Education and Astrology

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Vedic astrology can help us in getting an idea regarding the level of education that can be attained as
per the placement of planets in an individuals horoscope. In addition to this, we can also get an idea
regarding the type of education an individual is likely to pursue and how much success can one attain
in ones chosen field. First of all, we would explore how the matters related to education are interpreted in a horoscope, and how astrology can unfold the secrets regarding this important aspect of our
Educational achievements can be predicted by analysing the 1st , 2nd , 3rd , 4th , 5th and 9th House of
ones Kundli or Horoscope and the Lords of the respective Houses. Usually, the Second House is referred to as the House for education, and studying this House can yield many details regarding ones
education and life revolving around this aspect. However, the Second House alone cannot give a complete picture regarding this area.
In general, the Lord of the first House/Ascendant should be placed in the Kendras (1st ,4th ,7th and
10th Houses), Trikonas (1st ,5th and 9th Houses), second or in the eleventh House. If the Lord of the
first House is posited in the 6th , 8th , 12th House from the Ascendant or the Lord of the first House is
debilitated, the native is said to suffer or struggle a lot. Hence, it is necessary to know the dignity of
the Lord of the first House.
The second House gives information about the possibility of education. The fourth House is the second House for the second house; hence this House should also be analysed. The fourth House should
be sound in order to have good educational prospects. Assuming that many of our readers may already
be aware of the importance of the second and the fourth House in order to predict about ones educational prospects (or would find the deep Astrological principles quite pedagogical and heavy), we have
not mentioned them in detail here.
The fifth House can give information about the possibility of the native getting awarded educational
degrees. The fifth House signifies knowledge, memory, musical sense, concentration, luck etc. The
ninth House, on the other hand, mainly signifies higher education, which may comprise areas like philosophy, science, literature etc. and the higher education degrees such as M.Sc, M.B.B.S, PhD, M.B.A
etc. Hence, it is necessary to consider the 5th and 9th Houses, when analysing the educational capabilities of an individual.
In short, it goes without saying that Astrology can help you a lot when it comes to knowing, assessing
and understanding ones educational prospects. Besides, it can also help you choose the right career
and subjects for yourself or your loved ones. You may also take a decision about going in for higher

The wisdom of Vedic Astrology can illuminate the path for students who are aiming for academic excellence and
educational success. Many parents have us analyze the charts of their children to give them clues for how best to
support the students in their family.
In particular, our astrologers will examine the placement of Mercury and Jupiter as regards their influences on
2nd House: Energies impacting this house are responsible for your intelligence
4th House: Your natural happiness and work efficiency in focusing on goals
9th House: Your ability to sustain planned thinking
In addition, our astrologers can take note of negative planetary influences that can bring obstacles to academic performance such as:
Distraction or Loss of Focus Through Friends
Social Addictions
Dietary Problems

Education in Vedic Astrology

Education of a person is seen from the 2nd, 4th, 5th and 9th house. Why such houses? well, 2nd house shows
early childhood studies and development stages, 4th house shows your emotional sensitivity towards learning and
grasping the content. 5th house is the main house of education that show if you'll at least pass high school education and go on the get a Bachelor degree. 9th house in a horoscope shows the higher education the post grade or
grad degree like Masters and PhD.
If there are malefic planets present in the 2nd house like Rahu, Saturn or Mars then early childhood education
would have been impossible to achieve if not difficult while it gives a native a harsh tongue and anger problems.
Having planets like Mercury, Venus, Sun and Jupiter or any of these four combination would make a person well
versed in the Vedic or ancient scriptures, especially astrology. Malefic in the 4th house again makes it hard for a
person to comprehend things while studying. Planets like Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu gives very difficult time
during high school. While planets like Sun and Jupiter gives lots of interest in spiritual and philosophical studies. If
Venus and Mercury are placed in the 4th house while Sun and Saturn are placed in the 10th house then it gives
interest in government and politics. Any planet in the 10th house aspects the 4th house, which greatly impacts the
basic education of a person in terms of how easy or difficult it might be.
5th house of a person's horoscope is the most important. Lack of education usually occurs when planets like Sat-

