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1- How do you think the class went?

2- What do you think worked very well in this session?
3- How can you use what worked well in your next class?
4- If you could teach the same class again, what would you differently?
5- What would you do the same way?
6- What will you remember about this class?
7- I noticed that you (describe strategy…. Called students by name,
moved all round the classroom, lectured from your notes, didnt
answer student question)
8- Why did you choose this strategy?
9- Did the students respond as you had expected? Were you satisfied
with the student response?
10-What were your objectives in doing (describe the strategy)
11-Did you feel that you were successful in meeting these objectives?
12-Dİd you model the things you wanted to?
13-You seemed (negative, positive, distracted, enthusiastic) about (the
activity)? What was going through your mind?
14-Could you have asked something different besides (strategy and
activity) to get the response you desired?
15-What do you think your strengths are? How can we build on your
16-Why did you reach (reaction=?
17-What areas do you want to improve?
18-How might you do that?
19-What did you learn from this class?
20-What made this class different from others?
21-How did you feel about your students during the class?
22-Was this a typical class?

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