Mid-Term Room Inspection, Timing - 7.30-8.30 P.M Wednesday

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Monday, 3 August y

R.A. Meeting Minutes


1. Mid-Term Room Inspection, Timing - 7.30-8.30

P.M Wednesday.
A. Main aim is to look for illegal devices.
B. Not to look through personal belongings .
C. Approx. - 1-2 Minutes per room.
D. Let students know that if they are not available then they need to inform their
respective R.As in advance and have to do it on the next day. The available time of
R.A.s on the subsequent days are
Suryakant - Thursday , Friday ( On Request )
Elizabeth - Thursday ( On request )

2. Checkout Procedure
A. Inform the students about the proper checkout procedure.
B. The R.A.s need to be informed about the time of leaving well in Advance

3. Resident Life Events

A. Cross Cultural Quiz - Thursday , May 28 at 18:00
Update on Promotion Video, Questions.
Inputs from Elizabeth.

Monday, 3 August y


Friday Movie Night - 29th May

To be arranged by Elizabeth.

C. Pre- Checkout Meeting - June 11, Thursday

To tell students about the checkout procedure
End of Semester survey needs to be filled at the same meeting too.

D. Dragon Boat Festival

Work with the Mess Staff to make sure on how and when will the Zongze" be made.

Possibility of very few students being available on the given weekend, so keep that in mind.
One of the Chinese teachers Zhou laoshi may be able to assist by informing students of the
Decorate the Mess ?

4. Logistics
A. R.A. white board on the 3rd Floor needs to be updated.
B. Disposal of Trash - Inform the students to put the large/wet trash inside the big
dustbins available near the R.A. whiteboards on both the floors.

Monday, 3 August y

5. Miscellaneous
A. Elizabeth may leave on the June 16th if her internship is still on.
B. Suryakant - Flight has been shifted to 20th June Departure time - 22:00

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