urn and Rahu are either sitting or aspecting the 5th house unless a positive planet like Jupiter, Mercury or Moon is
sitting there. Having Venus in this house is not a good thing because it takes away the interest in education and
gives more rise to having fun or wanting to be in the media industry, but Venus and Mercury togehter in the 5th
house gives person lots of interest in astrology and Vedic scriptures. Any planet in the 11th house also impacts
the 5th house since it directly aspects it, this mean a malefic planets aspecting the 5th house without any benefic
aspect will make a person struggle a lot in education or gives late education.
Now, if you have your basic B.A. and you're trying to go for your masters or PhD, then you must look at the condition of 9th house, and see who's the lord of the 9th house, where is it sitting, who is sitting in the 9th house and
what planet are aspecting the 9th house. If Rahu and Saturn are sitting in the 9th house or aspecting the 9th
house without any benefice aspect on it then it will either block or delay the post grad education until after mid
30's. Ketu is also important, Ketu is a headless planet, which means it doesn't think, and having Ketu in the 5th &
9th house without the help of other planets will make a person have no interest in education but have more interest in research subject without formal schooling. Since 3rd house is directly opposite of the 9th house, any planet
sitting there will also impact the higher education. If Saturn and Rahu are sitting in the 9th house but Jupiter is sitting in the 3rd house, will actually make a person pursue law field which is a post grad education. In a way Jupiter
not only helps in archiving the higher education, but, having other planets there will change the course of study for
the native.
Education however should not be judged unless ones looks at D-24 chart. It is a divisional chart in Vedic Astrology
that deals with education of a person. In D-24 chart, you must study the 5th house condition, and you must study
the lord of the 5th house from birth chart and see where it is place din D-24. But it's a must to have accurate time
of birth to see the D-24 chart as it changes every 5 minutes. In conclusion, when it comes to education, the entire
chart needs to be examined as each planet brings its own color into a person's educational field. The study subject of education is not that easy to determine by just anyone, it requires lots & lots of practice in the filed of Vedic
Astrology to give a final answer. You also have to see if planets that promote education like Jupiter, Mercury and
Sun are weak or strong in a horoscope or if any retrograde planet is sitting in such houses which delays the prosperity of such houses. Not to mention, any of the bad alignments can be beaten and over come by following the
path of God and believing in one supreme power who controls these planets.
In this day & age, anyone and everyone is using computers, no matter where there planet Rahu is placed in since
Rahu represent computers, but to have a career related to strictly making or developing of a computer, Rahu's
placement in 3rd, 5th, 9th and 10th house should be prominent. A software programmer, software engineer, hardware engineer usually have Rahu, Mercury and Mars aspect or conjunction, or Ketu Mercury and Mars.
Rahu = Computers & electronic.
Mercury = Logic & understanding
Mars & Ketu = electronics.
In case of Aerospace computer career or studies related to it- Mars, Mercury and Rahu must be in an air sign and
'Nakshatra' that represents an air sign like Mercury, Venus and Saturn.

Remember, 20-30 years ago there were no computer or computer language and programming as prominent so
Rahu never represented such fields, but now that it does, it actually could be benefic in the 5th or 9th house as
not only its related to computers but in 5th house a person can become a "Video Game" Champion since 5th
house is about fun, and Rahu is electronics, fun & electronics = Video Games. Now, if Mercury and Mars were involved with Rahu in the 5th house then it shows "Video Games programming language skills"; because developing a video games requires creativity and artistic talent which is shown by the 5th house, but in terms of creativity:
Venus and Moon should also be considered.
See, how one profession can be so complicated to detect? but with practice it becomes second nature.

