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Yatra Tent Oy dey Panchayati Raj Department CoO na eer) ‘The development of rural areas and the rural people hat bean of primary concern inthe economic planning and ‘evelopment process ofthe State tis now vry much realised thal io emerge asa strong and heathy Ors, sustainable ‘evelopment in rural areas i an essential presequse The SMART (Simple, Moral, Actourabl, Responsible, Transparent) ‘motto of governance nas become the motto of recent governance in ort to ravge Universal service to al citens by {dsseninaing infomation wit repard open programmes an cbjecSves ofthe Goverment, The .R Department in Ose, ints endeaver, has become instrumental for achieving he goal in his regar, 1. Consistent wih provisions of 72% amendment the laws rlaling to PRs have been sultably amended, Even prior to ‘amendment ofthe Constusinitatves had been mace in Oita to achieve some of he cbjcives of 73° amendment suchas = ‘+ Seats wer reserved for $C/S.Tin respect Electon of PR Representatves. ‘+ Not ess than 1/8 ofthe total seats has been reserved for women. Tis was made applicable in respect of seats reserved for $.C/ST and oer, ‘+ Afi 73% amendment reservation was provided in favour of $8.7, OBC and Women in respect of all seats and fics of is. ‘+ The Election Commission and Finance Commission wore conttited. ‘+ Tenure of Panchayat was fixed to 5 years. ‘+ Power and functions of Gram Sabha and Pali Sabha were e-dtined. ‘+ Since 73° amendment was not applicable t schedule Ares, Provisions of Panchayats (Extension to Scheduled ‘Areas) Act (PES) wes made applcabe in he electon process in Sdhedled Areas. Accordingly, the Panchayat Election Act ware amended nthe yer 1987. Elections in Scheduled Areas ws conducted a per provisions PESA, in the year 2002. Orissa is frst State to conduct Election as per provisions of PESA. Al he ofices of Chairperson ‘have been reserved for Scheduled Tribes in Scheduled Areas. Powers of Gra Sabha was seo modified cositent wih provisions of PESA. 68 tems of Minor Forest Preduce Nave been vansterred to Gram Panchayal. The Osa ‘G P(Oissa Minor Forest Produce Administration Rules) 2002 has come into fore wih effec rom 15.11.2002. ‘+ Since, P.R Department is commited to buildup such democratic polilal process trough PRs, the power of ‘suspension of Sarepsc eater wi Distt Cotecior hes been wirawn ana vested wih te Goverment. Sacton- 115 of rissa Gram Panchayat Act have boon sully amended to that fect. ‘+ Inoter to empower the women tatry provéions have boon made fr ther reset parcipaton inthe gover ‘Aecorsngy, whe the ofice cl Chetperson isnot reserved for weman, the oflce ofthe Vie-Chakperson is deemed to have been reserved for woman, ‘+ inorder to make the PRIs more response there has been nterinking between 3 Yer PRIs Ls the Sarapanch to attend the Panchayat Sami meating and sina, tho Chairperson ofthe Panchayat Sami lg to attend the 2 Parishad meeting and takepart inthe meeting proceedings. 2, Imorderto make the PRIS more developmental oriented, he persomel structure ofthe PRIS has aso been streamlined to strengthen the administration. ‘+ AYDisinet vel the ORDA is having its separate entity. Buits reponse fo ovr-soe the implementation of aera fant poverty Progrannes. The .D.DRDA has been. designated as Secretary -cum- Execulve Officer of2P and the Colector, the Chit Executive Ofcerof Zila Parishad, + The Block Development Offer isthe Executive Ofier of PS. In order to make the Block Adminitration more responsible and stronger now ie post of B DO