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Leading tnt @ ing relationship with Jesus Christ e e The Connection Bulletin Board-3 New Members. With Sympathy New Arrivals Faith Community Nursing Quilting Ministry The Story myAntiochife Girlfriends -4 Staying Connected Reaching Out Ministry Yes We Can-5 Food Drive Food Delivery Charity Golf Tournament August 1, 2015 THE ST R CE THE BIBL Be sure to pick up your copy of The Story! Missions ~5 IDES. Discipleship -6 Life Groups Children -7 Promotion Weekend Kids Worship Team "AWANA Clubs Students -8 Hooked Launch Kick-Off Elevate Kick-Off Phased Parent Conference teak Knit -9 RL ‘We Praise the Lord Because. ‘Worship Team Opportunities See details on page 3. School of Worship Upcoming Opportunities In-Seitz—10 pe bh tego Grow AEE te 's COME my ntiocbbfet Service Times: Saturday 3 to learn more! pam. 5 & 11:15 a.m. August Calendar cs Ifyou have ‘announcements for the Newsletter, please submit them to Kim Miller at the office (377-3410), or by email at ksmiller September 2015 Newsletter Deadline is August 20 October 2015 Newsletter Deadline is September 21 ‘Aug.2 Sun.) - Small Group Leader Training, 5:00-8:00 pm. inthe chapel Aug.2 (Sun.) - Marion Cares School Supplies Due ‘Aug. 2-6 = Junior 2 Camp at LaMoine Christian Service Camp, Aug.5 (Wed.) - AWANA Volunteer Training, 6:30-8:00 p.m. ‘Aug. 6 (Thurs) - Men’s Bible Study, 6:30-7:30 a.m. at Mr, Beans in Marion = Quilting Ministry, 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Aug. 7 (Fri.) - Men’s Bible Study, 6:30-7:30 a.m. at Coffeesmiths SW (Edgewood Rd.) ‘Aug. 9 (Sun.) - Small Group Leader Training, 5:00-8:00 p.m. in the chapel Aug. 12 (Wed.) - Launch (Middle School) Kick-off, 6:00-8:00 p.m. ‘Aug. 13 (Thurs.)- Men’s Bible Study, 6:30-7:30 a.m, at Mr. Beans in Marion ‘Aug. 14 (Fri) - Men’s Bible Study, 6:30-7:30 am. at Coffeesmiths SW (Edgewood Rd.) ‘Aug. 15 Gat.) - “Yes We Can* Food Drive at area Fareway stores, 10:00 am4:00 pm Aug. 15-16 ~ Bring food donations for “Yes We Can” food drive ~ myAntiochfe registration during regular services in the Fireside Room ~ Children’s Ministry Promotion Sunday Aug. 16 (Sun.) = Elevate (High School) Kick-off, 5:00-7:00 pm. ‘Aug. 19 Wed.) - Launch (Middle School), 6:00-8:00 p.m. Aug. 20 (Thurs,)- Men’s Bible Study, 6:30-7:30 a.m, at Mr, Beans in Marion - AWANA Volunteer Training, 6:30-8:00 p.m. Aug. 21 (Fri.) — - Men’s Bible Study, 6:30-7:30 a.m, at Coffeesmiths SW (Edgewood Rd.) ‘Aug. 22 Gat.) - “Yes We Can” Food delivery at 9:45 a.m. Aug. 22-23 - myAntiochffé registration during regular services in the Fireside Room ‘Aug. 23 Sun.) - “Yes We Can” Charity Golf Tournament, 2:00 pm, at Airport National - AWANA Volunteer Training, 3:00-4:30 p.m. - Elevate (Hligh School), 5:00-7:00 p.m. Aug. 26 (Wed.) - Launch (Middle School), 6:00-8:00 p.m. ‘Aug. 27 (Thurs.)- Men’s Bible Study, 6:30-7:30 a.m, at Mr. Beans in Marion - AWANA Clubs, 6:15-7:45 p.m. ~ Worship Ministry Kickball, 8:00-9:30 p.m, in the gym ‘Aug, 28 (Fri.) — - Men’s Bible Study, 6:30-7:30 am, at Coffeesmiths SW (Edgewood Ra.) ‘Aug, 29 (Thurs.)- School of Worship registration begins in the Fireside Room Aug. 29-30 myAntiochi registration during regular services bs ‘Aug. 30 Sun.) Elevate (High School), 5:00-7:00 pm. ‘Aug. 31 (Mon.) - Kids Worship Team Practice 6:00-7:00 p.m. Please extenda warm Chris Zubak welcome to our Spencer Steepleton newest family Mike Poorman members! Khristian Trask Kaylee Vick Halie Clemann Mary Taylor & Rylee Steffen. Leon Davis Martin Gienapp Jay & Tassiana Smith Dennis & Lu Ann Bower Faith Roudabush Suzanne Cavros Tami Anderson Our deepest sympathy, RSet love and prayers to: Joel Grandon and Family at the loss of Joel’s father, James Grandon on July9.- 4 ¢ New Arrival! 14 Congratulations to: Sa A om Austin and Jessie Rutherford on the birth of their daughter, Riley Kay on July 13 weighing 7 pounds, 7 ounces. Faith Community Nursing The Faith Community Nursing Committee is building a team to promote whole-person health, focusing on wellness of body, mind and intentional care of the pirit, We are currently seeking health care individuals interested using their professional knowledge and spiritual gifts to reach the needs of the congregation at Antioch. The following website provides detailed information on the role a Faith Community Nurse can provide the congregation: ‘ whatisfaithcommunitynursing Please contact Kellie Linden at (319) 930-2211 or for more information or if you are interested. ‘Thursdays, August 6 & 