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PALETLi YAGLI - PALETLi KURU VAKUM POMPALARI OIL-SEALED - DRY RUNNING VACUUM PUMPS YAG HALKALI VAKUM SiSTEMLERi - FAN BLOWERLAR OIL RING VACUUM SYSTEMS - REGENERATIVE BLOWERS Ce ne et ene ee Prorat V PALeTLi VAKUM POMPALARI V Rotary VANE VACUUM PUMPS POM-VAK paletti vakum pompalar, tasarimlarindan itibaran mister! Isteklerini tam olarak karsilayacak sekilde imal edilirer. Pompalarimiz ; ‘* Kuru hava ve gaz cekerler. ‘* Yuksek verimli, uzun Omtirli ve emniyettidirter. ‘* Sessizdirler (en fazla 70 dB) ‘ele yaglama gerektirmezter ‘© Az bakim gerektirirler ve bakimlart kolaydir. ‘slslotme maliyetleri dusuktur. ‘© 1yilOretimden kaynaklanap hatalara karsi garanti, ‘= 10 yilyedek parca bulundurma garantisi POM-VAK paletti vakum pompalari emme pompalari grubundandir. Temiz vakum temini icin kullanilirlar. Ortamdan hava veya gaz cekilmesinde gérev airlar. Mevcut vakum sistemlerinde kapasiteyi arttirmak iin devreye alinabilirier. Paletti poripalar, sagladiklari vakum basincina gre yagli-paletli ve kuru patetll olmak Uzere iki sekilde imal edilmektedirler. Yagli-paletli vakum pompalari ya ile calistiriir ve derin basinclara tulasilir. Bu pompalarin ayrica bir yag haznesi mevcuttur. Kullanilan elektrik motorlari standartlara uygun, tam kapal, fan sogutmal,, kafes rotorludur. Pompalarimizda standart olarak 3 faz, 380 Volt, 50 Hz, koruma faktéri IP-S4 ve IP-SS, yapi blyikldgd IEC, inga tarzi B3, yaltim simi F, istetme sekli $1 olan elektrik motorlar: kullaniimaktadir, Kullanim yerine ve istege gre ates-almaz (ex-proof) ‘motorlar veya monofaze 220 Volt motortar da kullanitabilmektedir. VWeromPa MALZEMELERI Standart olarak pompa parcalari, sfero dékiim gévde, celik rotor ve aliminyum yag haznesidir. Pompa patetleriyaGttiplerde cam takviyeli elya kuru tipterde karbondurs VWeatisma sisteMi POM-VAK rotary vane vacuum pumps meet all of our customer's ‘expectations, ur pumps : ‘* Suck every kind af gas and air. ‘Are highly efficient, safe and have long life. ‘Are silent Imax. 70 48) ‘© Do not need inner lubrication. ‘* Require alittle maintenance ‘sHave operation cost. ‘* Have one year of guarantee. ‘* Present spare parts in 10 years. POM-VAK rotary vane vacuum pumps are suction pumps. They are particularly used for clear vacuum assure, They can be added to increase suetion capacity on available vacuum systems. Rotary vane pumps are clasified as oil-sealed rotary vane and ‘dry-running rotary vane vacuum pumps according to supplied vacuum pressure. Oll-sealed rotary vane vacuum pumps can reach deeper vacuum pressure than dry-runnings and have oll reservoir. Electrical motors, used with our pumps, are standard with fan cooler land cage rotor. They are 3 phase, 380 Volt, 50 Hz, IP-84 or IP-85 safety standard, IEC, B3, F, S1. If necessary, it can be used eX-proof motors or 220 voltage motors. Voeump MATERIALS Standard pump materials are GGG4O cast iran body, steel rotor and aluminium cil reservoir. The vane materials are glass fiber for oil sealed and carbon for dry - running vacuum pumps. Vworkine PRONCIPLE POM-VAK paletli pompalari hacimsel tip pompalar sinifindandir. Pompa givdesinden eksantrik olarak kacik bir rotor Uzerine acilmis yariklarda iceri ve disari dogru hareketle calisan paletlerin, gévée Icerisinde olusan yarim ay seklindoki hacmi suptrerek calsirar. Bu hhacmin genisleyen kismina/yakum yapilacak hava veya gaz davet edilerek vakum yapilir ve daralan kisminda da sikstirimak suratiyle disari at, 1. Pompa giris! 