Legend Summer Reading

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Title and author of book: LEGEND BY MARIE LU

the main
Who is the
What is the
point of
the setting.
Name and

what you
learned in
the events
in the
the plot. (8
bullet notes
or fewer)

Day seeks to save his family from the plague and the republic; June seeks to avenge her brothers and parents
Day and June

Los Angeles in the day of the republic

Daniel Day Altan Wing 15 year old protge who is led to believe he failed the trial; born in the slums
of the republic
He is a wanted criminal who is trying to steal a vaccine of the plague for his family
Eden Wing Days 9 year old brother; younger
John Wing Days 19 year old brother; older; looks like Day; only one who knows Day is alive
Tess abandoned by parents at 10; Days 15 year old partner in crime
Kaede- Patriot; helps June and Day escape republic
June Iparis- 15 year old protge who scored a 1500/1500 on her trial; born into elite republic family; parents
mysteriously killed in a car crash; Metias, her older brother, cares for her until he is mysteriously killed
Metias Junes older brother; 27; captain in the republics military; hunting Day mysteriously killed supposedly
by Day
Thomas friend of Metias; special hatred of day; takes Metias job when he is killed
Commander Jameson Junes commander
Day is a wanted criminal that Junes brother is hunting
Days family is ill with the plague
Junes brother is killed and she becomes a member of the republics military in charge of hunting down her
brothers killer believed to be Day
June helps Day escape his firing squad
They both have learned the truth of the republic and the plague
Both become wanted criminals of the republic but escape with the help of a Patriot Kaede
Day the Republics most wanted criminal breaks into Los Angeles hospital to steal a cure for the plague which has
attacked his brother
He injures military captain Metias in his escape
Day loses his pendant
June a Republic prodigy is hired to find Day
June befriends Day not knowing his true identity
When she discovers his true person, June tricks him into being captured

In reading her brothers journal, June discovers all of Days accusations against the Republic were true
June helps Day escape his execution

Contrast and Contradiction
Sometimes Im black, sometimes white, sometimes olive or brown or yellow or red or whatever else they can think of. (p.2)
The scenery changes from inner Batalla sectors hundred-floor skyscrapers to densely packed barrack towers and civilian complexes,
each one only 20-30 stories high, with red guiding lights blinking on their roofs, most with all their paint stripped off after this years rash
of storms. (p.17)
Day was there in the hospital. He was also careless enough to leave the ID tag behind. (p.47)
But the biggest thing that doesnt compute for me is this: Day has never killed anyone before. (p.48)
When I look back at Thomas, his hair has fallen across his face and a cruel pleasure has replaced his usual kindness. (p.93)
Tess smiles again, but I can tell even she feels a little uncomfortable with this newcomer. (p.111)
As for Thomas. He rarely sounds so firm with me. (p.124)
But at the same time, theres an innocence that makes her completely different from most of the people Ive met. (p.133)
Days eyes look so terrified- and vulnerable- that suddenly it takes all my strength to lie to him. (p.146)
No more torn trousers or muddy boots; no dirt on her face. The girl is clean and polished, her dark hair pulled back into a high, glossy
ponytail. (p.165)
Memory Moment
When I was seven years old, my father came home from the warfront for a weeks leave.. The city patrol did a routine inspection of
our house, and then dragged off to the local police quarters for questioning. (p.22)
I still remember that day that my brother missed his induction ceremony into the Republic army. (p.35)
I can still remember when dad brought it home. Itll tell us which quarters have plague, he said. (p.50)
Suddenly everything comes rushing back to me. I remember the hospital entrance, the stolen ID tag and the stairwell and the
laboratory, the long fall, my knife thrown at the captain, the sewers. The medicine. (p.52)
A memory flashes through my mind. The rainy night when Metias first started working for Chian. (p.64)
I still dont know what made me stop and talk to her that afternoon..Hey, I called out to her. (p.84)
Tess reminds me of Metias, of how he nursed me back to health on the day of his induction. (p.121)
I think back with some shame on the night of Metiass funeral, when I left a giant steak untouched on my plate, without a second
thought. (p.127)
From my pocket, I pull the three silver bullets Tess had given me, the three bullets from hospital break-in. (p.155)
An old memory struggles to resurface- a needle injected into one of my eyes, a cold metal gurney and an overhead light- but it vanishes
as soon as it comes.

Memories of my Trial day flash before me. (p.195)

I suddenly remember the first moment I saw him. Dust everywhere and out this emerged this beautiful boy with the bluest eyes Id
ever seen, holding his hands out to help me to my feet. (p.198)

Words of the Wiser

Sorry to hear it. You should try to swing more from your arm and not from your wrist. (p.12)
Dont go out alone. News from the warfront is their cutting power to residences to save energy for the airfield bases. So stay put,
Wait for my word- no ones to be harmed. (p.147)
Now Im giving you a chance to save yours. Turn yourself in. Please. No one will get hurt. (p.156)
Id be careful if I were you, boy, he spits. Maybe youve forgotten that you still have two brothers. (p.219)
I dont want you to do anything rash. Understand? Think about your safety first. You can find a way to help, I know you can. (p.245)
Make them work for it. Punch someone if you have to. Youre a scary kid. So scare them. Okay? All the way until the end. (p.286)
Aha Moment
Before I black out, I realize that my pendant is no longer looped around my neck. (p.34)
A moment later, I realize what she wants to show me and where we are walking. (p.42)
When I look closer, I realize that hes drawing soldiers breaking into our homes. Hes drawing them with a bloodred crayon. (p.51)
In that instant, I realize that he knows exactly who I am. (p.57)
But the instant the new girl steps into the circle and I see her stance I know Ive made a big mistake. (p.104)
Ive been stabbed, I realize in a panic. (p.120)
I realize that he must have some sort of wound on his upper arm that stretches painfully whenever he reaches too far up or down.
And thats when I remember, with nauseating feeling, the pendant in pocket. Days pendant. (p.138)
Then I realize Im not hearing the normal wail of a police siren. Nor is it an ambulances siren. This is a siren from a military medical
truck. (p.144)
And then in an instant, I realize why the Girl had looked so familiar. Her eyes. Those dark, gold-flecked eyes. The young captain
named Metias. (p.154)
Tough Questions
What am I thinking? This is a boy from the slums. (p.131)
Have the streets of Lake turned me into some simpleminded girl? Have I just shamed the memory of my brother? (p.141)
How do I face a mother whos thought I was dead for so many years? (p.151)
Four days. How will I save my brothers before then? (p.192)
Are they dying because of me? (p.215)

Does that make me the same as Thomas? Are we doing the right thing by following our orders? Why would we poison and kill our own
people? (p.222)
If I had been in her place, would I have done anything differently? (p.230)

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