2015 March LBJ

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Success Through Diversity

LBSA March 2015 Edition


Latino Business Journal

In This Issue

Ve n t u r e t o Ne w H o r i z o n s w i t h L B S A

2.) Alumni Spotlight

3.) Member Spotlight
4.) Ideal Study Locations
5.) Meet the LBJ Staff
6-7.) Meet the Committees
8-9) The Highlight Reel: Spring 2015
10.) Get Ready for Spring Break
11.) Spring 2015 Board
12.) Spring 2015 Sponsors

Our vision is to be recognized as the premier diverse

business organization at UC Berkeley that successfully
transitions its members into corporate America and the
Walter A. Haas School of Business

Even if youre not the type of person to take a leap of fate

to undergo new experiences, LBSA provides you with that
extra push to broaden your horizons. Believe me, I know.
Earlier this month, I went on a hike with my fellow
members despite not being a hiking enthusiast. The
experience, however, was better than I anticipated it to be.
I enjoyed bonding with my peers on a more personal level,
while enjoying the scenic route. When we reached our
destination, I was captivated by the beautiful view of the
Bay Area. The journey made me realize that I should be
more open to new experiences, and it reminded me that
LBSA is more than just a business organization. Its family.
-Nathan Black, IT Operator

Success Through Diversity

LBSA March 2015 Edition

Alumni Spotlight: Rafael Hur tado

The long nights studying, writing complicated essays, and barely having a decent nights sleep are
nothing but a mere remnant of the past for Rafael Hurtado. It is 2015, and 20 years have passed since
Hurtado first walked through Sather Gate to begin his first year at Cal.
Hurtado attended Cal from 1994-1998, and during his time
as undergraduate, became involved with Hermanos Unidos,
RAZA Caucus, and the Undergraduate Minority Business
Association--an early version of LBSA. As Hurtados time
at Cal unfolded, he chose to pursue a career in business.
Although Hurtado was not accepted to the Haas School of
Business, he did not let this hurdle deter him from attaining a
career in business. Instead, he took an alternate route by
majoring in economics and minoring in business
Today, Hurtado works for KPMG s IT Risk Advisory
department. His specific line of work consists of governance,
risk, and controls in technology for Oracle and GRC
Technology. One can find Hurtado at work installing Oracle
software, which helps companies Internal Audit and Risk teams validate access and ensures their
systems are processing correctly. Hurtado finds satisfaction working in audit by working with various
clients to help them understand their process and system. By doing so, he helps them comprehend
how they can better improve their process.
Although Hurtado finds satisfaction in being able to travel to major cities, such as Los Angeles, Miami
and Seattle, he admits that he misses the opportunity to see his college friends on a more frequent
basis, much like he would as an undergraduate student. However, he finds satisfaction today
connecting with students, who aim to pursue careers in business.
In an attempt to help guide todays undergraduate students, Hurtado advises students to volunteer
and learn new skills throughout their developing careers. Hurtado attributes his current position in
advisory thanks to a pivotal moment in his life where he was willing to volunteer to adopt a significant
user role in computer systems, which led him to a new world in accounting and technology.

Hurtado is willing to share a lot more wisdom and knowledge with students. Therefore, dont
be afraid to contact him. Hurtado is a huge San Francisco Giants fan, which means this a great
conversation starter.
-Manny Flores, LBJ Editor, Media Studies and Sociology Major

Success Through Diversity

LBSA March 2015 Edition

M e m b e r S p o t l i g h t : A d r i a n Tov a l i n
Adrian Tovalin is a senior transfer student, who
studies at the Haas School of Business. Tovalin first
got a taste of the business world when his father
opened his own Mexican restaurant. Tovalin would
frequently help out around the restaurant. The
experience led Tovalin to pursue a career
in business, and throughout the years, his interest
shifted to consulting.
Upon transferring to Cal, Tovalin became the
business director for food magazine Spoon
University. The experience with publication led
Tovalin to create a tech startup called Mounza.
Tovalin currently has a full-time job offer with
Accenture CMT (Communications Media and
Technology) for him to accept once he graduates.
Prior to this accomplishment, Tovalin had an
internship with KPMG.
During his time in LBSA, Tovalin has been active in the Marketing Committee, where he later
became Co-Chair of Marketing. In addition, Tovalin joined the Internal Affairs Committee.
Before his time in LBSA, Tovalin did not consider himself as a professional person. Nowadays,
one would not be able to envision him as not being professional and well mannered. LBSA has
greatly helped him improve his professionalism and dedication to his work and goals.
Tovalin has some helpful tips to share to his fellow Golden Bears:
1. Dont overdo it! Try to join just one or two organizations and get involved with them through
joining board positions.
2. Make a solid base of friends. Surviving in Cal without friends to ask for help is hard. Tovalin
definitely got a lot of help from friends he made in LBSA, whether it was in academics or other
sorts of advice.
3. Be yourself! Dont force yourself to be someone you are not during interviews or among
professionals. Try to be energetic and show yourself.
-Waki Gojo, Social Media Chair, Intended Business Administration

Success Through Diversity

LBSA March 2015 Edition

Ideal Study Locations

Once midterm season begins, it never seems to end. Sure, you get a couple of breaks in between, but once youre finished taking
a midterm exam, an essay is due that same week. The following week, you have another exam to take and an essay to turn in once again.
At this point, the school work seems endless.