How Planets Affect Education
Knowledge is to know about everything God has created and ignorance is treated as the curse of God. Education
works as a tool to know about God's creation and to achieve best of it.
Education is the base of life. Education helps a person and offers him ample opportunities to confer shape to his
life. Meaning of education is today different from what it was in the past. The main purpose of education was to
make a student perfect in grammar and mannerism as per social requirements. But today it has different look or
we may say people look and think differently when we ask their views on the subject. It has become device for the
livelihood. With the advancement of technology, abundant fields have come up and the students are generally
found confused when asked to select the stream of their choice. In selecting the subject of student's choice Aptitude Test plays an important role but in country like India where opportunities are very limited, is it possible for
every student to provide him the stream of his choice? Practically, we have seen the engineers and technicians
doing clerical jobs and vice versa. Astrologically, it is possible to pronounce the tendencies of a person where he
can achieve perfection. On the other hand, it can also throw light on the area of his livelihood which may not be
the same in which he has attained academic perfection. Astrological guidance helps parents to select the right
subject for their children right from the beginning. Some students are also seen quite confused about selection of
the subject they want to study. They themselves do not know which way to go. Here astrology comes as a helping
hand. Planets in the natal chart of an individual can indicate the type of education and profession that could suit
one the best.
In Vedic Astrology, Jupiter is considered as karaka of education and knowledge. When Jupiter is posited in Trikona or Kendra with the lord of 5th house, it bestows good results in respect of education. Mercury symbolises intelligence. So, along with Jupiter, it should also be well placed in horoscope for educational achievements of an individual.
To determine the field of area of study, we should also consider 2nd house for student's primary education and his

ability of expression. However, main house for education is 5th house. For education involving research 8th house
should be analysed. This house is also important for secret knowledge or magical powers etc.
Known combination in Vedic Astrology like Buddhaditya yoga and Saraswati Yoga involve the combination of Sun,
Mercury, Venus and their good placement in the horoscope. The native will have tendencies to learn about music,
dance, painting, tourism and other artistic work, if his Venus is strong in the natal chart. If Mars is strong, the educational field may be that of engineer, doctor or surgeon etc. Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Moon combinations give engineering or medical education. Electrical field is represented by Venus and Mars. Ketu represents electronic media. Saturn represents earth and therefore area belongs to mines, minerals and petroleum and leather etc.
Planets have their effect on individual's education choices and ability to grip them. When 2nd and 5th houses and
their lord's are badly affected the person has little or no education.
The ninth house, the house of religion and spirituality, is considered to be the home of higher learning. Since Jupiter is the ruler of this house, it covers areas such as the sciences, spirituality, philosophy, religion etc. Those who
are confused about their child's education and believe in the supremacy of astrology should also seek guidance
from an astrologer so that the child can be provided education according to the planets that are well placed in individual's natal chart.

Vedic Astrology and Education by Abha Bansal
"Education yields humility. Humility bestows ability. Ability or skill brings money. Money helps you to do religious
deeds and your religious deeds bring lot of happiness to you."
In a horoscope 4th house is the karaka house of education and 5th is that of intellect. As 2nd house is the house
of speech and goddess Saraswati so this also can be considered as house of education and erudition. For making
achievement in the field of higher education 9th house is important and 10th house is the Karaka house of name
and fame from education. There is very close relationship between education and intellect. Similarly there is close
relationship between 4th and 5th house.
All the planets are associated with different genres of education. For eg. Jupiter is the chief karaka of Vedas, philosophy and astrology. Mercury is significator of mathematics, financial management and medical. Venus is auspicious for music and effective interpretation. Mars gives the ability to rule and to fight against injustice. It is the
chief karaka of art of warfare.
Sun represents administrative education, medical and philosophy. Moon is auspicious for medical, poetry, astronomy, spiritual and astrological education. Saturn and Rahu are chief Karakas of foreign education. 9th house, Jupiter and Moon are the chief karakas of spiritual education.