20 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. THE STORY ‘Coming soon! Antioch will begin an exciting journey through the Bible: The Story. We will ‘begin the “Prequel” two-part series on the weekend of August 22" and 23". ‘These two messages will help prepare the Antioch family for the great journey ahead, To make this journey an amazing experience, our entire church family will be going through it together. Everyone, from the oldest to the youngest should have a copy of The Story to follow along. We will have books geared for children and books specifically geared for adults, Be sure to pick up your book beginning August 22 and 23” at one of these four locations: The Information Center The Coffee Shop Lobby Area Student Ministries Area The Port Lobby Area A donation of $10 per book is suggested, but not required at all. We want everyone to have a copy! my mG Connect, Engage, Grow with Antioch’s OTTO C UAT a This secure online tool will give you o1 to group information, serving opportunities, event registration, financial giving, church-wide calendars, a directory of contact information and much more! We truly hope this tool will help you better connect with the community at Antioch Christian Church, We will have a team of people to assist you in connecting to myAntiochffé in between services beginning August 16-30. Look for the myAntiochffe banner in the lobby. 3 Leading woraen ana their families into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. STAYING CONNECTED One day, T was driving around a corner on my way to work, when I saw the prettiest piece of foliage. The leaves were a pale, rosy color and this foliage just popped out among the green trees along this street. Itreally caught my eye. However, as I got closer, I realized that what I was seeing was a group of vines that had grown up around a telephone pole. Apparently, the property owner had cut it away from the ground and its root, and this mass of foliage was slowly dying away at the top of the pole. I was reminded of how Jesus spoke in John 15, and said, “I am the vine you are the branches. If you remain in me and Tin ‘you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” Jesus urged us to stay connected to Him in order to continue growing. Not just growing, but existing! “Apart from me you can do NOTHING! Wow. Nothing! How do you stay connected to Jesus? Worship services on Sunday? A small group? Bible study? Daily quiet time? All of the above!?! The Girlfriends of Antioch offers a way to stay connected with women of the church. Staying connected to other women helps us to see that we are not alone in our struggles. It brings us together with others who are going through, or have been through, similar things in their own lives. And when we talk with one another about these things, we are lifted up and given strength to go on. That strength comes from God, and our Girlfriends are His instruments. Coming up in September, there will be Bible studies starting up throughout Antioch. One of those will be a Women’s Bible Study on Wednesday evening. We will be offering a couple of different studies, with a 4 time for small group discussion. It’s a good way to meet some women of the church, and get connected, both with women and with Jesus! Won't you join us? Watch this newsletter and the Sunday bulletin for more details. Then, come and be a Girlfriends of Antioch! I hope to see you there! In Christ’s Love, Denise Kopp For Your Girlfriends Team Reaching Out Ministry Providing short-term meals for those in need. Matthew 25:37-40 ‘The freezer is full, and we have plenty to share. If you have a need, please give us a call. You can request meals online at the Antioch website, Just click on Connect, then Reaching Out, then request a meal online. It’s that easy! Once you fill out the form, an email is sent directly to Patti Marconi, our Reaching Out Meals Coordinator! Patti will then contact you to set up a time to deliver the meals. It’s that easy. Give it a try! Or, if the phone is your thing, you can always call Patti at (319) 270-2988. A, wae makes the Fite it > nets Yes We Can Food Drives The Yes We Can (YWC) food drive has been going strong since 2011 and the annual charity golf tourna- ment since 2012. If you are not familiar with the YWC food drive, we sei up outside local Fareway grocery stores and ask incoming customers to buy one can of soup, one can of vegetables, and one can of fruit. This makes a balanced ‘meal for one person. At the check-out we ask them