja claim 25. the stqJs of': iad.icating VIdatIoDs iIllhe tempcratmc of the 1luId 10 !he

lCIIQ am ODe of 1IIe c:olwmu. and '

varying ChC ClllllJll'CSSloo of the! fluid iD !he at least fir8t one of the colJunDs ill aa:ardancc with the JDdleatiOll of the VadatiODll in tim tcDrpcraturc of 1IIe fluid In the at leasI first ODe of tbe columns. bcfocc the lDI:oductloa of the compressed fluid Into the at least lint ooe at tho co1umus on the cycDe basis. to maiiltaiu the flow of such fint c:omponeDl to Ihe at least first ODC of the

, columns, ,

Iodlcadag vadalioos hl1he jRSsure of the fluid ill the at least fint one or the eolumDs. and

varyiJIg the c:owprassioa of the fluid iD acccnIaace with the bIdk:alfOD of the variatiODI ill the pm~c of tho Ould 10 Ihe lit Jcaat flnl one of the i:ollUDllS" before the latioc1uc:don of die oomprcssc4 fluid Into the al lcm first OIIC of the co1umns 011 1bc cyclic basis. to mai.otalD the flow of the Iirat component to die USCI' at the

JnSaibc:d ntD, ,

ludlcatlD,g vudatIona 10 the coaceolradoli of the fluid in the allcast finI one of the co1W1JDS. and

varyiDg Ib.c c:owpn:ssioa of tbe auld in aa:ordaaco with the Jadk:8lfcw of the VariadoD' In die Coacen1ratiOD of the laid II the at least first eee of tile co1lU11DS. before &he lDtroductiOD of the cOmpascd 11u14 iDto lIIe at Jl:ast fine OIIC of the coluDms OD the c:ydic basi's. to malDtain the llow of: tha fine CCIIlIpOncot to the 1Il5et' at the presafbccI mte.

• • • • •

Exhibit 2, Page 050




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(12) United States Patent Appel et aL




(10) Patent No;:

(45) Date of Patent:

US· 6,691,702 B2 *Feb. 17, 2004


(75) Inventors; WlDlam Scot Appel, San Diego, CA (US); David PhUlip Winter, Encinitas, CA (US); Brlao Kenueth Sward, San Diego, CA (US); MaSllm Sugano, Tokyo (Jp); Edmund Salter. . . Oceanside, CA (US); James A. BIxby, La Jolla, CA (US)

(73) Assignees; SeQUliI 'Thchoplogles, Inc., San Diegc, CA (US); TeUlo Umlted, Osaka (JP)

( • ) Notice: Subject to any disclaim~r, the term oC this paten! is ~xr.cndcd or adjusted under 35 U .s.c, 154(b) by 0 days.

This patent is subject to a tenninal disclaimer.

(21) (22) (65)

Ajlpl. No.: 10/134,868

Filed: Apr. 29, 2002

Prior PUblication Date

us 20031000SSl28 AI Jan. 9, 2003

Related U.S. Application Data


Conttouation-iu-part of applicatioD No. 091632,099,liIed OD Aug. 3, 2000.

(51) Int, CI.7 A61M 15100; A61M 16/00;

A62B 7/08: A62B 21100

. (52) U.s. CL 128/202.26; 1281201.25; 128/205.11; 128/204.22

(58) FIeld of Search _ 128/201.25,205.11,

. 1281205.18,204.17; 2.04.22, 204.21, 202.26,

205.12, 204.18, 204.23, 204.26: 251/283

References Cited


4P71,779 A 3/1978 Siroar .


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9/1984 Vbn Weenen


(Ust CODtimled on next page.)


. .




197 07 097 Al 0266051 AI 0757 !l1!1 AI 0'312910 AI o 87S 277 AI 0884086 A2 0884088 AI' 0884086 A3 1044714 AI 1044715 AI 2164 S68 A

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Primary Examiner-Weiluo La .

AS.fL~tanl &aminer-Michael O. Mendoza

(74) AaOTIW}I Agent, or Finn-Procopio, Cory, Hargreaves & Savitcb, u.p



A portable oxygen concentrator 8ys1~m adapted to be JeIIdUy transported by a user iucludc:s a rechargeable oncrgy source and a coeceerraror po~red by the euclID' souree. The concentrator .CXlnvcrts ambient air iota coecentrated oxygen gas for tho user aad iocludc;s a plurality of adsorption beds and a rotary valvo. assembly. The rotary valve assembly is relatively rotatable with respllCl to tho plurality of adsorption bMs to provide valving actiOD for selectively transferring fiuids through the plurality of adsorption beds for converting ambient air into concenlrlltcd Oxy~D gas for the user. The ratio of adiabatic power to oxygen Bow for the conceatrator isIn tbe raD~ of 6.2 W/lFM to 23.0 W/LPM.

34 ClaIms, 17 Drawing Sheets

Exhibit 3, Page 051

..' :

US 6,691,702 B2 Page 2

, : .. .' ..... : ...• -.~ ..


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6,010,555 A 1/2000 Smolarek el al.

6.OS1,QSO A 4/2000 . Keefer ct al,

6,056,804 A • 5/2000 Keefer et .1. 95/96

6,068,68D A • 5/2000 Kulish et al. 9S/98

6,143,056 A 11/2000 Smolarck el aI. .

6,152,991 A 1112000 AIIkley

6,176,897 81· lJ200l Keefer ; 95/98

6,253,778 81 712001 Smolarek III al. .

6,311,719 Bl • 11/2001 HUI et al 137~12

6,346,139 Bl' 2/2IlD2 Czabala

6,395,065 Bl' 512002 Murdoch eI al. 9S1Z2

6,471,744 Bl • 1012002 HUI 95/19

6,514,319 B2' 2/2003 Keefer et al 95/101

6,521,562 Bl' 2/2003 Clem 01 aI. 5021214

6,551,384 Bl· 412003 Ackley ct.1. 95/96

2001/0023640 AI 912001 Keefer

• cited by cnminer .



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FIG. 58
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DUCT RE- PRO-· FEED UUM (slpm) . ~).
(slpm) (%) (psIg) .(psIg) UUM
3.0 55.1 91.7 7.7 . -7.0 23.8 20.8 17.9 20.6 38.5
3.0 53.6 . 90.4 7.2 .-7.0 24.1 21.1 17.1 21.2 38.3
3.0 53.6 90.9 . 72- -7.0 24.2 21.2 17.2 21.2 38.4
1.0 54.6 91.6 90 '!I B.O . 7.0 6.9 7.0 13.9
2.0 57.2 92.0 _lO.S -7. .15.3 13.3 152 13~ _j_8.4
3.0 54.9 l:I~.;:S 9." ·f. ~ .0 21.0 21.8 22.9 ~
2.8 51.7 93.6 10.1 -7.4 2· .1 21;3 22.9 22.8 45.8
2.5 46.3 94.5 10.3 -7.5 2 •. 3 21.8 23.5 23.8 _47.2
3.2 56.3 . 90.7 9.9 -7.5 2· .6 21.4 23.0 23.3 48.3
3.4 58.4 ·88.0 9.9 -7.0 24.4 . 21.0 22.8 20.9 43.7
2.0 4. 94.7' 12.1 -7.1 19.3 17.3 21.3 rr.s 38.8.
22 5 94.3 119 . -7.2 19.3 .171 21.0 . 1L6 ~6.
2.4 . 5:. 93.6 11.7 -7.3 19.3 ·16.9 20.8 17.1 38.5
2.5 67.9 92.7 11.1 -7.3 19.1 16.6 19.7 17.4 37.1
2.8 61.8 89.0 '11.3 -72 19.2 16,. _2_0~ 16.9 37.0
1.5 58.1 . 94.3 ~ ·7.2 11,2 . 9.0 11.3 111.1 ~1.4
1.5 59.9 . 84.0 10.8 -7.2 11.2 9. 11.3 .10.0 21.3
1.6 67.3 90.1 10.4· -7.3 11.2 9.4 10.9 9.9 2M
1.0. 64.0 94.1 9.0 -7.2 7.0 6.0 6.1 6.2 12.3
1.2 70.4 86.3 8.5 -7.4 7.0 5.8 . 5.8 6.2 12.0
1.1. 88.1 90.3 8.7 -7.3 7.0 5. 5~ 6.2 120
2.5 -45.5 94.4 9.5 -6.1 24.7 .22. 22.3 _1J 1.11 41.1
2.8 50.5 93.7 97 -6.2 24.8 22. 22.8 1l 9 41.7
3.0 54.1 92.5 10.1 -8.3 24.4 21.4 23.2 ito A1.S
3.2 66.3 90.7 9.9 . -8.4 .24.6 21.4 22.9 18.8 41.7
3.5 59.2 87.4 9.7 -6.4 . 24.6 21.1 22.7 18.8 41.5
1.0 46.0 90.9 5.8' -5.3 9.4 8.4 5.5 5.9 1..1&
2.0 47.8 9Q.S 6.7 .0.4 18.0 16.0 12.0 11.6 23.6
-3~G 48.2 90.7 10.1 _-0.6. _26.9 23.5 25.6 U.9 '1-3.0.
1.0 52.3 92.3 5.7 -6.1 8.4 7.< 4.9 6.1 11.0
1.0 51.3 91.1 5.3 ..:§..O 8.5 rs 4.t?_ 6.2 0;8
2.0 51.6 92.4 7.3 -5.9 17.1 15.1 12.2 .12.2 24.4
2.0 52.4 91.5 7.1 -5.9 16.6 14.6 11.7 11.8 23.5
3.0 48.6 89.9 8.5 ~8 .26.4 23;4_ 21.8 18.3 40.1
3.0 48.9 .. 90.7 B.8 -5.8 26.5 23.6 22.8 16.4 40.9 . FIG. 11

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FIG. 12

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US 6,691,702 B2

as a stationary oxygen system (or even a· ponable 5Ylitem whicb cannot be readily transported), the two mO&1 prescribed options generally availoble to patients are: (a) to carry with them small. cyliDders typically in a wbeeled

This applicaliou is a of pending S sIlODU; and (b) to carry portable containlllS typically on a

prior applicatioDAcr. No. 09/632,099, filed OIl Aug. 3, 2000. shoulder s1ing.. Both IhesC gaseD\lS oxygen and liquid oxy.

BACKGROUND OF TIlE INVENTION gen opoons have substantial drawbacks, but from a medical

The field of this iowntion relates, In general, to oxygen view. both have the ability to l~iIslI the productive life of

coDccutratom and, in particular, to portable oxygen eoneeo- a patiDlIl.

tration systems fOr ambulatory respiratory palients tbat 10 The major drawback of the gaseous oxygen option is that

allow them to lead normal and productive lives. tho small cylinders of gaseous oxygcn can only provide gas

There is a burgeoning need for borne and ambulatory for a short duration. Ano~r drawback is that a patient'S

oxygen -. Supplemental oxygen is ~ ~ patients bigb-~re gaseous.oxygen cylinders arc not

SlIlfering from lung disonlcrs; for exampl~ pulinonary somo locations such as 8lrplancs because of safety CODSld·

fibrosis, sarcoidosis, or DCCllpatioiJal lung disease. For such 15 eratioD&. A further drawback of tbc gaseous oxygen option

patients, oxygen therapy is an inc:n:asingly beneficial, life· is the n:.IIlI requireme~t for oxygell once Iho oxygeo has been

giving development. While not a cure for lung di&=, duplelad from the cylinder. These small gas cylinders must

. supplemental oxygen increases 'blood oxygonation, whicb be picked up and refilled by the home care provider at a

reverses hypDxcmia. This Iherapy prevenlS long-term effcclS . specialized facility. This requires regular visits 10 a pauent's

of Dxygen deficiency 011 organ S}'!Ilelll&-in particulor, !be 20 home by a provider B.nd a substantial investment in small

heart, brain and kidneys. cyllndcm by the proVldcr because so many are letl at the

Oxygen treatment is also prescribed for Chronic Obstruc- patient's bnmc and refilling facility. Although it is tecbni-

tive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), whicb affiicrs about six. ~ly possible to I!fiD these cylinders in the patient's home

hundred million people in the US~ and for other ailments USU18 a comm~rcl~ oxygen concentrator thaI ~xtracts 019"

that weaken me respiratory system, sucb as beart disease aDd 1.5 gen from tho BU, lhis task would typicany require an cn-sne:

AIDS. Supplemental oxygeD therapy is also prescribed for oxygel1 compressor to boost the output pressure of thl?

asthma and emphysema. . conOCD~or to a bigh level In fiD the cylinders.