In a horoscope the grasping power and the ability to acquire education is studied from Mercury whereas Jupiter is
the chief karaka of ones educational upgradation.
Intelligence : If the lord of fifth house Mercury is conjoined with any benefic planet and gets aspect of a benefic
planet. If 5th lord is in conjunction with benefic planets, Mercury is exalted, Mercury placed in fifth house or the
navamsa lord of 5th lord is well aspected by a benefic planet in Kendra. If any of the above be the case, the native
would be intelligent.
When Mercury is in its own house or in a Kendra from the ascendant or remains in a trine the native gets flourished with high education, vehicles and property.
If Jupiter is well aspected by Venus and Mercury in the ninth house the native is complete erudite.
If Mercury, Jupiter and Venus are in the ninth house the native is renowned scholar. The combination of Jupiter,
Mercury and Saturn in the ninth house equips the native with complete erudition and eloquence of speech.
The native is very intelligent if 5th lord is hemmed between benefic planets or if the lord of the sign where 5th lord
is placed gets auspicious aspect from a benefic planet.
The intellect of native is very sharp when 5th house is in between two benefic planets, Jupiter is in 5th and Mercury is unafflicted.
Memory: If the lord of fifth house is in conjunction or aspected by a benefic planet or the fifth house is occupied or
aspected by a benefic planet or if the lord of fifth house from Jupiter is in Kendra or Trikona the native is blessed
with sharp memory.
Grammar: If powerful Jupiter and the lord of second house are aspected by Sun and Venus the native can be an
efficient grammarian.
The conjunction of powerful Jupiter with 2nd lord and Sun also proves beneficial to be good in grammar.
Mathematics: It is important for the Jupiter to be in the centre and Mercury should be the lord of second house or
Venus should be exalted or in its own house. Because of this combination the native has deep interest in mathematics.
If Mars is in the second house with a benefic planet or aspected by Mercury or Mercury is in Kendra the native becomes a mathematician.
If Jupiter is in Kendra or Trikona, Venus is exalted, Mercury and Mars in house of wealth or in any Kendra aspected by Mercury the native becomes a very good mathematician.

If Moon and Mercury are in Kendra or in conjunction with 3rd lord Mercury or Mercury is in 6th from Saturn and
Jupiter in 2nd from Lagna the native is very expert astrologer.
Eloquence of Speech:
If 2nd lord Jupiter occupies 2nd house the native can become a full time public speaker and expresses his opinion
effectively in his lectures provided it is not aspected by any malefic planet.
Unafflicted Jupiter and Mercury in 2nd house can enable the native to become extremely efficient in interpretation.
If Mercury and Jupiter occupy or aspect powerful 3rd house or are in Kendra from it, the native has very sweet
Different Sutras (planetary combinations) have been mentioned in astrological texts like - Sarvaarth Chintamani,
Jatak Parijaat and Jyotish Ratnakar which indicate about the erudition, knowledge, education and intelligence of a
native through his horoscope.

FuturePointIndia - II
Education is a manifestation of divine perfection which is already existing in you.
Ones educational achievements can be predicted by analysing the 1,2,3,4,5 and 9th houses and its lords. Usually
the second house is referred as the house for education, which can give details regarding ones education. The
second house alone cannot totally give a measure for ones education.
In general the lord of the first house/ascendant should be placed in Kendras (1,4,7,10th houses), Trikonas
(1,5,9th houses), second or in the eleventh house. If the lord of the first house if posited in the 6, 8, 12th houses
from the ascendant or the lord of the first house if debilitated the native suffers alot. Hence it is necessary to know
the dignity of the lord of the first house.
The second house tells about the possibility of education, fourth house is the second house for the second house,
hence that house should also be analysed. When we are considering the education the child should be appreciated and cared by the mother for its better education. Because for the child mother is the first school, after the
mother shows the father to the child, the child comes to who is the father.
Then the father takes him to the teacher. So, the fourth house should be sound for anybodys education. Most of
the readers are very well aware of the second and the fourth houses, due to that it is not necessary to mention
much about those two houses. The fifth house can tell about whether the native can get some awards like B.A,
B.Sc, etc. Fifth house is responsible for knowledge, memory, wisdom about music, concentration, luck etc. The