has been wpradd ad, Jr Clas Ofearsof Ores Acministraton ‘Service have been posted as .D.Os, ‘+ Ineach Block a pos of Ass. Engineer hasbeen created to execute the developmental works, ‘+ Each Block is having one post of ABDO and one post of PDO (Panchayat development Oficer) A number of JES ‘ate also working in each Block. ‘+ Inorder to stengthen the G P Administration and to make the G.P more accountable and responsive, one Executive feet post has been creaied in each G.P wno would be @ Goverment servant, The VLWS / VAWs have been posted uch. In order to spell out the duties and responsiiites of the Executive Officer Section 1228 123 of OGP Act have been sutably amended, 3. The SMART model of Governance has become the motto of ¢-Govemance System in the Depariment which has been laying an important role of ICT (Information and Community Technology) play of Rural Development. ‘As such PR, Department has implemented a good numberof e-Governance. Prejecs like ‘ria Soft for montaring of ‘ecounts in tir PRs and citizen centc Information projects in ‘Rural Sot for Project montoring of Pevery Alleviation Programmes. Each Block and each DROA have been equipped with V-Sat equipments with computrs fr on-line Data and Informations transmission. Besides, this ORDAS and Blocks have hosted their own portals. NIC has provided the eNRICH Software forthe purpose. The pay rll software ‘BETAN' have been implemented in the Blocks / DRDAS. ‘+ The Department has endeavoured to evolve e-Panchayats Systom in the State, Each G.P would be of direct access “rough computer system. As the first step, G. Ps in KBK Districts have been computerized 4. Devolution of Power. ‘48 73° Amendment ofthe Consttution mandates Government o endow the PRIs wth such powers and aulhortes as ‘may be necessary to enable them to function as instuton of sol Gavernment, the Stale Government, inthe mean time have devolved 21 subjects cut of 29 in respect of 11 Department tothe 3 tir PRs keeping in view of 180 recommendations of 7 Round Tables. The fliowings are the devoluion of power to 3 ter PRis:- * District Level Officers, the Block Level Officers and Village Level functionaries ofthe 11 Departments wil remain Accountable to 7ilaParchad , Panchayat Sari and Cram Perchayt respectively fr iplemertaton of SUOjes | Schemes transferred to PRIs. But they will continue as the amployees of their respective departments. ‘+ The Distict Level, Block Level and G.P level functionaries of aferent Departments wil attend the meeting of Zila Parshed, Panchayat Samit and G P respectively, ‘+ They shall plan on the schemes for discussion and approval in the meeting of respective level of PRIs ‘+ The President, ZP, Chaiman, P.S and Sarapanch, G.P can supervise the work and functions of Government of functionaries at respective level, They can submit the proposal o appropriate level about indisciline, regulars and other shortcomings. ‘+ The Presidont, 2, the Chairman, Panchayat Samiti and the Sarapanch,G P are delegeted with power to sanction the leave of Head of Office/institution of 11 Departments working at the respective level. 