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Interview topic list NGOs

(1) What are the main challenges and difficulties that graduates face at the point of
entry1 to the labour market?
(2) What are the main reasons why graduates do not find employment
corresponding to their level of education and qualifications? 2
(3) What are the main reasons why graduates do not find employment
corresponding to their field of study at university or college? 3
(4) In your view, which are the main skill deficits 4 among the graduate labour
force in relation to the skills needed on the labour market?
(5) How do you perceive employers attitudes towards the skills and abilities of
their graduate employees?
(6) What have been the most dynamic sectors 5 for graduate employment creation
in the past five years?
(7) Could you identify what sectors6 will be likely drivers of new employment in the
next three years?
(8) Could you identify the main emerging occupations7 and the specific skills and
qualifications8 these require?
(9) What have been the most important labour market reforms in the past five years
that have affected graduate employment?
(10) In what ways do you assist graduates to find employment in jobs that are well
matched to their qualifications?
(11) In your opinion, is it important that graduates should have jobs that are well
matched to their qualifications?

The point of entry means when the graduates conduct their first search for a job.
This question tries to elicit information about the reasons for vertical skill mismatch.
This question tries to elicit information about horizontal skill mismatch.
Skill deficits are sometimes also referred to as skill shortages or skill gaps. Try to identify as detailed
information as possible concerning these deficits. Skill shortages have been defined as a situation in
which there are unfilled vacancies due to employers being unable to find people with the right skills; skill
gaps have been defined as a situation in which existing employees are not fully proficient in the role.
Sectors should be considered here in a broad sense, for example as the NACE two digit group of
Sectors should be considered here in a broad sense, for example as the NACE two digit group of
Occupations should be considered here in a broad sense, for example as the ILO ISCO two digit groups
of occupations.
Allow the respondent to answer this in the way they prefer, in relation to their own understanding of
skills or qualifications.

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