2. Pompa givdesi 3. Pampa paléti 4, Rotor 5. Yag haznesi 6.Gaz tahliyesi POM-VAK rotary vane vacuum pumps are volumetric pumps. There is a rotor inside the pump's body which are not at the same center. to the body by contacting one end. The which work in splits in the rotor, sweep the volume of crescent ‘The rotor is exantriely cat shape inside the pump. While the vanes sliding, air or gas enters to the first extended volume then discharges from narrowing volume. Pump enter Pump body Vane Rotor Oil reservoir Discharge v PALETLi YAGLI VAKUM POMPALARI VW oi-seave ROTARY VANE VACUUM PUMPS POM.VAK patel - yal vakurn pompalan seri olarak 15 le 300 m'/sat emme kaposielerinde Uretlmektedi. Ideal sartlarda 0S mbar mulak basing dagerine kadar inmektediler. Devin basing salayabilmek icin yag sirkilasyonu gerekmektei. Bu ylzden yanlarnd bie yaghaznesi bulunur Emme fitrleri standart ekipmandir. Yagupaltl pompalar bu halvle bagimsibirerekiomandelar V paterii-KuRu VAKUM POMPALARI POM-VAK ol-sealed rotary vane vacuum pumps are manufactured by series ‘of maximum 300 m’/h as much as discharging capacities. They can reach 05 mbar absolite pressure. Oil circulation Is necessarry because of supplying deep pressure. That's why, there is an cll reservoir assemling the pumps. Suction filers are standard equipments. Cl-sealed rotary vane vacuum purnps ae independent industrial equipments V7 ony-RUNNING ROTARY VANE VACUUM PUMPS POMVAK paletl~ kuru vakum pompalan seri olarak 3 ile 150 miVsaat emme kapasitelerinde retiecekti. Su anda 3 le 6 mi/saat emme kapasitedindeki pompatar ile |malata baslanmisr. eal sartlarda 120 mbar mutak basing degerne kadar inmekteirer. Herhangi bir sm sirkilasyonuna ities luymazlar. Bu halle tamamen bagimsibirer pompaditar. VW urtanim avancart POM-VAK dry-running rotary vane vacuum pumps will be manufactured by series of maximum 150 mi/h as much as discharging capacities, We have started with 3 and & mh capacities pumps and we are now producing them. They can reach 120 mbar ‘absolute pressure. They don't need any liquid circulation, That's iy they are independent pumps. VW seprications PLASTIK SEKTORU \Vakum le sek vermede, Ambalajlama, Kaplama GIDA SEKTORU Steril dolum iglemileri, Gida ambalalama CAM SEKTORU) Vakurtatutma sistemtri,Vakumiytasima sisterleri SAGLIK SEKTORU Merkezi vakum sistemi, Sterlizasyen makinalaninda KiMYA, ILAGVE KOZMETIK SEKTORU, TEKSTIL SEKTORU ‘SERAMIK, PORSELEN VE MERMER SEKTORU Tutma, aktarma, tasima AGAC SEKTORU ‘Vakurla tutma, CNC isleme, PVC kaplama KAGIT SEKTORU ‘Arnpl ve televigyon tpt Uretimind, Vakum altinda si islerlerde Uk ham yaglanin icerisindekikokuyu almada, Vakumlatutma ve