ninth house is about the philosophical education that is mainly the higher education like Philosophy, Science, Literature, imagination, analytical power, and the higher degrees such has M.Sc, M.B.B.S, PhD etc.
In the astrological sense the lords of the 5th and the 9th house are insane even if they are malefic. The meaning
is the lords of fifth and ninth house will not lend any bad effects for the native even if they are malefic in nature. Either the conjunction or the parivarthana (parivarthana refers the lord of the respective house exchange their
houses, e.g., moon in Leo and Sun in Cancer refers parivarthana of Sun and Moon) of the 5th and 9th house
lords is referred as Saarvabouma Yoga, due to this yoga the native will have extremely best education, their
knowledge will be recognised very well and appreciated via medal, honour etc. The placement of benefic planets
at the fifth house is very luckier for the native, that too if the lord of the 9th house if posited in the 5th house the
native will definitely have familiarity, wealth, higher education, writing and articulation capabilities. If the lord of the
fifth house if occupies Kendra position to the moon then the native will be almost live like a king. The conjunction
of the lords of the 5th and 9th houses will give extremely the best education to the native and after the completion
of his education he/she will be familiar, luckier. Hence it is necessary to weigh the 5th and 9th houses also when
analysing ones educative capabilities.
The educational achievements cannot be guaranteed if anybodys horoscope has any of the following patterns.
Debility of 2,4,5th house lords.
Placement of 2, 4, 5th houses in between two malefic planets.
Placement of 2,4,5th house lords in between two malefic planets.
If the second house is placed with malefic planets like the placement of Saturn or Ragu or both together.
If Mercury is placed either in Aries or in Scorpio.
If Mercury is debilitated.
If Mercury is aspected by Mars, i.e., if mercury is placed with the sight of mars.
If Jupiter is debilitated.
If Sun is debilitated.
If the first house/ascendant or Rasi (Moon) is not aspected by any planets.
Let us see the Yogas related to the education. There are many yogas related to ones education but some of the
important yogas are given here .
Brahma Yoga: The extreme education, knowledge, wealth, health, familiarity and popularity are guaranteed if the
anyone is gifted with Brahma yoga. The placement of Jupiter, Venus in the kendras to the ascendant, and to the
lord of either to the 5th or to the 11th house.
Sarawathi Yoga: The placement of Jupiter, Venus, Mercury in kendras or in Trikonas with respect to the ascendant gives the Saraswathi Yoga. By its name itself it is certain that the benefits of the yoga is not necessary to be
explained at all. The native will be very good in writing, speech, knowledgeable, and he/she will be recognized for
his/her education globally.
Kalanithi Yoga: The conjunction of Jupiter and Mercury either in the 2nd house or in the 5th house from the as-