The normal prescription· for CoPO patients requires Some disadvantagcs of coll!mDn on-sue olt~gen compres·

supplemeotal oxygen 80w via nasal cannula or mask twenty sors arc that !bey arc ezpensrve, loud and emll a lot of beat.

four hours per day. The averago patient prescriptiOIl is two 30 ~di~y, a!tcmpting to c.ompress .tbe ~xygen in presser-

Iite~ per minute of high concentration oxygen \0 increase ~ ClUl1Slcrs 1.1l the home IS potenually dangerous, espe-

the oxygen I~vel of tho total air inspired by.the patient from CJalIy. for unlramcd poop le,

the normal 21% to about 40%. While the average oxygen nus approach of course presents several safety concerns

fiow requirement is two litcrs per minute, tho average for in-bome usc. For example, in order to put enough of tbis

pxyg()n coDC!ll1lrator, has a capacity of four to six liters of 35 gas in 8 portable container, it must typically be compressed

oxygen per minute. This extra capacity is occasionally 10 highprcssure(-2000 ps1) ComprcssingoxygenfromSpsi

necessary for certain patieDlS wbo bave developed more (the typical output of lin oxygcn concentrator) to 2000 psi

severe problems, are not generally able \0 leave !be bome (ali will produce a Iorge amount of heat. (Enougb to raise the

ambulatory patients) aod do nOl require a portable oxygen tempcrBlllRl 165 degrees C. per stage based on three adia-

supply. 40 batic cOmpression stages with intercooling.) This heat, com-

~cre are' clll'lCn.tly tbree modalities for supplemental b~ned wilh the oxygen which b~c:omes mor:c reactlve at

medIcal oxygen: bigh pressure gas cylinders cryogenic bigher pressures, sets up a potential eombusticn hazard in

liquid in vacuum insulated eoetaicers or Ihor:noa boUles the cOmpressor in the patient's borne. Thus, operation of a

commonly called "dewara,· and oxygen concentrators. bigh-pressure gas system in Ibe patient's home is dangerous

Some patients require in-borne ollygcn only while others 4S and net a practical solution.

require in-home as well as ambulatory oxygen depending on The c:onvenience and safety issues are not tbe only

tbeir prescription. All threo modalities are used for in-bomc drawbacflll of this compressed oxygen approach. ADOthcr

use, allbougb oxygen eoncentratcra ire prefeacd becauso drawbaclt is that the compresscrs or pressure boosters

they do nOI require dewlll' l'C1iJling or exchange of empty SO needed are costly because they require spcc:ial care and cylin~crs with full onC&. Home oxygen ecnceatrators, . 'materials needed for high pressure oxygen compallbillty.

bowever, do have their ~.awbackz;. They CDOiWDO Thming DOW to the liquid oxygen storage option, its main

large amounts of ~lectriCity. (350-400 Watts), ~ rclalivcly drawback is that it requires a base reservoir-a stationary

larg~ (about tho SIZC of a o~bt.s~nd), ~ relatively beavy reservoir base unit within the patient's boinc about the size

(WCI~t abo~t 50 Ibs.), eDDI quite a bll of heat, and are ss of a standard beer keg-wbich may be relilled about oooe a

relallvely noisy, . week £rom an outside source. Liquid oX)'!lCn can theo be

. Only small bigh pressure gas bottles and small liquid IcBDSferred from !be patient's base unit to a portable dewar,

dewars are !rufy portable enough to be used for ambulatory which can be the ambulatory patient. Also, with the

needs (outside tbe bome). Either modality may be used for liquid oxygen option. there is substantial waste, as a c'ertain

both in-home BOd amb1l1atory usc Dr may be combined with 60 amount of oxygoo is lost during the transfer to the portable

an oxygen eoaceatrator which would provide in·home use. containers aod from evaporation. It is estimated that 20% of

Ivl described below, the current oxygen-supplying meth- the entire contoolS of !he base cylinder wlll be lest in the

ods and devices have proven cumbersome Bod unwieldy and course of two weeks because oflosscs in transfer and DOrmal

there bas been a long.fell need for an improved portable evaporation. Thc,sc units will typically boil dry over a period

device for supplying oxygen to the user. 6S of 30 to 60 days cvcn if no oxygon is witbdrawn.

For people wbo need to bave oxygen and operate Bway HoIIIC refilling systems that produce Ii~id oxygen and

from an oxygen·generating or oxygen-tiloragc source s~h have the capability of refilling portable liquid oxygen dew-


Exhibit 3, Page 070



US 6,691,702 B2

IUS bave been proposed. However, these devi~ require Ibe user 10 perform !he task of refilling bottles and add tcns of dollars per month to the user's electric bill. which is DOt reimbursable.

There are other complications with tbese portable higbpressure cyllodCJS and liquid dcwars.'JYpicaUy, supplemental oxygen is supplied to the patioot by a bome can: provider,

in excbaDg8 for wbich the provider roccivcs a fixed moo- An aspect of the presentInvention involves a portable

etary payment from Insurance companies or Medicare Oxygen coeceatrator system adapted to be readily trans- .

regardless of tbe lDOdaUty. Oxygco COJJCCl1tralOrs are pro- lD roTted by a user, The portable oxygen COncentrator system

ferred by thc provider as the least expensive option for IIIcladca a recbaIgeable cocrgy source and a conccntrator

6UpplyiDg the patiell1's at-bome needs. For outidde the bome po~n:d ~.the energy source. The coDCClltrator cooverta

usc, however, only liman higb-pressure gas bottles und small ~mbieDl lUI' Into ~DCCntrated ~xygen gas for the user and

liquid dewars an: portable enough to be used for ambulatory UlCludes a plurality of adsorption beds and a rotary valve

oeeds. Either on\l of those two modalities may be used fur as;sembly. Tho rotary valve asselllbly is n:latively rotatable

both in-bome and ambulatory use or may be combined wiIh 15 with respecl to the plurality of adsorption beds to provide

an oxygen CODCCD1J'8tor, which would provide iII-home use. val~ action for ~leotively transferrin,g fluids .through tbe

In either ~, the home care provider must make cosily p1urali!)' of adsorption beds for convertIng a~blenl ~ir in~

weekly or blWCekly trips to the patient's home to replenisb concentrated oxygen gas for 11111 user. The ratio of adiabatic

the oxygen. ODC of the objectS of this invention is to power 10 oxygen lIow for the concentrator is in the range of

eliminate these cosily milk runs." 20 6.2 W/LPM to 23.0 W/LPM.

. So-called "portable" oxygeo concentrators an: com mer- Anotber a8pCCI of the invention involves a roiary valve

cia~y available for providing patients with gascollS oxygen a&'lembly for a pressure swing sdsorption system having a

by converting ambicnt air into conccotraled gllSeOlI& oxygen. plurality of adsorption beds. The rotary valve assembly

. However, tbcsc devices arc only "portable" In the! sense that 25 includes a valve port' plato and a rolary valve shoe baving

they a'IC capable ofbciIlg transported to another point of use respective e!ogaged surfaces and an: relatively rotatable

via an automobilG or ao airplane. 0l1li of these devices is about a colDlDOn ceDtor of rotation to provide! valvicg action

packaged in a suitcase und is billed as 8 transportable for sclcc:tively traasl'crrblg fiuids therethrough. The valve

machine rather then a truly portable oxygen conceotrator. port plate includes at least two ports interccnnected witb at

The device weighs abont 371bs. without bauery and requires 3D leut two adsorption beds. The rotary valve sboe iIlcludcs a

135 Watts of po~ at a 2.LPM (liters per miIJute) oxygen I5CCODd valve ~a~ opposite the en~agcd ~ace with at

flow rate. Operation from an automobile battery is possible least ooe equal1Z8tion passage to ICglster With the a~ least

when in route in a car, but operation from a scpararc battery two ports of the port plato to equalize pressure between the

is impractical. Another device is a 3 LPM concentrator at least two aclsolption beds.

mounted 00 ~lS owo can, It weighs 22 lbs, witbont battery 35 Other and further object&, features, aSpects, and advan-

and also requues about 135 Watts of powcr,Afurthcr device tages of tbe present inventioos will become better under-

weighs about 28 Ibs. witham banery and has a similar flow stood witb the following detailed description of the aecosn-

rate and power requirements to thc above devices. Eveo paoying drawings, .

. without a bencry, these devices are too heavy for the IVCT8ge

ambulatory rc.o;piratory patient. With the weight of 8 battery, 40 . BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS

these prior art devices are not "portable" in the true sense of FIG. 1 is a block diagram of a portable OxygCll coneen-

the wo~d because tbey can not be readily transported from tration system conslnlcted in accordance with an embodi-

ODC POlDt to another. Because these devices bave rolatlvely ment of the Invention;

~IgC) power consumption requirements, they also require, 8 FlO. 2 is a block diagram of a porlable oxygell concen-

swble b~ery. ... . 45 IIlItion system constructed in aeeordanee witb aoother

Futther, 10 addition to the weight and power consumption embodiment of the ioveotion, and Illustrates, iII particular,

problems with the above oxygen conoeDtrators, DOne of an embodiment of an air separation device'

these prior. art cooce~~tolS an: particuJarly quiet. They , FIO. JA is a perspective, cut-away vi~ of an DOlbodiproduce DOISC I~cls Similar to those produced by a home men! of a conceetrator tbai may be used with tbe portable conCCD~tor. In fact, one ?f these devices specific's noise SD oxygen ooncentraUon syste~.

production at 60 dBA (deCIbels), about twice the DOisc of a . • .

borne cona:ntrator. Consequently, OOllC of these so-called FIG; 3D IS a ~ective, exploded View of the coneen-

"ponable" oxygen concentrators are suitable for use In Irator iII~tratcd III FIO. ~A. • .

envirnnrnems when: low noise is espcc:ially important, e.g., ~G. 4 is a top p~ctlve vle~ of an embodiment of a top

restaurants, librarics churches and tlintrcs . '5 mammld aod multiple adsorption beds that may be used

Thus, a long-fclt n'eed exists fur a truly "p~rtablc'; oxygeo with the concentrator iIIUstrarcti iD PIGS. 3A and 3B.

conccntration system tbat eliminates the need for high- , FIGS. SA .and SB are a bot~m plan view and a top plan

pressure gas cylindDIS and liquid dewars, tho constant view rc5pCCllvcly o~ an embodiment of 8 rotary valve shoe

rcfillingtrcpl~c:iDg reqcirements associated with bigh- that may be used With tbe concentrator ilIustraled in FIGS.

pressure gas cylinders and liquid dcwars, aod the need for a 6D 3A and 3B.

separatebome oxygen concentratioo system for ambulatory FlO. fiA is a top plan view of an embodiment of a valve

respiratory patients. A truly "portsble" oxygeo concentratioo pert plate thal may be used with the concentrator illustrated

system would be light enougb so thaI, even with a banery, iII FIGS. 3A and 3D,

an ~VCl8gc ambulatory respiratory patieot could carry thl! FIG. liB is a Bow chart of lUI cxempl~ry process cycle for

device, Inhe'ICnUy the device wonld bave to be designed to 65 the CODCCIltraotor illustrated in FIGS. 3A and 3B.

have rclati~ly low power consumption requirements so tbat PIGS. 7A and 78 are a top plan view and a bottom plan

a ligbt-welght battery pack or other eocrgy source could be view respectively of an embodiment of a media retelltioD

used. Further, the device sbould be smaJI enough &0 thaI it can be coov8l!iently carried by the user, emit 8 relatively)ow amount of Iloi.w and should only emit a small amount of heat,


Exhibit 3, Page 071



US 6,691,702 B2

user interface 111 (FIG. 14) tbat aUows the user, provider, doctor, etc. to enter information, c.g., prescription oxygen Icvol, llow rate, ete, to control !be oxygen output of tbe S)'Stem 100.

5 Each element of the system 100 will now be described in

moze detail.

A. Air Separation Device

Wilb zefezence to FIG. 2, tbe air separation device is

FIGS. 9Aand 9B are 8 bottom perspoclivo, exploded view preferably an oxygen generator 102 generany including a

and a top perspective, exploded view respectively of an pump 6UCb as a compressor 112 and an oxygen concentrator

embodiment of a rotary valve assembly iac1udiug a center: 10 114 (OC). which may be integrated.

~ng ritJg that may be used with the coocimtrator ~ in The oxygen generator .102 may also include one or more

fiGS. 3A and 3B. of tbe elemen1& described below and shown within the

FIG. IDA is a bottom perspective viow of lID embodiment segmented bOWldary 1inD in FIG. 2. Ambient air may be

of a rotary valve shoe, a motor drive, and a pair of clastic drawn through an inlet mumer 116 by the compressor 112.

chain lim that may be used with tbe concentrator illuSlrated 15 The compressor 112 may be driven by one or more DC in FIGS. 3A and 3B. moiors 118 (M) that cun oll:of DC electrical current supplied

by lhc rechaJgOable batlory 104 (RB). The motor 118 also

FIGS. lOB and loe: are a top pe~ective, exp~oded view preferahq drives tbe c:ooliog fan part of the beat exchanger

and a bottom pempeCllve, ~xpIoded ~ respecllVel~ o~ the 12D.A variabloo&peed c:onlrODer (VSC) or compressor motor

~tary val~ shoe, motor drive, aod pill of clastic chain links .2G speed conlroner 119, wbich is'bcd in more detail

illustrated I? FlO. lOA. . below, may be integral wi!b or separate from the control unit

FIG. 11 IS a ta~1o of expenmen~ data for a portable no (CU) and is preferably coupled to the motor U8 for

?xygen CO,nccnltlitlOn sySlem Including the ~nc:entrator c:onscrving electricity consumption. The compressor 112

illustrated ID FIGS. 3A and 3B. deliven; tho air under pressure to the concentrator 114.

FIG. 12 is a schematic iJ1ustration of a further embodi- 2S . In a preferred embodiment, at a maximum speed air is

ment of tbe portable oxygen eoncentrauee system and an delivered to the concentralor 114 al 7.3 psig Domlnal and

embodiment of a cradle for use with the portable oxygen may range from.5.3 to 12.1 psi&. At maximum speed, tbe

concentralian system; low ratG of feed is B minimum of 23.8 SLPM al inlet

FIG. 13 is a ~Jock diagram oltbe ODe or more sensors tbat COndWDIIS of 14.696 psi absolute, 70 degrees F., SO%

may be used witb lID embodiment of the portable oxygen 30 relative hamidity. .

concentration system; A beat exchanger 120 may be located between tbe com-

FIG. 14 is a block diagram of tbe ouc or more components pressor 112 and the conccotrator 114 to cool or heat the ajr

that may be controlled by the control unit of the portable 10 a. desired temperature before COloring the concentrator

omen coucemratlon system; . 114, 8 filter (not sbown) may be located between the

. PIG. 15 is a block diagram of a portable oxygen eoneen- 35 ~r 112 aod !he ~ntrator 114 10 remove any

tration system constructed in accordance with additional UDpunucs from the supply au, and a pressure 1r1UlSduc:er 122

embodiment of the invc:ntion; and may be located between the compressor 112 and the, con-

FIG 16' sob tic 'llustrat' f ther bod' t centrator 114 10 get a pressare reading of the air flow

• IS II emar 1 10~.O BOO ~ ~en entering the concentrator 114.

of a portable oxygon conceotration S)'StelQ mcludmg a 40 Th II' to 114 t fro . fo

bigh-pressure reservoir. cvcn~;=e~ ~ the :~:;~~Si~?~:lI~wnmm:n:'

DETAli.ED DESCRIPTION OF THE One or more of the following components may be located in

PREFERRED EMBODIMENT a supply liDe 121 betweeo the ceecemrator 114 and the user

I. Portable: Oxygen Concentration System 108: a pre5SlllO sensor 123, a temperature sensor 125, a

With reference to FIG. I, a portable oxygen concentration 4S pump 127, a low-pressure reservoir 129, a supply valve 160,

system, indicated geoerally by tbe reference numcra11oo, a flow and purity sellsor 131, and a conservation device 1.90.

constructed in accordance with an embodimeni of the Inven- As Used herein, supply line 121 reeem to the tubing,

lion will DOW be described. Tbc oxygen eoacentratien sys- COODCCtolll, etc. used to conned !be componeots io Ibe line,

tern 100 Includes an air separation device: such as an oxygen The pump 127 may be driven by the motor US. The oxygen

. gas generator 102 that separates concentrated oxygen gas . so '(gas'may be stored in the low-pressure reservoir 129 and

from ambient air, an. euclgY SOIll'CC such aa rechargeable delivered tbezefrom Via the supply line 121 to the user 108.

battery, battery pack, or fuel coli 104 that powers al least a The suppJ.y valve 160 may be used to control the delivery of

portion of tbe oxygen gas generator 102, one or more output oxygen gas from !be !oW-pressure reservoir 129 to the user

scosors 106 used to sense one or more conditioes of tbe user 108 at atmospheric pressure.

lOS. environment, etc. to determine the oxygen output 55 Bxbsost gas lJIay also be dispened from tbe concentrator

needed by the user or required from tile system 100, and a 114, In a preferred embodiment of the invention, a vacuum

contml unit 110 linked 10 the output sensor 106, Lbe air generator lZ4 (V), wbich may also be driven by the motor

separauon device 102. and the energy soul'C8104 10 control 118 and integrated with' the compressor 112, draws exhaust

the operation of the air separauon device 102 in response to gas from the concentrator 114 to improve the recovery and

the DDe or more conditions sensed by Ibe one or more output 60 productivity of the concentrator 114. The exhaust gas may

sensors 106. exit the system 100 througb an exhaust lIlumer 126. A

10 an alternative embodiment, the system 100 may not pressure transducer 128 may be located between tbe: con-

include the ooe or more output sensors 106 coupled to the r;cntrator 114 and tbe vacuum generator 12410 get a pressure

control uait 110. In this embodiment, conditions of the' reading of the exhaust flow from the concentrator U4. At

system 100 such as flow rate, oxygen concentratiou level, 65 maximum rated speed and a flow rate of 20.8 SLPM, the etc, may be constant Cor the system or may be manually . pressure at the vacuum side is preferably -5.9 psig nominal

controllable. For example, the system 100 may include a and may range from -8.8 10 -4,4 psig.

cap thAt may be used with the concentrator illustrated in FIGS. 3A and 3B.

