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As expected the ticket checker came and I willingly told him about my inability

to buy the ticket. He looked him about my inability to buy the ticket. He looked
at me with strange eyes and all passengers stared at me. The ticker checker was
not going to allow me to travel but I protested and told him that if a passenge
r was prepared to pay the fine, he could be allowed to travel. After much discus
sion, I convinced him and heaved a sigh of relief.
As expected the ticket checker came and I willingly told him about my inability
to buy the ticket. He looked him about my inability to buy the ticket. He looked
at me with strange eyes and all passengers stared at me. The ticker checker was
not going to allow me to travel but I protested and told him that if a passenge
r was prepared to pay the fine, he could be allowed to travel. After much discus
sion, I convinced him and heaved a sigh of relief.
Travelling is a sort of educations among the younger people , said Bacon. Perhaps,
he had a disappointing journey in his mind. For it gives more experience and ena
bles to develop more courage. Hazlitt, in one of his essays, says that a journey
becomes enjoyable if one hopes to get a good meal and a good rest after a tirin
g journey, and adds that traveling hopefully gives the maximum happiness perhaps
he had no experience of a disappointing journey which is more instructive.
It was a day of disappointments. And being an optimist I did not attach much imp
ortance to bad omens. First of all the auto I hired to the railway station rattl
ed noisily and emitted more smoke than an ordinary vehicle can. But I had limite
d time at my disposal, so I decided to travel by it.
After a short distance I was panting like an extremely tired person and came to
a sudden stop. It was the first disappointment. Somehow I reached the station ju
mping into anther auto but I found a long queue at the ticket counter. There wer
e only a few minutes for the train to leave, yet there was no hope of reaching t
he ticket window. This was the second disappointment. I decided to travel withou
t ticket and pay the fare.
my name is xxx
i am yyy
i was fff
Here are many essays meant for the school students and college students who can
use these essays for their academic presentations. We offer these essays free of
cost to all of our visitors. You, the visitors, need not pay any fee to make us
e of these essays. The headings of these essays are widely used proverbs in vari
ous parts of the world. So, these essays can be treated as explanations for the
proverbs. At the same time, you can form your won explanations for each of these
proverbs. There is no such permanency in explanations for any of these proverbs
. Since proverbs of used for diverse reasons around the world, each one has his
/ her own style of explaining the proverb of his / her choice. We keep this page
updated periodically. You are welcome to share your way of explanations with us
by sending them to us. Your contributions will be appropriately acknowledged. B
ut we will not pay any amount to publish your words in our website. Since we off
er the content of this website free of cost to our visitors around the globe, we
could not pay money to you for your contributions. Our team of experts has done
its best to present comprehensive essays.
As I reached my destination, I was thanking god. I was thinking that I would mee
t my uncle and aunt with a broad smile and their hospitality would make me forge
t the ordeals of the journey. I was dreaming of it, while the rickshaw-puller wa
s pulling the vehicle in a half sleep manner. To my great disappointment, I foun
d that my uncle and aunt had gone to Chennai for a month and the house was locke
d. This was the greatest disappointment. I did not have much money for return tr