baglamada Borulardan hava bosaltmada, gaz tiplernin bosattimasinds PLASTIC INDUSTRY ‘Shaping with vacuum, Packaging, Coating FOOD INDUSTRY Sterile botting, Food packaging GLASS INDUSTRY Handling with vacuum, Transport with vacuurn MEDICAL APPLICATIONS. Central vacuum system, Sterilization vessels CHEMICAL, MEDICINE AND COSMETIC INDUSTRY, TEXTILE INDUSTRY CERAMIC, PORCELAIN AND MARBLE INDUSTRY Handling, transferring transport WOOD INDUSTRY Handling with vacuum, CNC machining, PYC coating PAPER INDUSTRY Production af ampoule and television tube at heat process under Vacuum To get smeel from raw oil, Catching with vacuum To get air rompipes| VW karasite TABLOSU VW capacity TABLE Paletli-Yagli Vakum Pompalart - Oil-Sealed Rotary Vane Vacuum Pumps Pompa Kapasite m’/saat | Basing{mbar] | Motor GUcU {kW | Motor Devri(d/dk) | Girls Agzi linc) | Agiruk (ka) Pump Type | Capacitym?/n | Pressure(mbar) | Motor Power {kW) Rotation Speed (rpm) Intet (nen) | Weight [ka] PVP 1015 16 1 037 rs 2 YP 1025 25 0.75 ve 30 PVP 1040 3 4 4 a 58 PVP 1065 a 15 i 60 PVP 1085 35, os 22. ae 70 PVP 1100 100 22. a 75 PVP 1150 150 ‘Tasarim Agamasinda - Under Construction PVP 1250 250 55 ao E 185 PVP 1300 300 75 % 190 Paletli-Kuru Vakum Pompalari - Oil-Running Rotary Vane Vacuum Pumps Basie Pressure Pompa isi | Kapasitem’/saat | S222e-Fe=#4°T Motor cucu (kW | Motor Devild/dkl | iris Adeline) | Aart ka) Pump Type Capacity m*/h pelts aa Motor Power (kW) |Rotation Speed (rpm}} __Intet (inch) Weight (kg) mbar | rm: Ho PD 5003 z a8 7 @ PVD 5006 6 0.25 ap) A" v i 10 037 uz" is 16 055 ue a3 25 1 | om 078 ae Be 40 15. 1500 e 28 o 15 + £3 20 22 + Bs 700 7 Te 70 z ve V PERFORMANS EGRILERI V PERFORMANCE CURVES 350 300 1300 = 250 "vF|1250 = — 2 % 200 450 2 ae Bo 2 Pym} 10es z Pvt 1068 = 50. PVP 1040 Pv t020 ° } pv r0%0 05 i 2 3 5 10 50 100 4013 Basing - Pressure (mbar] V7 PomPA PARCALARI VY pump Parts VY soyutLar PALETLI - YAGLI VAKUM POMPASI OIL-SEALED ROTARY VANE VACUUM PUMP 1, On kapak 1. Front cover 2. Gévde 2. Body 3. Rotor 3. Rotor 4,Palet 4, Vane 5. Arka kapak 5. Back cover: 6.Elektrik motoru 6. Electrie motor 7.Mi 7.Shaft 8 Yag haznesi 8. Oil reservoir PALETLI - KURU VAKUM POMPASI DRY-RUNNING ROTARY VANE VACUUM PUMP 1. Kapak 1. Cover 2.Givde 2, Body 3.Palet 3. Vane 4, Rotor 4, Rotor 5. Motor kapagi 5. Motor’s cover 6.Elektrik motoru 6, Electric motor V7 pIMENsIONS Pompa Tit Pompa Tipi alelclolelrlejalifs]xiulm alelcloje]rlc}u] ils Pump Type Pump Type| PvP 1015 |255 355] 732|170| 8 | 174| 130| 60 | 180] & [210] m6] ve | PvD S003 [272 125] 160| | 100 [125 | 17 | 60 | 58 | 7 Pvp 1025 |260260| 280| 190] @ | 225] 250] a7 |194| 6 | 220] m6| "| pvo soos |[292[125]160| | 00125 | 11 | eo se | 7 Pvp 1040 |395 |492| 320[260| 12 | 250|270| 100]210| & [236] m6] 1 vp 1045 [395 |495| 320] 265] 14 [288 | 290] 114|220| 8 | 240] m6 | 1%" Pvp 108s [415 |§15| 320] 265] 14 | 255] 290| 134|220| & | 250| m6 | 1" PvP 1100 |565|710] 380 285] 18 | 265] 310| 186] 240| 10 | 265] ma | 15" Pvp 1150 |450@50) 525| 410] 22 | 340] 220] 222/200] 12 [285] M10] 2” Pvp 1250 |a56 | 966) 575| 410] 30 | 400| 350| 