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French I Syllabus A.


August 3, 2015 Volume 1

*Modern Languages Grades 9-12: The Grades 9-12 modern languages curriculum provides students with a
four-year continuum of study in a modern language. The content standards for this curriculum are organized
within the five goal areas of language education- Communication, Cultures, Connections, Comparisons, and
These standards enable Level I students to
Content: Level I
use the target language in basic oral and
modern languages
written form and
content standards
to acquire a basic
provide students
understanding of
the opportunity to
target cultures.
begin the study of
Level II students
another language
are able to
while introducing
interpret spoken
them to the study
and written
of other cultures. Basic pronunciation, vocabulary,
language on new
grammar, and culture are included in the course.
and familiar topics and to identify practices
Acquisition of level one knowledge and skills help
within the cultures where the target language
students to understand their own language and
is spoken. Although the completion of
culture, develop insights into cultures other than
Levels I and II fulfills the foreign language
their own, and participate more fully in the global
community.*As included in the Alabama Course of
requirement for the Alabama High School
Study: Languages Other Than English, 2006
Diploma with Advanced Academic

Endorsement, students also have the option

of continuing their language study with
levels III or IV or to begin the study of
another language. Minimum proficiency to
be achieved at each level is based on the
ACTFLs (American Council of the Teachers
of Foreign Language) proficiency guidelines
(Please see the related handout.)

Cautionary Statement: While foreign language classes

are fun and interesting, we strongly encourage students to
take the class as an advanced elective. (Foreign language
classes are the stepping stone to an advanced diploma.)
Students are encouraged to have performed well in
English prior to taking a foreign language class.
Remember, practice makes perfect- the class is
fast-paced and will require study time outside of class.
(Please see related study hints on handout.)

Texts and Resource Materials:

Novel- TBA

Canvas Student Portal

Supplies Needed: single subject binder

Various reference
books, etc.)
Guest speakers
CD-ROMs, etc.

4x6, 5x7 index cards

Loose leaf paper
blue/black ink or pencil
French/English dictionary
data storage device (USB flash drive,
cloud storage, etc.)
Self-adhesive notes
Art supplies

World Wide Web

Local exhibits, theater, and conventions

Grades: Reports will be issued to

Strategies Used

each student on August 20th,

September 10th, October 15th, October
29th, November 19th, and January 7th.

Bellringers, Games, Communication

activities, Listening Activities,
Projects, Partner

for class participation

Tests are announced in
advance and study guides with
practice activities will be made
available on the class websites

Type to enter text

work, Individualized instruction,

Portfolio, Total Physical Response
Internet Lab- once a week for 30
minutes each session to blog/ work on
class website activities
Variety of cooperative learning

Parents are encouraged to come into

the HGHS Registrars office to enroll
in the InformationNow Home program
which will allow online access to view
student records such as grades and
10 point scale 100-90 A 89-80 B etc.

Internet Acceptable Usage

Agreements and Social Networking
Agreements must be signed by parents/
guardians in order to participate.
Students who are not able to
participate will be given alternative
assignments. Due to our lack of paper/
copy funds this school year, many of
the handouts previously provided in
hard copy will only be made available
online. Internet access will be very

Daily Work

40% of overall grade

class work,
Internet lab
Quizzes & Test 60% of overall grade
Quizzes- Primarily over vocabulary (F)
and required reading, pop quizzes
Tests- Includes grammar/
culture tests, projects, papers,
presentations, speaking skills,
creative writing work,
Portfolios, and Fiche counts

Comprehensive Final Exam* 20 % of

overall course grade
*Required for all students- no
exemptions allowed

Make-Up Work
Madison County policy states that
students will have two weeks from
the day they return to class to complete
missed tests. Make-up tests will be
given on an
assigned day each week before or after
school. You must sign up in advance to
take a
make-up test. In order to make up
homework, tests, quizzes or daily
assignments, you must have an
EXCUSED absence. An 8X is
considered unexcused and therefore
any student with an 8X will not be
allowed to make up work.

Class Guidelines and Procedures Solberg

Class Rules:
1. Bring all needed material to class.
2. Be in your seat and ready to work when the bell rings.
3. Speak at appropriate times, using appropriate voice and language.
4. Exhibit respect for all people and their property.
5. Dispose of all gum, food, and drink items before entering the classroom.
6. Neck muscles must support the head at all times.
Students are expected to follow the rules set in the Student's Code of Conduct.
Please note that the use of any portable electronic devices (cell phones, MP3 players, cameras, etc.) is intended
for academic purposes and misuse will result in confiscation of the device.
Academic Honesty: Students are expected to adhere to the highest standards of academic honesty as outlined in the
Student Handbook. Any information that is copied from another source (including the internet) must be noted as such
in student materials. Page number or Internet reference must appear in the text. Full bibliographic references must
appear in the reference section of the paper/assignment. Sources must be in quotes and include author/s, year of
publication or other reference notes as required by the (MLA style manual). Other forms of academic dishonesty
include, but are not limited to, using online translation services to create work, buying papers, copying paragraphs/
pages of text/whole papers off the Internet, copying another students answers, homework, etc. Academic dishonesty
will result in the grade of a zero on the assignment and further action may include notification of parents and/or
General Classroom Procedures:
1. Turn in all work to the front class boxes. Homework is due when the tardy bell rings.
2. Three hall passes are given per each nine-week quarter. Additional hall passes may be given for

emergencies in exchange for a Thank You service.

One homework pass can be redeemed per each nine week quarter by writing the name of the assignment
and date with your name and turning it in on the assign due date.
Assigned seats should be adhered to unless given permission to move.
After tests students will be asked to participate in sustained silent reading until the time at which the
teacher begins the next activity. Please bring leisure reading materials on test days.
All students must take the midterm and final exams per the policy of MCBOE.
Participation: Students will be given Fiches or tokens when they exhibit positive class participation.
Fiches are to be kept in the envelopes provided to the students. When students disrupt class or otherwise
exhibit negative participation (such as excessive off-subject talking, sleeping in class, etc.) negative
participation will be noted on the Payez-moi (pay me) sheet and deducted from the overall total of
Fiches at the time of the count. Fiches will be counted and turned in every three weeks. The number of
fiches per student will be noted, a class average taken, and then the average will determine the grade to
be assigned for participation. The teacher is not responsible for lost Fiches and/ or envelopes and advises
students to be aware that responsibility is a part of this grade.

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