FIGS. SA and 8B are a lOp perspective, exploded view and a bottom perspective, exploded view respectively of an embodimenl of a rotary valve assembly including a cantering pin that may be used with the concentrator Illustrated in

FIGS. 3A and 3B. .

Exhibit 3, Page 072



~:., .'

US 6,691,702 B2

1. CompressorNariabJc Speed Controller· ment a pressure swing adsorption (PSA) process, a vacuum

Example of compressor tecbnoJogies that may be used for pressure swing adsorption (\IPSA) process, a rapid PSA

the compressor 112 inclode,but not by way of 1iInitation, proocss, a very rapid PSA process or other process. If a PSA

tolary vane, liDcar piston with wrist pin. linear piston process is implemcnted, the concentrator may include a

·without wrist pin. Dutating disc, scroll, ro!ling piston. dia- $ rotating valvo or a Don-rotating valve mcchBDism to control

phragm pumps, and acoustic. Preferably the compressor 112 ait Dow tbro11gb multiple sieve beds therein. Examples of

and vacuuzn generstor 124 are iDtegratcd with tho motor 118 ATF cooCCDtrators are shOWD and described in U.S. Pat.

and are oil-less, preventing the possibility of oil or greaSe Nos, 5,268,021. 5,366,541, Ro. 35,099, wbich are boreby

from entering the air ftow palb.· incorpora1ed by reli:reJK:e as thougb set fortb in full Tho

The compressor 112 preferably includes, at a minimum, a 10 sieve beds may be tapered so Ibat Ibey have lalger diameter

· 3:1 speed ratio, with a low speed of at least 1,000 rpm and where gasoous Dow CIlters the beds and a sma11cr diameter

a 15,000 hour operating life wbeD run at fuU speed. Oper- where ~us Dow exits the beds. Tapering the sieve beds

aliag temperature surrounding the comp~r/lllotor sysaem . iD tbis mllJlllOr requires less sieve material and less flow to

is preferably 32 to ll2 degrees P. Storage temperature is obtain the same output.

preferably -4 to 140 degree F. Relative humidity is prefer. 15 Although an ATP concentrator 114 is used in a preferred

ably S 10 95% RH noncondellSing. \t)ltage for the compre&- embodiment, it will be reaclily apparent to !hose skilled ill

sor 112 ~ preferably 12 V DC Dr 24 V DC and tho electrical Ibe an that other typos or concentrators or air-scparation

power requirements ere preferably less tban 100 W at full devices may be used such as, but not by way of limitation,

speed ead rated fiOw/nominal pressure and less than 40 W at membrane separation types ancl electrochemical cells (hot Dr

'h speed and loS flow at rated pressure. A "haft mounted Can 20 cold). If other t)'peS of concentrators or air-separatinn

Dr blower may be incorporated with tbe ccimprcssor 112 Cor devices are used, it will be. readily apparent to those skilled

compressor cooling and possibl~ complete sySlClD cooling. in the art that some aspects described herein may change

Prefcrably, the maximum' sound pressure level of the com- accordingly. For example, if the ait-separation device is a

pressor 112 may be 46 dBA at a maximum rated speed and membrane separation type, pumps other than a compressor

Ilow/pressure and 36 dBA at 'h rated speed. Preferably the 25 may be used to move air through the system.

· compressorillweigbs less than 3.5 pounds. TheAJ'Fpreferably used isaigniJicantly smaller tbat ATFs

It is desirable for the compressor 112 to ru.a at a variety dcslgped iD the past. The invCDtors of the present iovClltion

of speeds; provide Ibe required vacuumlpressure levels and recogni'Zcd that reducing the size of the ATF concentrator

flow ratu, emit little noise and VIbration, emit little heal, be 114 not only made the system 100 smaller and more

small. not be beavy, and consume little power. . 30 ponable, it also improved the recovery percentage, i.e., tbe

The variable-speed controller 1111 is important for redue- percentage of oxygen gas ill air that is recovered or produced

ing the power consumption requiremonts of the compressor by the concentrator 114 and the productivity (liters per

112 00 the rc<:bargcllble battery 104 or other cncrgy source. minutcllb. oC sieve material) of tbe eoacenuator 114. Redcc-

Witb a variable-speed controller, the speed of the COm pres- ing the size of the ATF decreases the cycle time for the

sor 112 may be varied with the aCtivity" level of the user, JS device. As a result, productivity is increased.

metabolic coedition of the user, environmcntal condition, or Funhcr, !be inventors also determined that finer sieve

other condition indicative of the oxygen needs of the naer as materials increased recovery rates and ptoductivity. The

detcrmined through the one or more output sensors 1041. timc constant to adsorb unwanted gases is smaller for finer

For example, the variable-speed controller may decrease particles because the 8uid path is shorter for the gases tbaD

the speed of the motor 118 when it is determined that the 40 for IB1ger particles. Thus, fine sieve materials havillg small

oxygen requiromonls of the user 108 are relatively low, e.g., time COnslanls are preferred. An example of a sieve material

when the user is sitting. sleeping, at lower elevations, ete., that may be used in tbe ATF cooccntralor 114 is descnbcd in

and increased wben it is determined that ihe oxygen require- U.S. Pal. No. 5,413,625 to Chao, et al., which is iocorpo-

ments of the user 108 are relatively high or bigher, e.g., rated by refercnoe aa thougb set forth ill full. The sieve

wbea the user stands, wbea tho uaer is active, when the user 4S material may be a UthlumX Zeolite that allows for a high

is at bigbcr elevations, etc. Tl?ls helps to COlJSCrvo the 1ife of exchange of Lithium ions. The bead size may, for example,

the battery 104,reduce the weight and size of the battery be 0.2-0.6 £11m. In an alternative embodimellt, the Zeolite

104, and reduce tbe compressor wear rate, improving its may be in tho form of a rigid structure such as an extruded

reliability. . monolith or in the form of rolled up paper. 10 this

One of the inventors of tbe present invention waa a so embodlmem, the Zeolite structure would allow for rapid

co-inventor on a variable-speed controller in the past that pressure cycling of the material without introducing signiJi-

regulated the compressor speed to operate the compressor . Cant pressure drop between tbe feed and product streams.

oaly at the speed and power needed to deliver oxygen at the . The size of the cooa:ntralor 114 may vary with tbe 80w

user's prescribed Dow rate, This varlable-speed controUer is rate desired. For ~ample, the concentrator 114 may come in

discussed in U.S. Pat. Nos: 5,593,478 and 5,730,778, which S5 a 1.5 Uter per minute (LPM) size, a 2 LPM size, a 2.5 LPM

are bereby incarporated by reference as thougb set forth in size, a 3 LPM size, etc.

full. The oxygen gas generator 102 may also include an

. The variablc-spced controller 119 allows the compressor oxygeD SOUICC iD addition 10 the concentrator 114 such as,

III to operate at a low average rate, typicaDy the average but not by way .of limitatioD, a high-pressure OXygCD

rate or speed will be between full speed and l1s fuD speed of 60 reservoir, as describcd in more detail below.

tbe compressor ill, resulting ill an increase in battery life, An ~ valve controller 133 may be integral witb or

decrease in battery size and weight, and decrease in com- separate from the control unit 110 and is coupled with valve

pressor noise and omitted heat. electronics in Ibe concentrator 114 for controlling the valve

.2. Concentrator (6) of the concentrator 114.

In a preferred embodiment, the concentrator 114 is an lIS The concentrator may have one Dr more of the fonawing

· Advanced Technology Pradionalor (ATF) that may be used energy saving modes: 8 sleep mode, a conserving mode, and

for medical and industrial applications. The ATF may imple- an active mode. Selection of tbese modes may be done

;. :'to




Exhibit 3, Page 073



us 6;691,702 B2

manuany by the user 108 or automatically such 88 through bly 310 witli a feed pressun: line 420, and a vacuum chamber

the described one or more sellSOm 106 and control unit 110. 430 that comlllUIlicates tbe rotary valve assembly 310 witb

With rc1iIrence to FIGS. 3A and 3B, an embodiment of a a vacuum pn:ssurc line 440. A product delivery line 450,

concentrator U4 that may be oscd in the 0XYgllll generator which may be the same as. the supply line 121 described

102 wiD now be described in more detall. A1tbougb tbe s above witb respect to FlO. 2, communicates witb the interior

concentrator 114 will be described 88 scparatiDg oxygen of the product tank 330. The vacuum JiTCSliure line 440 may

from air, it should be noted tbal the concentrator 114 may be communicate dircc:tly or indirec:tly:with tbe vacuum .genera-

used for otber applicatioos sucb as, but cot by way of tor 124 for drawing exhaust gas from the concentrator 114.

limitation, air separations for the production of nilrogen, In U58, air Oaws from the comprcs&Or 112 to the feed

bydrogen purification, water removal from air. and argon 3D pressure Iioe 42O,Ibrougb tbe incomiDg feed passage 410 of

eoneentratkm from air. As used herein, tho term ~Ouids" the manifold 320. From there, air flows 10 the- rotary valve

includes both gases and liquids. assembly 310 whctc it is di6tnouted back througb outgoing

The concentrator 114 described below includes nUlllCJOus feed passages 390 of the manifold 3.20. From there, the: feed

improvemenls over previous CODCCatratOIS that result in air flows to the feed ends 360 of the adsorption beds 300.

increased recovery of tbe desired component and increased IS The adsorption beds 300 include adsorbent media that is

system productivity. Improved recovery is important sioco it appropriate for the spcciea that will be adsorbed. For oxygen

is a measure oC the efficiency of the concentrator. As a . concentration, it is desirable 10 bave a packed particulate

concentrator's recovery increases, t4c amount of feed gas adsorbent material !bat preferentiany adsorbs nitrogen mia-

. required to producc a given amount of product dGcrcascs. live to oxygen in the feed air so that oxygen Is produced as

Thus, a concentrator witb bigber recovc:ry may require a .20 the non-adsorbed product gas. An adsorbent such as a bighly

smaller. feed compressor (c.g., for oxygen conccntratioo Lithium exchanged X:-typc Zeolite may be used. A layered

from air) or may be able to more e1fectively utilize feed gas adsorbent bed that contains two Dr more distin<:t adsorbent

to recover valuable specics (e.g., for hydrogen purification materials may 'also be used. As all example, for oxygcn

from a reformate stream). Improved productivity is impor- concentraticn, a layer of activated alumioa or silica gel used

lant since an increase in productivity relates dircctly to the 2.5 for water adsorption may be placed ncar the feed end 360 of

size of the concentrator. 'Productivlty is measured In unirs of the adsorbent beds 30~ .wilb a lithium excbanged X-type

product ftow.per mass or volume of tbe concentrator. '!bus, zeolite used as the majority of the bed tnward the product

a concentrator with bigber productivity will be SlDaner aud end 350 to adsorb nitrogen. The combination of materials,

weigh less than a concentrator tbat is less productive., used correctly, may be: more efl'cclive than a single type of

resulting In a more atlractive product for lIlIIiIy applk:aliollS. 30 adsorbenL Iii an altemative embodiment,tbe adsorbent may

Therefore, concentrator improvements io recovery, be a structured material.and may incorporate both tbe water

productivity, or both arc advantageous. The specific adsorbing and nitrogen adsorbing materials:

improvements that lead 10 improved recovery and pmduc- The IeSulling prodnct oxygen gas !lows towards tbe

tivity are detailed below, products ends 350 of the adsorption beds 300, througb the

The concentrator 114 includes five adsorptiDD beds 300, JS product Hncs 380, throUgb incoming product passages 370

each containing a bed of adsorbent material which is selec- or the: manifold 320, and to the rotary valve assembly 310,

tive for a particular molecular species of ftuid or where it is distributed back through the manifold 320 via the

contaminant. a rotary valve assembly 310 for selectively outgoing product passage 400 and into the product tank 330.

transferring fluids througb the adsorption beds 300, an From the product tank 330, oxygen gas is supplied to the

integrated tube-assembly and maiuifold "manifoldn 310, 8 40 user 108 throilgh the product dolivery line 450 and the

product tank cover 330, and a valve assembly enclosure 340. supply line lZl.