to put the cans in a supplied bag and drop it off to us on their way out. All the food collected stays right here in the Cedar Rapids area at local Military Veterans food banks, Mission of Hope and other area food banks. ‘The June 2015 food drive set a record by collecting over 7,000 pounds of food in one day. Since 2011, YWC has collected over $0,000 pounds of food in the twice-yearly, six-hour canned food drives at the now four Cedar Rapids and Marion Fareway stores. All of this does not include the food purchased from the proceeds of the annual “Yes We Can” food drives charity golf tournament. This year all of the tournament, proceeds will go directly to purchasing food for the three US Veterans food banks and Mission of Hope. Thanks to all the volunteers for helping in the past and future for the mission of Yes We Can food drives. Our mission: “We are not here to solve world hunger. We are here to help one family at a time.” Sign up online at www WC. For more information, contact Ricky and Joyce Davis at or (319) 333-9899 or Brian Harrington at (319) 558-7253. Missions International Disaster Emergency ee Service The purpose of IDES is to bring glory to God by bringing help and hope to our hurting world. Among independent Christian Churches and Churches of Christ, the work of IDES is uni Tt is the one source our churches and missionaries consistently turn to for help. 100% of the donations to IDES go to the help of the many services that they provide. IDES provides many services to individuals all around the world. Evangelism IDES channels funds through Christian Churches! Churches of Christ missionaries and congregations to offer help (benevolent assistance) and hope (the saving message of Jesus Christ) to a hurting and lost world. All benevolent aid is given for the purpose to have the opportunity to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Disaster IDES seeks to help victims of man-made or natural disasters by providing for their immediate basic needs and assisting them in rebuilding their lives. Hunger IDES is committed to helping victims of malnutrition caused by man-made or natural disasters. Development Development projects are to empower people to not ‘become dependent on IDES or other organizations to provide for their basic needs. It is a hand up and not just a handout, Medical IDES attempts to help out missionaries or members of their immediate family to receive emergency medical treatment if they lack the financial resources. They also provide medicines, medical equipment or supplies for temporary health clinies sponsored by a missionary or mission organization. “Help as many as we can, in as many ways as we can, in as many places as we can, both physically and spiritually.” Discipleship bie) Mark McCoy By Discipleship Pastor It is a stunning thought that Jesus had a plan when he created me. It is a scary thought that I could choose to reject that plan. And it is a very sobering ‘thought that I can partner with Jesus to have the life he wants me to have. So my purpose is not to fit Jesus into MY life, but to embrace how my life fits within HIS plan! does my life fit into Jesus’ plan? Jesus is ‘working to develop me into the disciple He envisioned when He created me—to accomplish his purposes! What are those purposes? Jesus wants me to LEARN. Continually learning truth sets the foundation for my life. Jesus wants me to LIVE. Only when the Holy Spirit develops the fruits of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control can my LEARNING turn into real LIVING. Jesus wants me to LOVE. Life is to be a shared experience of mutual care and commitment. This is called “church.” Jesus wants me to LEAD. Jesus expects a return on his investment! Learning the Scriptures, living a new life, and loving and being loved by others needs. to result in leading others by walking alongside them as they become the disciples Jesus envisioned when he created them! Consider Paul’s description of the church in Ephesians 4:15-16: ‘we will speak the truth in love, gro. in every way more and more like Christ, who is the head of his body, the chureh. He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.” 