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Title and author of book: THE UNWANTEDS BY LISA MCMANN

the main
Who is the
What is the
point of
the setting.
Name and

what you
learned in
the events
in the
the plot. (8
bullet notes
or fewer)

Alex does not want to be eliminated; he wants to be wanted

Third person narrator

Magical worlds of Quill and Artime

Alex Stowe twin to Aaron; 13 year old selected as an unwanted because of his creativity and will be sent off to
be killed by the eliminators
Aaron Stowe twin to Alex; 13 year old selected as a wanted and will be sent to the university
Mr. Marcus Today Creator of Artime; twin of Justine; father of Claire; head of Artime; saves the unwanteds and
teaches them how to use their creativity to survive and fight
High Priest Justine head of Quill; instituted the Purge
Megan Ranger unwanted ; best skill is creativity and music
Claire daughter of Mr. Today
Will Blair - Friends with Sam and tried to kill Aaron because he thought Aaron took his spot as a wanted
Samheed Burkesh at first antagonistic towards Alex but became friends with him
Lani youngest known unwanted
Alex is selected as an unwanted; sent to be killed; learns of Artime and the truth of his brother

The unwanteds overthrow the Quillatary

Alex and Aaron are twin brothers

Alex is selected as an unwanted and Aaron as a wanted
Alex sails away to his execution
Alex discovers a new world, Artime, a safe place founded on imagination and magic where creativity is
Secret of Artime is revealed to people of Quill
Both worlds go to war and the connection between Justine and Mr. Today is revealed
Artime survives showing creativity can overcome strength and courage over ambition

The Unwanteds
Contrast and Contradiction
No one could see the invisible Lani, nor could they hear her whisper Evermore, nevermore, an irrevocable spell that she had delighted
in finding in her studies. And this was perfect use for it. Justine would forevermore be silent and useless.
Another moment later the white melted and color emerged, the small desolate lot turned into a huge world, so full of color Ale could
hardly see. (p. 19)
Aha Moment
Alex, hearing the horridly familiar words, weeing the scatter clip, suddenly realized the meaning of Lanis note.
Everyone stood motionless as the final twenty names were called. Among the unwanteds, Alexander Stowe. (p.3)
Tough Questions
Aaron closed his eyes for a moment, telling himself to stop all thoughts of Alex before he did something to jeopardize his standing with
the high priest.
His father nodded slightly, and finally took his finger out of Alexs back after the shackles were secure. That was a minor relief, but did
it matter now? (p.3)
Words of the Wiser
This time, focus on throwing more accurately rather than forcefully. These clips have the magical power to get there- have the magical
power to get there we dont want you throwing your arm out on the first day.
The government and especially the high priest Justine wasnts to eliminate creative thinkers like you. They see creativity as a
weakness, after all it could lead to something horrible like magic. (p.35)
Memory Moment

After the initial shock, Alex was truly glad for Meghan, thinking surely hed not be far behind. After all, he was excelling in painting and
drawing and had advanced to charcoals and sculpting, for which he had a special knack.
He sketched awkwardly and drew a house like the one hed drawn in the mud back in Quill.

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