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Trisha Easter Angel Tabia

Grade 8 Archdiocese of Nueva Caceres

Good Day! Today, I will talk about a topic from the book Diary of A Young Girl. Its author is the one and only Anne
Frank. Anne is a thirteen year old girl who had a diary for her birthday. She called her diary Kitty; she says whats on her
mind onto the diary. Anne died along with her mother (Edith Frank) and sister (Margot Frank), the only one survived is his
father, Otto Frank. The diary reveals the true Anne Frank that even his family does not know.
"Anyhow, I've learned one thing now. You only really get to know people when you've had a jolly good row with
them. Then and only then can you judge their true characters! a quote from the book, it explains that you dont have to
judge other people on how they look, you have to know them first. "I only look at her as a mother, and she just doesn't
succeed in being that to me; I have to be my own mother. I've drawn myself apart from them all; I am my own skipper and
later on I shall see where I come to land. All this comes about particularly because I have in my mind's eye an image of
what a perfect mother and wife should be; and in her whom I must call 'Mother' I find no trace of that image." Another quote
from the book, this one said that a mother should act one, that she needs to fulfill her duties as a mother. And also the
lessons from the book that I learned are the nobility in human compassion, and also prejudice.
I will apply the lessons I learned from the book, starting from being not judge other people on how they look. Even
after everything I need to respect my parents and other people who are older than me. And being the person who I really
am and not to be fake. Thank You.

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