1 When you join a Life Group this fall, expect to learn, But get excited—Jesus’ purpose for the information is the transformation of your life! And life is meant dh. to be a shared experience! Life Group Leader Training Jarrett Samuels ‘hilte’s Pastor Can you believe it?! Summer is coming to a close. Back-to-school supplies are on display in every store we enter. School buses will be crowding the roads in just a couple short weeks. And if you're a parent, your days are filling with registrations, teacher meetings, and school shopping. Wasn't it just last week we celebrated the last day of school and had a whole summer break to look forward t0? But life isn’t just changing for the school-aged kid and their parents. Life changes within our Children’s Ministry as well. Antioch like most churches has a promotion weekend: 3-year-olds become 4-year-olds, all the 5” graders become Jr. High, all the 10" graders become 11" graders. The climate of the whole ministry changes with the presence of newcomers and your own small group changes as they enter into a new year of day-to-day schedules. So how can you start this year off on the best foot? We need your help! The first thing you can and should do is introduce yourself to your childs new small group leaders. Just like you would a coach or that new teacher, your child’s small group leader will be speaking truth into their life and heart. You need to know who they are so that you can partner together to make sure your child has the best school year yet. Secondly get involved. The best way to know the spiritual health of your child is to be involved in their life. Instead of dropping them off and heading back for a coffee, consider staying a service to invest in the lives of some children. When you do this you will not only get to know your child and their friends better but you will also get to know some other believers who are in a similar season of life that can be an encouragement to you, If you would like to talk about any of this stuff just send me an email at NTU a Dk on woenen? pl August 15/16" , m Practice: " Worship Monday, August 31 {rom 6:00-7:00 p.m. for all 4” and 5" graders wanting to be apart of the Port worship team for September. ana Waa Register online at There will also be a sign-up table the first three weekends of August First night of Club is August 27 from 6:15-7:45 p.m. You can also sign up to be an AWANA volunteer! Volunteer training will be offered August 5 from 6:30- 8:00 a.m., August 20 from 6:30-8:00 p.m. and August 23, from 3:00-4:30 p.m. STUDENT MINISTRIES When it comes to junk food, nearly everyone hhas a weak spot. Maybe for you, it’s the perfect salty bag of chips. Or maybe it’s beef jerky or those tiny pizza rolls. Maybe you have a sweet tooth and you just can’t pass on or both, Whatever itis, we all have something that taps into our weak spot, our cravings. When it’s around us, we just can’t seem to help ourselves. And it’s more than just junk food, right? That “gotta-have-it-right-now” temptation ¢ pop up in a lot of different areas. Gossip. Movies. Spending money. Sex... Temptation is everywhere, But what are we supposed to do about it? Most of us know that giving in never makes our lives better, so ‘hat is it about the things that tempt us that makes us feel so powerless to say no? Thankfully, Scripture has a lot to say when it comes to temptation. And while there’s no promise that it will ever go away, we can find the courage to resist it, replace it, and avoid getting hooked. 68" Grade Kick-off - August 12 Wednesdays from 6-8 p.m. in the Student Center Meal served at 5:30 p.m. (No Launch August 5) We will be kicking off the new school year with a big party. We will be starting at 5 p.m. this night and going to 8 p.m. From 5-6 p.m. we have all kinds of fun games and inflatables for kids to participate in. Inflatable jousting, obstacle course, Velero wall, giant volleyball, basketball and more. It will be a great opportunity to invite friends for some fun and then experience our program following. Evan Osgood Youth Pastor - Grade Kick-off - August 16 Sundays from 5-7 p.m. in the Student Center Gym open at 4:00 p.m. (No Elevate August 2 & 9) We will be kicking off the new school year with a big party. We will be starting at 4 p.m. this night and going to 8 p.m. From 4-5 p.m. we have all kinds of fun games and inflatables for kids to participate in. Inflatable jousting, obstacle course, Velero wall, giant volleyball, basketball and more. It will be a gteat opportunity to invite friends for some fun and then experience our program following. September 13 from 4:00-7:00 p.m. Every life stage of a kid matters. They are timeframes in a kid's life when you can leverage distinctive opportunities to influence their future. Come learn. about the phase your kid is going through, the significant