If you can manage to work on your assignments in bed, thats great. If youre like me, youll probably fall asleep halfway reading
through those assigned pages of boring or endless texts.

Libraries are a great place to study at, but sometimes the atmosphere can seem too quiet and tense. The SLC is also a wonderful
place to study at and work on assignments, especially now that its open 24 hours a day Monday through Friday and Sunday at noon until
Saturday at 5 a.m.

If none of those options are appealing, going off campus might be the better alternative. Off-campus places are not as strict as
libraries, but youll still manage to get some work done. Most importantly, theres a good probability that youre allowed to eat at
off-campus places! Without further ado, here are 5 affordable cafes close to campus that have the LBJ staff s seal of approval:
1) Cafe Milano. 2522 Bancroft Way
Hours: Monday-Friday, 7:00 a.m. - Midnight Saturday, and Sunday 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.
Cafe Milano accepts debit cards and provides free Wi-Fi. If youre looking for a quick caffeine fix or bite to eat, this is the cafe for you. It
is also the closest cafe to campus that provides various cheap and delicious options.
2) Cafe Strada, 2300 College Ave.
Hours: Monday-Sunday 6:00 a.m. - 11:00 p.m.
Cafe Strada accepts debit cards, and provides free Wi-Fi. This is the closest cafe, apart from
FIFO, to the Haas School of Business, and it is conveniently located in front 51B bus stop.
Its a great cafe to help satisfy your caffeine craving before you head to class.
3) Cafe Blue Door, 2244 Bancroft Way
Hours: Monday-Thursday,
7:30 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Friday 7:30 a.m.
- 9:00 p.m., and Saturday-Sunday 9:00
a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Cafe Blue Door accepts debit card
and provides free Wi-Fi. The cafe is
conveniently located close to the Tang
Center and RSF. If you ever need to eat
right after an intense workout, Cafe Blue Door is the place for you.
4) Sacks Coffee House, 2701 College Ave.
Hours: Monday-Friday 7:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m., and Saturday-Sunday 8:00 a.m. - 9:00
Sacks Coffee accepts cards and provides free Wi-Fi. The cafe is great for all of those living down College Ave. and Clark Kerr. Sacks Coffee House offers great food and coffee at a decent price!
5) Philz Coffee, 1600 Shattuck Ave.
Hours: Monday-Thursday and Sunday 6:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.,
and Friday-Saturday 6:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Philz Coffee accepts debit cards and provides free Wi-Fi. This for everyone living
in North side, and those living in South Side, if youre willing to go on a journey.
The cafe does not charge for milk substitutions (ie. Almond milk, soy milk), so
have it your way. If you have a sweet tooth, your coffee can be
sweetened to your hearts content.
-Yadira Arroyo, Spotlight Project Manager, Undeclared

Success Through Diversity

LBSA March 2015 Edition


Manny Flores, 3rd year,
Media Studies and Sociology
Position: LBJ Editor
I joined LBSA to
network and
socialize more with my
fellow Latinos. Another
incentive that motivated
me join was the
opportunity to get in
touch with the business
world and improve as a
professional. I have a
journalism background
and really wanted to
work on the LBJ to
contribute as much as I can. I believe that being part of the
Historian Committee will help me pursue my goalsas a new
age journalist who really wants to cover news and soccer.
Yadira Arroyo,
2rd year,
Spotlight Chair
I joined LBSA
because it
makes me
feel at home
and gives me
a sense of
belonging. Ive
gotten so much
help from other
members and
have had a great time with many of them! I love it when
members speak Spanish during our events, and I love working with other Latinos to achieve our goals.

Phikhanh Nguyen, 1st year,

Intended Business Administration & Minor in Chicano Studies
Position : Scrapbook Chair
One of my greatest passions is to
be creative and expressive in art
projects, so I thought it would be
the perfect opportunity to join
the Historian Committee! I am
more than excited to design the
scrapbook for this semester. I
also love reaching out to our
fellow members to see what they
thought of each event. I find it
extremely important to archive
great moments for both the LBJ
and scrapbook so that future
LBSA generations can see how much we have
succeeded. I am proud to work on the LBJ newsletter.

