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Young men and women, study yourself.

See who you really want to be and as soon as you see it, say it.
Put it out into the universe.
You must say it and then go about the business of becoming it.
--Dr. Maya Angelou
Honors English I
2015 Fall Semester
Instructor: Michael Groce
Course objectives, aligned with the states Common Core standards:

Develop thoughtful written responses to all low- and high-stakes prompts.

Expand writing ability through the writing process prewriting, drafting, and editing.
Strengthen writing skills through one-on-one conferencing.
Enhance communication skills through writing and oral presentations.
Clarify and expand understanding of literary terms.
Sharpen grammar skills for both written and oral communications.
Analyze texts and cite strong, thorough textual evidence to support analysis; draw
inferences from the text.

Required Materials:
Computer Flash Drive, Notebook and Pen or Pencil
Genuine attempt at all class activities
Full participation in collaborative discussions
Completion of assignments
Willingness to give and receive constructive feedback
Required Text: Elements of Literature, Third Course
Supplemental Readings:
To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee
The Giver, Lois Lowry
Class meeting dates/times:
M, T, W, R, F

8:20-9:45 a.m.


Grading Breakdown:
Syllabus Template, , 2009, Jobs for the Future

Class work / Homework


Grade percentage: Each category is weighted equally. However, some assignments will be
weighed differently, depending on the assignment. For example, essays and projects are
often double or triple weighted, as well as major tests.
Class participation and attendance policy:
Class participation is necessary for success in this class. Also, all assignments must be
completed by the assigned due dates. Any assignment not submitted by the assigned due date
will not be accepted. Only a few circumstances will warrant late submission. Any late
submission of an assignment is at the discretion of the instructor. County policy states that
no more than nine absences are allowed for an entire semester.
Reading and Assignments: Course Schedule
Topic: Literary Development and
1st Nine Weeks
Reading(s) A Christmas Memory by Truman Capote
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
The Most Dangerous Game, Thank You, Mam, Mother to Son, Marigolds, The
Necklace, A Country Divided, Lives in the Crossfire, Internment, Peace Isnt
Assignments: Christmas Memory Essay, Mockingbird Portfolio, Autobiographical Narrative
Topic: Drama
1st Nine Weeks
Reading(s) Visitor from Forest Hills from Plaza Suite, and Romeo and Juliet
Assignments: Scene performance from Romeo and Juliet.
Topic: Adversity
2nd Nine Weeks
Reading(s) The Giver, Lois Lowry
Assignments: This I Believe essay, including self-reflection about preparation, feedback,
review and time management of essay creation.

Topic: Poetry
2nd Nine Weeks
Reading(s) Textbook poems: A Blessing, Woman Work, Daily, Once by the Pacific,
Folding Won Tons In, Internment, Fire and Ice, Fog, Women, I Wandered Lonely
Syllabus Template, , 2009, Jobs for the Future

as a Cloud
Assignments: Poetry Portfolio

Syllabus Template, , 2009, Jobs for the Future

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