The adsorption beds 3tJO a1'O preferably straight, With reference 10 FIGS. lB, SA, SB, 6A,IIA, and 8B, an

clongaled,moldcd,plaslicvcsse1ssurroundedbylbeproduct embodiment of the rotary valve assembly 310 will now be

tank cover 330,. which is made of metal, preferably a1umi- dCSCl'Joed. The rotary valve assembly 310 includes a rotary

num. The molded, plastic adsorption beds 300 sUrrounded 4S valve shoe or disk 500 and a valve pon plate or disk 510. The

by the metal cover 330 10m for a low-cast design witbout rotary valve shoe 500 and valve port plate 510 are both

the detrimental effects of water inf1ux that occur with preferably c:irc:ular in construclionand made from a durable

prior-art plastic bousingS Dr covers. Plastic adsorption beds material such as ccnmic, which can be ground to a highly

have the inherent problem of.!be plastic being permeable to polisbed flat finish to enable the faces of !be valve shoe 500

water. This allows water to penetrate into the adsorbent so and port plate SID to form a ftuid-tight seal when pressed

material, decreasing the performance of the adsorbent mate- . togcther.

rial. Surrounding the plastic adsorptlon beds 300 with the With reference speciflcally·to FlO. SA, the rotary valve

aluminum cover 330, wbicb also may serve as a product shoe SOO has a Oat, bottom engagement surface 520 and a

accumulation tank, maintains the low cost of the desigo and smooth cylindrical sidewall 530. The valve shoe SOO has

does not sacrifice performance. . 5S several symmetrical arcuate passages Dr channels cut into

Eacb adsorption bed 300 includes a product end 350 alld the engagement surfacc 520, all of whicb have as tbeir center

a feed end 360. With reference additionally to FlO. 4, the the geometric center of the circular engagemenl surface 520.

product ends 350 of tbe beds 300 communicate with Incom- The passages or channllls include opposite high-pressure

ing product passages 3.70 of the manifold 320 through feed channels 540, eqnalization channels 550, opposite

product lines 380 for communication with tbe rotary valve 60 low-pressure exhaust passages 560, cirClllar low-pressure

assembly 310. The feed ends 360 of the beds 300 commu- exbaUSl groove 570. which communicates with exhaust pas-

nieate witb outgoing feed passages 390 of the manifold 320 sages S60, opposite product delivery channels 580, opposite

for communication witb tbe rotary valve assembly 310. purge cbannels 590, a blgh-presure central feed passage 600,

The manifold 320 may also include outgoing product . a first annular vent groove 610, aad a second anoular vent passages 400 that communicate the rotary valve assembly 5S groovc 620.

310 with the interior of tho pnxluctlank 330, an incoming With reference additionany 10 FIG. SR, 8 parallel, lop,

feed pasSage 410 tbat commDnicates the rotary valve assem- secoud valve surface 630 of the lntary valve shoe 500 will

Exhibit 3, Page 074


Exhibit 3, Page 075

us 6,691,702, B2


now be desaibcd. The purge ,challllOls 590 of tbo engage- the valvo port plate 510 communicate with the vacuum

meDt surface S20 commuDicale with eacb other through chamber 430 of thll manifold 320 and the exhaust gas

vertical, cylindrical' purge passages 640 and a rainbow- grooves 570 of the valve sboe 500. In tbe prefered

sbapad purge groove 650 DO the top surface 630. The embodiment. eight ports arc used as they aUow sufficicot gas

equalization channels 550 of the engagement surface!!20 s fiow th'rough the valve witliout significant prcssu~ drop. In

~cnd vertically tbrough the valve shce 500. Pairs of an alternative embodiment, a number of ports different from

e_qualization channels 550 communicate through ~ali~-, e!gbt collid be used,

, bon grooves 660 on the lOp surface 630. The equalIzatIOn A second set of five round outgoing feed ports 740

grco.v~s 660 arc generally. U-;shaped and !xtcnd around concenlrically disposed ala second radius from thcgeomct-

rCCCIYJDg boles 670. EqUalization rou!b'g VIa the grooves 10 ric <:enter of tho valve port plate 510 communicate with

, 660 on the second valve surface 630, m a plane 0Ul of and outgoing feed passages 390 of the manifold 320 the feed

,parallel to a plane deftnad by the engagement surface 520, ' ,

helps 10 maiotain the relatively small size of the rotary valve chaDD~J:s S40 of the valve shoe 500, and the vacuum ports

shoe' 500 while at the same timo enabling more complex 730 VJ8 the exhaust passages 5fiO ?f .thc !alvc ~oe SOO.

fluid routing through tbe valve shoe SOO. The equalization A thhd set of five generally elliptICal IDcommg product

grooves allow the secondary valvo surface to be used to 15 porlS 750 ClOJIccolrically disposed al a third radius from the

equaliz.c pressures between adsorption beds 300. geometric center of !be valvo port plate 510 communicate

With refllrenee to FIGS. 3B, BA, and 8B. a fil5l vaJvc shoe with thll incoming product passages 370 of tbe manifold

cover 680 is disposed ever the IICcond valve surface 630 to 32D, the equalization chancels 550 of the valve shoo 300, the

isolate the various grooves and passages OD the secood valve purge chanDilIs 590 of the vain shoe 500. and the produci

surface 630. Both tbe first valvo shoe oover 680 and the 20 delivery cbannels 580.

second valvo shoe cover 6911 include alignad ceD~1 holes A fourth set of five c!n:uiar outgoing product ports 760 '

691, 692; respectively, for communicating tbe central feed concentrically disposed 8t a fourtb radias from the geometric

passage 600witb a bigb-preSSUfC fead fiuid chamber formed center of the valve port plote 510 communicate with tbe

around the periphery of a cylindrical base 6113 of the secoDd outgoing product passages 400 of the manifold 328 and the

valve shoe cover 690. The fil5l valve shoe cover 680 also 25 incoming product ports,750 via the product delivery chan-

includes a plurallry of holes 694 near irs periphcry for the nels 580.

'Purpose of maintaining 8 balance of pressure during opera- A fifth set of three circular port plate alignment boles 731

tion 00 either side of the first valve shoe oover 680 between, concentrically disposed at a fifth radius from the geometric

tbe cylindrical base 693 and tbe second valve surface 630. center of the valve port plate 510 align with alignment pins

Routing the high-pressure feed ftuId into the bigb-preasure 30 321 (FIGS. 3B, 4) on the manifold 320. The alignment holes

fced fluid cbamber OD the top or backside of the valve shoe 731 eosure the port plalc 510 wm sit in proper alignment

500 causes pressure balancing 00 the valve shoe'SOD that with the manifold 320. In an alternative elilbodiment, two or

counteracts the pressure folCO urging tho vafve shoe 500 more alignment bolea localed alone or more radiuses Crom

away from the port plate 510. A spring or 0t1!cr type 9f the geometric center of the valve port plate 510 may be

passive sealing mechanism (not shown) may be used 10 bold J5 aligned with an equal number of aligomeDt pins located at

the rotary valve shoe SOO against the port plate 510 when the set positinns on the manifold 320.

concentrator U4 is not operating. A round central incoming feed port 770 disposed al the

With reference to FIG. SA, to additionally counteract the gcometric center of thel valve port plate 510 and the center

pressure force that works to unseat the rotary valvc shoe 500 ofrotatlon of the valve assembly 310 commuDicates witb the

from the port plalc S10, the exhaust goovc 570 is sized such 40 iucoming feed passage 410 of the manlfold 320 and the

that, when the concentrator 114 is opcralad al nominal feed central feed pasage 600 of the rotary valve shoe SOO.

and purge (vacuum) pressures. tho sealing force duo 10 tho In the rotary valve assembly 310 desaibed above, a

vacuum in the exhausl groove 570 subtantially balances tbis maximum of'l PSI pressure drop occurs through any port of

unseating pressure forco. Tbis enables the usc of relatively the valve asembly 310 when the systom is producing 3 LPM

small passlve sealing mechanisms, reducing the torque and ,45 of oxygen product. At lesser flows, the pressure drop is

power rc:quired to tum the rotary valve shoe 500 and also negligIole.

reduces the weight and size of the concentrator U4. With reference additionally 10 FIG. 6B, a single pressure

With reference 10' FIG. 6A, the valve port plate 510 will swing adsorption cycle of the coocentrator 114 will now be

DOW be described in greater detail. The valve port plate 510 described. During use, the rolary valve shoe SOD mtates with

bas a flat engagement surface 700 thai engages the flat 50 respect 10 the valve port plate 510 so that the cycle described

engagement surfce 520 of the rotary valve shoe 500 and a below is sequentially and CODtinunusly CSla1?lished for cscb

smooth cylindrical sidewall 710. With rel'crenoe additionally adsorpticn bed 300. Tho speed of rotation of tho rolary valve

to FlO. 3B. an- underside of the valve port plate 510 is shoe 500 with respect 10 the valve port plate 510 may be

disposed on a manifold gasket 720. The valvc port plate 510 varied alone, or in comblnatian witb 8 variable-speed

includes multiplo sets of generally symmetric concentricaUy S5 comprcsaoI. in order to provide the optimal cycle timing and

disposed ports or openings aligned with openings in tho supply of ambient air for a givcD production of product. To

manifold gasket 720 10 communicate the pons in the plate help tbe reader gain a beller understan~ng of tbe invention,

510 with the passages ill the manifold 320. The ports extend the following is a dcscriptioo of wbat occurs in 8 single

vertically through the valve port plate 510 in a direction adsorption bed 300 and the rotary valve assembly 310

generally perpeodicular 10 the engagement surface 700. In 60 during a siogJo cycle. Jt should be noted, with eacb revolu-

aD alternative embodiment, the ports extend vertically lion of tbe rotary valvc sace 500, the adsorptioD beds 300

through the valve pon plate S10 in an angular direction undergo two complete cycles. For eacb cyCle, the steps

toward the cDgagemeDt surfaco 700. Preferably, all of the include: 1) pre-prcssurizalion 774, 2) adsorption 776,3) filst

ports of eacb coocentric set havo'the same configuration. equalization down 778, 4) 6CCOnd equalizetion down 780. S)

Each amcentric set of ports will now be described in tum. 55 co-current blowdown 782. 6) low-pressure venting 784, 1)

A IilllL set of eighl circular vacuum ports 730 concemri- counter-current purge. and low-pressure venting 786, 8) first

cally disposed at a first radius from the geometric center of equalization up 788. and 9) second equalization up 790.

" .. : -, ...



us 6,691,702 B2

Each of tbese steps will be dcscnbed in tum b6low for an 300. Gas flows from the ilT~duct side of the ad~orption bed

adsorption bed 300. 300, througb product liIIo 380, incoming product passage

In tho p~premuriu1ioD stop 774, air flows from th~ 370, IIIIlI incomillg product port 750. The gas f'urtMr flows

Compressor 112 to ihe feed pressure line 420, througb tbe Ihrough purge cluumel SilO, purge passage 640, Ibrough tbe

incoming feed passage 410 of tbe manifold 320. From the:re, S purge groove 650, out the purge passage 640 on the opposite

air flows through the ceatral incoming feed po" 770 of the side of ~ valve shoe: 500, through the: purge c.weel 590.

port plate S10, through the central fl:ed passage ciCIO and OUI through the incoming product poil 750, through the incom-

the feed channels S40 of tho valve shoe 500, through tho ing pltlduct paSlisgc 370, Ihrough tho produclliDc 380, and

oUlgoing feed ports 740, and through outgoing feed passages inlo !be product eD!'l 350 of adsorption bed 300 10 serve as

390 of the manifold 320. From lbore, the feed air flows 10 the 10 a purge stream. In ao ahemative embodiment, 10 this step

feed ends 360 of the adsorption beds 3DO. With reference to 782 and the folloWing step 784, co-cum:ol blowdown may

FIG. SA, because the feed channel 540 is advanced with be replaced with eounter-curreet bJowdown.

respect 10 the product delivery channel SBO (i.e., initially the In tbe low-pressure venting ("LPV") step 784, the adsorp-

feed channel S40 is io communication with outgoing !bed tion bed 300 is vented to law pressure through the feed end

port 740 aDd the product delivery cbaonel' 580 is blocked; IS 360 of the adsorption bed 300. The vacuum io the exbaust

not in communication with tbeiocoming product port 150), groove 570 of tho rotary valve shoe SOD commuoicatcs with

the feed end 360 of" tim adsorption bed 300 is pmssurized tho exhaust passage 560 and the flIlld end 360 of the

with feed gas, Le., pressurized, prior to the comme~Cllt . adsorption bed 300 (vis the outgoing feed port 740 and of product delivery. In alternative embodiments, tlJe product outgoing feed passage 3!H1) to draw Ihe regeoeration exneust end 3SO may be prc-pm;surized with procluct gas, or the an gas out of the adsorption bed 300. ThllIaw pressure ventiog product end 350 may be prc.prcssurizcd with produC1 gu step 784 occurs without inb:oduc:tion of oxygcn eoricl!cd gas

and the feed cod 360 may be pre-pressurized with feed gas.. because the exhaust passage 560 is in commonicatioo with

In the adsorption step 71', because the product delivery the oUtgoing feed port 740 nod the purge channel 5110 is not

cbaoocl 580 is in commuoication with the incoming product in communication with tbe incoming product port '750.

port 750, adsorption of N"ilTogen occurs in the bed 300 and 2s In the eeunter-curtent purge and low-prel;SUTC venting

the resulting product oxygen gas flows towards tbe product C'LPVj step 786, oxygen enriched gas is introduced iDIo

ends 350 of the adsorption beds 300, througb the product the product end 350 of tho adsorption bed 300 m tbe manner

linc:s3BO, and through incomiog product passages 310 of tbe described above m step 78Z CODcurreDlly with the !bed end

manifold 320. From there, oxygen gas flows through the 360 of tbe adsorption bed 300 beiog vented to low pressure

incomiog product port, ll1to and out of the product delivery 30 as was described in the above step '784. Countcr-current

channel 580, through outgoing product port 760, through the purge is introduced into the. product end 350 of the adsorbent

. outgoing product passage 400, and into tho product tank: bed 300 through fluid communicatloo with the product cod

330. From the product tank 330, oxygen ga5 is 5Upplied to 350 of a second adsorptioo bed 300. Oxygen enriched gas

the user 108 through the product delivery line 450 and the flows from the product end 350 of the second adsorptioo bed

supply line 121. . JS 300 through the prodUct line 380,incoming product passage

In the first equalizatioo-dowo step 778, the product cod 370, incoming product port 750, thmugb purge channel SilO,