Waki Gojo, 1st year,

Intended Business
Position: Social Media
I joined The History
Committee because I
wanted to gain
experience writing and
editing articles, as well as
taking photos. I am easily
able to strike a
conversation with others
and learn about their
experiences in LBSA. I
joined LBSA because I
wanted to find a club that could assist me in pursuing my desire to be accepted into the Haas School of
Business and help me learn about what I really want to
do in business.
Rosaura Serrato,
2nd year, Business Administration
Position: Historian
Currently, I am part of the LBSA board as Historian. I love
my position because I have the opportunity to capture LBSAs
success and accomplishments. The most rewarding aspect of
my position is that I work with each of my committee members
and see them develop their professional and technical skills. I
am so blessed to be a part of LBSA because it develops me as a
professional to one day joint corporate America. It also helps
me thrive as a student. Most importantly, I have met some of my
closest friends thanks to LBSA.

Success Through Diversity

LBSA March 2015 Edition

Meet the Spring 2015 Committees

External Affairs Committee: The External Affairs Committee serves as the main point of
contact for the LBSA corporate sponsors, while ensuring that all commitments made to
sponsors are fulfilled. It is responsible for organizing and supervising the implementation
of LBSAs Networking Mixer. The committee works on the Sponsor Guide, which
promotes all of our sponsors opportunities.
Internal Affairs Committee: The Internal Affairs Committee is
tasked with building and maintaining the relationship
between LBSA, the RAZA community, and Haas community.
Committee members have the opportunity to choose one of
the following responsibilities: Attending RAZA Caucus
meetings, organizing collaborations with RAZA, creating
UGBA weekly blogs, or organizing collaborations with Haas Sponsored clubs.
Finance Committee: The Alumni Relations Committees main
focus is communicating with alumni and professionals. The
committee is in charge of inviting alumni to events, planning
and coordinating, events such as the Industry
Roundtables. The committees main goal is to break communication barriers and help
create easier access to alumni resources for LBSA members. Every member has a specific
role to fulfill throughout the semester but the focus remains in operating as a team.
Committee of Professional Development: The Committee of Professional Development
has the opportunity to help in all aspects of planning
the coming finance panel. This includes contacting
potential sponsors and alumni, and properly
planning event logistics. Committee members conduct
research through Callisto and other means in the field of their choice for positions,
opportunities and relevant events for the weekly professional digest.
Alumni Relations Committee: The Alumni Relations Committees main focus is
communicating with alumni and professionals. The committee is in charge of
inviting alumni to events, planning and coordinating events such as the Industry
Roundtables. The committees main goal is to break communication barriers and help create easier access to alumni
resources for LBSA members.
Executive Committee: The Executive Committee is in charge of overseeing LBSAs
overall administrative responsibilities, including the membership, mentorship,
and scholarship aspect of LBSA. The committee contributes innovative ideas to
create a strong connection between the mentorship program and its members to
help them prepare for corporate America. The committee works to revamp the
incentive award programs and provide a welcoming environment to fulfill LBSAs

Success Through Diversity

LBSA March 2015 Edition

Meet the Spring 2015 Committees

Operations Committee: The Operations Committee collaborates with the Senior VP of External Affairs and VP of
Professional Development in coordinating LBSA professional events. In addition, the members of this committee work
closely with the VP of Social Affairs to increase the participation of members in all planned events.
Marketing Committee: The Marketing Committee is responsible for promoting LBSA to a wide audience of students through
tabling, flyer design, chalking, and various forms of social media. The committee strives to be a very inclusive
organization by reaching out to all majors and backgrounds. Committee members are in constant contact with the
Co-Chairs to ensure LBSAs image is in order.
Academic Affairs Committee: The Academic Affairs Committee is responsible for attending to the academic and recruiting
needs of LBSA members. The committee assists with the compilation and distribution of all materials related to academic
planning and courses, such as the common class list. Committee members update the Test Bank regularly.
Social Affairs Committee: The Social Affairs Committee is responsible for strengthening the bond between all LBSA
members through organizing and executing a variety of social events throughout the semester. The two large scale events for
fall semester are the New Member Social and the Semester Party. Committee members contribute and pitch other smaller
scale social events throughout the semester.
Community Affairs Committee: The Committee of National Relations promotes LBSA
at the national level! The committee helps with the ALPFA National
Convention Sponsorship application process by promoting it to fellow LBSA
members and encouraging them to apply for a unique experience. LBSA members in
this committee contribute to the planning and marketing of various events in
collaboration with other LBSA chapters and/or business organizations Committee
members network with various professionals from different backgrounds.
Information Technology Committee:
The Information Technology
Committee helps in the creative process
of putting together videos. Additionally, both aesthetic and organizational
changes to the website are implimented by the committee. The committee
works with the Weebly website platform and GoDaddy domain host to create a
modern and up-to-date website that is becoming of a top tier business
Historian Committee: The Historian Committee focuses on time management,
organization, attention to detail, and aesthetics. The committee works hand in
hand with other committee members, but also has individual responsibilities
when focusing on specific projects, such as the Latino Business Journal, event
photographing, and social platform updating.
-Manny Flores, LBJ Editor, Media Studies and Sociology Major

