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Kappa Kappa Gamma Fraternity

530 E Town St.

Columbus, OH 43216

Membership Feedback
Survey Results
Regarding volunteer engagement and the upcoming
restructuring of the Kappa Kappa Gamma Fraternity
June 2015

Membership Feedback Survey Results


Survey Overview
The purpose of this page is to serve as a preview of the original survey itself. Graphical data and analysis for
each question can be found on the corresponding page numbers.

Question 1 : Why do you volunteer or engage with any organization ?

An area of talent or passion you can contribute

A desire to learn or refine a skill or knowledge
A gladness to be respected and honored for personal contributions
A loyalty to the organizations purpose and goals
A love for the time spent with friend, old and new

Question 2 : What does it mean to engage with Kappa Kappa Gamma after graduation ?

Get together with the Kappas I met in college

Be a member of an alumnae association
Assume a volunteer role, big or small
Connect with Kappa via social media or The Key
Pay my dues
Write a reference letter and help recruit the next generation of Kappas

Question 3 : What are the most important factors you would consider when deciding whether
or not to volunteer for Kappa ?

A variety of volunteer opportunities

Flexible schedule and time commitment
Location (Either staying close to home or traveling)
Balance of current commitments
Training for volunteer role
Recognition for the work being contributed

Question 4 : What would or has deterred you from volunteering with Kappa ?

Opportunity for short answers from members

Question 5 : Kappa wants to be sure it is relevant to our members, today and in the future.
What is one thing the Fraternity could address with its changes in organizational structure ?

Opportunity for short answers from members

Question 6 : BONUS QUESTION : If a greater variety of volunteer roles existed with shorter
time commitments,would you be willing tovolunteer for Kappa ?


Membership Feedback Survey Results


Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1: Why do you volunteer and or engage with any organization?
This question earned a total of 6,847 responses. The proposed answers to this question resonated well with the
membership, as most respondents placed themselves into one of the established categories. Of the remaining
535 respondents who answered other, most were able to be sorted into one of the existing categories. Out of
those who answered with other

12 indicated a desire to learn or refine a skill or knowledge

20 wished to be respected and honored for personal contributions
And 65 desired to develop a love for the time spent with friends, old and new through networking.

Question 1: The Big Picture


Contribution of talent or passion

Refinement of skill
Loyalty to organization
Time spent with friends


Additional Categories
Out of the remaining 438 responses, 325
individuals stated that they volunteered
or engaged with an organization
because they wanted to be involved
with their community in a way that
mattered. This additional category of
A desire to make an impact on my
community was added in response to
the women who stressed the importance
of being involved in their immediate

Question 1: The Details

Impact on

The remaining 113 responses remain
categorized as other either because they
wrote the word other or expressed a total
disinterest in the idea of volunteering at
this stage of their life.

The Details pie chart is simply a broken-down look at the other section of The Big Picture graph.

Membership Feedback Survey Results


Question 2: What does it mean to you to engage with Kappa Kappa Gamma after graduation?
This question earned a total of 6,836 responses. Similarly to Question 1, most respondents placed themselves
into one of the established categories. Of the remaining 631 respondents who answered other, many were
able to be sorted into one of the existing categories, however there were more additional categories formed
due to a wider variation of responses to Question 2 as opposed to Question 1. Out of those who answered with
o 59 nostalgically wished for pledge class reunions and, therefore, to get together with the Kappas met
in college
o 34 noted they were involved as a member of an alumnae association, despite confusion over not
holding a leadership position or currently, actively volunteering with that group
o 107 identified with at a local level, such as chapter advisor or house board member, yet were confused
because they assumed a volunteer role, big or small meant volunteering in a national position and not
at the local level.
o 8 additional members stated The Key or paying dues was their only remaining engagement with Kappa

And 36 women expressed a desire to aid in the recruitment of the next generation of Kappas

Question 2: The Big Picture


Alumnae association
The Key & social media


Additional Categories
Out of the remaining 387 respondents
whose answers did not fit into any preestablished category, 187 and stressed
the idea that for them, engaging with
Kappa Kappa Gamma looks like finding
networking opportunities in new jobs and
locations outside of alumnae
associations, which they perceive to be
social gatherings for women who are not
at their same age or stage.
84 individuals declared that they were
disengaged from the organization on the
basis of an inconvenient location, family
commitment, broken legacy tie, or
unstated personal reason.