5. (| Since Rural Development trough PR's is the largest Pub Intervention Programme of the State in terms of ts ‘each, sizeof fancil investment and number of pubic functionaries associated wth its implementation, the .RDept is making its ul endeavor for strengtening both the pocy makers an the programme implements, Hence, capacty bulingintatives have become a focus of actives of PR. Department. Towards fitting his, Training Section ofthe Deparment the SIRD and 3 Extension Training Certar(ETC) have undertaken Model ronged strategy in sensitzing of PRI members. The SIRD i taking leading role for massive capacty building of PRis members and officials a8 weil through massive training programmes on various Schemes. (i) Regular inhouse and Of campus PRI Teining Programmes are organized by the SIRD & 3 ETCs of the State to sensitize the leaders of 3-tier PRIs. Interactive Training Programmes are also organized under GRANSAT network io elghen theron varous issues relating o PR Adrian. (i) The P.R.Depariment hes undertaken the schemes for deputing its offs as well as PRI Members Leaders of ‘tier PRs to the Taiing Insttutons of National repute the NIRd, HydrabadIPA and ISTH, NIC, Hydrabad ote. Besides these, verious Training Programmes are Sonal ewes embers. eee 2 qs! slag ade ae" qe anae eAaca sp - as BGa! Gama, gecRga geld aid Chief Secretary & Chief Development Commissioner Dr. Subas Pani,1as Goyernment of Orissa, Bhubaneswar No. LPS-105(Rt1)_ BUS Ba Bhubaneswar, the Beqoctober, 2005, To ‘The Principal Secretary/ Commissioner-cum-Secretary F.S. & CW. Department ST. & S.C. Dev. Department ‘School & Mass Edn. Department F _&ARD Deparment W&C.D.Department H & F.W. Department Co-operation Department Water Resources Department, ‘Sub: Devolution of Powers to PRIs. Ref: P.R.Department L.No.6886 dtd. 4.7.2003, Madanvsir, ‘As per mandate of the 73id_amendment ofthe Constitution, 21 subjects out of 29 enlisted in the 11% schedule have been devolved to the control of Stier PRIs vide order No.6886/PS dated 4.7.2003. Accordingly, the PRIs are requited to prepare plan of action {oF economic development and social justice and implement such schemes for the Purposes on the subjects devolved {0 their control. In order to avoid any ambiguity in ‘eg2rd to the preparation of pian and schemes on the matters of devolved subjects. it is very much necessary to involve the field functionaries of the concerned departments Government desies the implementation of the instructions issued in leter and spirit, as this will help in improving the quality of delivery of services. The field officers of the Depariment are to exercise their duties and responsibilty according to the Activity Mapping: Accordingly, it enforces their accountabilty as per the devolution of power and subject tothe 3 -tier PRIs. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, P.R, Department vide his letter No.12781 ot 29.9.2008 and UO! No, 741 dt.21.10.2005 has requested you to issue suitable instruction to your field functionaries and officers concemed to prepare plan and schemes on the devolved subjects for economic development and social justice of the people, 99018 eda (099s) sememes | tenI800, oma reRsDDE ‘rere: Ofce (0874) 25309 2896700, FAX 2590660, E-nal:eson!@on.ncin, Wubste 7680 govin You are therefore requested to issue suitable instruction to your field functionaries for implementation of this orders in letter and spirit ‘Yours faithfully, Chit eotary DEPARTMENT: CO-OPERATION 4. AGRICULTURE Crest 1. Prepare erect pian 1. Assis in propaing cradt | 1. Assist in assessing credt needs oh a: faaeveek pan various groups of armers and cops ‘avalany ond tnkage | 2. Ensuretimaly ret rom | 2. Etercse soil conto and repute between apicule formal instore interest areas and recovery of fan's rom amrcoman 8 est | 5 yc dey ‘oma’ an informa rec sits. ee system. Help n formatin of sl hep groups. isk 1. ASsitinproding | 1. Motivate nd help in denying farmers Management benfis rom 0p take up crop insrance schemes | Insurmce schemes. | » gait in he inglemeniton of 2 Propara and operate contingency oan. cantngency apical Lt pian. DEPARTMENT: FISHIERIES & ANIMAL RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT 4 ANIMAL HUSBANDRY DAIRY AND POULTRY Crvlopnent [1 averse need na |. Poponnleimorove bain | 1. Ant ericaton faces Sivedact” |" Qantas pose |" reuse ameng lamers | andr ates proennes aheet Tromen 2 ots pol ata eal tastes rene Dent an opt made eto santana etn formset, sao. goat as hociores. 