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Festivals in France

The French celebrate religious and national festivals throughout

the year. Every year, 11 days are declared holidays (jours fris)
in France. They are:

The first of January - New Year's Day. " le 1er janvier, le jour
de l'an ". The French celebrate New Year's eve with friends
and family just like anywhere in the world.

The Monday that follows Easter. " le lundi de Pques ".

Children receive colourful Easter eggs made of chocolate.

The first of May, May Day. " le 1er mai, jour de la fte du
travail ". The French do not work on this day and people
offer flowers called "muguet " ( lily of the valley) to friends
and colleagues. Labour unions demonstrate in the streets.

The 8th of May, the anniversary of the victory of 1945. " le

8 mai, le jour anniversaire de la victoire de 1945 "

A Thursday in May, the Ascension Day. " le jour de

l'Ascension "

Whitsun Monday. " le lundi de Pentecte ". Devout

Christians attend prayers at the church on this day.

The 14th of July, French national day. " le 14 juillet, jour de

la fte nationale ". Military parades (dfils), fire works
(feux d'artifice) highlight this day. And at night, in every
village and town people dance in the streets till morning
(bals populaires).

The 15th of August, Assumption Day. " le 15 aot, la fte de

l'Assomption ".

The first of November, All Saints day. " le 1er novembre, le

jour de la Toussaint ". The French visit cemeteries and offer
flowers in memory of their beloved ones.

The 11th of November, Anniversary of the Armistice Day of

1918. " le 11 novembre, le jour anniversaire de l'armistice
de 1918 ".

The 25th of December, Christmas. " le 25 dcembre, jour de

Nol ". The French decorate their homes and open their
gifts under the Christmas tree but not before midnight.

Le pre Nol

Le sapin de Nol (Christmas tree)

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