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Origin Point Therapy

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Origination of Illness
Effect ( )
Effects / symptoms () / fruits (ALL kinds of illnesses, diseases) are the
result of Body Injury couple with Yuan factor. Single Body or Yuan will not
result in the development of symptoms (illness).

Body ( )
Its through a body that an illness can develop. Types of Body Injury are
Body injury elsewhere (Origin Point Injury),
Body injury local (broken bones, torn muscle, cut, etc)
Body Energy deficient (body is too cold HAAN)

Yuan ( )
Yuan are the factors influencing the body, such as sunlight, air, water,
soil, viruses, bacteria, food intake, emotions etc.

OPM is NOT a curative medical procedure. The practise of OPM is

free from medicine intake, surgery or any procedure to remove the
illness. Through constant application of OPM principles, our body
system's self-healing ability is strengthen. With sufficient HEAT
ENERGY, our body system will function orderly to repair the BODY
INJURY () and subsequently improve or recover from illness (
Symptom/Fruit ).
The practise of OPM will not bring about any side effects to the
body, but enhance the body's physique ().
There could be variances in the healing process when one apply
OPM because everyone will have different body injury severity.
To heal a body, the patient must comprehend the CONCEPT ()
of OPM correctly, and practise with discipline and perseverance.
Antui, Ginger soup (Internal heat), Wenfu (External heat), positive
emotions (stress free), consume Warm or Hot food, simple
Physical exercise, Enough Sleep (rest) are part and parcle in the
practise of Origin Point Medicine .

All trademark, logo, and teachings belongs to

CCH Foundation of Taiwan.
Origin Point volunteers are not related to CCH Foundation.

For enquiries, please call

Sis Lenny +6012 329 0978

Sis Maria +6012 375 8891

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