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Everett Alvarez High School

1900 Independence Blvd, Salinas, CA 93906

Phone: (831)-796-7800

English 3-4 Course Syllabus

Course Title:

Grade Level:


English 3-4

10th Grade

Mr. Garrison
Course Description:
This course emphasizes the integration of reading, writing, speaking, and listening to develop proper
English usage, critical thinking, and personal growth.


Other Sources:

McDougal Littells Literature

McDougal Littells InterActive Reader & Writer

Various Non-Fiction: TBD

On Grades and Grading:

Success in our class can be achieved through dedication and hard work. I am here to teach and
support you, but ultimately YOU are accountable for your academic standing. You and your
parents can monitor your grades and missing assignments via the class website at The class website also has many other tools and resources.
Scoring Rubric
89%-100% = A
79%-88.9% = B
69%-78.9% = C
59%-68.9% = D
< 59%

Notice: Failure to earn a passing grade will result in a

citizenship mark of unsatisfactory due to poor work
ethic. Receiving a U, be it from bad behavior, 5+ tardies,
or a poor grade, can result in a students exclusion from
clubs, sports teams, field trips, dances, and other school

Grade Weight
NOTICE: This is an English class; writing essays is required and they are 35% of a students
grade. The highest grade a student can get
without essays is a 65% D. Tests and quizzes
Participation and Citizenship (5%)
also account for a large percentage of the grade
and need to be made up during designated lunch
Classwork (20%)
make-up sessions.

Homework (10%)

Tests and Quizzes (30%)

Essays (35%)

Late Work: Homework is due near the beginning of class unless otherwise specified. It will be checked
or collected by your teachers. Anything received after homework has been collected will be considered
late. Late work will be accepted at the teachers discretion and will incur a reduction in score.
Certain assignments, such as essays, will have concrete turn-in dates for late papers.


Everett Alvarez High School

1900 Independence Blvd, Salinas, CA 93906
Phone: (831)-796-7800

1. Do your best (focus on being a good student)

2. Be prepared (on-time with necessary supplies on-hand)
3. Respect your classmates, your teacher, your classroom, your school, and yourself!
(Respectful language and behavior, diligence, etc.)
These points will be discussed in further detail in class and are subject to be amended. All rules and
policies outlined in the Everett Alvarez High School Student Handbook are also in effect. Personal
electronics and food/drinks other than water must be put away out of sight and not
used/consumed. Failure to comply can result in the item(s) being confiscated. Food/drinks can
be claimed at the end of the class block, personal electronics are available to be reclaimed at the
end of the school day, pending teacher availability.

Severity of noncompliance with school rules or a history of noncompliance may start at a higher level, but
1. 1st offense: warning
2. 2nd offense: call home and detention
3. 3rd offense: referral

As this class will invariably involve a lot of writing and handouts, the following will be
necessary by the beginning of the second week of school:

At least one #2 pencil (standard or mechanical) with eraser

At least one pen (blue or black ink)
One 1.5 three-ring binder
Eight three-ring, binder dividers with customizable tabs. They do not need to have pockets. The
tabs should be labeled in the following order:
o Word of the Day (or any abbreviation that fits, such as WotD)
o Says/Means/Matters (or any abbreviation that fits, such as Says/M/M)
o Academic Vocabulary (or any abbreviation that fits, such as A. Vocab or Academic V.)
o Classwork
o Homework
o Essays
o Tests/Quizzes
o Notes/Paper
Three-ring, loose-leaf binder paper (or a three-ring notebook with perforated edges. No confetti
My experience has been that students who maintain their binders to standard have/develop
the organizational skills needed to receive a C (or often much better) in my class.
Unpreparedness will be treated as noncompliance.

Both student and parent/guardian have read this syllabus and acknowledge its contents:

Student Name (printed): ______________________ Student Signature: ___________________

Parent/Guardian Name (printed): ____________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature: _________________________________________

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