ip. I did not want to recall this disappointing journey further because that mak
es me extremely sad. That was A Bad Journey.
People can generally be classified into two groups those who have talents and th
ose who have not. A really talented person succeeds in his work. He makes use of
his abilities properly and achieves good results. He is confident of doing his
work. He uses his tools in the right way, even if they are not excellent. At the
same time, if a badly talented person even if given excellent tools, fails to a
chieve good results. His talents are limited. He tries to find lame excuses for
his failure to achieve good results. He blames his tools for the bad work he has
done. He does not want to admit that he is a bad workman. He deliberately forge
ts the fact that his talents are limited. Even if good opportunities are provide
d for the less talented person, he fails to exploit such chances and succeed in
life. But if the talented person is given the right opportunity, he makes use of
it to the full, thereby achieving his goal in life. While the former blames the
opportunities and people around him for his failure, the latter without complai
nt utilizes them and succeeds in life.
As expected the ticket checker came and I willingly told him about my inability
to buy the ticket. He looked him about my inability to buy the ticket. He looked
at me with strange eyes and all passengers stared at me. The ticker checker was
not going to allow me to travel but I protested and told him that if a passenge
r was prepared to pay the fine, he could be allowed to travel. After much discus
sion, I convinced him and heaved a sigh of relief.
As expected the ticket checker came and I willingly told him about my inability
to buy the ticket. He looked him about my inability to buy the ticket. He looked
at me with strange eyes and all passengers stared at me. The ticker checker was
not going to allow me to travel but I protested and told him that if a passenge
r was prepared to pay the fine, he could be allowed to travel. After much discus
sion, I convinced him and heaved a sigh of relief.
Travelling is a sort of educations among the younger people , said Bacon. Perhaps,
he had a disappointing journey in his mind. For it gives more experience and ena
bles to develop more courage. Hazlitt, in one of his essays, says that a journey
becomes enjoyable if one hopes to get a good meal and a good rest after a tirin
g journey, and adds that traveling hopefully gives the maximum happiness perhaps
he had no experience of a disappointing journey which is more instructive.
It was a day of disappointments. And being an optimist I did not attach much imp
ortance to bad omens. First of all the auto I hired to the railway station rattl
ed noisily and emitted more smoke than an ordinary vehicle can. But I had limite
d time at my disposal, so I decided to travel by it.
After a short distance I was panting like an extremely tired person and came to
a sudden stop. It was the first disappointment. Somehow I reached the station ju
mping into anther auto but I found a long queue at the ticket counter. There wer
e only a few minutes for the train to leave, yet there was no hope of reaching t
he ticket window. This was the second disappointment. I decided to travel withou
t ticket and pay the fare.
my name is xxx
i am yyy
i was fff
Here are many essays meant for the school students and college students who can
use these essays for their academic presentations. We offer these essays free of

cost to all of our visitors. You, the visitors, need not pay any fee to make us
e of these essays. The headings of these essays are widely used proverbs in vari
ous parts of the world. So, these essays can be treated as explanations for the
proverbs. At the same time, you can form your won explanations for each of these
proverbs. There is no such permanency in explanations for any of these proverbs
. Since proverbs of used for diverse reasons around the world, each one has his
/ her own style of explaining the proverb of his / her choice. We keep this page
updated periodically. You are welcome to share your way of explanations with us
by sending them to us. Your contributions will be appropriately acknowledged. B
ut we will not pay any amount to publish your words in our website. Since we off
er the content of this website free of cost to our visitors around the globe, we
could not pay money to you for your contributions. Our team of experts has done
its best to present comprehensive essays.
As expected the ticket checker came and I willingly told him about my inability
to buy the ticket. He looked him about my inability to buy the ticket. He looked
at me with strange eyes and all passengers stared at me. The ticker checker was
not going to allow me to travel but I protested and told him that if a passenge
r was prepared to pay the fine, he could be allowed to travel. After much discus
sion, I convinced him and heaved a sigh of relief.
Travelling is a sort of educations among the younger people , said Bacon. Perhaps,
he had a disappointing journey in his mind. For it gives more experience and ena
bles to develop more courage. Hazlitt, in one of his essays, says that a journey
becomes enjoyable if one hopes to get a good meal and a good rest after a tirin
g journey, and adds that traveling hopefully gives the maximum happiness perhaps
he had no experience of a disappointing journey which is more instructive.
It was a day of disappointments. And being an optimist I did not attach much imp
ortance to bad omens. First of all the auto I hired to the railway station rattl
ed noisily and emitted more smoke than an ordinary vehicle can. But I had limite
d time at my disposal, so I decided to travel by it.
After a short distance I was panting like an extremely tired person and came to
a sudden stop. It was the first disappointment. Somehow I reached the station ju
mping into anther auto but I found a long queue at the ticket counter. There wer
e only a few minutes for the train to leave, yet there was no hope of reaching t
he ticket window. This was the second disappointment. I decided to travel withou
t ticket and pay the fare.
my name is xxx
i am yyy
i was fff
Here are many essays meant for the school students and college students who can
use these essays for their academic presentations. We offer these essays free of
cost to all of our visitors. You, the visitors, need not pay any fee to make us
e of these essays. The headings of these essays are widely used proverbs in vari
ous parts of the world. So, these essays can be treated as explanations for the
proverbs. At the same time, you can form your won explanations for each of these
proverbs. There is no such permanency in explanations for any of these proverbs
. Since proverbs of used for diverse reasons around the world, each one has his
/ her own style of explaining the proverb of his / her choice. We keep this page
updated periodically. You are welcome to share your way of explanations with us
by sending them to us. Your contributions will be appropriately acknowledged. B
ut we will not pay any amount to publish your words in our website. Since we off
er the content of this website free of cost to our visitors around the globe, we
could not pay money to you for your contributions. Our team of experts has done

its best to present comprehensive essays.

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