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Dear EDIT 900 Students,
This course is a self paced, fully online executed course. This course is for students who want to
learn how to more efficiently utilize Smartboard technology and programs, or who need a
refresher course. This course will be significant to anyone pursuing a career in Education at all
grade levels. Technological implementation will be required throughout this course, to
familiarize students with the current trend in technological devices and programs. You must have
access to a Smartboard and laptop device.
Students in this class are required to use the online source of Weebly, to complete all online
submissions including but not limited to discussion forums, quizzes, and content review.
Students are encouraged to check their Coastal Carolina University email daily, for imperative
information pertaining to the course. It is your responsibility to check for any upcoming
announcements or general discussions about this course and follow the tentative schedule.
Course Outline (tentative and subject to change)
Module 1.0: Tools for the Smartboard
Module 2.0: Incorporating Tools into Existing Smartboard Lessons
Module 3: Building A Lesson Using Smartboard Tools

Read online text, watch instructional videos, and other online resources.

Engage in positive and meaningful discussions with classmates via discussion forums.
Complete assignments and quizzes as indicated by the due date, through the Weebly
Delivery System.

This course is designed to engage students in an understanding of the basic tools available
through Smartboard technology, and how to utilize these tools. You must complete each module
in reference to specific criteria. The modules are set up as building blocks, to analyze
technological use in diverse curriculum situations. Each module will be assessed on its own and
requires module content review, discussions, and assessments.
Each module requires about 2-4 hours worth of work to complete; additional readings are not
included. On the course Weebly page, there are calendars supplied that pace the workload each
week. If this schedule does not meet your individual needs, I would recommend setting up a
schedule similar to this one to complete the work in a timely manner, as the workload will
intensify as we dig deeper into the modules. Students are required to log on to Weebly and their
email several times weekly, to stay abreast upon current discussions and changes. Students
success rate will depend on their own motivation, study habits, and dedication to learning the
class material. I am here to be a facilitator of this course and help with any concerns or questions.
I understand that situations may arise where your focus may need to be elsewhere. Please contact
me in the event this happens, so we can work out a plan to ensure your success and completion
of the course. If at any time you need assistance, please contact one of your instructors.
Kristen Ziegler
Jackie ONeal
Karen Kirkham

Before starting this course you may want to take time to create a schedule based on the demands
of this course, in relation to your personal responsibilities outside of the course. I would suggest
reading the text and attachments before starting any assignments. Please remember to take notes
when analyzing the course content, to aid with the quizzes. This will serve as a time efficient
study reference tool for the end of each module.

Course Information
Course Title: EDIT 900- Introduction for the Use of Smartboard Technology

Prerequisites: Basic Introduction Course-No Prerequisites Required

Description: Integrating Smartboard resources and programs into instruction.
Intended Audience: Candidates who are pursuing a degree in instructional technology or
those that have been admitted to any level of the Education Program.
Program: Early Childhood-Middle-Secondary Education, Instructional
College: Spadoni College of Education Distance Learning

Goals and Outcomes

Course Goals
The following course goals articulate the general objectives and purpose of this course. Students

understand the tools available for implementing, creating, and editing/revising

Smartboard interactive lessons.
demonstrate an understanding of various tools and programs that can be implemented and
referenced that align with specific grade level standards.

Course Outcomes
After completing this course, students will be able to:

Identify the use of the Smartboard technology.

Recall how to install Smartboard programs.
Recall common trouble shooting techniques for the Smartboard technology.
Identify specific tools within the Smartboard program and where to locate them.
Recall how to access, download, and search for content specific smarboard lessons via
Smart exchange.
Apply the tools from Module 1.0 content to maneuver through SmartExchange provided
lessons during direct instruction.
Apply the tools from Module 1.0 content to edit and revise existing SmartExchange files.
Recall list of tools from Module 1.0 to edit and revise a Smartboard lesson.
Apply tools to create a Smartboard interactive lesson.