2. Funding sal be aranges bythe dla Paishad trom ‘male own resources. Veieinary | 1. Montorihe functions ot | 1. Organise SHG co-operative | 1. Supervise the functioning of Live services onary serves. fo fodder production and Slock Cente and Al service cares 2, The neceraty fr ‘Wovide fiancal ssstanes. | » pase out bash of caeee and ‘eslablahiment ol Vetsinary | 2. propagate improved variety piece odie Heat Cine tosber seats 3. Strengthening of Ineasrcture of Veterinay | 3 Propagate modern metas Service nsuons aro be smulanousi taken cate by Zila Parishad Songun monaoring ot | 4, supely fdr dung erinary Services. sioushis, eS eee iaaeearae ae wh ene ee 2. Allocate community tand for fodder —_ ur nani = cormaterteee Nencisangeaeeties Spears acing Fs adanthar Fah ee aM eee gl eo pee tentot | 2. Promote mik produeers, co- | 2. Identity beneficiaries for dairy Sceicet |? “coment Scueatocpowe ere: | lesteueeeee eee aa ‘As regards Dairy eae eisceene See eeu oer ae seer, cranes a an a en ee) a ee een ical as | omrmmars|| eerareme ieee emia Seppe ee toe 3. Monitor, supervise and 3. Assisi PSs in the distribution of boats, PLS - ‘report progress nets and other equipment ponawswocice | 4 angiamansahniom | Sipewieand rope poyessWFSs aa ee 5, Execute fishpond and tank improvement Looe om seen ee fen pacmcene mateae Seinen eee oe ees are eerie eam Soe re ee some ae SS otilaine tolond oa oe ‘Rumzulre snd bactsh |" ogensing ma fahemen’s co-operates | eee | corel an ‘feherien: +2. Onganise fishermen's co- a, Se seca arteries 3, Monitor impact of marine om “ee ae ‘nvironment rae Moneta impact ot ‘mai agate on ilage environment and ite impart atigaten 5 Assign ct ‘ooyrig sys Tope [1 Exomappvan | Crane at von Srey | eopmeniowsnze | fatmenn oan ‘processing “processing, packaging ‘packaging and Somme, | Saitamiccnee’ | beeevlonstso as ‘2. Assist in establishing ee Sirmutang"? [2 Dewoptoup eres cre ron Sere eens on Walon [7 Fora pave 7 faaap ferris ares Coen rte | fie cneue DEPARTMENT: WOMEN AND CHILD DEVELOPMENT iS 25, WOMEN AND CHILD DEVELOPMENT See ramets owe! opartuniy fo womenin | 1. Prepogate he essape equal | 7, Generate anereness scoronie a sector of devsepmant soca ppotanty to women nal sectors of | among women abot ‘sowopment ‘economic ad pola development tale nghis panel bis scl sport again soca! | 2. Mois oc! wnport ag socal | 2 Pome slip ‘es the dowry geoder biases te vis at dcrimnate aaa woren | grcups of woman liking gi hil it, eiscrininaton in dently income generating acivites | 3. Supeiion ot cating gc, at Ss Promote opportuni or worent©. | pisursoman ol NOAP,OAP, cone meal aoe Disatiy Pension generating actos Protest he ress of women workers inthe unorganised sector nau payment maimum wages ‘worn ape! ibovters TTaepmea] 1 Soponies qe and spoon sevens | 1. Supervise wok o1GOSProjcs | 1. Asin election ot cons (0CDS) for nplemeiaton of CDS poets | > pase a beralesres Develonent eee Penn Mott anctoring ofthe sche nthe (royranme in pocrenent nd ‘Assit in selection ot pie sermamatnnten relent |" iy ag 2, Promote people's