Question 2: The Details

The remaining 116 responses remain categorized
as other either because they wrote the word
other or gave single responses that did not
align with any other trends.


The Details pie chart is simply a broken-down look at the other section of The Big Picture graph

Membership Feedback Survey Results


Question 3: What are the most important factors you would consider when deciding whether or not to volunteer
for Kappa?
This question earned a total of 6,807 responses. Like the previous questions, most respondents placed
themselves into one of the established categories. Of the remaining 410 respondents who answered other,
some were able to be sorted into one of the existing categories, however there were also more additional
categories formed on Question 3 due to an increasing variation of responses. Out of those who answered with
o 16 were searching for volunteer opportunity but didnt feel like there was enough variety for them to
currently fit into the current model
o 23 used their personal schedules as evidence of the need for flexible schedule and time commitment
o 18 lamented that their location to either a chapter or active alumnae association prevented them from
o 28 used lists of family members and careers to indicate their struggle in the balance of other current
o 9 worried that they wouldnt feel as if they had proper training for volunteer role
o And another 9 were disappointed they were never thanked or received recognition for the work being

Question 3: The Big Picture

Additional Categories

Variety of opportunities
Flexible schedule
Balance of commitments


Out of the remaining 307

respondents whose answers did not
fit into any pre-established category,
166 noted that the most important
factor to them was feeling like me
and my work are needed to make a
difference. This category was created
in response to the numerous
response that either used the words
needed asked, when expressing
that innate desire to feel purposeful
in the expenditure of their time.

44 of remaining respondents cited

age or health as a deterrent from

The remaining 97 responses remain
categorized as other either because they
wrote the word other or gave single
responses that did not align with any other

Question 3: The

The Details pie chart is simply a broken-down look at the other section of The Big Picture graph

Membership Feedback Survey Results


Short Answer Questions

Since the short-answer questions did not provide any categories by which to classify the members responses, I chose to
first read through the responses to get a sense of what was most obviously important to the membership. I then
proceeded to craft categorical phrases in the style of the multiple choice questions and sorted the memberships
responses accordingly. In order to get the most in-depth look possible while leaving room for trends to arise, I had
numerous categories, giving attention to many different types of member issues. I then condensed those into more
manageable groups. This strategy draws universal themes out of varying answers from very different individuals.
Therefore, like our members, each category will have many facets. Yet, like Kappa, these categories highlight our
sameness rather than our differences, and give us a bigger in which to see ourselves, therefore, providing broader
scope for imaginative solutions that appease the largest possible number of people.
Question 4: What would or has deterred you from volunteering with Kappa?
This question earned a total of 6,148 responses, which were classified as follows

My location deters me from volunteering or engaging with Kappa

628 members cited location as a reason for not volunteering or engaging with
Kappa. The varying reasons are as follows:
There is not an alumnae chapter in my area
There is not an active chapter in my area
I live internationally and feel disconnected
I live in a remote location and do not have the time to drive
These women urged for the expansion and extension of both alumnae associations
and chapters, but also long for the ability to volunteer/advise from their remote
location via technology.

I feel out of place and like my contribution doesnt matter to my

433 members voiced concerns that, while Kappa may still be relevant to them, they
fear that they may no longer be relevant to Kappa. There are two groups of people
that responded to the question in this way.
First, 280 of the members in this group voiced that innate longing each of
us has to matter. These are the individuals who ask to be asked, as proof
that their skills can truly contribute something of value to this organization.
A simple email (it can be generic, as long as it has their name in the
salutation) inviting their contribution could motivate them to volunteer.
They yearn to be known.
Second, 153 of the members in this group are concerned that their age be
it youth or experience makes them irrelevant. Some of these concerns
are valid, but pairing younger alumnae members with older alumnae
members as either drivers or as a sort of buddy/ mentorship program, could
provide meaning and enrichment for each side of this spectrum.