cendant also the Venus should be either in his own house or in the exhalted house is termed as Kalanithi Yoga.
Due to this yoga the native will be highly disciplined, moral based, knowledgeable, very good at writing, in giving a
good speech, research, and he/she will be very good at astrology.
Sanga Yoga: The Sanga Yoga is due to either the conjunction of the lords of the 5th and 6th houses or the placement the house of the 6th lord to the house of the 5th lord and vice versa. Due to this arrangement the native will
certainly get the very high education (like PhD etc). The wealth, familiarity, recognition etc will follow him/her automatically.
Balai Yoga: The conjunction of Jupiter and Venus and their placement to the twelfth position to the Sun, gives rise
to Balai Yoga. People with this yoga are very fluent in many languages, they are usually known for their multilingual properties. They are very good in literature and translation etc.
Buthaathiya Yoga or Nebunathuva Yoga: The conjunction of Sun and Mercury is usually named as Bhuthaathiya
Yoga. This yoga is very much useful for ones education and the native conveniently reaches the highest possible
education. But this yoga gets more strength if the Sun and Mercury together if found in Aries, Leo, Gemini and Virgo. Apart from this their placement if it is found at 1,2,4,5 houses certainly the native gets higher education. If
such a conjunction found at 7th or 10th houses then the native becomes popular through politics.
Pathira Yoga: Pathira Yoga comes under the Pancahmagha purushaa Yogas. Among them Pathira yoga is due to
Mercury. If the Mercury is placed in the Kendras either to the Ascendant or the Moon with exhaltation or in its own
sign the native gets pathira yoga. For such a person the educational achievements are not countable, he/she will
be highly gifted with education. They will get some authoritative positions in their later part of the life. It is noted
that Dr.Radhakrishna had this yoga, he was born in as a Virgo ascendant and in that sign itself Mercury is placed
along with Sun. Hence he was known for his knowledge.
Amavasya yoga: If anybody gets birth on a new moon day, this yoga arises. This is due to the conjunction of Sun
and Moon. This yoga gets more strength if both of them placed in Aries, Taurus, Cancer or Leo and they should
be aspected by Jupiter or Venus like malefic planets. Usually such a person will be very good in literature studies
and their writing skills will be rewarded. They will become familiar even in politics.
Thenu Yoga: If the lord of the second house placed in conjunction with a benefic planet and without having the aspect of any malefic planet or with the aspect of any benefic and without the aspect of any malefic planet, the Thenu Yoga occurs. Such a native will have higher education and the life will be luxurious. This yoga gets more
strength if the lord of the second house is placed in its own or its exhalted sign. Furthermore the native should get
the dasa of the second lord at the right time to succeed well.
Budha Yoga: This yoga is little bit complicated to find out. The Jupiter should be in the Ascendant, the Chandra
should be at Kendra to the Jupiter, and to the Chandra at in the second position Mars, in the third position Saturn
gives Budha Yoga. Such a native will be highly learned person, courageous and he/she is blessed with Raja Yogas.

Guru Chandra Yoga: Guru Chandra Yoga is due to the placement of Guru in the trikonas to the Moon. Guru Chandra makes the native a knowledgeable scholar and the native will be known for his/her educative talents. But they
do the job, which is not related to their education. Usually these people are found in export and import business
and also in politics. They become popular either at Chandra or in Jupiter dasa. While considering ones education
the Jupiter and Mercury alone should not be considered almost every planet is responsible for the education as
given below.
Sun: The sun is refereed as Asthma Karagan, in education administration, medicine, language abilities are his domain. If Sun is posited well in ones horoscope such a person will be usually intelligent. Moon: The Mathurkaraga,
Chandrabhagwan focusses his attention on art, literature, medicine, poetry, imagination etc. Mars: Bhoomikaragan, Mars takes care of architecture, mantras, constructions, chemistry, military equipment reassignments and the
way of utilizing it.
Mercury: Bhuthikaragan, mercury is having more attention while considering ones education. Advocation, writing,
speech, communication, diplomacy all are his department.
Jupiter: Puthirakaragan, If one is blessed with Guru, he remains as a teacher, religious leader and also he is related to research studies.
Venus: Kalathirakaragan, Venus is responsible for the art, cinema, music, dancing, acting etc.
Saturn: Kaviakaragan, this planet is related to the ethics, novels writing etc.
Rahu: Yogakaragan, Rahu is related to mathematics, medicine, business, printing presses, electrical equipments
and modelling etc.
Ketu: Motchakaragan, without his grace it may not be possible to get wisdom.
It is to be noted that the every person to go very high in the education the dasa of the 1,2,4,5 and 9th house lords
should come at the right age. Temporary break in education occurs when the dasa or the transit is bad. Like when
the Saturn comes around 12th, 1st and 2nd house to the moon (Seven and half), when he reaches 8th house to
the moon (astama sani), when he reaches 4th house to the moon (astama sani) etc and during Sani and Ragu dasa in general. But the education gets continued later when the dasa of the 2nd and 4th lord occurs. Usually during
the dasa period of the 5th and 9th house lord the students can get the advantage of even going abroad for studies
with scholarship/ stipend. The lords of the above said house are determining the educational achievements of the
native. If the lords of the first and second house are in parivarthana or placed in conjunction at the first house, it is
termed as Andhiya Vayasu Dhana Yoga, they struggle in the first part of life and then the later part is beneficial to