350 of the bed 300, which is at a bigh pressure, is equalized purge: passage 640, through the purge groove 650, out the .

with the product end of another bed, wbich is at a low purge passage 640 on the Opposilc side of the valve shoe

pressure, to bring the product end 350 of the bed 300 to a . 500; through the purgo channel 590, through tbe incoming

lower, intermediate pressure. The product ends 350 com- 4V product port 150, through the mcoming product passage

munieate through the product lines380,lhe incomingpmd- 370, through the'produet line 380, and into the product end

ud passages 370, the incomiog product ports 750, the 350 of adsorption bed 300. Because the 'exhaus! passage 560

equalizatien channels 550, aod !be equalizatlon groove ii60. is also in cOlDmuoication with !be outgoing feed port 740

AJ;. indicated above, equalization routing via the grnoves 660 during tbis step 186, oxygen enricbed gas Haws from tbe

00 the second valve surface 630, in B plaoe out of and 4S product end 350' to the feed cod 3~, regimel1lting the

parallel to a plane defined by tbe cngagement surf~ 520, adsorption bed 300. The vacuum in tbe-cxbaust groove 570

helps to mamtain the relatlvelysmal! &i28 of tho rOlary valve of the rotery valve shoo 500 c:ommuoica1cs witb the exhaust

shoe 500, in order to keep the tOlquo required to turn the passage S60 aDd the food eod 360 of tbe adsorption bed 300

valve shoe 500 as low as possible, wbile at tbe same time (via !be oupg feed port 740 and outgoing feed passage

enabling more compleX" fluid Itluting through the valve shoe 'so 390) to draw the regeneration exbausi gas ont of tho adsorp-

500. III tbis step 178 aod the equalization steps 780, 788,790 tion bed 300. From the exbaust passsge 560, the exbaust gas

to be discussed below, tbe adsorption beds 300 may be flows througb the vacoum ports 130, into tbe vacuum

cquali28d at either the feed cod 360, the product eod350, or chamber 430, aocl out !be vaCUUm presurc line 440. In an

. a combinatioD of the feed ecd 360 and the Product cod 350. . alternative embodimeot, the vacuum may be replaced with

In tbe second equalization-down step 780, the product end 55 a low-pressure vent that is Dear atmOspheric pressure or

350 of the bed 300, which is at an intermediate p!IISSUre, is another pressure tbat is low relative to the feed pressure. In

equalized witb tbe product end of another bed, wbich is at anotber embodiment, product gas from the product tank 330

a lower pressure, to bring the product end 350 of tbe bed 300 is used 10 purge the product end 350 of the adsorbeot bed

furtber down 10 an even lower prcssunl tban in Slep 778. 300. .

Simniar to the first equalization.dawn stcp'178, the product 60 In the filst oqualization-up stop 788, tbe product end 350

ends 350 communicate througb the product lines 380, the . of the bed 300, which is at B very low pressure, is equalized

incoming product passages 370; the incoming product ports with the product end of aoother bed, which is at a high

750, the equalization chaanels 550, and !be equalizlitioo pressure, to bring the adsorption bed 300 to a higher,

groove 660. intermediate pressure. The product cads 350 communicate

In tho co-current blowdown ("CCB") step 782, oxygen AS through the product lines 380, the incoming product pas-

enriched gas produced from the product end 350 of the sages 370, the incoming product porfs 750, Lho equalization

adsorptioo bed 300 is used to purge a second adsorption bed cbannels 550, and the cqualization groove 660.

Exhibit 3, Page 076




US 6,691,702 B2

In the second equalization-up stop 790, the product end 300 rather tban venting it to tho atmosphere or to a vacuum

350 oC the bed 300, which is at an intermediate pressure, Is pump. Because there is a cost associated with pressurizing

equalized with tbe product end of another bed. whlcb is at a gas, conserving the gas provides a savinp and improvea

a bigber pressure, to bring tho product cod 350 of the bed rccovery. Also, because a bed 300 may contain gas enriched

300 further up 10 au evcn higbor prcssuro thaD in stop 788. s With product. usually althe product end 350 of the bed 300,

Similiar to the 1irst equaJizatiou-down step 778, tbe product allowing this gas to move into another bed 300, rather tban

ends 350 communicate through tho product lines 380, the VCDting ii, conserves product and improves recovery. The

incoming product pas.sagea 370, the iucoming product ports numbor of equalizations are preferably between one and

750, the equalization channels SSO, and the equalization four. II should be noted, each equalization represents two

groove uo. lO equalization sleps, an equalization-down step aed an

II should be DOted, in a preferred embodim8Dt, the com- equalization-up step. Thus, two equalizations means two

bined duration of feed steps 774, 776 may be substantially down equalizations and two up equalizations, or four total

the same as the combined duratlon of purge steps 782, 784, equalizations. Tho same is true for other-number equaliza-

786, wbich may be substantially throe times tbe durBliob.of tioas. In a preferred embodiment, one 10 four equalizations.

each equalizatioD stop 778, 780, 788, 7l10. In an alternative 15 (two to eight equalization steps) are used in eacb cycle. In

embodimeDt, the relative dnration of the feed steps 774, 776, a mo~ prefllrl'Cd embodim8DI" one to three cqua1izalions

the pUIgC steps 782, 784, 786, and the each equalization step (two to six equalization ·steps) ·are used in each cycle. In a

778, 780, 788, 790 may vary. ~ost prefened embodim8Dt, two equalizations (four equal-

After the second equalizalion.-up step 7l10, a new cycle ization steps) are used iD eacb cycle.

begins in the adsorption bed 300 starting with !be pre- 20 In alternative embodiments, the concentrator 114 may

pressurization step 774. '. bave other numbelll of adsorption beds 300 based on tbe

The five-bed concentrator 114 and cycle described above concentration of the feed stream, the specific gases to be

bas a number of advantages over otber-mimbered coneen- separated, tbe ·pressure &wing adsorption cycle, and the

trators and cycles used in the past, some of wbicb arc operating conditions. For example, but not by way of

descnbcd below. The multiple equalization steps 788, 7110 at 2S IimWdion, there also are advantages to four-bed concentra-

the product ends 350 and the pre-pressurization step 774, tors and six-bed concentrators. When operating a cycle

contribute to the pre-pressurization of thll adsoeptlon beds simil!U" to tbat described abovc with a four-bed concentrator,

300 prior 10 product delivery. A:J a result, the beds 300 reaeh the problem of lluid communication between the feed

their ultimate· pressure (substantially equal to tbc feed chanels S40 and more tban ODe adsorption bed (at oae

pressure) quiclc1y and thereby allow for maximum U1DJza.tion 30 instaIll) is complelCly eliminated. When the feed-end fluid

of th~ adsorbent media. Additionally, pre-pressurizing the communication is e1imiDalCd, the feed steps 774, 716 occur

adsorbllnt beds 300 allOWli product to be delivered at sub- in a more desirable fashion resulting in improved recovery

stantially the same plCSSUlC as !be feed, thereby retaining the of the desired product. The advantages of a six-bed system,

eucrgy of compression in the stream. which makes the compared to a :live-bed system. are realized when the

, product stream marc valuable for use in downstream pro- 35 pressureo6Wing cycle described above is modified so that

cesses, In au alternative embodiment, pre-pressurizing the, there are three equalization up stages and three equalization

beds 300 with product before exposing tbe feed end 360 of down stages instead of two equalization up stages and two

the bed 300 10 the feed stream elimioatea any pressure drop equalization down stages. A thint equalization is advanta-

experienced due to the lluid interaction Dr 1biid communi- geous when tbe feed gas is availablo at bigb pressure. The

cation between two or more ·adsorbent beds 300 au the feed 40 third ~qualization conserves compressor energy because it

end 3611. Additionally, compared to systems with greater allows the equalized beds to obtain substantially 75% of the

numbers of bods, tho usc of as-bod systoa:J, reduces the feed pressure compared to substantially 67% of the feed

duration and number of beds tbal are in fluid communication pressure when two equalizatinD stages are used. In any PSA

with the feed ehanels S40 at the same time, thereby reducing cycle. wbenever an equalizatioD up occurs, there is a cor-

the propensity for Buld Bow between adsorption beds. Since 45 responding equalization down. The requirement of malChing

livid flow between. adsorption beds is associated with a equalization stages inparlS some restrictions on the relative

T!="ersaJ of the flow direction in the rugher pressure bed timing of the cycle steps. U, for example, the duration of the

(resulting in decreased perfonnaoce), reduction in this effect feed step is substantially the same as tbo duration of each

is advantageous. equalization step, then a six-bed cycle would provide the

A further adventage of a 5-bed system over many systems so required malclrlng of equalization stages.

is that it includes a small number of adsorption beds 300, A number of additional inventive aspects relaled to the

allowing the concentrator to be relative small, compact, and conccntrator 114 that iucroase recovery of a desired com-

Iigbt-weigbt, while delivering sufficient lIow and purity aud ponent and system productivity will now be described, Witb

maintaining higb oxygeD recovery. Other PSA systems, reference to FIGS. 3A, 3B, 7A, and 7B, an embodiment of

tfpicaUy those with a small numbor of adsorption beds, 35 a media retention cap 800 that reduces dead volume in the

result in deadbeading the compressor (resulting in bigb adsorption beds 300 will now be described. Bach media

power use) during a portion of the Cycle. Deadheading tbe retontion cap 800 Is located at the product end 350 oC tbe

ccmpresscr eliminates detrimental flow between the feed adsorption bed 300 and supports the adsorbent material

sido 360 of the two or more adsorptioD beds 300 (as above the media retention cap 800. A spring 810 located

discussed above) but increases system power. The 5-bed 60 within and below the media retontion cap 800 urges the

system e1iminatea compressor deadheading 8Dd minim~s media relCution cap 800 upwards to bold the pacJccd bed of

performance-limiting feed side 360 Dow between adsorbent adsorbeDl material firmly in place, The media reicntion cap

beds 300. 800 has a cylindrical base 820 with lUst and second annular

Use of !be multiple pressure equaliZatiOD steps 778, 780, flanges 830, 840. The second annular Dange 840 terminates

7811,790 reduces the amount of energy of compression 65 at its top in a circular rim 8S0. Atop surface 860 of the media

required to operate the concentrator 114. Equalizing the beds retenticn cap 800 includes a plurality of ribs 878 radiating in

300 conserves high-pressure gas by moving it 10 another bed a geDerally sunbumt pattem fmm a ccutral port 880. Adja.




EXhibit 3, Page 077


US 6,691,702 B2


cent the central pori 880, gaps S90 create dilfusion mnes for centering ricg 930 61s snugly over the smooth cylindrical

purge Ouid coDling oul of the cOPtral port 880. The gaps 890 sidowalJ 530 of the rotary valve shoe 500 aod Ibe smoolb

and the radiating ribs 870 cause the purge lIuid to be cyllPdrlcal sidewall no of !he sla1iooary valve pori plate

dislributed outward from the central pori 880. causing a 510. The circular riPg 930 eeeters the rotary valvo shoe 500

mol'O uniform. improved regcuCI1l1ion DC !he adsorbent mat8- 5 I'Olative to Ibe valve POri plate 510 by bolding Ibe rotary shoe

rial during a purging step. The radiating nbs 870 a1&o belp SOD in a Iixcd position relative to the pori plate 510 while at

to channel product gas towards the ccutral port 880 during tbe same tima allowing the rotary valve shoe ~O to rotate.

a . product delivery step. In an alternative embodiment, the W~th ;eference to ~GS.I0A-loc. an embodiment oC:

media .retention cap 800. may ~av: a generally DOn· :!ill'~O~:dcs~~~ ~~ri:C~~ ;:in~:! a

cyl~nd~cal .surface. to retWl media m a generally D~n. lD drive shaft 9SO, a drive wbeel 960, and three (iwo shown)

cy~l adsoIbuOD bed 300. In a t'urtlmr alternatlvc elastic chaio Jinks 970. Thc drive shaft 9S0 may bo coo.

cmbodllOont, the ceotral port 880 may be located away from oected to the motor UB for rotating the drive ~I 960

the, g~mclric ~nter ~f the eitber cyliodrical or oop· With I'Oferen~ to FIG. IOe, a lower side 980 of the driv~

cyhndncal media retention cap 800., . wheel 960 may ioclude downwardly protruding cylindrical

Wi~ refCI'ODce to FIG. ~, on the underside of the me~a 15 support posts 990, Similarly, with reference to FIG. lOB, an

. rctcollon cap 800, the cydrical base 820 mrms an intenor upper sido 1000 of the sccoDd valve 6boe covet 690 may

chamber in wbich the spring 810 is disposed. A CIlniral pori include upwardly protruding cylindrical supporl posts 1010.

nipple 900 extends from a bouom surface 910 of the media lbG clastic: chain liDks !nO are preferably made of semi-

rOlcotion cap 800. AD end of tho productlioo 380 coDDacts rigid, elastic material (such as sDicon rubber) aod have a

to the ccntral pori nipple 900 Cor communicating the product 20 generally W1Onch·shaped con1!guration. Each clastic chain

end 3S0 of the adsorption bed 300 with the incomiog prodllct link 970 includcscylindrical rcocivlPg membcn 1020 with

passage 370 of the manifold 320. central cylindrical bores 1030. The cylindrical receiving

In the paat, media retention caps may be held in placc with members 1020 are joined by a narrow connecting membcr

a 8pring that fits inside and above !ho cap so that the spring 1040. Tho drive wbeel 960 is coupled to the second valve

is'iil the Huid flow pathbetween the bottom of the adsorbent zs shoe cover 690 through the clastic ~in links 970. One

material and any exit port, at the product end 350 of the bed receiving member 1020 of each elastic clJain link receives

. 300. The volume in which the spring is housed represents tbe suPPOrl post 900 of the drive wheel 960 and the other

dead volume in tbe system. As used berein, "dead volume" receiving member 1020 receives the suppon post 1010 of

is system volume Ibat is compressed and purged, but docs the second valvo shoe cover 600. In the past, rigid CODncC·

nOI 'contain adsorbent media. The process of fill[pg tbis 30 tiocs.werD made between the motor and the rotating valve

volume with compressed feed and then venting that volume &boe. Theile rigid coDnections caused !ho rolating valve sboe

represents wasted feed. The improved media retcolioD cap to be affected by vibration or other DOli-rotational movemollt