participation in sngarwad canes pepmanechenenetctica | Tektites! | aoe conmay (Ser je nat ie *. ‘implementation of the programme earepee ree “4 Selection of Anganwaci Workers 38. Ae ue. a iorneeli ntnetegonas cones | mente 5 Asin soir pn since eves sepentindty Gower. | Arges ren septs Gowan re twbeaies |" oguesionrecien gunadton | ecnaewa Zale ‘nan Mtaayet Nat oration | enn apap ad pero sey cones wm 2. ently and prone vou organs booted tesshing rant i om he nr Wa erg one Gon dasa ery et 7 en ea agaisio whch et |e pow wie at a Stiowcnotctteti senoe, | chin decane be ‘ectonct Tpreeded iostredoncety | tps gow and | presents Sensbechis gore ms deeaper | Seoener Drees ‘opments ater han th ic boogcal ‘arene and help te adoption cordate wh the Sand 2P for hee crpaned cron weed dovloprant 2, SOCIAL WELFARE Wolare [1 Warily doin ard aged persons and | 1. if heaped an coordina wit) | 1. Assitia the Aaed ‘ham in aig shri yolary the ZP forthe marenece and ideation of ne cipaiseons which receive gratinaiés | ing od age persion 290d and co-rate rome Maisto! Weta State Gera fo ung ct ape hoes andor ing 8 ag8 pein nih he 2 and PS fore mainnarce nd giving ot 290 pasion DEPARTMENT : SCHOOL & MASS EDUCATION “7. PRIMARY EDUCATION en Tnpansion and [1 Asses he requrerenis ct | 1. Suparisethefuncionng of |. Ensure fal enrcinant of deveepmentt | seul, tescher cuoment | nay and opt ina ee ace, first | cehbesattncpnts | chk sc elas feces them 2. Supply and cstrbute material eet gues 2. Supervise and monitor quality ipo nagar A Gehadanan | & Tamenite depen pain |* Cmananince se sale nd inate apoptite acon o | Stendance of aches and ie Cooma hci wkend? | a thts at pin e iret el cate lipase sone 4. Transter of Elementary Cadre ey teen: 5 Ditremant estes of Pay cha Tatars Gasser [1 Reset cl egenen | Fine cece, | Annie Garba m= hens tg goin eatiecmemn || steele ten fees common tae ip dei sitet homed | sap wma ns |? ttn mantic || 2, aman ve books ete. for target group enon ‘measures for ‘fale: ‘3. Transfer of Prinary School UP ‘age owe tod ae sides 4, Digure draw sly of PS and UP Sched teachers, 48, ADULT AND NON-FORMAL EDUCATION Panning and | 1. ently state ocalone for | 1. Implomert Adu andnon- | 1, Helpinmobising people for Impomeriaton | establishing adu edocaten formal eaveaton programmes | parcpalonin adult cdveaton of aut and cones 24a Berar carpaias. ‘nd TLC campaigns maternal, || 2 seed riathennand 2. Toassitintte dstrtuton ot | 2 Suporise and aestin shratea bie, | | eoavics fe Beene ‘materials tothe cents. functioning of cones and poet sense eas ensure regularity of eamers comesin | 2. supply a ovant sna outers Inraseucture and educational 4. Supervise and montor functioning of te cents, atria cones. 4A. Superison nd onteng ot tre atts 5, Organs tl iteracy campaign DEPARTMENT ; HEALTH & FAMILY WELFARE 723, HEALTH INCLUDING HOSPITALS, PRIMARY HEALTH CENTRES AND DIGPENSARIES 1. Plan ough Rea conmitons | 1. Suprise PHCMogptals 1 Mabie & organise ponl for Sed a Tena 2 Co-ordinate communicable ‘camps and conduct demonstration. fave: ier omtan | cement | earns: ae wean ete ot eee Nancie forte Caer |e ee na “maintenance and supervision of paeee ay m ee ea tee arabe ae ee one 22S ofaeenoniaees suet acc eal | iGaemdaar | magaieenean | | Tema se San oe een are es, ma Ee eee nal ieee tion, | & Agate mma = aaa eee | inne —| 2 Gakiiia inane) | Congr wells, tanks and 2 Anticon be ‘ape wana she : < Tower at sgndoy te CP site Poe oP oe caseame neers, trimer ingame | okey | Heron inc ‘in Drought Prone Areas Seek wheda. Scheme Assist GPs in ogaisng st. ‘bp grurs. and islement Ass ho PS in preparation of Plans fo land development schemes coming witin PSs urven Engur oper wasn ures of Cental Finance Commission by orl tdi and ensure tat the scheme works permite within Gs ae celta 10. 