Textbooks and Supplies

Required Texts
Recommended Texts


Course Policies
Academic Integrity
Under all circumstances, students are expected to be honest in their dealings with faculty,
administrative staff, and fellow students. In speaking and/or correspondence with members of the
college community, students must give an accurate representation of the facts at hand. Students
must submit work that fairly and accurately reflects their level of accomplishment. Any work
that is not a product of the students own effort is considered dishonest. Students may not submit
the same work for more than one course. A student may be suspended or expelled for academic
dishonesty. Academic Integrity serves in promoting the success in a persons academic career. It
prepares students for personal and academic growth in the classroom. At any time if a students
work is considered dishonest then the office of Academic Affairs will be notified. All
consequences of academic dishonesty are found in the school handbook.
Academic Integrity Code
(From the Student Code of Conduct, Section IV in the Coastal Carolina University Student
Spadoni University is an academic community illustrates the highest level of personal and
academic honesty. As members of this community we are respectful, responsible, and ready. We
are accountable for our actions and will be held to the highest standard as we are required to
model these same behaviors for our students and hold them to the same expectations.
Honor Pledge: (required of all entering Spadoni students)
On my honor, I pledge:

That I will take responsibility for my personal work.

That I will be a citizen of high standard and practice my moral beliefs while attending.

That I will actively oppose every instance of academic dishonesty as defined in the Code
of Student Conduct.

From this day forward, my signature on any University document, including tests, papers and
other work submitted for a grade is a confirmation of this honor pledge.
Technical Supports
If you ever encounter any technology difficulties, please contact the following supports:

Weebly Support

General Computing Issues (ITS Student Computing Services).

Academic Supports

Kimbel Library (online access or on site)

Learning Assistance Centers (The Foreign Language Instructional Center (FLIC),

Mathematics Learning Center, Writing Center, and Structured Learning Assistance)

Counseling Services.

Thank you for abiding by the Course Policies.

Other Information
E-mail and Its Etiquette
Students must use their school e-mail accounts for all correspondence with their professor. This
will help ensure that e-mails are secure and that staff can assist students with any e-mail related
technical problems. Coastal Carolina University Student Computing Services (SCS) staff will not
be able to help resolve problems students may encounter with external e-mail services, such as
Yahoo! Mail, or Hotmail.
It is expected that all E-mail correspondence to the instructor will be conducted in a professional
manner. When utilizing E-mail for this class, you should:

1. include the course code, number, and section in the E-mail subject heading EDIT 900,
for example.
2. address the recipient in an appropriate manner using a professional demeanor.
3. utilize proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
4. close with your full name.
Computing Requirements
Required Hardware
To access e-learning courses, a multimedia-class computer (PC or Mac) with Internet
connectivity is required. The minimum system configurations required to view e-learning course
content are described below.


500 MHz Pentium III

400 MHz G4

Windows 2000

OS 9.1 (OS X recommended)

128 MB RAM (512 MB recommended)

128 MB RAM (512 MB recommended)

1 GB free hard disk space

1 GB free hard disk space

56K modem (broadband recommended)

56K modem (broadband recommended)

Required Browser
Students must have an Internet browser installed on their computers to view and interact with
online courses. Mozilla Firefox, version 1.5 or better, is recommended. Please note that browsers
may need to be further optimized if courses utilizing multimedia require any browser plug-ins or
ancillary players.
Special Services
If you have any learning disabilities or are alternatively-abled in any manner, or if you feel you
need special accommodation, please contact the Office of Student Disabilities, located in the
Student Health-Counseling Center, 204 University Boulevard. For more information, call (843)

349-2307. Disabilities must be on record with the university in order for a student to be eligible
for special dispensation.
Modification of the Syllabus and Schedule
The instructor reserves the right to modify the syllabus and schedule at any time. Notice of any
change will be E-mailed and posted as an announcement.

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