800 docs not add dead volume to the system' because !be oIIho motor, The elastic chain links !nO absorb the vibration

spring 810 is housed outside of !be fluid flow path. EJimj. . and nOD-rotational movement of tbe motOr, preventing this

nation of any extra volume within !be system results dirBclly J5 dllttimeolal cuergy from beiDg ~parted to tbe rotating valve

in more effective utilization of the feed, ami, thus. blgber shoe 500. .

recovery of the desired product. FIG, U is a table of experimental data from a concentrator

With refol'Ollce to FIGS. SA and BB, an cmbodimcDt of a similar 10 the conceJitrator U4 shawn and described above

centering mechanism fur maintaining the rotary valve shoe witb respect 10 FIGS. 3-10. As shOWD by this table, the

500 laterally fixed and centered wilh respect to the valve port 4D recovcry of .oxygen from air with tbe couccntrator 114 is

plate 510 will DClW be described, The centering mechanism 45-719& al about 909& purilY. The ratio of adiabatic power

may include a centering pin 920 having a hollow c;yllodrical (Watts) to oxygeD Dow (Lilt:it; Per Minute) is in the range of

shape aod made of a rigid material. WheD the engagement 6.2 W/LPM to 23.0 W/LPM. As defined In Marks' Standard

surface S20 of the rotary valve shoe SIlO Is engaged with the Handbook for Mechanical Engineers. Ninth EditiOIl, by

engagement surface 700 of. the valve pori plate S10, the 45 Eugene A. Avallone and Theodore Baumeister, the equadon .

centering plo 920 is parlially disposed in the central feed for adiabatic power, tanken from the equauon from adiabatic

pasage 600 of the rotary valve shoe SOD aed the ceiitral work, is as follows:

incoming feed pori 770 of the valve port plate S10.lo use, the rotary valve shoe 500 rotates around the ceDlI<riog pio 920 and the hollow interior of the centering pin 920 allows so high·pressure feed fluid to flow tbcretbrougb. Tho pin 920 mainlains 1be rotaticg valve shoe io a Dxed positioD relative

10 the valve POri plato SID. In tbe past, the rotary valve shoe was roughly centered with respec110 the valve port plate by the motor thai drives the rotary valve shoe, ]f the rotary 55 valve shoe 500 and tbe valvc port plate 510 arc off center with respect to each other, the concentrator U4 will not cycle as intellded, inhibiting the productivity, recovery. Bnd efficiency of tbe concentrator. The precision offered by the cellteriog pin 920 is important when tho valve assembly 310 GO is cootrolling complex cycles or malPlainiog very small pressure drops.

With reference to FIGS. 9A aad 9B, a rotary valve assembly cocstructed in accordance with BDDtber embodi· meat of the invention inclndes an altem81ive centering 65 mechanism 10 maintain the rotatingvalve shoe 500 in a lixed positlon relauve to the valve port plate SID. A circular

EXhibit 3, Page 078

l'IIwer .. Adill>ali. Power(Walll) W = Adill>alic Work(Joulej

I " tlme (SOCOIId)

P, .. AIo!nspharic Pm. .... (pial

Pa .. CcaIpre$sorIVIICIIIIIlI pl1lSS1.ll'O (pI1.)

" ... VolwnClric now nile II atmo5phe:ic pmaurc (SLPM)

c= eou....iOllPBCIor •• dded by OUIhon r .. clarity" 0.114871 WllltIIpii/lPM

B. Energy Source

With refcrellce additiooany to FIG. 12, in order 10 prop- 5rly ~nctloD as a Iightweigbt, portable syatem 100, Ibe

system 100 must be energized by a suitable rechargeable The cradic 134 and/or syslem 100 may also include a

energy source. The energy source preferably includes a telemotry mCcbanism 'or modem 151 such aa a telephoDC

roc:hargeable bat!Cry 104 of the lithium-ioc type. It will be modem, biglM;pccd cable modem, RP wireless modem or

readily apparent 10 those skilled in the art that'. !he system tbe like for caaimunicating the conllOl uoilllO of the system

100 may be powered by a portable energy source other than 5 100 with one or more remote computers. Th this end, the

a lithium-ion battery. For example, a recbargeable: or reDCW- c:radle 135 may include: a line 153 wilb a cable adapter or

. able fuel cell ~ay be used. A1!hough Ibe system is generally telephone jack plug 155, or a RF antenna 157. In an

described aa being powered by a rechargeable bauory 104, aIlomatlve embodiment of the invention, the !Clcmelry

the system 100 may be powered by multiple batteries. Thus, mechanism or modem 151 may be separate from the c::radl~

as used herein, lhe word "baUcry" includes one or more •

. ballerica. Further, the rechargeable battery 104 may be 10 134 aod 10 this end, tbe c:radle 134 or system 100 may

comprised of 000 or more internal and/or external baucrica. include one or more appropriato commuDication ports, e.g., .

The battery 104 or a baucty module: Including the battery a PC port, foe dUectly communicating the telemetry meche-

104 Is preferably removablo from the system 100. The nism or lIlOdem lSI with tbe cradle 134 or system 100. For

system 100 may use a standard internal battery, a low-cost example, !he cmdlc 134 may be adapted to communlcate

baltery, an extcnded-operation internal battery, and lID exter- 15 with a computer (at the location of tbe c:radle) thai includes

nalliCCOndary battery in 4 clip-on modulo. lI;Ie telometry mcohanism or modem 151. Th~ computer may

The system 100 may bave a built-in adapter including include appropriate software for communicating informa-

battery cbarging circuitry 130 and one or mo~ plujp 132 tioo described below using the telemetl)' mechanism or

configured to allow the system 100 to be powered from a DC modem 151 with the OJIe or more remote computelS.

power source (e.g., car cigareue ligbter adapter) and/or an 20 The telemetry mechanism or modem 151 may be used 10

AC power source (e.g, bame or office 110 VAC wall socket) communicate physiological information of the user sucb aa,

while the battery 104 is simultaneously being charged from but not by way of limitation, b~art rate, oxygen saturation,

!he DC or AC power source, The adapter or charger could re&pirarory rate, blood pressure, EKG, body temperature,

also be separate accessories. For example, !he adapter may inspiratory/expirarory time ratio (I to E ratio) with one or

be a separale cigarette lighler adapter used 10 power the l5 more remote computers. The. telemetry mechanism or

system 100 and/or charge the battery 104 in an aDlOmobile. modem 151 may be used to communicate other types of

Aseplll1lte AC adapter may be used 10 convert the AC from information such as, bUI not by way of limitation, oxygen

an oullcl 10 DC for usc by the.system 100 and/or charging usage, maintcoaQCe schedules on the syslem 100, and bar-

the bauery 104. Another example of all adapter may be an tcry usage with one or more remote computers,

adapter used with wheel chair batteries or other cart&. 30 A user idcaJly uses the system 100 in its cradle 134 at

Alternatively, or in addition, a baltel)'~bBIgicg cradle 134 home, at the office, in the automobile, etc. A user may decide

adapted to receive and support the system 100 may bave an to have more than ooe cradle, e.g., oae at home, one at tbe

adapter iIIcluding baUery cbarging eircuilry 130 and a plug . ollice, ODC in the aUlomobile, or multiple cradles at home,

132 that also aJlcw the system 100 to be powered while the ODC ill each room of choice. For exampl~, if IhCl user has

baucty 104 is simultaneously being charged from a DC lS multiple cm:Iles 134 at home, When !he user goes from room

a:rxJ/or AC power source. . 10 room, e.g., from the famOy room to the bcdrcom,!he user

The system 100 and cradic 134 preferably include eorre- simply lifts the system 100 out of ita cradic 134 in one room,

sponding mating sections 138,140 that allow !be system 100 and wa1ks 10 the other room WIder battery operation. Drop.

to be easily dropped into and omo the cradle 134 for docking ping the!;ysIcm 100 in a di!fereol cradle 134 io tb destination

the system 100 wi!h the cradle 134,' The mating sections 40 room J68IOrcs !be electrical connection between the SystClrD 138,140 may include corresponding electrical contacts 142, 100 and the AC po\Ver source. Since the system's batteries 144 Cor electrically connecting the sysrem 100 to the cradle- 104 are coostantly charging or charged when located in the

134. cradle 134, e~rsioDS outside the home; office, etc, are as

The cradle 134 may be used 10 recharge and/or power tbe simple as going from room 10 room in the user's home.

syslem 100 in the home, office, automobile, etc. The cradle 45 'Because the system 100' Is small and light (l-lS pounds),

134 may be considered part of the system 100 or aa a the system 100 may 6imply be lifted from the cradle 134 and

separate accessory for the sys!Cm 100. The c:radlc 134 may readily carried, e.g., with a shoulder strap, by an average

. inc:1ude ODC or more additional charging rcceptacIcs 146 user to the destination. If the user is DOable to carry tbe

coupled to tbe charglog circuitry 130 for chargillg' spare system 100, tbe system 100 may be readily traosported to tho

battery packs 104, With a charging receptacle 146 and ODe SO destination using a cart or olher transporting apparatus. For or more additional battery packs 104, the l1SOr cac always . an extcnclcd time away from home, office, etc., the l1SCl may

have a supply of additional fresh, chtuged batteries 104. bring one or more cradles 134 fer use at tbe destination.

In a1tcrnative embodiments, the cradle 134 may eome In Alternatively, in the embodiment of the system 100 Includ-

one or more dilfcrcnl siz;c:a 10 accommodate ooe or more ing the bm11-i11 adapter, power may be drawn from power

. diflereut types of systems 100. 55 sources such aa a car cigarelte lighter adapter and/or an AC

The cradle 134 andlor system 100 may also include a power ouUet available at tbe destination. Further, spare

humidifying mechanism 148 Cor adding moisture 10 the air battery Packs 104 may be used Cor extended periods away

fiow ill the system 100 through appropriate coneeeuens 149. from standaJd power sources. .

In an allernative embodiment of the invcntion, lbe humidi- If the battery pack 104 includes multiple batteries, the fying mechanism 148 may be separate from !be system 100 60 system 100 may include a batteJy sequclICing mechanism to

and the cradle 134. If separate from Ihcsystem 100 and conserve battery life as is well known ill the cellphone and

cradle 134, the cradle 134 and/or SystCID 100 may Include laptop cOlPJluter arts.

appropriate communication ports for communicatillg with C. Oulput SeIlSOJ

!be separate bumidifying mechanism 148. The cradic 134 Wilb rcfcrcuce to FlGS. 1. 2 and 13, one or more output

may also include a receplacle adapied 10 receive a separate 6S sensors 106 arc used to sense ODC or more conditions of the

humidifying 'mochanism 148 for use with· the system 100 user 108, enviroument, etc. 10 delennine too oxygen Dow

when the system 100 is docked at the cradle 134. rate needs oflbe ~ aod, hMCC, tbe oxygen flow rate output


.- ..

US 6,691,702 B2



Exhibit 3, Page 079



US 6,691,702 B2


requirements for the system 100. A eonuol unil110 is linked 11111 physiological oondilion or metabolic .sensor 156 may

10 !be one or mo!C output sel150llI 106 and tbc oxygen gas also function as an activity sensor. The physiological con-'

generator 102 10 control !be oxygen genera lor 102 in dition sensor 156 may be used 10 monitor ODC or DlOre

rcspoosc 10 tbe condition(s) sensed by !be one or more physiologicaI conditions of tho user for controlling !be

output sensors 106. For example, but not by way of 5 oxygen gas generator 10Z or for other purposes. Examples

limitali~~, the output sensor(s) 106 ma.y inc!ude any or an of of physiological conditions Ibat may be monitored witb !be

the activity ~~ ~own and descnbed m U.S. Pat. No. sensor 156 include, but withOll1 limitation, blood oxygen

5,928:189, whICh IS lDcoIpOl1Ited br refereoce as though sct lcvol, heart rate, respirntionratc, blood pressare, EKG, body

forth In ful! •. These output seosollllnclu~ a pressure sensor temperature, and 110 B ratio. An oximeter is an example of

lSO, a POSItiOn. se~r 192, ~. acceleration ~nsor 154, as 10 a sensor that is preferably used in !be system 100. The

. wcll as a r.h)'Slologlcal condillon or metabolic scll50r 156 oximcter measures the blood oxygen level of the user, upon

and an altitude sensor 158. b:A~ _..... .' b I 'all based

The first three sensois 150, 152, 154 (and, in certain w ...... o~cn pl\~ .. ctIO~ may e at east pam . y .........