The education these days is not along the right directions. Human life is dedicated to worldly pleasures. By dedicating one's life to worldly pleasures, man wastes his life. Today, a man who bought a car foolishly considers himself to be the car. A driver is necessary for the car. The car runs because of the driver. But nobody bothers about
the driver. The body is like a chariot and the horse which pulls the chariot is the Self. The chariot has no strength
of its own. Its movements depends on the horses that pull the chariot. Unfortunately modern education lays emphasis on decorating the chariot i.e. the body. To follow the path of truth, one should have Atmic feelings.
The students are the producers. They should produce good products, virtues and involve in action. Students are
those who produce all the things in the world and transport them. But the students should possess spiritual
strength in addition to worldly matters. The worldly matters and spiritual matters are like negative and positive. Only when these two are integrated, the world would move along the right path. Matter is inert and energy is power.
When there is no power, then matter will not have any strength. Therefore the spiritual path is most necessary to
the students. - Sathya Sai Baba, Man Management

You should understand that education is for life, not for earning a living. Therefore, it is meet and fitting that one
discovers what education capacity is possible for themselves, and then pursuse the proper path of education so
that a worthy profession make be taken up. Sathya Sai Baba says, "Make your life worthwhile!"
To this end, the services of astrology may be utilised in order that one discovers innate qualities which may be developed further so that one may be of service to humanity in this lifetime and thus, attain the goal of life.
The fourth house from the ascendant is the house of school and college education. The third house indicates
one's inclination or desire to study any subject and the 9th house is the house of higher, university and foreign education. It is said that the Air signs, Virgo and Scorpio give proper intuition, fertile imagination and prompt action.
The Air Vargas (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) are called mental signs as they are signs giving a strong and powerful mind. Any planet in the 3rd or 9th house has a powerful influence on the mind although they are signs of weakness and debility.
Mercury offers eloquence and fluency in any language. Mercury in Angular hosue i.e., especially in the first, seventh or 10th house gives superb oratorical powers and ability for public speaking. Mercury stands for intelligence
in all shades and degrees of development.
Mars gives quick wit, argumentative and authoritative analysis. He gives us the courage, energy, endurance, push
and go-ahead spirit. Mars in good aspect to Mercury or well-placed in a mental sign confers ready wit, fluent
speech. It will make one a good debator, apt at argument and retort. This is a good location for an efficient lawyer.
The Sun and Mercury combination is called Budhaditya yoga and this yoga is a most valuable yoga for learning.
The Sun and Mercury with Venus in the 2nd or 9th house make one a good poet. This combination is found in Ra-

bindranath Tagore's horoscope.

Jupiter in the laqna makes the mind to study and acquire wisdom. Mercury is the karaka of learning while Jupiter
is the karaka of knowledge. Jupiter gives knowledge in law and medicine. Saturn shows higher intellect, power of
concentration and firmness of mind to study for longer periods.
Maelific Saturn is detrimental to getting proper and higher education and this aspect or position in the 4th or 9th
houses, hampers education and puts obstacles in the path of getting education. Rahu helps in getting higher education. But Mars also puts hindrances, obstacles in the path of getting proper education, especially when he is
posited in the 4th or 9th house. Mars in the 9th house can be deleterious for education.

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