relationships that influence them, present realities you need to understand, and the distinctive opportunities you need to leverage. For parents of kids K-12 grade. Go to to register for this free event, Bible College Visit - September 24-26 We are planning a visit to Johnson Bible University for juniors or seniors interested in Bible college. They will get a campus tour and a chance to see what the college is all about. Go to www.lifeisfo biblecollege to register by August 30, WE PRAISE THE LORD BECAUSE... We have been rescued (Psalm 13:5) God is good (Psalm 13:6) He is worthy (Psalm 18:3) He is our strength (Psalm 28:7) He is King of all the earth (Psalm 47:7) He bears our burdens (Psalm 68:19) His love and faithfulness are great (Psalm 117:2) We are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14) He reigns forever (Psalm 146:10) He’s powerful and great (Psalm 150:2) WORSHIP TEAM OPPORTUNITIES ‘Once every six weeks, we have one of our six worship teams serve over the course of an entire weekend. We have a mid-week rehearsal on Thursday evening, then ‘meet on Saturday for a run through and then lead the church in worship through song once on Saturday evening and three times on Sunday morning. We are actively looking for the following people who have a gift in worship ministry and a heart to serve: Worship Team #1 Worship Team #4 Electric guitar (rhythm) Stage piano Keys Bass Worship Tea Worship Team #2 Electric guitar (rhythm & lead) Rhythm electric Female vocalist Male vocalist Worship Team #3 Electric guitar (rhythm) Luke McCoy Worship Pastor ISOC WORSHIP We are excited to offer another year of School of Worship and want to invite your middle school and high school students to join us! High school will run one Sunday a month from 3:00-5:00 p.m. and middle school will run on the same day from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Registration will begin on August 29 and run through September 13, Parent's Orientation for School of Worship is will be on Wednesday evening, September 2. Feel free to come see what School of Worship is all about, ask any questions and register your students, We're looking forward to another great year of School of Wors! Upcoming Opportunities Mid-Week Rehearsals Begin Again Thursday, August 27 Worship Ministry Kickball Thursday, August 27 (8:00-9:30 p.m.) Parent’s Orientation & Registration Sunday, September 20 Band & Vocal Auditions Wednesday, September 30 Worship Team Gathering Sunday, October 11 Audio / Drama / Lighting / Orchestra / Production / Projection / Rhythm Section / Visual Arts / Vocal 9 CHRISTIAN CHURCH Komen 7215 Cottage Grove Parkway ‘Mailing Address: P.O. Box 187 ‘Marion, 1A 52302-0187 (Return Service Requested) FAX: (519) 377-0162 Senior Pastor ‘Technical Director John Seitz Fran Guillaume Executive Pastor Eiders: Jeff Blackford Ae Gamers: Discipleship Pastor Joe! Grandon Mark McCoy Marion Payne Worship Pastor Ke" Thompson Luke Mccoy Youth Pastor Evan Osgood Children’s Pastor Jarrett Samuels John Seitz Senior Pastor ‘The Bible is the best-selling book in history, but how ‘many people in Linn County are actually reading it? A Gallup survey reports the average American household has four Bibles. However, research by Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life (2008) found that only 16 percent of Americans read the Bible every day. At Antioch we are hoping to reverse this trend. It begins with you and me making the Word of God a priority in our personal lives and then encouraging others to do so. As we finish up the summer months and move into the fall, we are going to begin a new series called The Story. Information on this all church experience can be found on the cover and inside this issue of The Connection. I believe that our journey together through The Story will increase our Biblical literacy and help us understand 10 Marion, 14, God's story from Genesis to Revelation. More importantly, this journey will help us see how our own. stories intersect with God’s. Consisting of 31 chapters of carefully selected scriptures sequenced in chronological order, The Story presents the word of God in an engaging format, reading like a novel. In unison with our reading, will be preaching on that section of scripture each weekend. I'm excited about what God is already doing as we prepare for The Story. Come, and experience this amazing journey with us! love you all very much and look forward to seeing, you this weekend!

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