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1. The force between two electrons separated by adistncer vais as oF i iy 2, Two charges ae placed ata certain distance apart. A. brass sheet is placed between them. ‘The force between theen will (i) cone of be sbove 2. Which ofthe following appliance wil be bodied onde ecronutio? ncandecent amp (election (iv) electric motor Te ative pois of oo (iii) 8854 x 102 ‘Hone of the above 5. Therclasvepermitivy of mater s 10. Bice oer a= (aes = co Rt acrsnas oe ad ae ee eee placed at a given i) 10 and 20. (0 increases it remains the sme {Gnome ofthe above 9. Twocharges replaced at distance span. I aglass slab is placed between them, the force between the charges will bezsmo (i increase (i) remain the sare 10; Thee aetwo charges of + 1 Cand + 5p. ‘The tio ofthe forces acting on them wll TILA soap bubble is givens negative charge. Is radius eo i a ccna ie ec Sours OR LK (iif) 1: ate tee ect (iy) rays jectric ines of force enter or leave a charged jangle we [Ci of 90°) (G) depending upon surface conditions 15. The relation between absolute peritiviy of vacuum (cq). absolute permeability of vacuum (jig) and velocity of light () in O tee 2 Wi) egee i) edg=e 16. As one penetrates @ uniformly charged sphere, the electric eld strength i ee 17. Ifthe relative permitivity ofthe medium in- ‘reas the electric intensity ata point due [cy deceases |i) ineeases (Ge) none ofthe above 16. Electric lines of force about a negative point ‘charge are (i circular, anticlockwise wy 19, A hollow sphere of charge does not produce Seance 0 ori (2 beyond 2m (o) beyond 10m 20, Two charged spheres of radi 10cm and 15 ‘em are connecied by athin wie. No cureat will ow if they have (Othe same charge (Gi) the same energy the same field on their surface ya vector quantly i) dimensionless (i) nothing can be said 22. A charge Q, exerts some force on a second ‘hargs Q,-A third charge Q, is brought near. “The free of ©, exerted on (9 decrees > (i) rain aang) ‘Gi) nereases 0, sof ie same sign as Q, and decreases if Qs of opposite sign 24 The potential ata point de toa chargeis9V. Tf the distance is increased three times, the Wed ea un hollow metal sphere of radius S cm is charged such that the potential on its surface is 10 V. The potential at the centre of the (i) OV ii) same as st point S cm away from the surface (iv) same as at point 35 em away from the surface 25, Ifa unit charge is taken from one point an- ‘other over an equipotential surface, the (0, work is done on the charge i) works dne bythe charge is constant ‘onthe surface of cane Geameerced orators 271. The force between two charges separated by distance din air is 1ON. When the charges Li) 2) i) Ki) UGG) i) Dw) we), 3H) are placed same distance apart in a medium of dictectrie constant, the Force between them is 2N. What is the value of «,? 05 (i 20 (iv) none of above @ small spheres, each carrying a charge 0, placed metres apart repe eachother with aferce F. Ifone ofthe spheres is taken around the other one in circular path of rai: r, the work done will be @i) Fx2er i (i) Fax 29, The elecitic potential across part AB of acir- cuits 2V; point A being at higher potential ra charge 2 C moves from A to B, then en- Gin 30. Out of the materials given below, which has the highest diclectrie strength? (di) mica fay ole paper (iv) ar ‘31. Two equal and similar charges are placed a finite distance apart. 4 third equal and dis- Simin charge is laced mid-wny betwenn i) oscillating ‘32 The positive terminal of a 12 V battery is earthed, The negative terminal willbe at ential (i) +12 i) — 12 (@) #24 3¥A Ung particle carrying « charge of 0.3 C is ‘accelerated through a potential difference of 1000 V. The kinetic energy acquired by the one @ 9005 iy 1005, ‘34. Two charges + 3 4C and - 12 wC are sepa- rated by a distance of 04 m. Where should a third charge of + 3 UC be placed form +3 so tha it experiences zero force? 02m os (i) 01m 60 ww wo (9) 16 (a) Ri) Bi) HO MO LD

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