1m, 2 ‘ards. aloes under land evelopment scheme Se can implement schemes wih the help of GPS and Integrate otter programmes win poverty sleviaion stheres| Assi in supariion of works under dstret decenvalsed plan Plan and inplement Inrastucture devaopment by ‘ural oct boies. Develop aking Inrastucture marketing network for SGSY sal lp 04 products, Execute Schemes under 6 Execute Schemes under Poveriy ‘Alevitonpogrannes. i tas pees va aE aT — 1 foe as — 1S cso |” popanmdonpcene | porch Sioeeesteaepra forme | mopmmtente” |, cesagrnaey | seewrmntion oes implemented by PS and GP ti oe : ‘Sabha, list them and provide. oon es some Teekay oe fami oaniers |? Teonymator | secos and GP eons (2. Formutate projects and get 4. cn tse ces |” opt as Assign projects to PSs, GPs: lens ee be fe Sees S. Beskdl ie Seanecemantr [8 npimeocnt,aty |suesactwon oa pon - Sea socindt |i. com teeery obs namgronssy |" og feral ‘release funds to PSs, GPs CPs Py! and |, jstibute projects and works 38 cle opal i Rocamat pics $s acme ees Release funds to PSs as per om aes oe ae Sn 1 code tt Tia ahs Gram Panchayat eo at wae ‘8 Provide ude for ereret ‘maintenance of assets en created under Centrally. Spo che ed Sie Spon ere 1 etm ancy feo ‘oie ma june Wotan peom soca 8. tt ati in tate cette 01 sis cone mentees 2: MaRRET AO ARE eter eT eae Iewcomnd | matewgranpsacass |" ern mévenymates |. oaemny-conreces pes || eich cantaeinonies | lsc ‘rpg nating sonicade igo poo ones Cadet anti ig ht ad Soong conse 9 ee aa a ucaere | attg hi anti ye reat nea Seam Aad be tea matte tenn pone omiat cry ut oes Waa tt one srt conten rot iin ho set raed DEPARTMENT: WATER RESOURCES: 7. MINOR IRRIGATION Dereprentof |. Fomulteastpontor Wl |. ery andfomuae mi |. Asst In Yomulaion of MI Wi (Ayeanupte | pjeae prec bros an raleaton by o0rces) | > pavgn rojecsio PS nage |? Extele and ahaa Mt Gran Sethe sysem, rarape Dries aden? en |» any nein system wn | 3. Detopmerttaaeace | 3 Eee gj angned a rarvesing srsoninwastiggesanas |” yop 3. Bree Wi. Projets der trues ond | 4 suggest proac for 4, Consruct percolation tanks | s6perision of PS on ‘percolation tanks, check dams ‘2d check dams (outside GP | 4. identity beneficiaries under raragonent sctcaianie fi) varove prgenmes fo 5. siete norman |* Evaro eminent | gees hd cir alte pages ana qustyot | Sry wane wats by eset & Cootindsbetveen aces | SBE, mentor and review connie Rocpeient cen | examen giao wat 6. Co-ordinate between various ‘funding for MI projects, densest ad apercies | 7. Excl conrunty furrg W poects Proj ar Pret elongata PS Wai 1 Prpasste modem water | 1. Guige ad motte peorte |? eiiy tances trough raragonet maragoeat ivay ‘oaseet nage meods | erty berlcaes trough iets ough Pan ction, ontorn Gran Sethas for sbsicned echoes, WAM sn develope: and power | spiker and sip ingaton che apes ater os sien Suna 2. Propagete use of sprinkler b Se naa. 2. Constituie users committee for ‘2nd orp irigation in drought Tee oper ullsaion of water bre waters aes Song ree | Ieuing use for ik throug Pan Panchayas, ftom ceding pero’ | Puno WALI ard tr sgeries eaemeent 4s |e scacenaemtiestn! Sanehetats: ‘development and development of 4. Orato fed cham! very aye ‘depenennton or darn ‘or proper utilisation of water veer marapenet tetas

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