Ar Implementation Reflection

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Action Research Implementation Reflection

Mike Winters
MAT 722
Learning Technologies for Educators
University of Saint Mary


Geometry is sparingly introduced in first grade and only hardly covered in the
early months of second grade. Students struggle through this gap of knowledge and show
signs of distress when the topic is introduced. This can negatively impact student
confidence, self-esteem, and behavior (Tomlinson & Imbeau, 2010). In past years
students have expressed signs of frustration, confusion, and negative attitudes. The
prevention of negative feelings, the promotion of positive emotions, the increase in
student motivation to use IXL, and the increase in student knowledge and understanding
of geometry are the rationales for addressing this issue. Tackling these issues will
increase students mathematic abilities, but will also promote positive self-esteems and
self-identities (Ferkany, 2008).
I proposed using IXL Math as a resource for students to utilize and develop
geometry skills and concepts. IXL has nine different geometry sections students can
utilize and master. The IXL geometry sections will be assigned as homework to coincide
with in-class math lessons as the chapter progresses. Students must master each new
concept before moving on to the next assignment. If I implement IXL to practice
geometry at home, will it impact the level of student knowledge and understanding of
geometry as measured by the end of the chapter assessment? Will student self-esteem and
confidence increase as well? If I implement a reward system for the use of IXL will
student motivation to use IXL increase based on student questionnaires? These are
reasons why I chose this action research project.
Progressing forward, I anticipate implementing the IXL program into other
subject areas of my classroom. As of now, IXL only has Mathematics and English
Language Arts, but I imagine Science and Social Studies will be coming along shortly. I


received positive feedback from my students and parents. The action research project was
a success and I look forward to starting fresh in September with a new class. With my
new class I will introduce the IXL program for Math and ELA for each respective chapter
or unit and as we progress through the school year. I am very curious as to what next
years final results will be after utilizing IXL for a full school year. I am fearful that
maybe a full year will be too much and IXL will become more of a chore and students
will lose interest. I will create several formats for incentives to keep my second graders
engaged and excited to use IXL.
Using this action research project has let me better meet the needs of my students,
because I was able to introduce a new way to reinforce geometry skills besides traditional
homework formats. This sparked my students interests and got them practicing more
frequently and with more enthusiasm. This yields a deeper level of understanding and
knowledge of the geometry skills covered. IXL is an online program so students could
complete their homework at any time and in any place. A few students finished their
homework on iPads, while at siblings extra-curricular activities or riding in the car. This
capability is wonderful for students with busy lives, which the vast majority of students
are always on the go it seems.
My action research plan closely related to the USM conceptual framework of
Knowledge in Action. I followed the steps set forth in USMs conceptual model and
examined each key point as we moved through the process. The conceptual model was a
vital tool to revisit as needed for clarification purposes and to see what steps would be
coming along next.


The five standards of the National Board Professional Teaching Standards closely
aligned with the action research project guidelines. Every teacher should have a strong
commitment to their students and crafting an action research project is a great example of
a strong commitment for my students. Being able to have a dialect with our peers through
our class forum, supports our online learning community. I am constantly taking notes on
the feedback I receive from my fellow teachers and from my professor. The whole
purpose of any action research project is to better meet the needs of students in a specific
way. Going through the action research process highlights how I am trying to better meet
those needs and improve my teaching methods. Reflecting on my projects, papers, and
presentations shows how I am systematically thinking about my practice and learning
from my experiences (National Board Professional Teaching Standards, 2014). These five
standards taken from the NBPTS throughout this class have extensively connected
throughout every step of the action research project.
The USM Graduate Program Outcomes were present all throughout the action
research project process. All of the GPOs were connected throughout the process, but a
few were very prominent. GPO #4 (candidates apply their knowledge of curriculum
content and design to support learners' construction of knowledge) was very evident in
designing my action research project originally. I needed to use my knowledge of the
math curriculum and what areas students struggled with in the past in designing an action
research report that would help develop a deeper level of student understanding. GPO #5
(candidates implement appropriate instructional models, strategies, and technologies to
enhance the learning of all students) related to the action research project, because using
IXL as an appropriate instructional model, strategy, and technology to enhance the


learning of all my students. GPO #6 (candidates utilize measurements and evaluation
accurately and systematically to monitor and promote learning) was evident in using the
charts and graphs created by IXL to motivate my students to complete their assignments
throughout the chapter. All of the GPOs were evident throughout the research process,
but the above three really held a prominent role (Graduate Program Outcomes, 2013).


Ferkany, Matt. (2008). The educational importance of self-esteem. Journal of Philosophy
of Education, 42. Retrieved from
Graduate Program Outcomes. (2013). Retrieved from
National Board Professional Teaching Standards. (2014). Retrieved from
Tomlinson, C.A., & Imbeau, M. B. (2010). Leading and managing a differentiated
classroom. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

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