Circumstances, the pbysiological condition seosor 156) are An &!'lbldo se~r 158 IS an example of an envlI'?JlIDclllA1

activity sensors because these sensors provide a signal or ambleD! oondl~D. sensortbal ~ay ~sc an CDVJronmcn-

representing activity of the user 108. In the delivery DC is tal or ambwnt condition upon whlcb con~l.ofthc supply of

oxygon with a portable oxygen coDcentration system, it is 0xrBen gas to !be user may be at least ~artiall! b~. ~e

importBllt 10 deHver BII amount of oxygen gas proportional 'aitlludesCDSOr 158 may be used alone or 10 conJunction WIth

, to the activity level of !be user 108 without delivering too any or all of the above SCDSOIS, the control unit 110 and tbe

mucb oxygen. Tho mucb oxygen may be bannful for the user oxygen gas generator 102 to control !be supply of oxygen

108 and reduces the life of the battery 104. The cuntrol unit 20 gas to the uscr io accerdanee with the·sensed altit\lde or 110 regulates tho oxygen gas generator 102 to control the elcvatioo. For example, at higher sensed elevations, where Ilow rate of oxyg~n gas to the user 108 based on the ooeor . air is less concentrated, the control unit may increase the

more siglials representative of the activity level of the w;c:r flow rate of oxygen gas to the user 108 and at lower sensed

produced by tbe one or more sensors 106. For example"if emvatiDDS, where air is more concentrated, tbe coolrol unit

the output seDSOr(s) 106 indicates that the user 108 has gone 2S may deerease the flow rate of oxygen gas to the user 108 or

from BII inactive state to an activo state, !be control unit 110 maiotain it at a control leveL

, may cause !be oxygeo gas generator 102 to in~ !be flow It will be readily apparent 10 those akilled ia the art that

rate of oxygen gas to !be J1SCr 108 aodlor. may proVIde a burst one or more addilional or different sensors may be used to

of oxy~en gas to the user 108 from a high-pressure o~gcn , SCDSC a condition upon which control of !be supply of

TCseTVOIT to be described. If tbe output ~r(s) 106 IOdi- '30 0"" gas to !be user may be at least partially. based,

cates tbal the user 108 has gollC from an act1ve state to an .. ,gcn . '

inactive state, tbe control unit 110 may cause !be oxygcn gsa FUrther: any or all of the cmbodunen1s dcsa:med above for

generator 102 to reduce the flow rate of oxygen gas to thc regulating the amount of oxygcn gas supplied to the user

J1SCt 108, i.e., variable-speed controller 119, supply valve 160 , (or

I~ an embodiment of !be invention, tbe amount of oxygen alternative embodiments) ~ay be used with the one or more ,

gas supplied is controlled by controlling tbe speed of the 35 sensors and the control unit 110 to control of the supply of

compressor molor 118 via the variable-spced conlroller 119. oxygen gas !O the user 108. ,

Alternatively. or in addition to the variable-speed D. ColltroJ Unit

controller, !be supply of oxygen gas may be conlrollcd by With reference: 10 FIG. 14; the control unit 110 may take

the supply valve 160 located, in !be supply line 121 between any well-known form in the art and includes a central

the oxygen gas (gcnel1ltor 102 and !be user 108. For 40 microprocessor or CPU 166 ill communication witb the

example, the supply valve 160 may be movable between at components of the system described herein via one or more

least a IIrst position and a second position, tim second interfaces, controllera, or other electrical circuit elements for

position allowing a greater now of concentrated gaseous controlIiog and managing the system. The syStem 100 may

oxygen !brougb than !be fust positinn. Tho control noit no include a user interfaCCl (FIG. 14) as part of the control unit may cause the supply valve, 160 to move from the first 4S 110 or coupled to tbe control unit no for allowing the user,

position 10 the second position when one or more of the provider, doctor, etc. to enter information, e.g., prescription

activity level sensors 152, 154,156 sensea an active level of oxygen level, flow rate, activity level, etc., to cOntrol the

activity of the user 108. For ell:ample, the control unit 110 system 100.

may include a timer, and when all active level is sensed for Tho main clements of an embodiment of the system 100

8 time period exceeding a predetermined timed period, the 50 bave been described above. The following sections describe

control unilllO causes the valve 16010 move from the first a number of addilionat features, one or more of wbich may

position to the second position. .be incorporated into the embodlmenta of the invention

Examples of pressure sensora 150 include, wilhout descnbed above as onc or more separate embodiments oCtbe

limitation, B foot switcb !bat indicates when a user is in a invention.

standing position compared 10 a &edcntary position, aod a 5S II. Conscmllg Device

seat switch that indicates wben a user is in a seated position With referenc:e to FIG. 1S, a conserving device or demand

compared to a standing position. device 198 may be incorporated into !be system 100 to more

A penduhim switcb is an example of 8 position sellSOr ellicienlly utilize the oxygen produced by !be oxygen gas

152. Por example, a pendulum switc:h may include a tbigb generaior 102. During normal respiration, a user 108 inhales

switch positioned penduJously to indicate onc mode when 60 for about one-thin! of !be time of !be inhal~exbale cycle and

, the user is standing, l.e., the switcb hangs vertically, and exhales the other two-thirds of the time. Any oxygen Bow

BODther mode when tho user seated, i.e .. tbe thigh switc~ provided to !be user 108 during exhalatioa is of no use to the

raised 10 a more borizolltal position. A mcl"COI)' switch may user 108 and, consequently, the additional battery power

be" used as a position scnsor. used 10 effectively provide tbis extra oxygellllow is wasted.

An acceleration sensor 158 such as an accelerometer is 65 A conscrving device 190 may include a sensor that senses

anot her example of an BCtivity sensor that provides a signal the inhale/exhale cycle by scnsing pressure changes in the

representing activity of tbe user, cannula ill or another part of the system 100, and IlUpply


, ",


Exhibit 3, Page 080



US 6,691,702 B2

oxygen ollly during the inhale ponion or a fJac:1ion of the oxygen gas generator 1112. The valn 176 may be configured

ichale ponion oC the breathing cycle. For example, because 10 allow simultaneous flow from tho oxygen gas generator

the IIlSl bit of air mhaled is of DO particular use because it is 102 and the high-pressure reservoir 164, from ooly the

trapped betwccn tho DOSe and the top of t~ lungs, the oxygco gas generalOr 102, or from .0Dly the high-pressure

couservtng device 190 may be configured 10 stop oxygen reservoir 164.

flow prior 10 the end of inhalatloo, improving the efficiency The OIlC or more Scnsors 106 are mterrelaled with the

of the s)'litcm 100. Improved effiCiency translates into a conlroluuit110 and the oxygen gas geaeratcr 102 so as 10

rcduclion m the 20 size, weight. cost and power require- supply an amount of oxygen gas equivalem 10 the oxygen

ments of the system 100. gas needs of the user 108 based at leest m part upQlI one or

The cotlSClVing device 190 lIIlly be a staoo-alolle device ]0 more conditions seneed by the aile or more sonsors 106 .

. in tbe output line of tbe system 100, similar 10 8 regulator for When the oxygcn gas generator 111l cannot meet the oxygen

. Salba diving, or may be coupled to the control nni1 no for gas demands of the user 108, the CDDtrol uDlt no, based at

controlling the oxygen generalOr 102 10 supply OX}'I!CD Dilly leaS! in part UPOIl sensing DOC or more conditioos indicativc

dwicg inhalation by.the user 108. oftbe oxygen needs of tho user. may cause the high-prc&llUre

The conserving device 190 may include ODC or more of rs reservoir 164 (via tbe valve 176) to supply the additiooal

the SCDSOI'5 described above. For example, the COIlSClV:ing oxygen gas needed.

device may include a seasor for monitoring Iho n:5jIiration In the scenario wbere the oxygen gas generator II1l is

rate of the user. capable of supplymg the fun oxygcn gas needs of lhc user

The system 10D may also include a special cannula 108, but is simply turned off or ill in a cooscrviDg Dr &!cOP

retraction device for retracting the cannula ill wheD not in 20 mode.lheperiodoftlmethatthehigb-pressureresorvtiirl64

use. Further, the cannula 111 may come in differentlc:ngths supplica tbe oxygen gas, Le., the pcriocl of time thl\tlhe valve

and sizes. 176 connects the high-pressure reservoir 164 with the supply

Ill. High-Pressure Reservoir line 121, is at least 85 long as the time required for the

With reference io FIG. 16. a high-pressure reservoir 164 oxygen gas generator 102 to go from an off Dr inactive

may be located in a secondary line 166 for delivering an 2S condition to an on or active conditinn. In another scenario,

additional supply of oxygCD gas to the user 108 when the the control unit no may caDSC oxygcn gas to be supplied to

oxygen gas generator II1l can not meet the oxygen gas ttie user from the high-pressure reservoir 164 when the .

demands of the user 108. Any of the components descnbed demaed for gaseous oxygen by tbe user exceeds the maxi- .

below in the secondary line 166 may be couple.d 10 tbe mum oxygen gas output of tbe oxygen gas general or 102.

control uoit 110 or a high-pressure reservoir controller 167 3D Although the high-pressure reservoir 164 is shown and

(FIG. 14) for conllol thereby. Exemplary situUions where described as being filled by the oxygen gas geoemcr 102. in

this additional oxygen gas need may occur arc when a user an allemative cmbodiDlenl, tbe high-pressure reservoir 164

suddenly goes from an inactive state to an active state, e.g., may be filled by a souree outside Dr external to the syslcm.

wb!m getticg out of a chair, when the system 100 is tumed IV, Global Positioning System

on, or when the syslCDll00 goes from D COIiserviug Ii10dC or JS With reference back to FlG.12, In an alternative embocH-

sleep mode to an aClive mode. As used hcrcin. secgudary meol of the iDvenlion, the system 100 may include a global

lioe 166 refers to the mbing, eonneetors, ~tc. used to connect positioning syst~m (GPS) receiver 200 for de:termining the

the components in the lice. A valve: 168 may be controlled location of the syslem 100. The locetion of the receiver 200

by the control unit 110 10 allow gaseous oxygen 10 flow mto and. hence, the user 108 can be transmitted to a remote

the secondary line 166. The valve 168 may be configured 10 40 computer via the telemetry mechacism Dr modem lSI. This

allow simultaneous flow 10 botb the supply line U1 and tbe may be desirable for locating the user lOS ln the event the

secondary line 166, flow to onlY !he supply line 121, or flow user has a health pmblem, e.g .. heart attack, hits a panic

10 only the secondary line 166. button on the system, ao alarm is actuated on the system, Dr

A pump or compressor 168, which is preferably powered for some other reason. .

by the motor US, de:livers the oxygen gas at a relatively high 4S V. Additional Options and Accessories

pressure, c.g., at least approximately 100 psi, to th~ higb- In addition to the cradle 134, the portable oxygen coo-

pressure reservoir 164. . ccntration system 100 may include additional options and

An oxygen-producing cJcctrocbcmical cell 171 may be a=Ics.Anumbcrofdifl'erenttypesofbagsandcarryiog

used in coDjunction with or instead of the clements cases such as, but oot by. way of limitatioo. a shoulder bag,

dcscn~ in the secondary line 166 to supply additional so a backpack, a fanoy pack, a front pack, and a split pack in

oxygen gas to the user 108. u.s. Pat. No. 6,010,317 to dilfenmt colD1'5 and patlerDs may be D5Cd to IraIISpOrt the

Magel. et al., which is incorporated by refcreDCe as though system 100 or other system acoessories. A bever may be

set forth in fun. describes an electrochemical' cell thai may used 10 shield the system from iDclemeot weather or other

. be used for this purpose. For example the electrocbemical envirolUDental damage. The system 100 may a~ be trans-

cell 171 may be used to deliver oxyg~n gas at a relatively ss ported willi a rolling troney/cart, a 5ull case, Dr a travel case.

high pressure 10 the bighpressure reservoir 164.' The travel case may be designed to carry the system 100 and

A pressure SCIISor 172 is in communication witb tho include enough room to carry the call1lulae 111. extra

higb-pressure reservoir 164 and the control unit 110 so tbat batteries, an adapter, etc, Examples of hooks, straps, boldel'5

when the pressure in the bigh-pressure reservoir 164 reaches for holding the system 100 ioclude, but not by way of

a certain limit. the control unit 110 causes the valve 168 10 GD limitatioo, books for sealbclts in cars, hooks/straps for

direct oxygen to- the secondary line 166. walkers. book5/slraps. for wheel chairs, hooks/sllllps for

A regulator 174 may be used to coalrolflow and reduce bospital beds, hooks for other medical devices such as

pressure of the oxygen gas to the user 108. ventilators, hooks/straps for a golf bag or golf cart. hooks!

A valve 176 may also be controlled by the control unit UO straps for a bicycle, and a banging hook. Tbe systcm 100

10 allow gaseous oxygen from the highllrcssure reservoir 6S tuay also include Doe Dr more alarin oplions. An alarm of the

164 10 flow inlO the supply line U1 when the user 108 system 100 may be actuated if, Cor example, a sensed

requires an amount of oxygen gas that caDDOI be met by lbe physiological condition of Iho user 108 falls outside a

Exhibit 3, Page 081



'.' .'

US 6,691,702 B2

pre-cl~lin~d range. Furtber, the alann may include a panic 9. TbG pQrtablG oxygen concentralOr system of claim 1,

alarm that may be maoually actuated by tho user 108. Tho wherein the rotary valve assembly includes a valve pori

alarm may actuale a buzzer or other sounding device On the plato and a rotary valve shoe baving respective engaged

system 100 IIIld/or cause 8 colJlIDllllicalioo to be ~nl via !be surfaces and relatively rotatable about a common center of

telemetry mechanism or modem !SIto another entity, e.g.. rotation to provide valving action for selectively transferrlng

a doctor. a 911 dispatcher, a caregiver, a family member, etc. fluids therethlO1lgh. and tbe portable oxygen concentrator

Allbough this invention bas been described in terms of system furtber includes a motor to rotate the rotary valve

certain preferred embodiments. other embodiments apparent shoe, and one or more elastic linla; to couplG the motor to the

10 those of ordinary sId1I in the art are also within the scope rotary valve shoe. .

of this invention. Accordingly, the scope ~f this invention Is 10 10. The portable oxygen coDCentrator system of claim 9,

intcoded to be deDaed only by tbe claims thai follow. wherein the motor includes a drive shaft and a drive wheel

We claim: with one or more proiruding support members, tbe rotary

1. A portable oxygen conconuitor system adapted to be valve shoo includos one or more protruding support

readily trnnsported by a user, comprising: members, and tbe elastic linIc coMtCIS the one or more

a reclJargeable energy .souree: 15 protruding support members of the drive wbeel witb the one

a concentrator powered by said energy source and adapted or more protruding support members of the rotary valve

to coavert ambient air into IlOncentrated oxygen gas for shoo.

said user, the concentrator including a plurality of U. The portable oxygon eonceatrator system of claim 1 •

. adsorption beds aod a rotary valve assembly, the rotary wherein tbe conamtrator includes plllSlic adsorption beds

valve assembly. relatively rotatable with respect to tho :w and a metal cover surrounding the plastic adsorption beds.

plumlity of adsorption beds 10 provide valving action 12. The portable oxygen concentrator systcm of claim 11,

for sclGctively transferring fluids througb the plurality wherein the adsorption beds III'C, elongated, molded. plastic

of adsorption beds for converting ambiont air into vessels. .

. concentrated oxygen gas for said user, 13. The portable oxygen concentrator system of claim 12,

wherein the ratio of adiabatic power to oxygell Bow for 2S wherein the metal cover ill made of aluminum and surrounds

the concentrator is in the I'IIIlge of 6.2 WILPM to 23.0 the adsorption beds to form a product tank.

W/LPM. 14. The portable oxygen ooncentralOr system of claim 1.

2. 'The portable oxygen eoncentratcr system of claim 1,' wherein tbe rotary valve assembly includes a valve port

wherein tbe conccntrator includes exactly five adsorption plate and a rotary valve shoe having respective engaged

beds. . JO surfaces and relatively "!tatable about a common center of

3. The ponable oxygen concentrator system of clainl 1, rotation to provide valving action to put the adsorptioo beds

wherein the rotary valve assembly includes. a valve port in a pressure swing adsorption cycle. and the PI'D&SU!II swiog

plate and a rotary valve shoe having respective engaged adsorption cyle includes a number of eqlllllizalion steps in

surfaces and relatively rOLatablo about a common cenler of each adsorption bed ranging from two to eigbt.

rotation to provide valving actioo for selectively transferring 35 15. The portable oxygen concentrator system of claim 14, .