Membership Feedback Survey Results


The volunteer position appears unmanageable or daunting.

246 members explained that the current volunteer positions
seem too time-consuming due citing examples of
Being asked to do too much given their available
Excessive amounts of reports and paperwork,
Feeling like they would have to be in this position
longer than would like due to a lack of other
willing volunteers.
Some of these individuals said they had volunteered and were now
burnt out while others were just intimidated by the work load.
However, creating a wider range of smaller volunteer options, as the
restructuring proposes, should solve this problem

I cannot balance volunteering with my other commitments

3,251 members explained that they live very busy lives and simply do not physically
have the time to take on another commitment. There are three groups within this
546 members claim that their work schedules prevent them from
volunteering. They attribute this to work-related travel, having to work
multiple jobs, or working long hours.
548 members state that their time is better spent caring for their families
and/or investing in their childrens activities.
The remaining 2,157 members in this category simply stated that they, like
most in our high-speed world today, have busy schedules or dont have
time, without giving a specific reason.
Again, while this number may seem disappointing at first glance, highlighting the
smaller more manageable volunteer roles that are being created through the
restructuring process, as being created with you in mind, for the modern family
woman, for the 21st century career woman, should win some of this group over.

Membership Feedback Survey Results


I am unaware of how to find volunteer opportunities in my community

462 women of our membership confessed that they were either completely
unaware that they could volunteer with Kappa at the local or national level
or wanted to volunteer but were unsure how to begin that process. A simple
communication campaign should solve this. The website redesign might also
help. Another tool that could be created/utilized is a sort of job postings
board listing the volunteer positions available and the skills required. A tool
like this might also help reach the ask me, need me group from category

Question 4: The Big Picture

I already actively and gladly volunteer
217 women were proud to state that they already
are active volunteers and that nothing would deter
them from engaging with this organization.


The remaining 911 responses were classified as
other because they cited personal interactions as
deterrents or gave singular answers that did not
align with any trends.

Membership Feedback Survey Results


Question 5: Kappa wants to be sure it is relevant to our members today and in the future. What is one thing the
Fraternity could address with its change in organizational structure?
This question earned a total of 4,158 responses, which were classified as follows

Provide a wider variety of more manageable volunteer positions

693 members expressed an interest in volunteering with Kappa
More flexibility
More options within the scope of volunteer roles.

Provide clear communication and training for volunteer positions

676 members wished to be better informed.
They craved more information regarding Council decisions (i.e. the rationale
behind the hand sign decision and the restructuring thought process).
They are thankful for social media as a tool and look forward to seeing how
Kappa continues to grow their social media presence in the future.
They enjoy the Key.
They want to be heard and voiced desires for open communication with HQ.
They want to feel prepared for their positions. Kappa has an abundance of
training and educational resources; we just need to better communicate
their presence to our membership.

Provide programming appropriate for my age/stage of life

436 members stated that they would like to see alumnae programming that
directly related to who they are and where they are at in life.
This response was given by young mothers young career women
This response was given 80-year-old Kappas too.
This response ties into earlier responses, which indicated wanting to
learn or refine a skill or knowledge and wanting to be respected
and honored for personal contributions. We all want to know that
we matter. Part of Kappas race for relevance revolves around
making our members feel recognized and relevant.

Membership Feedback Survey Results


Question 5: The Big Picture

Variety of

and training

Age and stage


The remaining 1,509 responses remain categorized as
other either because they wrote they were unsure
or content with the current organizational structure
of the fraternity.




Other structural suggestions

499 members voiced other suggestions for structural
225 of these were chapter or campus specific
(i.e. renovations to an individual house or
increased attendance in a particular chapter)
274 were other organizational suggestions that
dealt with massive changes (i.e.
general/unspecified bylaws changes, changes in
dues, or the idea that the fraternity should have
two branches of government to differentiate
between large and small universities) or gave
single responses that did not align with any
other trends.

Membership Feedback Survey Results


Question 6: BONUS QUESTION: If a greater variety of volunteer roles existed with shorter time commitments,
would you be willing to volunteer for Kappa?
5,522 (87%) of members answered Yes.
790 (13%) of members answered No.

Series 1


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