263] 382| 14 [303] M10] 2 Pvp 1300 |as6 [1024] 573 | 410] 30 | 400] 350] 243] 382| 16 [303] mio] 2° foe ee V7 ya HALKALI VAKUM SiSTEMi Vout RING VACUUM SYSTEM POM-VAK yai halkal vakum sister, bir oa halkal vakurn ompast lle olusturulmus sistemdir. Pormpa yad ile ‘alistnlarak derin vakum basnclanna ulagir. Gorekl! ‘ckipmanlann ekienmesvi birtkte ya halkal sister adn, ‘alr. Bu sister ile pale pompalardan farkl olarak kurd hava ve gaz kansmlarinin yansira su buhar sbi yogun miktarda sw buharlan da emilebilmektedi. * Vakurmlanan su buharn olomatik ayrstran sistem © Kendinen radjatrld sogutma sistem’ ‘© Su kullanma ihyacn’ortadankaldiran sistem © Sudan kaynakt kee derdne son veren uygulama © Yag sirkitasyonu ile yksok vakum basin: V sistem PARGALARI POM-VAK oll ring vacuum system isa system gathered by a Uquid ring vacuum pump. Itcan reach deeper vacuum pressure by using oll than water. It fs named as oll ring vacuum system by adding needed equipments. This systerh can suck much amounted vapour Uke water Yapour with dry ar or gasses diferent from rotary vane vacuum purnps. ‘Automatic separation sucked vapour from ol. ‘Own cooing system with radiator No need water * No me problem from water © Deep vacuum pressure with ol crcuation VW kapasitE TABLOSU posatcr 1. Sm hatha vakum ompast- Liquid ng vacuum pump 2. Elektrik motoru = Electric motor 3. Ya9 haznes- Oi reservcir 4 Sirkiiasyon pompasi - Circulation pump 5. Emme aynstncis- Suction separator 6 ik tank = Discharge separator 7 Sogutucuradyatir- Cooler {Fan Motory- Cooler ator 9. Gbzellome cart Sigh lass 10. Yag dolum az - Ot fling inlet 11-Tahlye- Water discharge 12 Sevie gbsterges Ol level 1 Temizleme az ~Clering door 1M. Sevie gstergesl- Ol evel V capacity TABLE MONOBLOK POMPALAR ILE - WITH MONOBLOCK TYPE PUMPS Tipi_ | Vakum Pompast | Baglanti Agzi | Kapasite [m?/saat)| Basing - Pressure| Giic - Power (kW) Yag (tt) Type _| Vacuum Pump_ Inlet Capacity (m?/h)_|imm-hg)|_Imbar} | Vakum- Vacuum | Pompa - Pump | Fan out tu) Pv 030 | pve 116/090 30 075. E ot vy oso | pv t1s/oso | 1” 50 15 : : 5 vy o70 | pve 130/065 70 22 : Pvv0r0 | PYN 210/040 | oy go 90 22 en ied! o vv 120 | pyn 210/080 120 <1 | 67 “ VY 170 | PVN 220/090 170 35 ewy200 | pyn zs0/r20_ | NS? 200 18 of ? Pvy230 | PVN 270/100 | oy gg 230 75 oa |e PY 270 | PVN 270/155 270 1" KADEMELi POMPALAR ILE - WITH STAGES PUMPS wy 250 | pvK 290/220 | DNSO 250 6 oss [oar] 160 vy 400 | PVK 250/200 | py gg 400 185 90 Pv 4s0 | PVK 250/240, 450) 2 o7s ozs Pvys20 | PVK 275/220 | py ap 520 <5 | 67 2 = vy 600 | PVK 275 260 600 30 Pvy 900 | vk 380/300_[ ON 125 900 a7 7a ia 750 vy 1650 pvr 380/500 | DN 150 71650 55 15 1s [300 ey VY FAN BLOWER POM-VAK vakum pornpalanimizin yanssira, mistrilerimizn blower Intyaclanina da covap vermekteyiz V catisma sisTEMi POM-VAK palet supplies regenerative blowers to our customers. We get made them under our control and design Vworkine sysTEM Fan blower, cok sayida kanal farimn zl tasarvmi sayesinde rmiimkin olan en yiksek basincla hava emer. Farin dénst le birukte Kanatlarnun arasindaki havaya iz Kazandintr ve femme