Buids therethrough, and a centering mechanism other than a wherein the pressure swing adsorption cyle includes a

motor 10 ccotertbe rotary valve shoe !Illative 10 the valve number of equalization steps in each adsorption bed ranging

port plate. from two to six.

4. The portable oxygen' concentrator system of claim 3, 16. The portable oxygen concentrator system of claim 14,

wherein tbe valve poet plate and the rotary valve shoe 40 wherein the pressure swing adsorption' eyle includes four

include respective central holes, and the centering rnecha- equalization steps in eech adsorption bed.

nism includes a centering pin disposed in !JIe central holes 17. The portable oxygen concentrator system of claim 14,

of the valve poet plate and rotary valve shoe to center the wherein the equalization Sleps include a first equalization

rotary valve shoe relative to the valve port plate. down Slep. a seeend equalization down step, a first equal-

S. The portable oxygen conocDtralOr system of claim 3, 4sization up step, and a set;ond equalization up step.

wherein the valve port plate and rotary valve shoe include 18. The portable oxygen conccnlrator system of claim 14,

cylindrical sidewalls. and the centering mechanism includes wherein adsorption beds include a feed end and a product

a centering ring dis~ around the sjdcwalls of the valve end, and equalization occurs between prOduct ends of

port plate and the rotary valve shoe 10 center the rotary valve ads!)rption beds.

shoe relative to the valve port plate. . 50 19. The portable oxygen concentrator system of claim I,

. 6. The portable oxygon concentrator system of claim 1, further including a variable-spced compressor to supply

wherein the adsorption beds caay adsorbent material, and ambient air 10 the concentrator.

include a first end,. a second end, an adsorbent media ZOo The portable oxygen concentrator system of claim 1.

disposed in the adsorption beels between the first ond and the wherein recovery of oxygen from air from the concentrator

second. end, a media retention cap disposed between the S5 is ~S-71 % at about 909b purity.

adsolbent media and the second end, a spdIig to urge the 21. The portable' oxygen concentrator system of claim I,

media retention cap against the adsorbent material to hold wherein the rotary val~ assembly includes a valve port .

the adsorbent media in place, and tbe spring not located in plate and a rotary valve shoe having respective engaged

a Bow path of the adsorption beds. . surfaces and relatively rolatable ahout a common center of

·7. The portablB oxygen concentrator system of claim Ii, 60 rotation to provide valving action for selectively transferring

. wherein the media retention cap includes a surface thai fluids therethrough, said valve pori plate having at least two

contacts the adsorbent media. the surface including a central ports interconnected with at loast two adsorption beds, and

hole and a plurality of ribs mdiating from the central bole. said rotary valve shoe having a second valve surfaee oppo-

S. The portable oxygen concentrator system of claim 6. site said engaged surface with at least one equalization

wherein the media retention cap includes a bottom base with 65 passage to register with said al least two ports of the pori

an Interior, and the spring is disposed in the interior of the plato to equalize pressure in said at le8s! two adsorption

bottom base. beds.


Exhibit 3, Page 082

US 6,691,702 B2



22. The portable oxygen amcentralor system of claim 1, 8 layered adsorbent bed having two or more distinct

wherein'a pressure drop througb !be rolary valve assembly adsorbc:nt maleriallayera.

'is no more than 1 PSI wbcnthe concentrator is producing 3 27. The portable oxygen concentrator syslcm of clam. 26,

wherein the adsorber columes each include a feed cod aod

LPM of oxygen gas. a .product end, and the two or mote distioc:t adsorbent

23. Tbi: portable oxygen colICCntrator system of claim 1, marcriallayers'lnclude alleasl a water adsorption layer and

wherein the rotary valve assembly includes a valve pori a nitrogen adsorption layer, the water adsorption layer

plate and a rotary valve shee baving respective engaged localed closer to the feed end than the nitrogen adsorption

surfaces and relatively rotalable about a common cenler nf layer.

rctation to valviDg action fOt selectively traesfcrriog . 28. The portable nxygen concentrator 5)'5tem of clam. 27,

Duids therethrough, the rotation speed of the rotary valve 10 wherein the water adsorption layer is an activated alumina.

shoe with respect to the valve port plate is varied in order to . 29. The portable oxygen concentrator S)'51C1D of claim 27,

provide desired cycle timing for a given production of wbcrcin Ibc water adsorption layer is a silica gel.

produci. . 30. The portable oxygen concentrator system of claim 27,

24. The portable oxygen concentrator system of claim 23, wherein the nitrogen adsorption layer is a lithium exchanged

furtber including a variable~eed compressor to supply IS X-type zeolite.

compressed ambient air to the conCClllrator, and the rolation 31. A porlable oxygen CODCCDtrator system adapted to be

Speed of the rotary valve shoe with respect to the valve p?rl readily traosported by a user, comprising:

plate is varied io combination with variation iII the SP~ of aD intemal rechargeable energy source;

the comprcssorln Older to p~vidll. dCSlred aD air separation device powered by &aid energy source

cycle timing and desired supply rate of ambient 811 to the 20 and adapted to convert ambient air into concentrated

conceatrator for a given productioo of product.. oxygen gas for said user, the air separation device

25. The portable oxygen concentralor system of claim 1, including a plurality of adsorber columns each inchid-

wberein the rotary valve assembl>: includes ~ valve port ing a feed cod aad a product end aod at least one valve

plate and a rotary valve shoe havlDg respective engaged operable with respCCl to !be plurality of adsorber col-

surfaces and rc!ativcly ~otata~le about a ~mmon center.oC 'lS umes to provide valving action for selectively trans-

rotation to pfOVldo valvmg action for selectively ~8DSferriog !erring fluids through Ihc prurality of adsorbcr columns

fluids therethrougb, alld tbe rotary valve shoe Includes a for convening ambient air into concentrated oxygen gas

vacuum sealing mechanism tbat counteracts a pressure force for said user,

working to unseat the rotary valve sboe from the valve port wherein the portable oxygen concenuatcr system wcighs

plate. . 3C 2-15 pounds and tie adsotbcr columns tacb including

2~. A portable oxygen cODCCDtram: ~ys~em adapted to be a layered adsorbent bed having two or more ~'!nct

reacliJy transported by a user, compnslOgj adsorbent material layers, the two or more dIStinct

an internal rechargeable energy source; adsorbcat material layers including at leasl a water

an air separation device powered by said energy source adsorption layer and a nitrogen adsorption layer. the

. ami adapted to convert ambicat air ioto conccotrated 35 water adsorptioo layer located closer to the feed end

oxygCII gllS for said user, the air separation device than the nitrogen adsorption layer.

inclnding a plurality of adsorbercolumes and a rotating 32. The portable oxygen conccntrator system of claim 31.

valve. the rotating valve relatively rotatable w_ith wherein the water adsorption layer is an activated al~mioa .

. respect to the plurality of adsorbcr columns to pmvlde 33. The portable oxygeo C:ODCCntrator system of cla1Dl31,

valviog action for selectively transferriog fluids 40 wbereio the water adsorption layer is a silica get.

thmugh the plurality (If adsorber columns for conven- 34. The portable oxygen concentrator system of claim 31,

iog ambient air into concentrated oxygen gas [or said wherein the oitrngca adsorption layer is a lithium excbanged

user, X-type zeolite.

wherein the portable oxygen concentrator system weigbs 2-15 pOUDds and the adsorber columns each mcluding

• • * • •.

Exhibit 3, Page 083

-- ... --- ..... -.-~l

....,S 44 (Rev. 12107)


TheJS 44 civil cover sheet and the information contained herein neithcrreplace nor supplemeotthe filing and service of.pleadings or other papers as rcQui11)Y lawfciice~tiis. provided by local rules of COurt. This fonn, approved by the Judicial Conference oftbe United States in September 1974, is required for the use of the Clerk ofOou for the piiipoJic cifrnibating

the civil docket sheet (SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON TIlE REVERSE Of THE fORM.) . H t:..= ~ .... ,

a s


SEQUAL TECHNOLOGIES, INC., a Delaware corporation


County of Residence of First Listed Plaintiff San Diegol CA (EXCEPT IN U.S. Pt.AlNTJFF CASES)

a t U.S. Government Plaintiff

II. BASIS OF JURISDICTION (place an "X" in One Box Only)

a 2 U.S. Government Derendant


In'rH'j:"B22 PH 3:54 INOGEN, INC., a Delaware cor~6thtiOrl-

I!!I 3 Federal Question

(U.s. Governmenl Not a PaJty)

m. CITIZENSHIP OF PRINCIPAL PARTIES(Placc all "X· in One Box for Plaintiff

(For Diversity Cases Only) and On. Box for Dofendant)


Citizen of This State a I a I lncorpOnlted or Principal PI... a 4 a 4 of Business In This State

IJ 4 Diversity

(lndicat. Citizenship ofPartics in Item Ill)

I-TRIC'" "r"ljo'"

. C L E r l" Il~ 0 I ~ . i" "J 1~ I

County of Residence of First Listed Defe~tff!STlIhGole%)R'" n;: C ALlFOI,Nlt,



LID'"' 0 4Ul·A··WQH-··- . -RBS"

Attorneys (If Known) F. T ~A'exandra M\'haney, Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati

12235 El Camino Real, SO,CA 92130

a 3 a

Foreign Nation

IJ 2 [J 2 lnco!pDnllod and Principal Place

of Business In Anolher Stale


Citizen of Another State


d (C) Anorney's {Firm N1!IlI8, Address, an~ TclllPhQne Number) L An rew O. Skale, Mlntz Lev~n conn Ferr B Glovsky & Pope

3580 Carmel Mountain Road,Ste. 300, SO, CA 92130 (858) 3 4-1500

n II 0 Insurance [J 120 Morine o 130 Miller Act IJ 140 Ncgoriable Instrument n I SO Recovery of ()ve:Il",,/ment

&'1!nrorcemcnt nflnd.m""n IJ IS I Medicare Act IJ 152 Recovery of Def.ulted Student Loans (Excl. V.ternns) . IJ 153 Rec~very of OveJ1lllyment

ofVetcran's·Benefiu IJ 160 Stockholders' Suits o 190 Other Contract IJ 195 Contract Product Liability

IJ 220 Foreclosure

IJ 230 Rent Lease &. Ejectment o 240 Torts 10 Land

n 245 Tort Product Liability IJ 290 All Other Real Property

400 Slut. Reapportionment 410 Antitrust

430 Banks and Banking 450 Commerce

460 Deportation

470 Racketeer Influenced and Corrupl Organizations 480 Consumer Credit

490 CnblclSat TV

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~iiE~!m~i:i 810 Solective Servi ee

F. 850 SecurhioslCornmoditicsi

710 Pair LaborStandanls 861 HlA (1395f1) Exchange

Act 862 Black Lung (923) 875 Custom.rChallenge

720 LaborlMgmt. RclatioDl 863 DIWClDIWW (405(s» 12 USC 3410

[J 730 LoborIMgmt.Rcporting 864 SSID lille XVI a 890 Other Statutory Actions

&. DiSlllosure Act IJ 891 Agricultuml Acts

!mgj'jlil~~~~~~!il§j~~~~ 740 Railway Labor Act ~~~~. IJ 892 I!conomic Stabilization Act

790 Other Labor Litigation IJ 893 Environmental Manelll

IJ 791 Empl. Rel.lnc. [J 894 Energy Allocation Act

Security ACI IJ 895 Freedom of InformatiDfl


[J 900Appcal of Fcc Determination Under Equ81 Access

to Justice

950 Constitutionality of Slat. SlIltutes


3 I~ Ai!plan. Product Liability

320 A$saul~ Libel & Slander

330 Fedoral Employers' Li.bility

340 Marine

345 Marin. Product Liability

350 Motor Vehicle 355 Motor Vehicle Product Liability 360 Other Personal

442 Employment 443 Housing!

Accommodations , 444 Welfare

445 Amer. wlDi""biliti .. - Employment

o 446 Amer. wlDisabiliti.s • Other

a 440 Other Civil Rights

IJ 362 Personal Injury • Mod. MalpnlCbce LJ 365 PlIISOnal Injury - Product Liability IJ 368 Asbestos Personal JnjUJ)' Product Liability


IJ 371 Truth in Lending IJ 380 Other PCIlIIInal

PropeJty Damage IJ 385 PropoJty !>.\mase Product Liabil ity

Habet .. Corpus: 530 Gcn .... t

535 Death Penalty .

540 Mandamus & Oth.r 550 Civil Rights

555 Prison Condition

610 Agriculture

620 Other Food & Drug 625 Drug Related Seizure

of Property 21 USC 881 IJ 630 Liquor Laws

a 640 R.R. &. Truck

a 650 Airline Regs.

CJ 660 Occupational


V. ORIGIN ~ I Original Proceeding

(Plac. an "x" in One Box Only)

CJ 2 Removed from CJ 3 Remanded from .. CJ 4 Reinstated or CJ 5 =~7sntc:m CJ 6 ~I:!ltid!strict

State Court Appellate Cowt Reopened eci Litigation

Appeal to District CJ 7 Judge from Magistrate

J nt

C~5tti .'S~(Ei~~tatute UDder which you arc filing (Do not cite jurl5dlcttoDal statutel unless diversity):


VI. CAUSE OF ACTION Briefdescripbon ofeause:

Patent Intrlngement



CHECK YES only if demanded in complaint:

JURy DEMAND: pJ Yes 0 No


DATE 02122/2010

(See instructions):

n. Marilyn L. Huff




VVb t) i: 'Z- z- l 0

.~--- ._---_._--_ ...






, Court Name: USDC Ca 1; torrn a Southern

Division: 3

• Rece; ct Number: CASO 10420 · Cashier ID: mbain

i Transaction Date: 02/22/2010




For: SEQUAL TECH V INOGEN Case/Party: D-CAS-3-1 0-CV-00041 0-001

Amount: $350.00

I _


Check/Money Order Num: 4855 Amt Tendered: $350.00

! ---------------------------------

• Tota 1 Due: $350.00

Total Tendered: $350.00

i Change Amt: $0.00

. There will be a fee of $45.00

! charged for any returned check.

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