Will/Future Continuous Threshold 1 Grammar in Action / Unit 37 /exercises

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Threshold 1 Grammar in Action/Unit 37/Exercises

Exercise 37A - Uses of Will/Future



Complete the sentences with either the Future Simple or Future Continuous
forms of the verbs in parentheses:


9 a.m.12 office

Morning1 p.m. shopping & lunch

121 p.m. lunch

14 p.m. squash

13 p.m. budget review

4 p.m.evening

36 p.m. office

Relax at home!

Its 10 a.m. on Friday. Bill is working in his office.

This time tomorrow he will be shopping.
Its 2 p.m. on Friday. Bill is reviewing the budget.
This time tomorrow he will be playing tennis.
Its 5 p.m. on Friday. Bill is working in his office.
This time tomorrow he will be relaxing at home.

I won't be in the office Monday morning because I

I'm sorry for being late again, Mr. Smothers. I

If you don't eat right, you

will suffer

will be returning
won't let

from the weekend's sales seminar. (return)

it happen again. (let)

from problems with cholesterol and hypertension for the rest of your

life. (suffer)
a piece. (have)

The lemon pie sounds delicious. I think I

The stock market predictions are pessimistic. Economists believe prices

When you get to the airport, look for Freddo. He

will have

will be wearing

will fall

. (fall)

a dark trench coat and


black violin case. (wear/carry)


Yes, my winter vacation's just around the corner. This time next week, I
with a cold margarita in my hand. (sit)

will be sitting

on the beach in Acapulco

Uses of Will / Future Continuous

We use w i l l + verb in these situations.

will win the football match.

Spontaneous decisions and offers.

The weathers so nice. I think Ill go for a walk.
That box looks heavy. Ill help you carry it.
Ill finish the job by three oclock.
Threats and conditionals:
If you dont drive more carefully, youll have an accident.
Ill take the day off if my boss lets me.
We use w i l l (not) + verb + ing to say that an action or process will be in progress at
a particular moment in the future.

2014 by Wall Street Institute KFT, Luxembourg Branch/Gamma Master China Limited

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