hattindan ieriye havann sirdklenmes! saglanr- Emilen hava aynt hula ckis agzndan disarya abr. POM-VAK fan blower ile orta yakum basina! dizeyinde emme saglanabllecedi gibi hava teres veya tz transteriyaplabili, Imatat sonueu olusabilecek arthlar ortamlardan alnarak uzaklastiniabil. ‘Yoksek dayariktiik ve hafiftk aac altiinyum malzeme kullanitmaktadir Mil yatag ve fan arast, ze kece aizaymyla eft etl olarak korunmustur “Thrasime karst fan hassas olarak balans ediimektedi VW KULLANIM ALANLARI ‘A regenerative blower suplies vacuum sucking air by its ‘uit blades special design impetier. When the impelior tums, the air has speed inside the blower and air can enter from suction tne to new empty cll between Blades. Sucked ‘air discharges with pressure. POM-VAK regenerative blowers can suck air, gas and some dirt particles Uke piece of paper, chi, ete. with air, can blow air and can transfer dust materials. ‘The materia isaluminjum because of high strength and low weight. Between ‘shaft bearing and impeller is prevented against dust and drt particles with ‘special design of double seals. The impellers are sensitively balanced against vibration VW application Su Arias am ste Water Treatment nd Tekstil Sektbrd ay Textile Industry oe ora os Feonty Pash ve Ambala Sekt Bivn Prat and Packaging Industry Matas, Ae, Sram Seed Finn, Wood Ceramic dusty Cam ve insaat Sektérii Glass and Construction Industry, ‘Tapia, Aktarma Uygulamatan VW kapasite TABLOSU . Lifting, Transporting Applications: VW capacity TABLE 7 5 TEK KADEME BLOWER - SINGLE STAGE BLOWER CIFT KADEME BLOWER - DOUBLE STAGE BLOWER: =]. FA — = HE | # Ba a] os Ld se | a8 Fil gy #2 | 32 Halil ai | al ail as The a2 GPP per aio | 145) Wy oF 120, 7 a 16 [eee] 320 22 262, avin ope oe epee] e rare Ee Para | 530, * 7 380 138, cy = rrr eo Bf] fase Soe ES a ‘SIVI HALKALI VAKUM POMPALARI LIQUID RING VACUUM PUMPS DIYAFRAM POMPALAR AIR OPERATED DIAPHRAGM PUMPS , BOL YEDEK PARCA - 10 YIL YEDEK PARCA BULUNDURMA GARANTISI ENITY OF SPARE TRUMAN Ta PrsseN 1YIL BAKIM VE YEDEK PARA GARANTISi are hens KALITE POLITIKAMIZ QUALITY POLICY / Miisterilerimizin ihtiyac ye beklentilerini fiyat Meeting customers’ needs and expectations ve rekabet ortamina bagli kalarak karsilamak. velliriinterimizde given saglayarak bu giivenirligi stirekli kilmak kalite antayisimizdit. Bu kalite anlayisimizin kaliciligi, kurulusumuzda alisan tiim personelin ve birlikte calistigimiz tim firmalarin cabalarinin sonucudur. ORETIM PRENSIPLERIMIZ Once insan sagligi giivencesi Kosulsuz miisteri memnuniyeti a Sistemlerinize ézel ¢éziimler sunabilmek Becoming continuously reliable These are the result of efforts which comes from our staff and all companies working with us. Firstly, safety of human health uU nal customer satisfaction Solving special systems’ requirements MAKINA SANAYi VE TICARET LiMiTED SIRKETI ikitetli Organize Sanayi Bélgesi Tormak Sanayi Sitesi S Blok No: 9 - 11 Kiiciikcekmece - ISTANBUL/ TURKEY. Tol: (+90 212) 485 73 62 - (690.212) 485 73 67 Fax: [+90 212) 485 58 19 www +

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