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Top Safety

Marketing Plan

Top Safety Cultures Awards

Marketing Plan

Table of Contents
TARGET MARKET..............................................................................................2
MARKETING GOALS AND OBJECTIVES..............................................................3
MARKETING STRATEGY.....................................................................................4
MARKETING ACTIVITIES....................................................................................4
NETWORK PARTNERSHIPS.............................................................................6
POST EVENT.....................................................................................................7

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The Top Safety Cultures Awards program is operated by TalentClick Workforce Solutions Inc. in
a partnership with JuneWarren-Nickles Energy Group. The program, held for the first time in
2014, strives to promote safer workplaces by rewarding organizations that include safety cultures
in their business strategies. This event is designed to drive excellence and encourage
competitiveness among Canadian companies to achieve safer and healthier work environments.

Awards Vision
This project will offer an opportunity for organizations to showcase their safe work environment
and compete to be the best of the year. In order to provide participants with a measure of their
performance they can use as a foundation to further improve, they will receive a report
highlighting their workplace strengths, setbacks, as well as advise on how to prevent injuries and
become a top safety culture.
This event will bring together business leaders from across industries in a celebration of high
safety standards and achievements in the workplace. The goal is to ensure workers are operating
in a safe environment for their benefit, their families and their communities. In addition to
celebrating the achievements of the winners, this event will offer a great networking opportunity.

Target Market
This cross-industry event focuses on the construction and energy industries where there is a
higher risk of worker injury.
This includes: Project owners, architecture and drilling firms, general contractors, consulting
engineers (mechanical, structural, and electrical), site recovery companies and any other parties
that make up the top safety cultures nominations.
Primary Audience
Drilling firms are our main target audience for this event. As this group has the networks to
invite their contractors, most of the time and effort will be focused on recruiting this network of
delegates. This group will be reached through magazine ads, email blasts and by building out a
relationship through direct contact via sales representatives and telesales.
Secondary Audience
Construction firms are in charge of building and developing the projects that are nominated. Also
having a close relationship with contractors, engineers and designers, this group will reach out to
their clients and ask them to also take part in this event.

Tertiary Audience
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All other parties involved in planning and implementation of new buildings and/or drilling
projects will be invited to both nominate and take part in the luncheon. This group will include
suppliers to the construction and energy industry, niche engineering consulting firms and other
companies that help in the process of constructing a new project.

Priorities by Geography
1. Calgary
Being hosted in Calgary, our marketing focus will be on inviting delegates from this region as
they are most likely to attend. With many large scale companies having multiple offices across
the province, representatives from this region will make up the large part of our audience for this
2. Edmonton
Oil and gas operations frequently take place in Edmonton, while Calgary houses many of the
head offices of the energy industry. For that reason, Edmonton workers experience immediate
benefits from a safe workplace and are witnesses of their employers performance. Nominated
organizations and some of it staff make up the rest of our secondary audience.
3. Alberta
This function invites projects from across Alberta to participate; delegates from across the
province will be invited.

Marketing Goals and Objectives

The marketing goals for the Top Safety Cultures awards will be to ensure delegates find value in
this event and will nominate their projects and attend next year. Furthermore, the Top Safety
Cultures luncheon will aim to position itself as the innovative and engaging event in the
construction and energy industry.
Brand Recognition
In its first celebratory year, this event strives to differentiate itself from similar events in the
province that encourage safer workplaces but do not offer recognition to those companies who
succeed and go above and beyond. The Top Safety Cultures awards strive to resonate with
organizations to create brand name recognition for the event next year.

High Attendance number

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We strive to reach our registration target for this event of 250 delegates (with the 80 percent of
this number being paying delegates) and create expectation for next years event.
Diversity in Delegation
Our goal is to have diversity of attendees in many different fields of our two target industries, to
improve the quality of the events networking aspect.