Success Through Diversity

LBSA March 2015 Edition

T h e H i g h l i g h t Re e l : S p r i n g 2 0 1 5
Confessions of an Intern
Sponsored by Deloitte
I liked that Deloitte was
willingly answering questions about how to write
a resume. They are very
approachable professionals.
Karen Valencia
Art of Speaking
Sponsored by KPMG
The KPMG event on
public speaking was
great, it was such a
relief to hear
professionals can still
get nervous too.
Josh Paset

Fashion Show
Sponsored by EY
EYs professional
attire workshop is
always teachings
me something new.
Karen Valencia

Facebook Tour
Facebook was just
like a college campus.
It was amazing! There
were many innovative
people and the work
environment looked
very artistic. If you
have an idea, there will
be one way or another
to express it, and you
will have a chance to
give it a try. That
seems like pretty
awesome place to
work at!
Waki Gojo

Success Through Diversity

LBSA March 2015 Edition

T h e H i g h l i g h t Re a l : S p r i n g 2 0 1 5
Spring 2015 Familia Night
Here are some pictures
of genuine smiles and
teamwork from
different teams during
our Familia Night.

Ice Skating
Yes, some of
us had minor
falls as we
warmed up
ice skating,
but you have
to admit we are pretty good.
We were even able to take a
selfie on the ice skating ring.
Way to go LBSA!

I thought the
event was above
average. Overall,
I loved seeing the
kids enjoy

Networking Mixer
The networking mixers group
activity was a unique experience
were I had the opportunity to
work alongside a professional, an
experience that is for the most
part unavailable at most
traditional networking events.
Robert Romero
The networking mixer gave me
the opportunity to interact with
professionals such as Claudia
Moreno from Deloitte, while at
the same time exchanging
personal stories about one
Brenda Ramirez

Success Through Diversity

LBSA March 2015 Edition

Get Ready for Spring Break

Give back to the community during spring break through alternative breaks. Traveling to new places and meeting new people are
a few perks of alternative breaks. Let us know how it goes if you
choose to participate!
Relax and enjoy the sun at the beaches of Cancun or at any beach you can
venture to. Get a tan (if you can), sunbathe, take a swim in the cool water, and have fun!
If youre stating in Berkeley,
check out the Macys Flower Show schedule to take place
March 22-28. There will be a beautiful array of flowers
that you can see at Macys in San Francisco, and you
squeeze in some shopping!
Spending time with old friends can be a
wonderful experience. Message a few of them,
and find what theyve been up to. Meet up with
them if you can, make the best of it, and enjoy
your time together.
Remember to engage in all of these activities instead
of being on Netflix all day. Believe it or not, there
is an enjoyable world outside of Netflix. Enjoy your
personal time, but dont forget to cherish the time
you have with friends and family.
Adios amigos! Enjoy your spring break!
-Waki Gojo, Social Media Chair, Intended Business Major

Success Through Diversity

LBSA March 2015 Edition

Spring 2015 LBSA Board

Natalie Nuez

Jasmine Galeana

VP of Alumni Relations

Brenda Rocha

Co-Chair of Marketing

Rosa Kwak

VP of Community Affairs

Jackie Mazon

SVP External Affairs

Cesar Sanchez

VP Professional of Development

Nelly Mateos

Karen Valencia

Duy Nguyen

Roxana Gonzalez

Evangelina Calderon

SVP of Internal Affairs

Executive Administrator

Robert Romero

VP of Finance

Director of Operations

Arismel Tena

Co-Chair of Marketing

VP of Academic Affairs

VP of Social Affairs

Jose Picos

Nathan Black

Rosaura Serrato

Director of National Relations

IT Operator


Success Through Diversity

Taking Care of Business Since 1998

The Latino Business Student Association, LBSA,

was founded in 1998 with the vision to be
recognized as the premier diverse business
organization at UC Berkeley that successfully
transitions its members into corporate America
and the Walter A. Haas School of Business.
Today, LBSA is the largest minority business
organization, with over 180 members, 10
corporate sponsors, over 40 events and an
extensive alumni network. We are sponsored by
several prestigious firms including the Big Four
Accounting Firms, Facebook, Chevron, Kaiser
Permanente, Macys, Wells Fargo, and Morgan
Stanley. LBSA is proud to offer career
opportunities, professional development,
academic resources, community outreach and a
supportive atmosphere for members to
feel welcome and achieve their goals.

LBSA March 2015 Edition

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