To receive sponsorship offers from two companies three months before the event.
To reach the target registration number of 250 attendees two weeks before the event takes

Marketing Strategy
To achieve these marketing objectives, Top Safety will pursue a variety of marketing mediums,
including magazine advertising, mail-outs and direct, targeted phone calls and emails to
nominees of the top safety cultures.
1) Start marketing activities earlier.
2) Create a consistent event image and brand through all platforms.
3) Drive attendance through targeted and relationship driven registration.
4) Cross-promotion of the luncheon at other events.
5) Promotion through social media platforms (LinkedIn and Twitter) and through the JWN
and Top Safety Cultures website.
6) Direct mail and telesales campaigns.

Marketing Activities
Mail out
A mail out save-the-date postcard to targeted companies will be developed to be sent in late
August. Target recipients will be: 2013 project affiliates, 2013 major project affiliates that we
identify should be nominating and website sign-ups.
Online Presence
The Top Safety Cultures awards website is updated with information on how to apply,
nominate and purchase tickets to the luncheon.

JWNs online event listings will be updated with current Top Safety Cultures information.

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Consistent use and update of social media platforms will ensure we keep the conversation
going and encourage word of mouth advertising.

Telesales will be brought into the marketing campaign to focus on encouraging target companies
to submit nominations. Prospective delegates will be contacted based on their response to the
email blasts (opened, clicked) to register to the event.
Event Materials
The signage and on-site materials will include:

All on-site signage

o Sponsor
o Directional
o Welcome
o Podium
o Reserved
Badges and clip-on tags
Electronic signage
Program guide
o Agenda
o Hosts
o Presentation
o Awards
o Judges overview
o Finalists

Complimentary magazine with a complimentary subscription form handed out as guests

leave the event
E-Blast Communications E-blast communications will be used to provide new
information and updates to registrants and potential registrants. We will use a schedule for
communications and a guideline for when and what will be announced (tentative dates included
1) Email 1 Save the Date & Call for Nominations (April 7th)
2) Email 2 Survey submission deadline in one week (July 7th)
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3) Email 4 One Week to Early Bird Deadline (August 9th)

4) Email 5 Early Bird Deadline Today (August 16th)

Include a personalized target email to current nominees

5) Email 6 Poster Snapshot (July 14th)

6) Email 7 Order you detailed report (August 1st)
6) Email 7 Reminder: 1 Week to Go (September 9th)
7) Email 8 Last Chance to Register/Sold Out! (September 12th)
8) Email 9 Final Details to Registered Attendees (September 14th)
9) Email 10 Post Conference Survey and Thank you from sponsors (September 16th afternoon)

Network Partnerships
With a relationship driven marketing plan in place, identifying key industry players to partner
with will be a main area of attention. These partnership relationships will allow access to group
membership listings, online event postings and dedicated emails which highlight the value of
attending the Top Safety Cultures awards luncheon.
Requesting assistance in promotions including event calendar listings,
newsletter articles, and any other marketing vehicles available from:
Alberta Construction Association
Edmonton Construction Association
Calgary Construction Association
Canadian Heavy Oil Association
Leverage our event sponsors to send event information to their networks (newsletters, emails)
and engage them in our online communications (LinkedIn and Twitter).
Press Release
Top Safety Cultures is a novel and innovative event. To increase its reach, we could pitch news
stories about the event, the finalists etc., to highlight the features of the luncheon and provide a
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strong incentive for people in these industries to be part of it. Consider teaming with a media
partner such as the Journal or Herald for wide coverage and additionally, ads. In addition, JWN
publications like the Alberta Construction Magazine, Oilweek and the Oil and Gas Inquirer will
feature ads of the event.
Social Media
JWN_Events twitter feed will be used to promote the luncheon and call for nominations. It will
periodically give updates as the event gets closer and during the event to ensure delegates are
fully engaged. Pre-event tweets should direct followers to the registration page and provide
updates on the keynote and project nominations. It is important that these tweets are formed to
give users just enough information to drive them to the website to find out more.

Post Event
The post event activities will include onsite and online questionnaires presented to delegates,
speakers and sponsors to measure the success of the event and highlight the opportunities to
improve the next years awards. The survey will embody overall satisfaction, expectations,
likelihood to attend/sponsor/speak at another event, topics the audience would like to explore and
delegate profile information. We will also have an internal lessons learned evaluation to hear
about the teams perceived success of the event.
The website will be updated with information on the award recipients.

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